..-,-�:�t'�. ..j,'�i}Yd�`)1�� i . h�i M. 0�1������ � , y:?�N�'.�a.r� ;� I I }j!�•:+..i.: � . . " _c _ , ` �"ri,±*_-,r �. .
<br /> r ,�11'•" ni_ � {. �t .� ��.. ''AF�: � �s�y�' ��A�j�� f :,ti.•i.:- .
<br /> �/�L., l�:�l«.��r ti�ifil'i�'�l�1 I � � "� ..i �$`M�- .�ii� '..� � - - __—
<br /> ���`Fi�, 'ti;, r.�.*,. .�_ �,� - aa�..-'. .. '{_
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<br /> � � � � 92— so�l�s
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<br /> ` �'''.� � � applicablc law may specify far reinstatemenq beforc s�le of Ihe Pmpeny pursuant ta uny puwer af sala ccx�iAinal in�his
<br /> ,A,�`"��r,�ni�'`� =`°' Securfty Inswmenl;or Ib)entry of a judgment enforcing�his Security Instrument. Thoucondf�ionx ure IhAt Borrower: (p)
<br /> . . • z�`.^�°.•; pay�Lender pll sume which then would be due under thia Secu�lty Instrument and tho NMe ax if no accelerution had — -
<br /> b� �� +�,'���'xx• occumed;(b)cures any defaull of any whet covenants or ugreementx;(c)paya ull expensey incumed in cnforcing this Securfty
<br /> - •-r'�__:'._4�—��. •
<br /> ':,;,�r�. ;,_��_��_s, . Insttumeot. bkluding, but no1 limited to,reasanahle ettomeys'fces; an�i (d)tnkec such act ion ua I.ender may rcasonAbly _
<br /> reyuirc to ossure thut the lien of�hia Sccurity in+trument,Lr��tr�:rights 1n thc I'roperty und Bartowcr'y t►hligatioo to pay�Ix+ �
<br /> °- �•„�, suma secured by thia Security Ins�rument shall continue unchonged. Upon reinslutemen� by Burruwer, thi+� Securiry
<br /> : Inslrument and the obliguliona secured liereby ahall remAin fully effective us if'rnn wceleraUon hwl accurred. Hawover,thi4
<br /> . "``. ..". .:.`:; . . right to reinstate shull not Apply in the catie of accelerutian undcr parnRraph 17.
<br /> �•— -
<br /> "�,r--�,.� .,- .:;�. ..;. iq, gale ot Note;ChaaRe of I.oAn Servker. The Note or u pnniul interc�t in tfie NcNC(togcther with this Securiry - -
<br /> ....y` ., , ^' Instrument)muy be�o�d one or mo�e times without priar natice to Borrower. A eole may msull in o change in the entily
<br /> •:� .;.•' (known as the"Loan S�rvicer'J that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securily Inslroment. 'fhere aleo
<br /> � 5' � mny be one ar more chunges of the Loan Servicer unrelated ta u xale of the Note. If therc is u chsmge ot the I.oun Scrvlcer,
<br />��� �� • Bortower will be given written notice oi'the change in accordance with parugruph 14 abcwe und upplicublc law. The notice
<br />""'`�.� ,I' ".. � will swle the name and Address of the new Loan Servicer und 1he addresr:to which paymentx,chuuld tx:maie. 77►e notice will
<br /> � -,.• �: •� ulso cantain any a�her ir�formatiun reyuired by npplicable luw. �_ _
<br />�;.,,; , " 2Q, Haz�rdous Substaacea Borrowcr�hall not cause or permit the pre�encc,use,di+Ewsal,wtaruge,or relensc of any
<br /> �..s - Hazardous Substances on ar in the Propeny. Borrower shall no� Jo, nor allow anyane cl�e to do. anything Afiecting the __
<br />,`, . . Propeny that is in violation of Any Environmentul Luw. The prcceding two sentences xhull not Apply to the pres�ncc.use,ar
<br />. storage on the Propeny of small qurmlities of Hnzurdous Substance��hat ure genernlly recagnized to be appropriute lu normal
<br />�;..�; residenual uses und to muintenance of�he Propcny. _
<br /> a�.+.�.� ' "� •' � �' ` :. Borrower shall prompdy give Lender written notice of any investigation,clAim,demund,luwsuit or other action by any _
<br /> a .:�rtp:....,;��.
<br /> r~ ^� •�:•, u.:� �' govemmeMal or regulutary agency or privute party involving 1he Propeny nnd any Hw.ardou�Substsince or Environmental _V _
<br /> _ ":'`.�`!`�:, '-' Luw ot which Sorrower hus acwul knuwledge. If I3orrowcr Icarns, ar is notified by any garernmental or regulnlory --
<br />, •..�,y � � au�horily, that any removal or other mmediation of nny Huzurdous Subxtance Affec�ing the Hrop�ny is neccssury,BoROwer �`�.
