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<br /> ,��__�.�,�,�_;�,� condemnation or aher lnking ai uny p�of!hc Praperly,ur i'ar cunveyunce in licu of cundemnuiii�n.ans hc�eby usriyneJ WnJ
<br /> -- r�lwll be puid to L.ender.
<br /> - =--na-4� In ihe event of a taul mking of �he Property, Ihe proceeds shull t+e upplieJ w IIk �umx r.rcured hy thi� Security
<br /> -- ---��'"� Instrument.whe�hcr ar not�hcn due,with uny excess puid to AaROwcr. In�lu cvent of u purlial wking��f Ihc Property in
<br /> . �.�
<br /> :��..,,.,. which the fuir market voluc of the Prapeny immediately before ihc tuking ix equul tu ur grcutc��han�hr umoum uf tlx:tiuma
<br /> _��,.�;�i`��,..�: r,ecured by�his Security Intitrument immedintely before the�uking, imM��R�►rn�wcr wHl l.enJrr�Hhcrwiu:u�nc in wri�ing. —
<br /> ��
<br /> thc sums secured by this Sec.u�ity Inslrumem�hnll he reduced by thc umuum��f'Ihc pr�xccd�muitiplicd by the following
<br /> "'•.j�����, fraction: (u)Ihe IMnI amount of ihc sums secumd imrnediutely bcfo�e�hc tuking,dividcJ hy 1b11he fuir murlcet vulue of thc �y
<br /> .�'� `:..d � _
<br /> � �. _, Propeny immediotely befbrc the wlcing. Any balancc�hull be paid to Borruwer. In Ihe evcn�i�t a pAnial twking of�hc
<br /> �a+a�� :•,< Properly in which the fuir market vuluc af�hc Propeny immcdiately bcfare the taking is Ic.x Ih�m thc umount of�he rum4
<br /> _ �••.;:r.:.,�._ ,. R R PP
<br /> = ,.,:,.. . �„ •• . r,ecured immediu�ely 6efore the tuking, unless Bamnwcr und Lendcr othcrwi.c u me in writin or unle.� u licuhle luw
<br /> ;�+�:�4�".�':�,�:�� '•''.' otherwiye provides,the proceeds shall be applied to�he sums�cured by thix Security Inxirument whelher or no1 tho tiums are
<br /> � �hen due.
<br /> ��;'j.s,, ..��. J , . If�he Pmpeny is nhandoned by Barn�wer,ar if, ufler natice by Lender ro Born�wer Ihut Ihe cundemaur offerr+M make
<br />"�"""'�""'' ' An awurd or settle u claim for damagcs,Borrower failx�a re�pand to Lender within:�1 dayv nfler the dale the natice is givcn. _
<br />,��vL:rt,..r.:,.:n•' ,
<br />��,.r,•c,��,�,�;.# . Lender ix authorized to coltect and apaly the procecdti,u� its��pNan,either�o res�orution or rep•rir oi�he Praperty ar ta the
<br />,� ,•...;:.�,.,,,,,,.�;;;;�,�•,� sums secured by this 5ecurity In�trumen�,whcthcr or na�hen due.
<br />��;,,,^;•",: . . : Unless Len�r unJ BoROwcr othenvi4e ugree in wriling, any Application nf prcxccd� �o principal shall nrn extend or `
<br /> �^� ��• � ..y po.4�pone the due date of the momhly paymentz rcfemed ta in p�u+igruph+, 1 and 2 or change�he um�wm af xuch paymrntr.
