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201009794 <br />'1'HI5 SF..CiJRII'Y INSTRUMENT combines tiinifonu covenants for national u�e and non-unifonn <br />covenants with lirnited variati��ns hy jurisdiclion Io constitute u unifonn securiiy inetn�m�nt covcring real <br />property_ <br />UNll�ORM COVI:NANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and ueree as li�llaws: <br />1. Paymcnt of Prineipal, Interest, Tscrow Items, Prepayment Churges, and Latc Charges. <br />I3i�rr��wer shall puy when due the principal of; and interest on, the debt evidenced by the Note and any <br />�repayment. charges and late chargcti due und�r the Note_ F3orrpwer �hall also pay fiinds for Escrow Item� <br />putsuuni lo Section 3_ Payrncnts due uncler the Note and this Security Instrurxxet�t shall bc made in U.S. <br />currency. F�owever, if any check ��r athet insiturneni teceiveci by Lenclet as paym�t�t undcr the Notc or this <br />Security In�tn�rrtent ia xeturnecl t.o Lender unpaid, Lender may require lhal any ot all �ubsequent payments <br />due under the N��te an�l this Secutity Insltument be made in one or more of the fallowit�g forms, as <br />selected by Lcnder: (a) ca�h; (b) money ordet; (c) certified check, bank check, lteasure.r's check or <br />cashier's check, providcd any such check is drawn upon an institution who�e depa�ite are ira�urcd by a <br />federal agency, instn�n�entality, or entity; or (d) Electronic �unds TransFer. <br />Payments are ileemed received by Lender when reccivcd at the location designated in lhe Note or at <br />such other locaiion as may be desi�nated by Lender in accordance with the notice provisiuns in Sectian lS. <br />Lender may relurn any payment or partial paymcnt if the payment or partial payments are insullicient lo <br />hriz�� the Loan currenl. Lender ►nay accept any payrnent i�r partial payment in�ufficicnt to bring the Loan <br />ctiAtrent, wilhout waiver of any ri�hts hereun�ler or prejudice to its rights to refutie tiuch payment or partial <br />paymenls in the firture, but Lendcr is xaat phligated to apply such payments at the tirnc such payments are <br />accepte�l. If each Periodic Payrnent is applied ati of itti scheduled due date, then Lender necd not pay <br />inttretit pn �.�nupplied lunds. Lendcr may hold such t�nappltccl fundti until Ii��rrower makes payments lo <br />brin� the Lnan currenl. IF Borrower docs not do so within a rcationablc period of time, T.ender shall eithet <br />apply such fundti or teturn Ihem to Borrower. Tf not applicd carlier, �uch funds will be upplied to ihe <br />outstanding principul hulance under thc Note immediatcly prior to forcclosure. No oftsel or claim which <br />Borrower tnighi huve .now or in the future against Lend�r shall rclicve T3orrower fiom making payments <br />duc under the Note und this Security Instnunent or performing the covenants and agreelnenls secured by <br />thiti 5ecurity Insttumenl. <br />2. Applicatinn of Payments or Pruceeds. �xcept as otherwise descrihcd in thiti Section 2, all <br />�rayments accepled and applicd by Lender �kiall be applied in the ti�llowing order of priority: (a) interest <br />dire undet 1.he Notc; (b) principal �lue unaer the Nate; (c) amountti due under Secti��n 3_ 5uch payments <br />shall be applied to each Periodic Payment in the orciet in which it became due. Any :retnaining amounts <br />sball be applied lirst to late chargcs, sccond t�� any nther amaunts due un�ler this Security Instniment, and <br />then to reduce the principal balancc of the Note_ <br />If .Lender receives a payment frorn Ii�rrowcr for a delinquent Periodic Pay►nent which includes a <br />tiufkicient amount to puy any latc charge due, the payment may be appliea to the delinqucnt paymcnt and <br />the latc char�e. If rnote than one Periodic Paytnent is outstanding, Lender may apply any payment received <br />from Bnrtowet to the repayment of the Perio�lic Payments if, an�l tn the extent that, each payment ean be <br />paid in full. To thc extent that any excess exi�ta after t.he paymenl. is upplied to the full paytnetit of nne nr <br />more Periodic Payments, �uch cxces� may he applied to any late chargen due. V[�luntary prepaymentti shall <br />be appliecl tirst to any prepayment chatge� und ihen as de�cribed in Ihe Note. <br />My upplicalion oI� payments, insurancc procceds, or Miscellaneous Pr��cecds tn principal due under <br />lhe Note shall not extend or postppne the clue date, nr change the amounl, of the Petiodic Paymentn. <br />3. Funds for Tscrow Items. Botrower shall pay to Lender on the day Periodic Payments are �luc <br />undcr thc Notc, un1.i] the Note is paid in tull, a sum (the "1'Lmds") to provide for payment of amounis due <br />for: (a) taxes anc) u5sessments and oiher iteins which can attain priority over this Security Intitrumenl as a <br />lien ��r encumbtance on the Property; (b) Icaschold raynaerAts ��r [;r��und rerit� nn thc Property, if any; (c) <br />premitiunti (or any and all insuranec required by Lencler under Secii��n S; and (d) M.ortgagc Insuranee <br />� � � <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�-6(NE)�oa��� FageAof15 initiais; Form3028 1/01 <br />I ��7�. <br />