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<br /> ____��,__.�__.___r=`�'■ condemnuNon ar�►tlx��aking of'uny pun��f�hc I'mpeny,or GK conveyunce in licu u condcmnu�i�m,urc hcrcby u�xiQncd unJ
<br /> .. �..�;,a xhall Ix�paid�o Lendcr.
<br /> In thc event of u twal iaking of the Pruporty. IIN: pracecdx �hull hc upplieJ w thc xum�: �cured by thi� S�tiurity
<br /> - _-_-��;� Inxtrumcnt, whethcr ar nn1 thcn duc, with uny cxccsr puid�o BoROwer. In the event uf u paniul tuking ol'thc Piroperty in
<br /> _ _ _-_ ---.� which ihe fuir msuke�vnlue uf thc Prope�ty immedialcly lxfiirc the tc�kfng i�equul ta ar grca�er ihan Ihc umoam i�f the xum� �
<br /> � v � ,;ecund by�his Security In.r•trumcnt immediutely bciore thc tuking, unley�Hom�wcr und Lcndcr u�hcrwik ugrec in w�iting,
<br /> a.��"�!�"� Ihc sumx rNxured by this S��uricy Inxuumcnt �hall lx redurcd by thc amount M thc pnxccdn mui�ipiied hy ih�f'uft��wing
<br /> -�-:�=r- 1.., froclion: (u)�he t�Mul umaunt of�hc sumx xccured immedia�ely befiin��he�oking,divided by Ib)�he fair murket vuluc uf ihe
<br /> ��`�'�•°'���- " Pra n immediatrl t+efnre�hr iukinF. Any bnluncc r:bull Ix:paid tu BoROwer. In �ix evcnt ��f u partial taking of the
<br /> .��:�:���.�..�::z_.°�... Pc Y Y �- --
<br /> ��°���� Propeny in which the fulr market vuluc of ihe Property im��u�diutely hefim�hc tuking i+ Ics�tbun�hr umuwu a�f ihe wms
<br /> 9P'���-"' �';'. �"� recured immediutcly bcfore �he tuking, unlesx Borrciwe� �nd Lendcr athcnvi+r ugrec in wri�ing or unlcsti upplicuble luw
<br /> -��'��,,,��, otherwir:c providex,the prcxeeds rhull t+e opplicd�o the.um.secured by this Securi�y Ins�rument wheth�r ar nat the awn�ure
<br /> ��.�c��'x�: :. �hen duc.
<br /> —.-�,-,�;:::-` �f the Prapeny iti ab•rndancd by Born�wcr,or iF,aftcr no�ice by Lender to Bortowcr Ibut the condemn�r uffen ta mnkc
<br /> •-,�:�t�.�J+�:�:,-;�'_ un uword ar seltle n clnim fix damages,Borrower fuils to retipnnd���Lender within 3[I duy+uQcr the Jute�he notice ix given,
<br />° N�,����°� Lender is au�horized u�cullect und��pply Ihe pr�xecdx.At its op�ion,cither tu rrxtorution or repuir of the Propeny or to thc
<br /> ..i �-��`�N,'^N' � sums�ecured by thix Security Inxtrument,whether or not�hen due.
<br /> -�s�•w �� ����� � Unlexs Lender und Borto�ver otherwixe ouree in writing, any applicalion of prcxeed.lo principal shull not extend or _.
<br />� „ .� - prntponc thc due da�e of the m�mlhly puymentz rc(crreJ to in paragruphr I nnd 2 or change�he am�wnt of such payments.
