<br />pretniutns, iP any, or any sums payable by Borrower to Lender in lictii of the payment of Mvttgage
<br />It�surance premiums in uccordance with the provisions of Section 10. "T'hese items are culled "ESCraw
<br />Itetnti_" At urigination or ut uny lime during the lerin of the Loan, Lender may rec�uire thal Community
<br />A�sociation Dues, Fees, and Assess►nents, if any, be escrowed by Ciorrower, and such dti�es, fees and
<br />asses5menis shall be un Escrow Item_ E3orrower shall promptly fiirnish to Lender all notices of amounCs Io
<br />be puid under this Seclion_ I3orrower tihall pay Lcnder the l�unds for F.scr�w Itemti unic�s Lender waives
<br />Borrower's obligation to pay the I�undti tnr any or all Tscrow Itetns. Lend�r trxay waive I3orrower's
<br />obligation to pay tn Lender k Fi>r uny or all T'scrnw Items at any t.ime. Any such waiver may unly he
<br />in writing_ In the evcat of such waivet, Botrower shull puy diteclly, when und whete puyable, the amounts
<br />due fi�r any Esctow Iiems for which payment of Funds has been waived by Lender and, if Lender requites,
<br />shall htrnish to Lender receipls evidencing such payment within such time period as Lender may require.
<br />Botrower'S obligation to uiake such paymcnts and to provide recciptti shall for all purposes be dee►ned to
<br />be a covenanl and a�reement contained in this Security Instnunent, ati tk�e phrasc "envenant and agreement"
<br />is used in Section 9. If Borrower is e�hli�ated to pay E�crow Items directly, pursuant to a waiver, and
<br />Borrower lails to pay the amount duc for an Escrow Item, Lender may exercisc its rights under Section 9
<br />and pay tiuch amounl and $orrowcr �hall thcn bc ohli�ated undcr Sectipn 9 to repay tn Lcndcr any such
<br />amount. Lender may tevoke thc waiver as to any or a11 �ticrow Itetri� at any tirne hy a notice given in
<br />accordance with Seclion 15 and, uron tiuch revocation, T3nrrow�r shall pay to Lender all l�unds, and in
<br />such amounts, that are then rcquired ut��ler thi� �cction 3.
<br />Lender may, at any timc, cnllcct and hold I�unds in an amount (a) sufficie.nt to pertz�it Lcnder to apply
<br />ihe Funds at the time specified ttnder RFSP,A, and (h) noi t�� exceed the inaximum amnunt a lender can
<br />require under R�'SYA. Lcndcr shall estimate the attaount nf Funds due on the basie of current data and
<br />reasonable estimates of expenditureti nf fi�trxre F.scrnw Item� or otherwi�e in acc��tdance with Applicable
<br />Luw.
<br />The Funds shall bc hcld in ar� instihition whotie c]eru�its are intir��red hy a federal agcncy,
<br />inslrumenlality, or entity (including Lcndcr, if Lcndcr i� an institutiun whose depc>sit� sre ��� insured) or in
<br />any Federal IIome Loan $ank. Lender shall apply the l�und� to pay the Rticrow Iterns no later than thc time
<br />specilied under IZESPA. Lend�r shall not chargc T3orrowcr ti�r hnldin� an�l aprlying thc l�unds, annually
<br />analyziang the escrow accoiuit, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays I3orrowcr interest on the
<br />Funds and Applicable Luw permits Lender to make such a charge_ iJnlesa an aerecrncnt is rnade in writing
<br />i�r Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on the l�unds, �end�r �hall not bc rcquircd to pay I3orrower
<br />any intete�t or eurnings on the l�unds. Borrower and Lcndcr can agrcc in writing, howcvcr, that intcrest
<br />�hall be paid on lhe Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, witlzout char�e, at� ant�ual accounting of the
<br />Funds ati tequired by RESPA.
<br />If thete is a sutplus of T�unds hcld in cscrow, a� dcfin�d under RI;SPA, Lr;nder �hall account to
<br />Borrower fot lhe excess lunds in accordance with Ri:SPA_ If therc is a shortage i�f ��unds hcld in cGCrow,
<br />uti detined under kE:SPA, Lender �hall notify i3��rrnwer a� requirecl by IZESPA, and Borrawer shall pay to
<br />Lender the amount necessary to make up the sl��rtagc iu accnrdance with RESPA, but in no more than 12
<br />monl.hly payments. if there is a dcficicncy of rundti hela in eticrow, a� clelined ��n�ler KESPA, Lenaer tihall
<br />nolify Botrower as required hy RCSPA and B��rrnwer shall pay to Lender the amo�.►nt necessary to make
<br />up the cleticiency in accordance with RT'SPA, but in nn rnore t}aan 12 mnnlhly payrraentti.
<br />Upon payment in hill of all Gums secured by t}�is Security Instrument, Lencier �hall promptly refur�d
<br />to Bortower any Funds held by Lcndcr.
<br />4. Char}�es; Liens. iinrrnwer shall puy all taxes, as�e��ments, churges, lines, and impo5iiion�
<br />attributable to the Prop�rty which can attain priurity ovet ihis Security Insiruuienl, leasehold payinenls or
<br />ground rents <�n the Properiy, if any, and Communily Association Dtiies, 1�ees, and Assessments, if any. To
<br />t�ie extc;nt thai lhese items are �scrow Items, 13orrower �hall pay thcna i�� tlic manncr provided in Scction 3_
<br />N�BRABKA- Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT � � N�
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