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2oii00044 <br />premiurns, if :�ny, or any swns payable by T3orrower to Lender in lieu al� ihe pdyrnent of Mortgage <br />In�urance premir�un� in accordance with thc provisions of 5cction 10_ These ilems ate callecl "I:ticrow <br />iterns." At ori�ination or at any time durine the tenn of tlie Loan, Lendet may require that C,ornmunity <br />As�uciatinn Dues, l�ecs, and Asscssments, if any, be cscrowcd by $orrower, and such dues, fecti and <br />assessn�ctits shall he an C:scrow Ttem. $orrower shall promptly lurnish to Lender all noiices nf atraounts to <br />he paid t�naer thi� Section_ I3orrower shall pay Lend�r the l�unds for �,scrow It.ein5 unlenn Lender waives <br />Bottower's nbligatinn to pay the F'unds for any or all l:scrow Items. Lendet may waive Burr�:�wcr's <br />obli�ation to pay to Lcndcr I�unds for any or all i:scrc�w Itcros at any timc. Any such waivet muy only hc <br />in writing. In the evenl. of such waiver, Borrower shall pay directly, wl�en and whcrc payable, the amount� <br />duc for any Escrow ItemS 1'or which paymenl oF Funds hati been waived by Lcad�r ar�d, if Lender requires, <br />tihall furnish to Lcnder receipts evrdencing such payment within such Iime petic�d ati Lendtr rnay require. <br />I3nrrow�r's ohligation to make sti�ch payments and to provide receipts shall for all pr:upases be decmed to <br />bc a envenant and agreeinent contained in this Security Instrumenl, as the phtase "cnvenant and agrcement" <br />is utied in Section J_ Tf T3orrower is obligated to pay F:scrow Ilems directly, pursuant t�� a waiver, and <br />Iiorrowcr fails to pay the amount due lor an Escrow Item, Lender may exetcise its rightti under Section 9 <br />and pay such amount and $orrower shall lhen be obligated under Secl.ion 9 ic> tepay tp Lender any such <br />arriount_ Lender may revoke the wuiver as io any or all Escrow Items at any time by a t�nticc given in <br />accordanec with Scction 15 and, upon such revocation, Borrower shall pay t�> Lender all Fundti, and in <br />such arnountti, that are tl�en reqtiiired under this Section 3_ <br />Lender may, at any time, collect anel hold Ftimds in an ainounC (a) suflicient 10 perniit .Len�ler to apply <br />the .Fi�nds at thc timc specified under RESPA, and (b) not to exceed the maximum ainuunt a lender can <br />require under RI;�PA_ Lender shall eslimale lhe amount of Funds due on lhe ba�is uf curxetat data and <br />rcasonablc estirnatcs of expenditures of future Escrow ltems or otherwise in accatc�ance; with Applicablc <br />Law_ <br />'1"he �unds shall be held in an intiiitution whose depotiit� are; insured hy a federal aeency, <br />instnuuentality, or enlil.y (including Lender, if Lender is an inslitul.iun whose �lepositti are so insurcd) or in <br />uny Fedet�l IIome Loan I3ar�k. Lctider shal] apply the Funds to pay the I;�crow Itcros no later lhan the time <br />speciEied under RESPn. Lender �hdl) n��t chut�e Borrower lur holding an�l applyin� thc l�tiinds, annually <br />analyring the escrow accuunt, ur verifyin� the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays T3orrower interesl on the <br />�unds and llpplrcable Law penniiti Lendet tv make �uch a chat�e. iTnl��s an agrecrncnt is inade in writing <br />or AppHcable Law tequires intetest t�� be paid on ihe Funds, Lender yhall not be required to pay Borrowet <br />any inlerest or eamin�ti c�n the Fundti_ Bnrrpwer ancl Lender c:�n agree in writing, however, that interest <br />shall be paid on the Funcls. Lendet shall give to Borro�vet, wiihoui charge, an annual accountine of the <br />Funds a5 re<{uired by RT:SPA_ <br />Il' lhere is a sur]ilu� nf .kunds held in etictow, as defned ixnder RrSPA, Lender shall account lo <br />Bortower for lhe excess fut�ds iti accordanec with RESPA. If tl�crc is a tihortage of t�unds held in escr��w, <br />as defined under RESPA, Lendet sha11 nptify Batrvwet as require�] hy RF..SPA, and I3orrower shall pay lo <br />Lender the ainount necessary to make up the shotlage in accordance with RESPA, hut i�i no more than 12 <br />monthly payments. If lhere i� a deliciency of Funds held in esctow, a� detined under RF.SPA, Lender shall <br />notify T3orrower as required by RESPA, and $orrower shall pay lo Lender the amo�uit ne-cessary to tnake <br />up the deficiency in accordance wiih RESPA, but in no more ihan 12 monihly paymentti_ <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrumeni, Lendet nhall promptly rcfiind <br />to Borrower any Funds held by Lender. <br />4. Char};eti; Liens. $orrower shall pay all taxcs, assessments, chargeti, fnes, ancl im[rotiitions <br />attributahlc to the I?roperty which can atlain priority nvcr this Securily Instrumeni, leusehulcl payments or <br />gtoun�l rents e�n the Property, if any, and (".o►n►nunity A��nciatinn Ducs, l�ees, and Assessments, if any. To <br />lhe extent thui ihe�e itetns are Escrnw Items, Borruwet �hall pay thern itz tl�c mann�r provided in Section 3. <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�-6(NE)�oaii� Page5of15 Initials: �OI'►1'1302$ 1/01 <br />� <br />