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<br /> . .. , .a,_: , 92— —
<br /> �.:�z�:.���r�;�� ,a;� 1a�#138
<br /> �"'�' �!""`"�"�`�„ � T(KiF.THER WITH all thc improvcmcn�s now�tt hcrcuf�rr cmctcd�mihr pnM►cr�y,und ull ruxmcmr, uppunen�ncc..
<br /> •� wi�M�^,...
<br /> ??�•. an�l fixiurcx now��r hercufter u p•rn uf ihe pruperty. AU rcpiucemen��un�l uddhi��nw �hull ulr��lx covcr��d by�his Sccunty
<br /> ;`��� . ""; lnwrumcnl, All of the farrgoiog is refernd tu in thi�:Secu�ity Ins�rumcnt ux ihr "Rc�xrty.'.
<br /> ,��;�;�;,,�,: BORROWER CAV�NANTS tbut B�tr�►wcr iw luwfully c.cihcd uf ihc c�lcuc hcmhy r�►nvcycJ und ha,�hc�ight w grunt
<br /> .; "� �'�•`'� und canvey�he Properly uml thut Ihe Pro�x ny ix unencumbered,except fnr encumbrancew ol record. Rnrrower wurrums and --
<br /> , —�---°,-°� -° .° . - will.kfc��d gcuc�uily�t�c iiii����Uw ilraperty again�.t sl)c}aftttk Nrul ric�mrud.r.subjcrl lu unv cncumbruncr�uf rceurd.
<br /> ' . C �-_-�-__
<br /> ''"�?d°,�!, ., TH1S SECURITY INSTItUM�NT combinex uniform cuvenunlv for n;�lionul uu und non•unifonn 4uvcnantw with
<br /> .• °n �4� � -• IimiteJ vadutionv by juriulicUun to cunsiftutc a unitirmi kcurily in��rumcn t rnvcring rcul pruperty.
<br /> -- �. - , x ;:• �,_.� _ .
<br /> h .i• �� UNlFORM('QVENANTS. Borrawcr und l.ender covenu�t unJ ugre�uti lallaws:
<br /> - �� � " � 1, Pwrment u�Prfncips�l and Interest;PrepAyment and Late Ch�+�ges� Bnrcc�wcr shull pmmptly puy whcn duc the
<br /> _ �'��,„--�;r�„ ' pnncip�1 of und interest nn the deht cvidenccd by the Nate und uny prepayrnrnt und late churgey due under the Nate.
<br />� ° •�• 2, Mtinds tor 71�xcw pnd Incurance. SubJ�wt to applicublc luw i�r a�u wrincn waivc�by Lcn�kr,Borrawcr shal! p•ry tu
<br /> '� n'• ," " l.cncier on Ihe duy mon�hly puymcnt�cuc duc under thc Notc,until the Nutc ir puid in full,a tium("FunJ;'>for: (a) yeurly
<br /> �,-:� ' taxch and ussegsmcn��which muy uuuin priariry over�hi�Sccurity Imtrumcnt U.u licn on thc Prap►eny;(b)ycarly Icaschald
<br /> t.:.,.. • - payrncnt� ur gruund rents un the Propeny, it iiny: lcl ycurly hu�urd ur prupeny in+urunce premiumti: ldl ycarly flood
<br /> � � � .'' insurance premiumx, if ony: (c) ycurly mongagc in�urance premiums,it'any;und(�uny sumx puyuble by Borruwer to
<br />�''' � � .ti,�' Lenaicr, in uccordoncc wi�h�hc rovi+icxis uf aru ru h R,in licu af thc r mcnt of rnun u � inxurnncc remiums. Thetic
<br />� . .o:- �.. I► P 8 p, P'Y R 6' P
<br /> i�ems�re called"�ycrow Itrm.+.' l.endcr m�y,at any nme,coUect and Ix�ld Fund.in un amount nut to exceed Ihe muximum �
<br /> y� �+ umaun� :� Iender for u fedcr�lly rclutcd mongage loun muy rcyuirc for Bcxrowcrk r,crow urcoun� under the fedc�ul Reul
<br />:., � •• Estute Settlemem Pracdures Act of 1974 u.am�ndcd from�ime to time,1 2 U.S.C.y 2tdq ��r sry.("RFSPA"),unless unother
<br /> �.�
<br />�,;;:. . ..�r•_ .`�� law Uwt s�pplies lo the Funds setx u Icss�r amounl. If xa.Lender mny,al any tirnc,collc�t und hald Funds in un amaunt not to o_
<br /> � �''� excced the lesser mm�um. Lender mny es�imate the amaunt of Funds due on �he bucis of current duta and reasonable __ .
