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"f.;ti; .., ;:: .y�y •y:k'r ' •' ' , r'�t .�., 5� Y� 1'�r�.� <br /> '� J �: •At� .i:'-'i'i� r� - , ' l���vr ��}Cti.,, s�r.��.f- - =-. <br /> ..,�� •� ya�`_ �' :F."�'" ,.� <br /> . �� � r. r.S ._.=���==•''��:�1�.. �-�.-..-.-.— — <br /> �d t�I�►- ' }��iler��. <br /> .i�. �" j' � � �^""__'�^'T <br /> ��� —�..�.� . �.��'�4�4r. - . _ ' _ —_.-. <br /> �� - `•l�3��� ^'tt"r --- - � _��.. . ....�Lr-avri---� - ' . <br /> .•�°��`= � <br /> �— – �-' ..�_: <br /> ,:�-��-��� 109�1i0 _ <br /> .�[.�w.�=�,� ��` <br /> _��_�_,� periads�hut Lendcr rcquircx. Thc in�urunce carrir�pmviJing �he insur�xe shwll be chosen by Barruwcr subjcct io Leaderb <br /> --��._� opproval which shwll nM he unn:usonuhly wilhheld. If H�urawcr fuil++lu muintuin caver��e de�dbed abovc,l.cnder m�►y,rt <br /> ° —.�,.,�,o;,,� L.onderl+��ptian,ablafn caver�ge topmtect I.enJer N rfQh�s in�ho Pm ny in�cc�xdwnce wilh pvragrAph 7. <br /> �� <br /> °- �� �--=— All inxuronre poNcic�And n�newal�+Khufl t�c u�ceMnblc to Lc er wx1�hpll include a Slw�dard mcKt�agc clause. Lender <br /> ' -- �""��'._... KhAll have Ihc rfµht tu hi�ld thc�xilicicr and renewul.r. If Lendcr rcyuircs�,Sartuwer Khull pmmp�ly givc�o Lcnder ull rcrcipu� — <br /> �'p�}�"`"�Y=!��!"�� of paid prcmiumx und renewul nodccw. I�t�hc rvenl�I lo�s, B�xmwcr Khull�ivc prump� �w�i�u�u tt�inrur�cc carrier mid — <br /> _ _„��;�.� <br /> �=-^••q Leiulcr. Lcncler muy mukc pro�f oi lo+�if mN made pn►mptly by Bnrn►wer. <br /> `�'���"`��.�rj'i Unicsti Lendcr:utd Burrawer c+thenvi•e ugrcr in wrf�ing, inwr,�nce prcxeedx shull be applied to resturoticm u�rcpalr of , _ <br /> '�""'° Ihe Prapeny dumaged, if the mxtM�Uan or repair i� cca�x►micully 1'cu+�ihlc und Lender��ccurity ix not lesgcned. If thc <br /> ,....:a�:�'�".`� <br /> �• • a re�tarutian ar repair iti n�x ecnnomicully feu.viMr or Lender: Mcurily w�wld be les+�ened,�F�inaurance pruceeds ehall be <br /> �•,-�-����"` ''•'"' ; '_ u IieJ w the awm arruned by thiti Securiry Inslrument, whrther ur n�N �hen due, whh uny exce.r•x puid to Borrower. If <br /> ',�p�`�:b"•`_u^h_ '� Ba�rmwrr ub•rridona the Propeny,nr d��n��l un�wer within 3U dc�yx u notice from Lender that the insur.+nce cuRier his <br /> ".1�'•��::• �' offered ta rettle u cluim,ihen LcnJer may callecl the inwrunce proceeJ.r. l.ender may use Ihe pnxeedx ta rcpair or�eRtae <br /> . ;b . .:.�.: the Propeny�r ta pay sums rsecureJ by Ibix S��curfiy Instniment.whether or no�Ihan due. The 3tMdpy period will beQin when <br />""'�"�' • �`''. .;. �In�wtire i+given. <br /> Q�.�s-`crSac�?';'-;�'.7 <br /> .�' Unlesr Lender und Bortuwer othciwi�e ugrce in wri�ing,any upplica�ion of pra�rds to p�incipul �.hull not extend or <br />��� �.• .�,:� .:�.Y� , poclponc the dur dato aP Ihe mon�hly puymcnts refe�md tu in p�rugraphc 1 und 2 or change�hr amaunt af the pnyments. If ` <br /> y�r„� ., . ;.Y. under pur•rgruph 21 thr Prnpeny f� ucquircd by LenJer, Bormwer� right tn uny insuruncr �xiliciev und proceeds resuiting <br /> `•�"= `'�"`'' `°'° � fram damage to Ihe Pmpeny priar to Ihe ucyuisi�ion shull pYSS to Lender lo�he ex�em of ihe Kum+c secured by thic Secudty <br />.