<br /> ll, Borrower Not Released; Fo�bearance By I.ender Not a Wafve� Ex�emiun of �he �imc for payment or
<br /> ,. *� modificution of umoniwtian of�he zum�secured by thix Securlry Inslrumcnt gmnted by l.ender to uny succeasor in interest
<br /> � `.__1�!: af Bonower shall not operate to releuse the liability oi thc original Barrnwcr or Borrowcr's tiucceti+o►x in interest. L.ender
<br />– � �'' �" � shall not be required m commence pnweedingx uga�nst any ru�ceswr in interest ar refuse tu ex�end time for��yment nr _ �
<br />°�`� •• ' � � � otherwise modify umortixatian of thc sunis secured by this Security In�trument by rear•on of uny den�and mude by the origioAl ---
<br />� ,�.,, ;��;• Borrower or Barrawe�l xucce�son in interest. Any fcxbearnnce by Lender in ezrrcixing any righ� ar remedy shull nat be u
<br /> ',,, wuiver of or preclude the exereise uP nn�•rigbt or remedy.
<br />�M1;'� , ,.,�,�� �,„ ._�, l2. Successors and Assigas Bound;Jolnt aad Several LiabilUy:Caslgners. The cuvenun�s w►d agreementx af this
<br />;, . Security lnstrument chull hind�nd 6enefi�Ihe succetisan uod uysigm oF Lender And Borrowcr,subjecl ta the provisions of
<br />�. " " �- poragrnph 17. Borrower's rovenants and ngreemenls shall be joint und tievrrol. Any BoROwer Wfio co-zign+Ihis Security
<br />�~'•,•� a-.: �' Instrument but daex not execute the Note: (nl is�o-signing thi,Security In�trument only�o mortguse,grant and convey that
<br />•jr=" . � r �' Borrower's intcrc�t in�he Propeny under Ihe terms of this Securi�y Insuumcnt: Ib1 is not pcnonally abliguled to puy the sums
<br />:5.:'.,; � �_ .""� secured by Ihis Serurity Inxtrument;and tcl ugrces�hat Lcnder and smy uther Bonower muy ugme to extend,malify,farbeur _
<br /> ,,:,..,
<br /> - ,� • :'�•,,�yl� or mnke any Accommodntic�ns with regard to�he terms ot thix Securi�y Ins�rument ur�he Nrne wi�twu� thut Borrower4
<br />��`�:'
<br /> con�en�.
<br />�_-_. __.t��.aci:�r__ 13. LoAn Charges. !f the loun secured by thi�Serurity Insuument ix yubject �o u luw which selx nmximum loan
<br /> ,, � ' :��•.�:��+�:� churges,and that luw i.�nally interpreted so that ihe imerest or other losu�chcuge,coiir��cd �M�u i.r�olte�te.f in conzcctio� –
<br /> . r,,.;::_:':.�
<br /> ` � : ` b`��":'±;;.:'�`- he char�e to the permin d lim teund(b)anynum.r ulnady collecteJ lio n Burn►wer whiJh excc ded�pemni�d imHpw 11 be _
<br />' �-�.r-' � refunded to BoRawrr. Lcnder m:�y cha�.c to make Ihis rcfunJ by reducing�he prinripul u�vcd under the Note or by mi+king u
<br /> � , �, ' � direct payment to liorrower. If a refund reduces principal,�he rcduc�fcm will he�rea�ed u.u p:utiul prepayment wi�haut nny
<br /> � . ' , prepaymen�churge under ihc Nrnc. �,,,e,–�_
<br /> 14. Noticcw. Any notice to Borrowrr provided fiK in thi.S�tiuri�y Imtrumcnt +hull lx�iven by delivering it or by
