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"'`�'.SI� 'oa .: � , yyr . . ,i�l � �.,. 5; 3rr ° . l i n ;fa.�:y.irqi,_.:. <br /> :UM t����rtl: iy'S�y'' ''�rt i�) t�. ,i.� ��:•ti'u;`i. ,_- , . . � _� ,;Ii•_ , � � j : , ..{y � �tn5:u <br /> '����.1 .aY{ \ti.^i7'1 x�ctiV'W![.r� ,1,1� .�� _ L t$.���r-�':`L'-ry.:�-7.,�_e -�t... . _ :1 � �-.,(-- � ' _�_ � ..+ r..^�"'^u _- - "-- <br /> { � ), � .l�Y!1.1R��K�t-H'{'� '�� ���'lK1�L�M/1►.� <br /> � �`��r_��Y!I�f��'���+� •Y/".� _ <br /> .� • -`•��•�A'L�:�}7�'l�i`.�v '-__ <br /> . ,. . _ <br /> . . � _— ..._ .. _ _ .. <br /> � '-:T� <br /> „ '� _ - — -._ - ._— - -c::'_ <br /> �c'_..__.. <br /> - ��e:'��� �— .- . __ <br /> '����.,��:- <br /> :.�„��, . ti»`•-�.f�^� pericxi�Ihut Lender rcquires. The inxurnnce c�Rier pmviding�he in*urunce�h�l h�'�� My B�iir��M�n LencierK <br /> �.e�....u�.r�_..t.�3��.,. . <br /> �����«� ... opprovul whfch�hall nw be unrcasa�ably withheld. If B�xruwrr f'uil%�o muintuin cuvcrogc dc�ritxJ uiwve.Lcnckr may,ut <br /> ''"�"�`"—:�r= Lender's option,oF�tuin caverage to protect Lender x�fghts in the Propcny io uccoNunce wi�h purugruph 7. <br /> ���a�.;:� All Insur�nce policies and renewal�xhall be acceptable tu Lender and rhall inclu�k u s�undard mnrtgogr cluuhe. I..ender <br /> �`--�'��`'�=�r� "�''' Fhall huve ihe�i ht to hold Ux: Nciex and renewalb. If L.ender rc uires,eorrower.hall mm 1 ivc t�L.cnJer oll rccci ix <br /> � -;. :.:� �,�,•�: ' 8 1"� 4 p P�Y B P <br /> __ .,� � .�i'��_,�,+.��: of paid premiumti and renewal noticex. In the evem��f lars,Barrower rhull give prompt n~nicr to the invuronre cumer and <br /> � •• "'�`-'— Lender. Lc�uicr may muke pnx�f af loxr if nat mnde prumptly by Hi�rcower. -� <br /> .. �, a•,.w <br /> '�� 4 •` °`'� Unle�s l.ender und Borrower othenvise agrce in writing,insuroncc procccd.r•r:hall he upplicd tu nx�uratfun ar repair aF <br /> '= _ � ��- �hc Pr�+erty dem��ged, if lhr re�ton�tion or repair ir er�m�imicc�lly fcu,ihle and 1_endrr� .rcurity i. n��t Ircuned. If thc �__ _�__�„_ <br /> �� ��'; � '.�-'�� J'�' restarutio�or repair ia not rcanumicnlly feasible ar Lendc�k ucurity w�uld be Ic.sened, the ingur+uice prcxcedti shull be <br /> _ � �.��:��.<, __ upplicd ta the sums secured by thiti Sccuriry Inxtruman�,whc�her��r nM �hen due, with uny cxccx� puid to Burtuwar. If <br /> — „ , Burrower abandons the Property,ar doex nat anxwer within 3U duyx u notice fmm I.enJer thu�thc insuronec curricr hus <br /> .. " offered ta settle u cluim,then Lender may collect the insurunce prceecdti. Lendar may use the pnwceda lo mpair ur restore <br /> . � the Piroperty or to pay sums secured by this Security lnxtrumenl,whethcr or not thcn due. Thc�0-duy period will be�in when <br /> _y� . the notice is given. <br /> ;-_�,� •. --. Unle�.ti Lender nnd Borrower otherwi,e ugree in writing,uny upplicution of praeeds tn principul�hall nrn cxtend ar <br />_�=� po,tpooe�he due d•r�e of the monthly payments referred to in paragrrphn I und 2 ar chunge thc umuunt of the paymen�s, If <br /> ;.,;` '�� under parngraph 21 �he Propeny is ucquired by Lender. Bom►w�r;right t�any insurance policies und praceed�resulting ; <br />:_.,�._,��.,_ ,..,;:���, from Jmnuge w the Property prior ta the acquisition yhall pasr to Lender ta the r.atent af thc�ums secured by thir Security - <br /> . ' Instniment immediately prior tu the+�cquisition. <br /> � 6. (kcupancy, PreservAtian, Maintenance and Protectbn of the Propeny; Barrawer's I.oan Applicado�; <br />_�'-•�.