�;�� '�� „ °. '�- �. '�� Inatrument immedia�ely priorto the acquisilian. <br /> i,��' ..:�:: •�' � ���;� � 6. (kcupsacy. PreservAtion, Malntenpna and Protectinn of the Property; Borrox•e�'s L.00n Appllcatton; <br />- � �;,�,;�+;'�y„_0.• �';,�,. I.easelwld�. Borrower�hull occupy,e�tublish.s�nd usc the Pruperry ax Bamower�principnl re+idence within sixty days niter <br />����-��'�-� , the eaecution of thir:Secu�ity Inswment and shall cuntinur �u accupy the 1'ropeny us Borrowerg prineipa!reyidence for xt Y - <br /> .. , <br /> Ieuxt one yeo� ufler the dat� of occupancy, unlea. ��mder dhenvi•+e AFrees in writing, which coment 4hull not be <br />��� ,s:� ' unreusonAbly withheld,or unle.�K cxtenuating circumstan�:c.exist which ure heyond Borrower R control. Borrower shdl not - <br />�. ,; „ Jestroy.dumuge or impair thc Propeny,allow the Property to deteriorute,ar commit wu+le an Ihe Property. Borrowcr shall _ <br />��.., . <br />.�,,:_ . be in default fi any farfeiture uction or praceeding,whether civil or criminul, ix Ix:gun�hot in Lenderk good fAith judgment <br />¢ � ' • cauld result in forfei�ure of�the Rroperty or otherwise muteriully impnir �hc lien crcuted by IhiK Security Instniment or _ <br />�w.,>.. ' ° Lender w security intere+i. Borrower may cure�uch u defuult w�d rein.r•tu�e,ax provided in parngroph 18,by cuusing the action <br /> or praceeding�a be dizmissed with u ruling thut,in Lender s�ood fui�h determinution,prccludex Forteiture of the Borrower's <br />�:::'•. • — <br /> i intere+t in Ihe Propeny ar uther material impuimient nf the lien created by this Secu�ity InrtNment a��Lender's Recudty <br />�:�. ; _W__. <br /> x .. •, ��;:1,:, ' . . �„ interest. Burrower xhull alw be in default if Borrower, dunng thc loan uppliw�ion pracesx, gnve muteriully fulse or <br /> �' ,: inaccurnte infbrtnution or.tatemems io Lender lor foiled to provide Lendrr with uny muterial iniormutian)in connectian with <br />'` '''�' � the loun evidenced by the Note,including, but not limiled ta,represenwtiuns cancerning Borruwer ti occupancy of the __ <br /> V��,�,, <br /> ProQerty as u Qrincipal residence. If�hix Securi�y Intiwment is on u Ieuuuhold,Bnrrower xhull camply with ull Ihe provisions _ <br />��'� ' ' ' of the leuse. If Borrower ucyui�er iec litle ro the Propeny.�he leauehdd und the fee tide si�ail nrn merge unlvsx Lc��Jer agree� - - <br /> ,::`;:�;.,.' ro the merger in writing. <br /> •- �+•��' 7. Proteclton of I.ender's Rights In the Properly. Ii Burtower fAils to perfortn tt�e crnennm� nn�i agreements _�- <br /> ° ��� ^ contained in this Securiry Inxtniment,or therc is u kFnl praeeding thut may +ignificandy aifect Lender's right� in �he 'r•+f <br /> . „ Property(such us a proceeding in bu�kruptcy,probate,for condemnation ar forfei�ure or to enforce luws or regulations),Ihen <br /> ��'::~--� <br />� , " � l.ender muy da nnd pay for whutcver is necc+sury to pratect Ihe vulue cif the Prapeny rnd Lender's rights in thc Propeny. <br /> ' ., „ Lender's uctions may include paying�xecured by•r lien which ha�priority over �his Security Instrument,appeanng <br /> ��.