<br /> ' muiling it by fint clatis mail unle.s applic•rble luw requireti use of unuthcr methoJ.Thr mdice tihull lx Jircrted w the Pmprrty =--
<br /> � �� Addrex. or any othcr uJdrr,s Borrowrr dc.ign•rtrs hy noticc�o Lcndrr. Any nutirc to Lrndcr�hul)hc givcn b�� Gnt cic�ss
<br /> �• � mnil to Lender:uddrex+w•rt�J herein or uny oihcr addre.,Lcndrr d�.i�nuic,hy noticr N�8orrx�wcr. Any noticc providcd for
<br />; '� in this Sccurity Inti�rumen! shall �dcrmeJ Io have lxen given u�B�ttrowcr or Lrnder v�•hen�iven u, provided in this �„
<br /> . paragrnph. '
<br /> IS. foverning I.aw; Severubilhy. This Security In+trurmn�.hall he g��vrrnrd hy tcdcral luw and �he luw of the ��,•_i_;�-
<br /> i • � juri+diction in whkh thc Propehy iti located. In thc evem th•rt uny prnvitii�m ur clau+r�►f dii. Security Inti�rument or the Nate �!!'_.�=�--
<br /> • . conflicts with upplicnblc Inw.xuch contlict xhall nut s�flcrt�Hhrr prorniun.ul'Ihi,Scruri�y In�trumrnt ar thc Notc���hirh ran --��, ._
<br /> ., ° „ : be given c(f'ect without thc ronllirting pm�•ision. Ti�ihis end thc pn�vi�iom�N�Ihi. Sccuriry In,trunxnt und�hc N�nr ure �.���:��_:
<br />' declared lobe aev¢rahle. =i�:;,;ti,'•
<br />#.,,. •. „ 16. Ibrrower's Copv. Borrowrr.hull tx�ivcn��ne cunYurnieJ c��py��I'Ihr Nutr unJ ot'�hi.Srrurity In.trument. . ,: „_:
<br /> • �� 17. 7Fwnsfer uf'the Propertv or a Benciiciul lnterexl in Ibrrower. II •rll or any parl ut'thc 1'n�prny or uny intrres�in • �
<br />.�, "� ° � it i�sold cx tran.ferreJ (ur if u tx�nrtiriid intcrr.l in Rorroa•�r i�tiidJ ur Irun.tcR�d anJ BurroN�r i�nut a nuwrul �xrsi►nl - ,
<br />" . witM�ut Lender's prior wriltrn run.ent.Lendcr muy. al il+uptiun.nyuirr intmrdialr pa}•mrnt in I'ull ol'all+um,.ccurcJ by �^jL'_
<br />– . Ihis Securily In�trument. Howevcr,lhis option tihall nut hr ex�rri.cJ hy l.cnJer i1 rxrrci�c i+�n�hibi�ed by fcderul luw a.nt� ".�;'::,_r—�•
<br /> ., . .• the Jate of Ihis Securily Imtrument. '
<br /> If Len�ler rxerci�e�Ihis up�ion.Lrndrr tihull giv�Borro�vcr ni�tirc ul'arrclrr:ui�m. Th�nutirr.hul) pravide a�xriixl oi' �
<br /> .l�:s,'•'•,. not Icss than 3ll Juys 1'rom thc da�c Ihc nc�ticc i,Jrliv�reJ ur mail�d ��ilhin whirh Hnrrua�r nu�,l pay all wm.ururcd by thi. �
<br /> � ,'"`� Srcuriry Inxtrummnt If Bi�rtowcr t:iil. t�� pay thr+r wm.priur�u ihr erpirulinn ui�hi� �krii�l. l.endrr muy invi,kc any
<br /> I�;.��• , remcJic�pcnnittcd by 1hi�Scrurit�•Instrurmrn w•ithuu�furth�r niHicr or drm:md„n Nurr����cr. ; .
<br />� �, IS. Borrower'ti Rlaht to Reln+tute. IF Rixruwrr mcci.rrnain rundi�iou.. Hurru���r ,hall havr ihr right lu huvr .
<br />� enforcement oT thi.Sccurity In.trumen�Ji,runtimre.i ai any�ime�xiur �a Uir r:u•lirr nl: ia�5 day.�or,urh ulhrr�xriiKl a,
<br /> i , , .
<br /> ,,�:,, tiiogle I:�mdy--FLnnir S1ue�Fr�ddk�1rc l'�IFt 1R�1 1\ti'I'Rl'�1F:\1' •1 mi�.�oi t'o�.nam. 4.411 i�ti�.�r�nl���y�e�••i , .
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