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<br /> - --"�u ot�alq aud tbe sale.IncIWIaQ tlw paymeot at the 7Fuctee's fees actually(ncurred,nd to esceed 3.0 9b of
<br /> ----�s-�`� tbe priaclpal smoual ot tAe note at t6e time ot Ihe dectaraliun nt defaWl.and re�a�ble oqan�eyR•tees�x permilted
<br /> ---- by Iww:ib)to all wms�ecured by Ibi�tt 9ecurfty Iwlrwaenii�d Ic!aoy exca�W the pe�w ar pereow kiWY eolWsd
<br /> a--�_—_�`� toM. ' �
<br /> �� Z2. Rerasrerance. Ut"'^(+aYmw►t ni�+11 �umx �ured by tbis Sccurity Insirumcnt.L,andcr sfwll royuest 7tuatec to
<br /> �,3�� rcronvcy tt�e Property and ahall surrcndcr�his Sccurity Incwment und ull notcY evidrncing drbt sccured by this Sccurity � `
<br /> ��`-" Inslrumcnt to 7ivs�ee. 'Itustec shall recomcy thc Rroperty without wuranty �ul wilhout char�{e to�he pursan w person�
<br /> �W�...
<br /> .�'���M�.'�"� Icgd ly cntided to it. 5uch pe�n ur pc�w�.r hhall pry any rccurJution co,t.r.
<br /> _ _ _ =r .
<br /> �: 23. Subatllute 71'uslee. Lender.at its aplion,m�y from lime to timc remove 7iu�tce und appoint a tiurcc�nur Iruxtee to
<br /> any "ltusic� uppointed hercunder by an instrument recorded in the c�wn�y in which thiy S�xurily In+trument is recorded.
<br /> �--�?�-;;�±'. Wi�eow.conveywue af U�e Propeny. tbe succe�rewr truwee stwll �ucceed W nll the�itle.power�nd duties conferred upon
<br /> -`='-`�;�;;� ' Thu�tee heYein and by applicuble law.
<br /> "'"'-`��';`�'_� � lA. Requesf tor Notices. BaROwer rc�uegts�t cnpiew of the notices of ciefuult u�xl wde be sent to Barrowerc uddress
<br /> '`�.°'�"'�'�« which Is Uic Propeny Address.
<br /> ,,.t::r;.
<br /> . _ "^��"--_$ _ 2S. Riders to this Security Instrament. If anc ar marc nckrs nrc caccuted by 8orrawcr anJ recorded togelher wi�h
<br /> ��_,�r�_ � thfs Seru�ity Inshument,the covenant�and a�ereemcnt�of ca�:h rurh rider shall bc incorporuteJ into and�hall umend nnd
<br /> _��.,....�;;:,� supp lement the covenantg atuA a�reements of this Secu�ilN Inslrutnent us if�riderysl were u purt of this Se�:uri�y Instrument.
<br /> , y 1.t-� (Clieck applicuble boxlesl) ,
<br /> -'fti-�.�_-�_�Q.�..sdle.t��_.
<br /> �-�`-'�..�"!�' ,
<br /> _ ,��— -. _ . _ Graduated Puyment.ltuies onn n t ve opmen i er iw -_
<br /> u._=' ,�/ �gol�oon Ride� �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Hame Rider
<br /> ' ,.: �
<br /> �-,��`��,. ' � �Otherlsl��pecify) ACKNOWLEOGP7ENT
<br /> -- •• '.�..,�;..:..
<br /> ��.� �•:•.�.:r���;':.'" BY SIGNlfVG BELOW,Burrowrr uccepts and ugrce�to thr tcrmti�nd covenamz conwined in this Security Inswm�ni �`�,�
<br /> '�`� a�•�••..��.:�� omd in any ri�esisl rxcruted by Borrowcr nnd recorded wUh i1.
<br /> _=F�. ..r�,�y. ..
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<br /> `a` �..�Q s��i� �_
<br /> .�„�...��.-�..;�.--. - � ��-=�.`
<br /> ,,,.�_ = OU i� EUGEiiiE SPALE -Hamwcr --:
<br /> ..� ,
<br /> =';ti ' ,. ' • Sociul Security Numtx:r 50?-72-8 9 -
<br /> :,._\.� .. �
<br /> . � .
<br /> '.11l�'.. . (SCAI) '^""`
<br /> �.• , � � JANET RENEE SPALE ' -Kom�wrr
<br />'�, •. ;r'�''1`�: SoClotl SCC11171y Nu1111x:� 50'1-74-9348 �
<br /> ."•.i
<br /> . .�s.° , ', STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL County ss: —
<br /> "�.;y.: � ..r:'. ..,.. �:,
<br /> 1.ri, �L�
<br /> -.� � ..r�.;':.� L _`".
<br /> �` � � �� • On this 7TH duy of mAY, 1992 ,befor�me.thc underxigned,a Norvy Public --
<br /> �l�r..:
<br /> '� �° �.. , .'�,}j����: duly commi�sioned rnd yuvliPicd for suid county,p�nUnUlly�vm� DURNE EUGENE SPALE AND JANET RENEE ��;�s
<br /> _ .',. � �•''���;•.1; SPALE, HUSBAND AND WIFE .to me known to hc thc
<br /> -- .�,'�?i.�,t;j,, .. identicul penonsts) whose nume(s►ure sub.critxJ io the Ii�reEuing intitrument and urknowledgeJ the rxecution thrreof w �«-`
<br /> ',;' ;`i��:;�';i��.'•t� THE IR vi,luntury uct and dced.
<br /> -- �, ., . ".•�;';r.'•<,;';��; ss my hcmd und notarial.c•rl at GRAND ISLA , in�aid cuuMy.the ___
<br /> ��• I``,y,�'.� 1e �m��oil�j"��Ol Z � NwaryPublic ��
<br /> '�r �M� •�r:r.o� -
<br /> -�� -� � , �m F,.p�UQ[E��,;� KEt1UE5T FOR RECUNVEYANCE -
<br /> , � . ' ::,' TQ TRUS7'�E: ._.
<br /> • • The undcrsigned is thc holdcr of�hr notr or notcs srrurrd by this Ihed of Tivst. 5aiJ notc ur nutc+,together wilh all t�.»
<br /> •.,`; • otAer i�lebtednes��ecureJ by this D�:ed��t'7i�i�t,h�iv� be�n priJ in i'ull. Yuu are hcrchy�irc�t�d tu�an�el,aiJ note or notes �`
<br /> � And lhis Deed of 7Yust,which urr Jrlivcred hcrcby,und to reconvey,u•uh�wc warrauty,all �hr r+tatr now hcld by yuu under ;
<br /> ; ,.:.; Ihis Deed of 7iust to the persun or peraoo,legully emitled theretu. E
<br /> .� Date: � .
<br /> . Furm 102N 9/90 ��we:n,�l'n��,��n�
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