• ° �, in court,paying rcasonable nnorney.s'fec+und rntering on the Property to make rcpnirs.Although Lender may luke nction <br /> t- under Ihis parogrnph 7.Lender dex� nut huve lo do w. <br />�• Any umounts disbuned by Lender under thi+p+uagraph 7 shuU hecomc udditionul dcbt of Borrower secured by this .�:-`.- <br />�' ' � Securiry Instrument. Unletis Borrower and Lender ugree to other�crnis of paymem,thc� umounls shull bear interest from ihe •_.__. <br /> • s dute of ditibunement ut the Notc rute und.hull t►c puyuble, wi�h intercst,upon notice from Lcnde�to Bomower rcquesting r. <br /> F • _ <br /> .. puymem. <br />� ' ° S. Mortgase Insurunce. IP Lender reyuimJ mortga�e in.urrnr� us u condition ui mukin the loan �ecured b this �-�=-- �- <br /> E Y ,�,,.,.:: <br />' ,' ^ Security Imtrument. Borr�wer shall pay Ihr premiums required to muintuin Ihe muAguge insurunce in effecl. If', for any �'�-� <br /> • ' " rea+on, the monguge insumnc� crnernge reyuired by Lender lup�e. or rea.c+ to he in effect. Borrower shall puy ihe Fw"""' <br />;�� � ' premiums reyuired to obtuin caveruge suM.tuntiully cyuivnlem tc� thr mon�!uge insuruncr previously in effcrt, ut u wst '�=�' <br /> ���:•:• <br />`;f " d"�..b,? � subs�undally eyuivulent to the cost ta Bom�w�er of ihc mort�age imurunre in effac�,from un alternute mortgAge �:.. <br /> inxurer upproved by Lende�. lf.ubstantially equivulent munguge insurance cuveragr i. nnt uvuiluble,Barrower shall pny to �'_�" <br /> -- Lender euch month a xum eyuul to one-tweltlh of the yrurly imxtEuge in.urunce prcmiu�n be�ng puid by 9orrower when Ihe `-.�_..- <br /> ° insurance wvert►ge lupsed or ccayed lo lx in effert. Lcndrr�vill uccept.usr anJ ret��in Ihcu puymenls as u loss reserve in lieu ��_: , <br /> - of mortgage inxur�►nce. Loss reserve paymrms muy no longcr he reyuircd, at thr opti�m of Lender,it'mortguge insurance .::_� <br /> � . covernge(in the umount und for Ihe pencxf�hut Lendcr reyuinsl pr�wiJ�d hy an in.umr nppruved by Lender again becomes <br /> � uvuiluble und i.obtained.Sorcowcr�hall puy the pnmiums rrquircd to m•rintain mangu�r in+uranrr in effect,or lo providc u ���� <br />; � , lo�x rcserve,un�il the rcyuirement tar man�ugc inwruncc urconiunrc wi�h uny wrinen agrecment between BoROwcr � <br /> ° and Lcnder or upplicuble 1•rw. <br /> ° 9. Inspection. Lender or ilti agrnt m��y make rcu,anuMc rntrir� u�x,n imJ in.��lion+of thr Pri��xrty. Lender+hall • <br />' ' give Burrower notice at�hr�imc af ur prior t��iin in,�xr�ion.�xrifyin�;r�a.onuhlr r:w�c t�,r thr in,Exrtion. <br /> 1 10. Condemnation. The pnxccd�oY nny aHUrd or rL•iim liir d;mw�c..dirccl urr.m�cyucntii► r�,nnectiun with uny <br />� •, ,,. tiinplr lymily--trnnk�1ae/F�eddlc�tac l'�IFI)N�t ItitiTRI'�1t:17'..l�mt.,m�t'u�.n.m�, 9/90 �pai�•?�,/h/M+¢�•�� , <br /> i , ��nvtl:i►nflu�mes�+Fu+w.lnr � _ <br /> I . tu nnkt fYl IAIM►6.'1PD39317 PA!!N16791•11:1t � . <br />� � ..`�.,",,� <br /> . .. f ' � <br /> •:' � _ . -- <br /> S _ � __ � „ , .. • <br /> � <br /> I <br /> . ��' � -- ' <br />