<br /> � � � ' csunutes of expendilures oi fulure Exruw Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. �--
<br /> c
<br /> �� The Fuads shnll bc held io an instituiion whazc deposits are inwred by u fedural ugcncy, instrumentality.or entity ,:.--
<br /> �� ,—
<br /> � (inc luding Lendcr.if Lender i.r•tiuch an instiwtianl ur in uny Frderal Home Loan Sunk. LcnJer shnll apply thc Funds to pay �_
<br /> • " thc Escraw Items. Lcnder may no� char�ze Burwwcr for halding und�pplying the Funds,unnually nnulyzing the escrow =_
<br /> , ••«"> ' °° uccc�unt. or verifying the Escrow Items, unletis Lender pays BoROwer inlerest an che Funds und upplicable law permits _
<br /> Lender to mukc such A charge. Howevcr, l.cnder may reyuirc Borrower �o pay u anc•time chsugc for nn independent reul
<br /> esu�te wx repaning urvice used by Lender in connection wi�h this loan,unkxti upplicable law provide,u�herwitie. Unless an __
<br /> � ogrc:cment is madc or upplicable luw requirez intcrcxt to be paid.Lender shall nat be n;yuirrd�o pay Borrower nny interes�or _
<br /> °��� ^ cazningx on the Funds. Borrower and Lcnder mAy ugree in wnting,howevcr,thut intere�t shull be paid on the Funds, Lcndcr _
<br /> ' �;hal1 givc to Borrower,wilhout churge,an unnual uccounting af the Funds,shawing creJit,and debil�te,the 1=unds and the Y--
<br /> .. purpose far which etu:h debil to Ihe Funds wo�mude. The Funds ure pledged as s�dditionul security for vll sums xecured by ��, .��.::
<br /> tbix Securily In4trument. "'
<br /> . • . �:: .-::.,
<br /> _ .__ • • • If [he Funds held by Lender excced Ihe umounts permilted to 6e held by applicublN law, Lender �hall uccount w
<br /> Borrower for the excess Funds in uccordunce with the reywrements af applicuble law. i:the umuuui ui ti�Fw�da held by ��.�^T_y
<br /> �y;:v . l.ender nt nny time is not Fufficient to pay the Ercrow Itemti when due, Lender may so nolify Borrower in writing,and, in �r�,.,.,-
<br /> ° such cuye Bo�rower shull pay to Lender the umaum necessary ta mul�e up the deF'iciency, Borrowcr shs�ll make up thr �!• � �- �-
<br /> � �� deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at l.ender�sole discreiion.
<br /> . Upon payment in full of all�ums secured by this Security Instrumen�,Lender shall rom U refund to Borrower+m 6!f1-—.----
<br /> P p Y Y ,,t'-T:.."-�_
<br /> •• Funds held by Lender. If,under p•rragmph?1,Lendcr tihull aryuire or scll the Praperly, Lender,prior to thc ucyui.r•iti�m or , �"t�:::�.,_
<br /> -- sale of the Property,shall npply uny Funds held by Lender ut Ihe time u(ucyuisilion or sele as a crcdil against ihe sums ��-=_-'-,''-
<br /> secured by�his Security lnstniment. �'+�cT��,� _.
<br /> • " 3. Applieation of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,ull payments received by Lender und�r � , _
<br /> • paragmphs I und 2 shull be opplied:first, to uny prepayment ch:uges dur under the Notr,xecund,to nmounts puyable under I,�����,,�, ��
<br /> paragraph 2;third,to interesl duc;founh,to�xincipul duc;and lu.+l,to uny latc churges due under the Nute. � • , �+'°'
<br /> 4. ChArges; Liena. Borrowcr +h�ll puy all Iaxey. •rssr>cmems, clurges, fine,und impnsitions attributuble to thc _
<br /> Property which may nttain priority ovcr�his Sccurity In�trument,und lea�clold payments or ground rcnt�.if any. Borrower ,
<br /> shnll puy these obligatians in�he munncr provided in puragroph 2,or if noi puid in that munner,Borrower xhnll puy them on �. .... _ _
<br /> "` time direcdy to the person awed puyment. Borrowcr�hull prompUy fumi�h w Lcnder all nu�icr,of amounts to bc prid undcr E�
<br /> ' this paragraph. If Borrower rnukes these puymrms directly.Borrower st�all promplly fumish to Lender rereipts evidcncing , , , ,,, ''�
<br /> �.;:: E. �
<br /> ' Ihe payments. ,._t:.
<br /> � Bormwer shall promptly discharge any lien which hus prioriiy over tbis Security In.trumrnt unless Borrower:la►agree� °r--•.;_:=__
<br /> ���, � in wming to the payment of the obligution�ecurcJ by�hc lien in a manner xccpluble to Lender:(b)contests in good failh the '?'"<��=-
<br /> �,` • ...� —
<br /> ' ` lien by, ar dcfends agsunst enforcement uf�hc licn in,legul pr�xcedinFs whicfh in�he Lcnder's opinian operate to prcvcnt thc __
<br /> • - enfareement of the lien;ar(c)sccures from thc holdrr of�hc licn an agreement sAiisfac�ory�o Lcnder subordinating thc lien � � �-_
<br /> ;, � to this Security Inswment, If Lender determines thai any pun of the RropeRy is tiubject to a lien which may ntts�in priority _.-_
<br />� � overlhis Securily Instrument,Lcndcr muy give BoROwer a nnticc idemifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy�he lien or tuke �. „ _
<br />' �• ane ar more of the actions sct fonh ahove within l0 duys o(the giving of ndicr. ,
<br /> ' • S. Hazard or Property lnsurance. Borcowrr shull kecp the improvernents now exi.ting or hereutter erected on the ;
<br /> "a;, . propeAy insured against lass by firc,hutards incluckd within thc trrm"extended covcrage"and any other ha�urds,including
<br /> . Iloods or flooding, for which L.ender rcyuires in.uruncc. Thi� inwranre.hall Ix rnaintained in thr amounts nnd for the
<br /> Form J02N 9N0 qu�r:��/nruur+l
<br /> i '
<br /> I � .
<br /> i � , .
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> +
<br /> .
<br />