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201009794 <br />Borrower shall promptly dischargc any licn which has priority ovcr thi� Sccurity Instnuncnt unlcss <br />$orrower: (a) agrecs in writing to thc payment of the ohligation ticcured hy thc licn in a manner acceptable <br />to Lendcr, but only so long as I3orrnwcr iti perfo�xr�ing sucfz agrecrncr�t; (h) ci�ratests the lien iz► ���od faith <br />by, or defcnds against enforce►nent of thc licn in, legal proccedings wkiich in Lcz�der's opinir.>�i aperatc to <br />prevent the eqF[�rcernent of� tf�e lien while those ptoceediney are pending, but only unlil such ptoceedings <br />are concludc�l; nr (c) secureti frorri the hplder of ihe lien an agteement tiatisfacti�ry lo Lendet subordinating <br />the lien to ihi� Security Instrument. If Lender detennines lhat any parl of t.he Property is subject lo a lien <br />wf.iich can attain priority over this Secutily Instnunent, Lender may give $urrower a notice idenlil'ying the <br />1ien. Wiihi❑ 10 days o('the date on which thut notice is given, $orrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or <br />more oF the uctions set forih above in this Section 4. <br />Lender tnuy reyuite Bottower to pay a one-time cl�arge f'or a real estate tax verification and/or <br />reporting service used by Lender in connectinn with this Loan_ <br />5. Property Insuranee. $orrower shall kecp thc improvemcnts now existing or hereaftcr crceted nn <br />thc Property intiured against losti hy firc, ha?arda includea wit.hin the tern� "extended coverage," sn�l any <br />othcr hazard� including, but not limitcd to, earthquakes and floods, for which Lender requires inst�rance. <br />'1'hiti insuranec shall hc rnaintained in the amountv (inclucling deductihle levels) and for lhe periods t}aat <br />Lcnder rcquires_ What Lendcr requires pursttant to the pteceding sentences can change duting the term of <br />the Loan. '1'he insurance carrier providine the insurance shall be chc�tien hy Tinrrower subject to Lendcr'ti <br />right to di�approvc Borrowcr'ti choicc, which right shall nc>t he exetcised unreasonahly. Lender tnay <br />require $orrower to pay, in connection with this Loan, cither� (a) a one-time chargc for #lnnd zonc <br />deterniination, certification and tracking scrviceti; or (b) a one-tirr�e char�c for flc�nd rone determination <br />and certilication services and subsequent charges cach time remappings or sirnilar c�aangcs occur which <br />reasonably might affect such detennination or ccrtificaiion_ Borrower shall altio he retipnn�ihle fr�r the <br />payincnt of any fccti imposed by thc lredcral r;ttiergency Mat.iagetr►Gnt Aget�cy in cnnnection with thc <br />review of any f7ood zone detennination resultin� frorn an ohjection by Iiarrower_ <br />Tf $orrowcr fails to maintain any of the coverages descr►hed ahr�ve, Len�ler may uhtain insurance <br />coverage, al Lender's opt.ion and $orrower's expense_ Lend�r is under no obligation to purchase any <br />purticular type or amount of coveraQC. '1'hcrcfi�rc, such coverage shall ci�vcr Lcnder, hut might nr might <br />nut pratect $otrowet, Borrowet's equity in the Property, or the eontents of the Property, against any risk, <br />hazard ot liabilily und might provide greater or lcsscr coverage than was previously in effect. [3orrower <br />acknowledge5 ihut the cost of the in5urance coverage so nhtained might signrticantly cxceed the cost of <br />innurance ihal Borrower could huve obtained. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 5 shall <br />become uddilionul debl of Borrower secured by this Security Tnstrument_ 7'hese amounts shall bcar interest <br />at the Nate raie 1'rom the daie of disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice fro►n <br />Lender tu Borrower reyuestin� payment. <br />All in5urance policies required by Lender and rencwals of such policies shall bc suhject to Lcnder's <br />ri�h� io disapprove such policies, shall include a standard ►nortgagc clausc, and shall narne Lender aG <br />mottgagee and/or as an uddilional loss payee_ Lendcr shall havc the right to hold the policies and re►�cwal <br />certilicute5. If� Lender requires, $orrower shall promptly give to Lender all CCCC1rYR O� I1flll� ]y1'l:if11i1tTl$ 8�1CI <br />renewal noticcs. If Borrower obtains any fi�rr�� of insurance coverage, nnt othe;rwi required by Lender, <br />Ior dainage to, or destruction of; thc Property, �uch pnlicy shall includ� a etandard mnrtgage clause and <br />shal] naine Lendcr as inortgagcc and/or as an a�lditinnal lons payee. <br />In the event nf los�, I3orrower �hall give prompt to the insurance carriet and Lender. Lendet <br />rriay rnake prnof af lotiti if ru�t tnade promptly by Borrower. Unless Lender uncl $orrower otherwise aeree <br />in writing, atiy insurance praceed5, whelher or not the underlyine insurance was ree�titired by Lender, shal] <br />he applicd te� restutation or repair of the Property, if the restoration or repuir is ecnnomically feasible and <br />Lender's �ecurily is not letisened. During such repair and retitnration period, Lender shall havc the right to <br />hold such inSL►rance proceeds until Lender has ha�l an uhportut�ity to inspect suckz Property to ensur� the <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT � V � <br />�-6�NE) �oa��� Page 6 of 95 Initials: Fol 3028 1/O7 <br />l.J " �. <br />