<br /> ' •� ,�>,��.,°'* 11. Borrower Not ReMasedi Porbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Exremion of the timc 1'or payment or
<br /> ' '-' ' madiflcatian of nmoAixatian uf the tiums secured by�hi�Security Ins�rument gmrncd hy l.ender to s�ny surces.or in interest
<br /> „�.�:;�r�i�,,;t,t ;�; of Bartower shull nat operatc to relcase�he liability oi'ihe originul Borrower o�Borrower's .uccessorw in intcrest. Lender
<br /> • - ahull not be rryuircd to cammence pr�xeeding. aguinrt uny hucceti�or in intere�t or rcfuse to extend timc for payment or
<br /> �----� °', "� " olherwise mcxlity umonizatian uf the yuin.+ecured Uy thi.r Secunty In.�rument by reusnn of imy demand macie by the oriRinal __ _
<br />='�� � ° •� Borrower or Barrower�xuccesron:in inlerest. Any forbeu�un�:e by Lender in exerrising uny righl or remedy shull not be a
<br /> g;�'. -1FL�*••'"'`'" "' waiver of ar pr+ecludc the excrcise of:uiy right or mmedy.
<br /> • IZ. Successu►s and A�siRns Buund;Joint and Sever�l Llabillly:Co-si�;ner.s. Thc co�enunts und ugreements of thi+ F.., .
<br />�'_' �,• o'�:`� „ Securily Instrument�hall bind u�xl Ixnctil the.ruccessan und -rssi�ns of Lender And Borrower,subject to the provixion,of _
<br /> 7��j .
<br /> . puragraph 17. Born►wcr's covenunis and ngn�emrnts shull be joint and severul. Any BoROwer who co-xigns this Security —
<br /> r;es,; � ,•,.� Instrumem lwt does not execute the No�e: lu►i,co-signing�hiti Seruriry Instrument only to mortgage,grant and cunvey that �_
<br /> ='•• � • Barrower+imerest in the Property under thc�ermti of'this Secut-iq�Instrument: lb>i.not pen.mally obliguted ta pay the sumti _ _
<br /> • � • secured hy thi�Securiry In,trument:•rnd Icl agreex Ihut Lender And:►ny other B��rmw+er ma� ugrer to extend,mociify,forbeur
<br />';=' •:,. or mnke nny accomm«lutions with regurd �o the termx uf thi�Security Inxtniment or �he Nc�te without �hut Borrower's
<br />_�-y� ' • „ . :
<br />`: .� • �vw;:•.....tetc�,3:. . ¢on�nt.
<br /> 13. Luan (:hwr�es. If the loun securcd by Ihis Security Ins�rument i. �ubject to u luw whirh .els muximum loun
<br />}s:.�.� .ti••'--•=.••.-_� churaes.and that law i.finnlly irnrrpmtrd sn�hat Ihe interexl o�wher los�n charge+collected or to be collecteJ in wnnection
<br />-.--
<br />� � with�he loun excecd�he p►:rmitled limit�.�hen: (u)uny,uch k�:ui churge shuU hr rc�fu�e.:hy thc amcwnt neces�c:zr�to re uce
<br /> . . , ^ , �<, � the chur�ec to�he permitted limir and lb)any rumti alrcud�•collecled from Burma�er which�xceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> . . • mfunded ta Borruwer. Lender muy chnc»e to makc this refund by reducinF the prinripul�����rd under the Notc or by makinF u
<br /> • direct payment to Norrmver. Ii'u refund mdure�Exirnipul,�he rcduc�ion will t►e�Rated us a puniul pr�:p:ryment with�ut any
<br /> ." prepuyment churge under the Note.
<br /> ` l4. Notices. Any notic� to B��rruw�r provided 1'or in tbi� Security In�trument shull be given by d�livering,it or by _
<br /> ' i • m�iling it by Pint cluxs mail unlc+s applicuNlr law rcyuirex usc uf unother mrthixi.Thc nutice+hull l►e direxted lo Iho PrnpertY
<br /> � ��• �'�' Addres,or any other udJresx Borcower Je+ign•rtex by nntice to LrnJcr. Any notke to Lender shull be Eivcn by tint clar�
<br /> � � ' mail to LenJerY adJrc�+�tutcd hcrcin or any uthrr ndJrc�ti Lcnakr deriEnate,by n�Nicc n►Borrowrr. Any nulire provideJ for ���
<br /> �d' • ;- . • ',,�v in this Security In�trumcnt ahull Ik JcemeJ lo huve Fxen�iven ro Sarmwer or Lrndrr when givcn as pmvided in thi+ �
<br /> ' , • , � purogruph.