`.�. " • 4eASeholds. Borrower shall occupy,eslublixh,und use�he Property a�Bornnwer i principal regidence within sixty duyR after <br />=`;.� ,. - - the c�ccu�ion of th�v Securi�v In4�rumem ond shull continue la occupy the Propeny os Borrowers principul rcsidence for nt <br />-�� , .• ° ''" ' leas[ une yenr Afi.. the du�, � F occu� ncy, unle�x Lender olhenvise ugn�rs in writing. which con�e�►t nhall not be -- - <br />_.;,..,.' • unrensonobly withheld,or unlesy extenuating circumstances eaist which ure beyond Bom+wer's contrul. Bortawer shi+ll not -- <br /> ^ „ • destroy,damuge or impuir the Prc�peny,ullow the Prapeny to de�eriorute,or commit wu�te on the Pirapeny. Borrower sholl <br /> � � be in defuult if any farfeiture action or praeeding.whether civil cx criminal,is begun tha� in Lender:go«1 faith judgment <br /> , - ;;,.� � could result in forfeiture of the Raperty or othetwiice mu�erially impair 1he lien creuted by �his Security Instrument or <br />- � ' , Lender'.s security in�erest. Borrower muy cure xuch o defuult and reingtnte,us pravided in pArAgrAph 18,by cnusing the uction <br /> � or praceeding�o be dismissul with a ruling�hat,in L�nder's good fuith detern�ination,precludes farfciwre of the Borrower� " <br /> ' interest i� �he Property or other materiul impnirment af the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or Lender�,ecuriry <br />_. _� ' interest. Borrower shull also be in default if Burrower, during the lorn applica�ion praess, guve muteriully false or <br /> �� inaccum�e infurmation or statementx to Lender(or fuiled to p�ovide Lcnder with Any muteriul infonnution)in connection wi�h --� <br /> ,. , ' �� �he lonn evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, rcpresentntions concernin� Borrowerk occupancy of the -- <br />_ � Property us a principnl resiJence. If this Security In�trument is on n leusehold,Borrower�hull comply wi�h�11 the provisions r..^-�_-:--- <br />::_ � <br />-_ ' . � � � of the leuse. If Bormwer acquires fee title to the Pn�pcny,the leusehold und the fee title shall not mergc unlesx Lender agmes �'"=� --- <br /> . . •�:,;;,;�� to the mergcr in writing. --- <br /> :;,-.,;;., 7, Protection of Lender'A Rish44 in lhe PropeHy. If BoROwer fuik �o perform �he covenunts nnd agn�ments <br /> �' ' : .. ., contuined in this Securiry Instrument, or there ir u Icgul pracccding �hat m�y .i�enificuntly uffect l.rnder� �ighl� in the <br /> Property(such as u pra:eeding in hankruptcy,prob:�tc,for r�mJemnu�ion or forfeiturc or ro enforce lawx or regulations),then <br /> " L.ender may da and pay for whutever i.necesrary•to protect Ihe vulue of 1he Prapeny and Lender� rights in the Propeny. .,"',_. <br /> , Lendcrk uctionF inay include paying:my sumw rerurerJ hy u lien whirh hati priori�y uver lhis Security Instrument,appeurins E''=`- -- <br /> J in court,paying rea�onuble uttorneyr�'f'eex und emQring on the Pmpeny to mnlce repuin.Althoagh Lender muy mk� uction �`-� <br /> n [•„��-�_�� - <br /> �:�,�_.— <br /> ' • under thiy parugraph 7,Lendar dcxs na huve io do,o. �:.i���:� <br />