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2oli00044 <br />"1'I-115 SGC;URITY INSTRUMENT curnhitaes t�nifnnn cavcnants fnr national u�c and non-unil'onn <br />covenants with lirnited variations by jurisdiclion to consl.ilule u unil'vnn security instn�rnent coverin� real <br />property_ <br />iTNIF(�RM C'OVTNAN'1'S_ F3orrower and Lender covenanl und aeree as follow�: <br />1. Paymcnt uf Principal, Interest, F.ticro�v Items, Prepayment Chargcs, and Late Charges. <br />Borrower shull pay when due thc princi�ral of, and interest on, the debt evidenced by 1he Noie und any <br />prepaymcnt chargcs and lale charges due under the Note. Bvrrnwer shall also pay fiinds for Escrow Ilems <br />ptiirsL�ant to Section 3. Paymenl.� clue under tkic Note and this 5ecurity Instrument shall be made in LT.S. <br />currency. However, if any check or other insl.rL�tnent teceived hy Lendtr as payment under the Note or this <br />5ccurity Instnunent i5 teturned to Lender unpaid, Lender triay requirc tl�at any or all �uhseqi►enl puylnents <br />duc undcr the Note and this 5ecurity Insltuineni he made in nne ur morc of thc fi�llowing fonns, as <br />sciceted by Lender: (a) cash; (b) money ordet; (c) cettified check, batilc check, treasurer'� check or <br />cashier's chcek, provided any such check is druwn upon an in�tit.ulion whotie depositti are insured by a <br />federal a�ency, instrutracntality, ��r cntity, or (d) �lectronic I�unds Transfer. <br />Payment� are decrned reccivcd hy I.cndcr when received at the locution de5ignated in the Nate or at <br />such other location ati may he designated hy Lender in accorclance with the notice provisions in Seclion 15. <br />Lenciet may return any payment or partiaJ payment if the payment or partial payments are intiuflicient to <br />bring t.he Loun current. Lend�r may accept any paynient or partial payment insufticient lo bring the Luan <br />current, wilhout waiver nf any tights hereura�ler nr prejudice to it� rights to rehise such payinent or partial <br />payments in the luture, but Len�lcr iti not obligated tn apply such payinents al lhe liine tiuch payments arc <br />accepied. If each Pcriocli� Payment iti applicd as of it� scheduled due date, Chen Lender need n��t pay <br />interest on unapplic�l fiind�_ Lend�r may hold such unapplied fimds until Borrower makes paymtnts to <br />hring the �.nan currcnt_ If Iinrrow�r dncs not do so within a reasonable period of lime, Lendet tihall uither <br />apply such fi►nd� c�r return thern to i3nrrow�r_ [f not applied earlier, such lunds will be applieci ta tbe <br />oultitandin� �rincipal balanec under thc Note immediately prior to foreclosure. No olTset or cluim which <br />Borruwer x.night. hav� now ��r in the fiiture against Lendcr tihall relieve I3orrower lioin inukin� payinents <br />due un�ler th� Natr; and this Security Instnuncnt or perfonning lhe covenunl.s and agteements secr�re�l by <br />ihiti �ccurity Intitnrrncnt_ <br />2. Application of Payments or Pro�ce[ls. Except as otherwise desctihed in ihis Sectipz� 2, all <br />paymcnts acecptcd and applied by Lendet shall be applied in lhe lollowin� order uf prir�rity: (a) interest <br />du� under the Notc; (b) principal due timder the Nole; (c) amounls due under Sect.iun 3. Such payments <br />tihall bc applicd to each Periodic Payinent in the order in which il becaine due. Any remaitait�g amounts <br />shal] bc applie�l first to latc chargcs, sccond tn any other amotiints due under thiy Secutity In�trument, and <br />theta to reduce the principal balance of ihe Nole. <br />If Lcn�ler r�ccives a paymcnt from E3orrower for a delinquent Periudic Paymeni which includcs a <br />sufficicnt amount to pay any late charge due, lhe payment may be upplied tu the delinquent payment and <br />the latc charge_ If iuore than one Periodic Paymenl is outslanding, Lender may apply any payment rcceivcd <br />fram T3orrower tc� thc repayment of the Periodic Payinents if; and to the exlenl that, euch payment can he <br />paid in fiill_ '1'o thc extent that any excess exists aftet lhe puyment is applied ta the full payment of onc nr <br />n�r�rc Periodic Payrncnts, stiich cxcess may be applied to any late charges due. Volunl.ary ptepaytnents shall <br />he applicd tirst to any prepayment charges and ihen as described in ihe Note. <br />Any application of paymcnts, in�urance proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds lo principal due un�ler <br />the Nate shall not extend or postponc tl�c due date, or change the amount, ol� ihe Periodic Puymenls. <br />3. Funds for Escruw Items. i3orrower shall pay to Lender on the day Period'rc Paymenls are due <br />under the Note, until ihe Note is paid in full, a sum (the "F�ind�") tn provide fi�r paymcnt of amounts due <br />for: (a) tuxes and assetisments und olhet items which can attain priarity ovcr this Security Instn�ment as a <br />licn or cncwnbrance on the Property; (b) leasehold paymenl5 or ground rent� on ihe Prorerty, if any; (c) <br />premiums for any and all insiirance requited by Lender under Sectiun S; and (cl) Mnrtgage Intiurance <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�� 6(N�� (0811) Paye 4 of 15 Initials:. � Form 3028 1/01 <br />