<br /> IS. Governiq� I.ew:SeverubiUty. Thi+ Securiry In�u�umen�shall Ix govenxJ by federal law and ihc luw of Ihe �-_
<br /> juri�alictiun in which thc Pru�xny i.loc�►�rJ. In�he event�ha.my�pn���i.ion��r cluutir��f�hi�Seruriry Inrtrunxn�or thr Note f__
<br /> ' , canflict5 wi�h upplicublc law..u.h ri�ntlict,hall nu�ufl'rct�Nhcr pn�vi�wm ut'�hi,Security In.trument ur�hc N��tc which crn �,-...
<br />_` • , t►e given cffect wiihou�Ihr contlicting pm��i+ion. Ti�chi.end Uic provi,iun+ol'ihi+Sccuriry Im[rument and the Note are �_
<br /> ; declarcd�o lx scveruble. �,�
<br /> � ` 16. Borrower's('opy. Hur�ower�hall ix given unr ciwt"om�rJ cupy of the Nute anJ ut'thi,Sccuriry In,�rument. •
<br />}+ � " 17. 7lransfer of the Property or a Heneficial lntrrest in Borrower. If all or any p:in uf Ihr PmFxhy ur any inler�sl in
<br /> ' " it is tiold or IrunsferreJ Iur il'a Ixnclicial in�rrc�t in Borrow�r i. �uld ur tramF�rreJ anJ Born�wrr i. not a nuturul penunl
<br /> • withnut Lcndcr's prior wriuen r�m.rm. Lrndcr may.�u il.uption. r�yuirc immeJiatr pu}•ment in fuU ot�all .um.sccureJ by
<br />� � �hix Sccurity In�tNmrn�. Hu�vrvcr.�hi�uplion xhull no� Ix cx�rci�rJ by Lcndrr if cxcrci�.i�pruhibi�cd by fedcrul law u.of '
<br /> � �; •� the datc uf this Sccurity Inx�rumrnt, � �.
<br />,E• . . , If LrnJer rxcrcisc+�hi,uptiun.L�nJer�hall giv�Hornnver nutice ui'ucrcleratiun. Thr nutirr.hull rrovide o Exriixl of r
<br /> n�x Ir+�thun 30 dayti t'rom thc datc�hc nutirr i+delivrrrd��r mailcd wilhin whirh N�,rr��wrr mu+�pay all,um+.ccurrd by Ihi�
<br /> �. . • ' Sccurity Inslrument. II'Borru���r I�ail. to p�y thc�r sum.prior tu thr cxpiruliun uf ihi, �xri�xl. L�ndrr muy invi,kc uny �,:-
<br /> . • rt�medir.�xnniucJ by�his ticcuriiy In,trumrnl withuui ti�nher nulice ur demanJ un liurrower. �
<br /> 1 " ' . � IS. Borrower's Ri�hl to Rcinrtutc. 11' Hono�vcr nx�i,rcnain c�mJitiom. Rurr„�vcr ,hall havr thr right t�i huvc
<br /> , ��:. . .���; 1 cnforcemem ot'thi,Srcurity In,lrument di.cantinurd.il :m�•tinx �,ri��r to�h�rurli�r uL• �:u�d:�}�,�ur w�h uth.r�xri�xl:�,
<br /> � ; ,
<br /> ' ::,i�.'. tilnEk I'amll�••Funole 1lnertYcddic�1ue l'�IF(1H�1 1��7R1'�11i�'1'..l'm�umi t'o�enrM. V/90 I�Nf,I'�'�I��I n/��ec.� !,. .
<br /> ., �
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