<br />That I, Karen K. HosteCler, have made, constituted and
<br />appainted, and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint
<br />Ervin M. Hostetler as my �rue and lawful attorney for me. In �he
<br />event that E�vin M. Hoste�ler cannot or will not ser�e, I then
<br />appoint Eric M. Hostetler and Aron W. Hoste�ler as successors. The
<br />above named persons may act in my nam�, place and s�ead, and on my
<br />behalf, sub�ec� to the provisions of Parag�aph 13 hereof, to do and
<br />�xecu�e all or any of the following ac�s, deeds and things:
<br />1. T iv D P t n Pr r. To ask, demand,
<br />sue for, �ecove� and receive all sums o� money, debts, dues, goods,
<br />wares, merchandise, chattels, effects and things o� whatsoever
<br />na�ure or description which now are or her�after sha�.l be or become
<br />due, owing, payable, or belonging to me in or by any right, �itle,
<br />ways or means howsoever, and upon r�ceipt triereof, or ot any par�
<br />thereo�, to make, sign, ex�cute and deliver such receipCs, rel�ases
<br />or other discharges for �he sam� respectively as my said attorney
<br />shall deem ad�crisable .
<br />2. Ta �e�t1� Accoun�s. To 5ettl,e any accoun� or reckoning
<br />whatsoever wherein I now am or at any time h�reafter shall be in
<br />any way inter�sted or concerned wi�h any person whomsoever, and to
<br />pay or rec�ive the balance thereof as the case may require.
<br />3. TQ_�a�i�}fiY _���ura.t,y Int�r�„�,�.s and Mort,gaggs . To receive
<br />every sum ot money which now i� or hereafter sha17. be due or
<br />belonging to rne upon the security or by va.rtu� o£ any securi�y
<br />in�eres� or agreement, or mvr�gage, and on receipt o� �he Eu11
<br />amount secured thereby to execute a good and sufficient release or
<br />other discharge of such security int�rest, or mortgage by deed or
<br />o�herwi.s� .
<br />4. To om ou t A i r i n r 0 h rwi 1
<br />Qr_Ac�j��t ��.f�ex�nces. To compound with or mak� allowances to any
<br />person for or in respect, Co any debt or demand whatsoever which naw
<br />is oar sha1.1 at any time h�reafter become due and payable to me, or
<br />by me, or upan my account, and to tak� and receive, or �o pay and
<br />discharge (as �he cas� may be) , any composa.ta.on or diva.derrd �hereof
<br />or thereupon, and to give or receive re�.eas�s or other discharges
<br />for the whole oP such debts or demands, or to settle, compromise,
<br />or submit to arbitra�ion every such deb� or demand and every o�her
<br />right, matter, and �hing due to oar concerning me as my attorn.ey
<br />shall think best, and for �haC purpose to ent�r into and execute
<br />and deliver such bonds of arbitratian or other instrumen�s as my
<br />attorney may de�m advisable i.n the premises.
<br />