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2010�97�� <br />5. T Pro e and D� n To commence, prosecu�e, <br />discon�inue, or defend all action� or ather legal proceedings <br />touching my �sta�e or any part ther�of, or touching any ma�ter in <br />which I or my esta�e may be in any wise conce�ned. <br />6. T na e R 1 E ate. To enter in�o and upon all and <br />singular my real estate, and to let, manage, and irnprove the same <br />or any part thereo�, and to repair or otherw�se improve, alter, or <br />recanstruct, and to insure, any buildings or structures thereon, <br />and fu�ther �.o contract with athers for the managem�n� of such r�al <br />esta�e, and to grant to such oC.hers a1.1. the por�vers with respect ta <br />such r�al estat� usual in �eal es�.ate�ment conCracts, and <br />gran�ed to my said attorn,ey herein. <br />7. n iv R n and w' 1 Wi h <br />T�nants anc�,,,Leased Prqgertv. To contract any person for <br />leasing for such periods, including pera.ods longer than my life, <br />and �caithout regard to the termination o� �his power of attorney, at <br />such �ents and subject Co such conditions as my attorney s�.a��. see <br />fit, a1.]. ar any of my saxd r�a1 estate, and to let any such person <br />into possession thereof, and ta execuCe a11 such leases and <br />contracts as shall be necessary or proper in �hat beha�.f, and to <br />give notice ta quit to any �enant or accupa.ear th�areof', and to <br />rec�ive and recover from all t�nants and occupiers thereof or of <br />any part thereof all rents, arrears of r�nt, and sums of money <br />which now are or shall hereafter become due and payable in respect <br />�hereof, and on non-payment th�reof or of any par�. thereo� �o <br />take a11 necessary or proper means and proceedings for terminating <br />th� tenancy or occupaCion of such �enan�s or occupiers, �nd for <br />eject�ng the �.enants or occupiers and �ecovering the poss�ssion <br />�hereof . <br />8. T 1 r Exchan R a]. r Person 1 To sell, <br />either at publa.c or private sale, ar exchange any par� or parts af <br />my rea�, esta�e or personal property for such consideration, payabl.e <br />a.mmediately or upon such terms as my a�.torney sha1�. think fi�, and <br />to e�xecute and deliver good and sufficient deeds, bi11� of sale, <br />endorsements, assignments, or other i.nstruments for �he conveyance <br />or �ransfer of the same, with such covenants of warran�y or <br />o�herwise as my attorney sha11 see fit, and �o give good and <br />e��ectu�l receipts for all or any par� of the purchase price ar <br />o�her consideration. <br />9. T De o it M n raw Inv rwi e Deal <br />Wi�h Tangible P,�ogertv. To deposi� any moneys wh�.ch may come to <br />ha,s hands as such attorney wi�h any bank or bankex in my name, and <br />to withdraw any o� such money as he shall thxnk fit in the payment <br />o� any debts, or interes�, payable by me, or taxes, assessments, <br />insurance, and expenses due and payable or Ca becom� due and <br />payabl� on account o� my rea�. and personal estaCe, or in or abou� <br />any of such money in my name in any s�.ocks, shares, bonds, <br />2 <br />