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2oii00044 <br />There may bc only one desienated noticc address undcr this S�curity Insltument at any ��t�c titnc_ Any <br />notice to Lcnder shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it hy lit�t clatis mail to Lender's addre�s <br />stated liercin unlcss Lencler l�as desienated another addresti hy n��tice tri Butrnwer_ Any natice in <br />cunneclion with this Securily Instrumeni shall not be dcemed to have be�n �iven to Lendcr until actually <br />received by Lender. If any nolice required by this 5ecurity Intitntrraent in alsa req�iirecl under Applicahic <br />Law, lhe Applicahle Law requiremenl will satis(y the c�rre�pociding requiremunt under this Seeurity <br />lnstnirncnt_ <br />lfi. Governing LaW; Severuhility; Ruleti uf C'unstruction. This Security Instrumeni shall he <br />governe�l hy fedetal law an�l th� law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. All rights and <br />obligatiuna cuntained iti this Secttrity Insltumeni are subject tn any requireinents and liinitalions of <br />t�pplicahle Law. Applicahle Law might explicitly or implicitly allow the partics to aerec by contract or it <br />mighi be silent, bul tiuch silence shull not be construed as a prohibition against agreernent hy contract_ In <br />the evenl. that any ptovision ot clau�e ot this 5ecurity lnstruma�t or the Note contlicts with Applicable <br />Law, such conflict tihull nol allecl other provisions of this Scc�xrity Instnunent c�r the Nnte which can bc <br />given ellecl without ihe conllicl:ing provision. <br />Ati u�ecl in ihi� �ecurity In�tn�ment: (a) words of the masculine gender shall mean and include <br />corrc�ponditag t�cutcr word� or words of t)ie fetninine gendet; (b) words in lhe singulut shull mean und <br />include the plural and vice ver�a; and (c) ihe word "inay" gives sole discretion without any obligation to <br />takc any action. <br />17_ Borrower's (:opy. T3artnwer shall be given one copy of thc Note and of this Sectiirity Instrument. <br />18. Transfer of the Property or a Benelicial Interest in Borrower. As used in this Sectinn 1 S, <br />"Interest in the Property" means any legal or bcneficial interest in ihe Ptopetty, includin�, ht�t not limited <br />to, lhose beneticial interests iranslerred in a hond for decd, contract fi>r deed, installment salcs cnntract or <br />escrow aereement, the intenl oFwhich is the transfer of title by I3orrower dt � ft�ture date to a pttrchatier_ <br />If all or any part of thc Property or at�y Itaterest in lhe Ptoperly is sold or translerred (ot if Botrower <br />is nnt a natural p�rson and a b�.neficial interest in Bc>rruwer is nold or transferred) withoul Lender's ptiot <br />written consent, Lcnder may rcquire imt��cdiate payment. in full of all sums secured by thi5 Secutity <br />Instr�uuent_ However, this option shall not bc exercitied hy Lender if such exercise is prohibil.e<1 by <br />Applicablc Law. <br />If Lender cxerciscs this option, Len�lcr tihall �ive Borru�ver nolice of uccelerat.ion. The notice shall <br />providc a periad of not less than :30 days frnm the date the noiice is given in accordance with Section 15 <br />within which I3orrower must pay all stiims sectrrcd hy ihi� Securily Instnunenl. Il� $otrowet 1ai15 io pay <br />these sums prior to the expiratinn of thiti period, Lender may invoke any remedies perniitled by lhi� <br />Security Instrument wilhout lurther notice or demand on I3orrowcr. <br />19. Burro�ver's Right tu Reinstate After Acceleratinn. If Borruwet meets certain condiiians, <br />Bortower shall have the right to have enlorcement of this 5ecurity Instrument aisc��ntinucd at any timc <br />prior to the earliest ol`. (a) live days before sale of the Property pursuant ta any power of sale contained in <br />lhis Secutity Instnmieni; (b) such other period as Applicable Law tnight specify fi�r tf►e terminati��t� of <br />Borrower's right to reinstate; or (c) entry of a judgrnent cnfi�tcing thi� Secutily Instnrment. Thone <br />conditions are that $orrower. (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this 5ecurity <br />Instrument and the Note as if no acecicratinn had occurre�l; (h) cures uny delaull. of any othet covenantti c�r <br />agrcemcnts; (c) pays all cxpenses incurred iri enforcing ihi5 Securiiy Instnunent, including, bui nol lilniied <br />to, rcasonablc attorneys' fccti, property inspectian und valuation tees, and other fees incurred tor the <br />purrrosc of protecting Lcnder's interest in the Prapetty und tighls under this Security Instruinent; and (d) <br />takes such actinn as Lendcr may rea�onably require tn as�ure ihal Lender's interest in lhe Properly and <br />rights umler this Security Instn�ment, and 13nrrc>wer'� obligation to pay the suins secured by this Securify <br />Intitnirncpt, shall cuntinuc uraclianged. Lender may require lhul $orrower pay such reinstateinent sums and <br />expen�es in one ot more of t.he following 1'onns, as sclected by Lender: (a) catih; (b) moncy nrder; (c) <br />certilied check, bank check, tteusurer's check or cashicr'ti check, provided any such check is drawr► upon <br />an instittiition whose deposits are insured by a fcdcral agency, instrumentalily ot enlify; or (d) Electranic <br />Funds '1'rantif�r_ lJpon rcinstatemcnt by I3orrower, thi� Securit.y Instturnent ancl obligations 5ecured hereby <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM IN87RUMENT <br />�-6(N�� (0811) Page 19 or�s initiais: �� Form 3028 1/01 <br />
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