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2oioQ�7�� <br />securities or oth�r proper�y, real or personal, a� he may �hink <br />proper, and to r�ceive and giv� xeceipts fo� any income or dividend <br />arising from such inv�stments, and to vary vr dispose of a�l and <br />any such �.nvestm�nts or other investments tor my use and benefi.t as <br />he may think fa.t. <br />10. To V a� � M e in E�c Pr x'e and <br />O�h rwi e i u � r ran r. To vote at �he meetings of <br />stockhalders or o�her meeta.ngs of any corporation or company, or <br />otherwise to ac� as my attorney or proxy, with power af <br />substitutian, in respect of any stocks, shares, bonds, debentures, <br />or other evideances of own.e�ship, or secux�ai.ties, now or h�r�after <br />he�.d by me and issued by or on accoun�, of �aid corpora�ion or <br />company and for that purpo�e to execu�e any proxies, limited or <br />general, or o�her instruments. <br />ii. e D ill nd Simi ar n um nts. <br />For all or any o� the purposes herein staCed Co enter into and <br />sign, s�a�., e�ecute, acknowledge, and deli�rer any contracts, deeds <br />or other ins�.ruments whatsoever, and to draw, accept, mak�, <br />endorse, discaun.�, or o�herwa�.se deal with an.y cammercial or <br />m�rcantile instruments. <br />12 . To D A her Thin c r ' n nn a. n H r wi h. <br />In general to do all other acts, d��ds, ma��ers, and thizags <br />whatsoever in or abou� rny estate, property, and af�airs, or to <br />concur with persons jointly xn�erested wi�h rnyself �herein in doing <br />all acts, deeds, matters, and � herein, either particularly or <br />generally described, as fully and effectually to a�.1. intents and <br />purposes as T cou�ld do in my own proper person if personally <br />present, it being my inten� to grant to my said attarney a geaneral <br />pow�r to act for me and in my b�hal�, and not a limited or special <br />power, �limi�,ed to the specifa.c acts herein d�scribed. I <br />sp�ca.fically grant to my agent the authority to make gifts of <br />prop�rty or cash to my children or �.heir a.ssue. <br />13 . P w r rn f ' v Imm i 1 <br />N with t n i D' ili ' ci 1• in. Etfec Af r <br />Pri - �p��. � s D�ath ,,�r�,til No�,icP . Pursuant �o C,he prvvisions of the <br />Nebraska Prvbate Code, T declare tha� this power of attorney sha�.l. <br />become eff�ctive immedia�ely and shall. na� be affected by my <br />disability ar incapaca.ty, and that the authority granted herein <br />shall continue during any period while T am disabled or <br />i.ncapacitated. Fur�.her, pu�'suant to said Sec�ions, al.l such <br />authority shall conti.nue after my dea�h, un�il notice of such death <br />shall have been received by my attorney so that he has acCual <br />knowledge of the �act �hat I have died. Any action �.aken in good <br />fai�.h by saa.d a��.orn�y during any period while it is uncertain <br />whether I am alive, b�fore he recea.ved ac�ual knvwledg� of my <br />death, or, in any event, taken any period while I am <br />disabl�d or incapacitated, shall be as valid as i� I were alive, <br />3 <br />