<br /> , � .. � . °' shull promply take all neces�ury remediAf actions in uccordnnce with Environmental Law. _
<br /> .. As used in this p•rragraph Z0."Hozardous Substunce.+•"are tho�e substunces defined as tnxic or harardous,ubrtances by —
<br /> • �.�� ;, " ,. ��!'•�� �:,j, Environmentul Law und the following xubstnnces: gasoline,kerosene,othcr flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic _
<br /> .•'%;'�'+..� ' pesticides and herbicides, volutile solvcnts. materials conlnining usbestox or formaldehyde, und rudiouctivc materiuls. A+
<br /> ,�,.. �•. . . �. �.
<br /> � ' ''�7�si'�� +•°�' used in�his parngraph?0."Environmentul Luw"means federal luws nnd lawx of thc juriulic�ion whcre the Propeny is locuted
<br /> • '.;• ` ` that relntc to health,safety or environmemal protection.
<br /> ' " � �.� NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower und Lendcr funher covcnunt und agree ati Pollows:
<br /> ° � '����- 2l. Acceleration; Remedles. l.ender shall give :,olice to Borrower priur to acceleration i'olluwing Borruwer's , —
<br /> ' • � b�eACh of any covenant or agreement In Ihls Security Instrument Ibut not prior lo acceleratbn under parag�Apb 17
<br /> ° • unless appllcabk law provides otherwise►. The notice sball specify: (al the dePaulh.lb1 the uclfon required to cure the --
<br /> default:lcl a date.not less lhan a0 d�ys i'rom the date the notire ix�iven to Horrower. by which 1he default must be
<br /> � wred:and Id)that fAilure to cure the default on or bePore the da�e specii'icYi in the nutice mav reauii in a��rieraiion of ��,s�vl;,-,
<br /> ,.' Ihe sums secured by this SecurNy Instrument and sale oi'the Property. The notice shaU Purther inPorm Borrower uP
<br /> the ri�;ht to reinslnte a�ter acceler�tian And the riRht to brin�a court actfon to a�.serl lhe nomexigtence of a defuult ur ''gr�:��'�}�:
<br /> :`.•�.�1� ; : �':�� any other defense of Borro�ver to accekration and yak. If the default�S nat cured on ar before Ihe dote specified in ��°'��`-=='�"�-
<br /> ;�'+.�'•:,. ;, the notice.l.ender at i�g option ma,v reyuire immediate pavment in full af all sums secured by lhis Securily Instrument ��n%t��'�-"�••
<br /> �,...�..�
<br /> •r�-.;�; . �� ' wilhout further demand and may invoke the pnwe�aP sule und any other remedies permitted by applkable Is�w. �`�,,;..LT�r
<br /> " ' ' ���� Lender choll be entitled to collect all expenscs incurred in pursuin� Ihe rrmedies provided in this puruqruph 2l. _,
<br /> �t��'�' ' �'' ' ' includlnq.but not limlted ro.reacunuble atlorneys'Pees und cos�s oP title evidence. h'--- " �-
<br /> ,,,,,.. _::----
<br /> _.�.�, ., .. ..
<br /> , :,. • If the puwer of Sule is invaked. 'll�uslee,hall record u n�Hice oP default In euch cuuaty In �r�hirh uny part of the -r�r�I,,;�—
<br /> .0
<br /> � � • • P�operty is lacated and shall muil cupies uf cuch nudce in the manner prescribed by applicoble law to Iforrower und to °t. �'""'",,
<br /> :. .� . _� ,,_,;,. .._..
<br /> � Ihe other persons prescribed by upplicable law. At'ter Ihe lime reyuired b�•applicablr luw.7Yustee shall give public " ;.: ,�.�.,;.;_:
<br /> . nutice of sale to Ihe persuns aad in the manner prescribed by upplicuble lu��. Trustee, withaut demund nn Borrower. � ' ••'�`
<br /> � shall sell the Property nt public aucliun Io the hiRhext bidder at Ihe time und placr und under the lerms desi�neted in .��-r,.;�- ��'
<br /> � the notice oF sale in one or more purcek and in uny order'Iruwter detrrmines. 7lruztee mu�• �t one sale oPall nr unv �"":�--
<br /> . ',j :..,, W p e a���.;,.
<br /> , r�,.•� parcel of the Property by public annuuncement at the Iime und plucr of anv previouslv scheduled wle. Lender nr i4c {r,,;:•;.�;.:f;;'S=�
<br />' .. desiRnee may purchase fhe Propertv at uny rule. �:�'�';� =;�.;
<br /> ' Upon receipt of pvymant of Ihc price bid.7ruxtee+hull deli�•er lu/he purchuser Truslee's deed cunveyinu the : .
<br /> ' • Propertv. The recitnls in Ihe'IYuslee's deed shall Ae primu Pucic c.•idencr oP Ihe trWh uf Ihe stAtements mude therein. �. ',., �..
<br /> ' 71�ustec�hail apply the pr��cerds of Ihe wle ln Ihe Pollux�inu urder: Ivl to uU costs und cxpcnses of exercisinq lhe power
<br /> ..j��,r::= -
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