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<br /> v-_�,= �,_:� applicrbte I�w may �peclfy for reinstatement) befaro salo oC 1hc Property pursuant to eny power of sale contwined in tdic _
<br /> Socuriry Inshumenr.a(b)enpy oi p judgment enforcing�hfs Security Inruument. 'i'Iwcc conditions ate that Ao�mwer. (a)
<br /> -__- - poyr Lencier all sumr which then would be due under�hia Security Instrument and the Nae as if no acceleradon hed
<br /> .- ��.��.��'� accu�red; (b)curcs Any default of any dher coven�nts or ag�eements;(c)paya dl expenses incusred fn enforcing thia Secur�ty
<br /> - '�'�� Ins�rument,includinp,but not IEmited lo. rcasonable anomeys'f'ees:and(d)wkca such actian as Lender may rcasonobly
<br /> - - �_� requin lo arsurc Ihet the lien of this Security Instrument.Lcmdcr`a righix in the Property end BoROwerk obligation to pay the
<br /> � Rums xcurcd by this Security In.rtrument�hall continue unchanged. Upon reinswtement by Bomnwer. lhia Security `
<br /> �`'�� Instrument mtd the obligations securcd hereby ghall remain fully effective ac if no accelemtlon had accurred. However,this
<br /> - --�-"" riQht toieinslwte shell not apply 1n 1he ca�e of acceleratloo under puagruPh 17.
<br /> '.�. 19. S�le of Note=Chw�e ot L.a�n Servker. 'f?�e Nate or a partial interest in the Note(together with�his Secudty
<br /> --��=� _;;; , lnslrumenq rttay be aold one or more dmes wi�haut prior notice to Bor�ower. A sale may result In a chnnge in the entity
<br /> a (known as ihe"L.oAn Servfcer")that collects momhly payments due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument. There�Iso
<br /> � •,+�'�.;��'.;�••�,. .• may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unmlated to a sAle of�he Note. If�here is a changc of the L.oan Servlcer.
<br /> ;;�'�;:,,.:;�:;•.;:,:;�. 8orrower will be given wriuen nodce of the change in accardance wlth paragmph 14 above and applicable law. The notice
<br /> - - . .:,l;�,a,,,,,.�, w111 st�IC the name and addrexs af'the new Loan Servicer and ihe address to which payments atihould be made. The notice will
<br /> 4; .=�?�"�'''�, .; also conwin any other informatian reyuired by applicable law.
<br /> '°`.����„i��tt�:� : 3Q. fl�rdour Substsu�ces. Borto�ver ciwll nat cuuse or permit the prcsence.use.disp�sal.storage,or rclease af any _.
<br /> --�----,•�:,:"; :�':'`' �� �' Hozurdous Substunccc on ar in the Propeny. Bom�wer shall not do, nar allow onyune eise to do, unything affecl�ng Q►e ---
<br /> a� �:-•• '!��'.,"� Propeey thal is in viola[ion of any Envlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shull not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> ;,�;.; �" " xtorAge on the Property of amalf quantitks of Huzardous Subswnces that aue generolly recogniud to 6e appropriale lo normal
<br /> .�
<br /> °�".':, � � asidemial uses+uM to maintenancc of�he Propeny.
<br /> �' Borrower ahall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,clnim,demand,lawauit or Wher xtiaa by any
<br /> � -"'`y`�'°"-`-`��� • � govemmenWl or regulatory agency or private party involving 1he Property and an��Haznrduus Substsmcc or Firruunmental -- --
<br /> �+m' �•�'� L.aw of which Bo�rower has actuul knowledge. If Bortower le�ms, or Is nolified by any gavernmental or mgulatocy -
<br /> - ~�'7�==-'+�'�� . ' aulhority. ihat any removal or other rcmcdfalion of any Hw.urdous Substance affecting the Pivperty is necessuy,Borrowtr
<br /> -�:,.�� `''.��""''.'`';'"�'� � shall p�omptly tuke all necessary remedial actions in uccordence with Environmenta�Law. —
<br /> r�� , , ��,. r, � As used in this paragmph 20,"Hazardous Subswncc�'pre those subs6vxes def7ned as toxic or hazardous substances by _c�
<br /> ° ,, ° .. Environmemal Law and the following substunceti: gusoline.kcrosene, Wher flammable or toxic petroleum produc4c.toxic __
<br /> '".�'�--�— �����`y- � • � p esticides wid herbicides,volalile solvents,materials conwining uxbestox or formuldehyde, and rndioactive materiuls. As
<br /> ��;::
<br /> -'��` �'�' � use�i in�his�wragruph 20,"Environmental Law"meuns federul luws and Inws of the ju�isdiction where the Property ia locwted -
<br /> �"'t "'"`"""'""'�`=�"' ��'� thwl r+clete ta heulth.sufet or environmental rotcction.
<br /> � • ;,.,, .._*'• Y P
<br />,;:�.`�;,;'i_ ' �� r�'' °i NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borcowcr and Lender farther covcnunt and ugme As folluws:
<br /> :;�y;,�;,; ,� .. ' ' 21. Acceleration; Remedi�w. I.ender shwll give nMice to Borrowe�prior to Acceleration following Borrower's
<br /> :';•,��,' ���•=�"" � 6rewcb ot any covenAnt or agreemenl in this Secudty Instrument lbut not prior lo acceleration under pua�rapb 17
<br /> ' _ •-a.ti ��.�. uoless opplk�able law provWes otherwtse6 The nWice shall speclfy: lu)the default;lb1 the acNon required to cure the -._:
<br />���,�%�''T' � •'� ` def�uU; (c1 a date.not lec.4 thun 30 days from the date Ihe notice is glve�to i3orrower.by which the deiAnit must be _
<br /> �,•,, �_:-
<br />� i`:4"�;�. " ��: �: •'�'� cured;and ld)that failure to cure the default an ur betore the date specified in the notke may result in accelerntOan of °�_
<br /> i';.. �.' • :� '.'�'�;_^,
<br />�''+i� , � �,• ;'._•,~�,:,' . �,! the Ruais secured b this Securit Inslrument and sale of the Properly. The notice shall further inform Borrower of �g;�ti;�-
<br /> �,i:s; ., i.;. rr. .. Y Y _
<br /> .;,,t".. `�. r4'��s� 'r�'�` : ���' the right to reinstAte aRer accelerntion and the right to brin�a court action to assert the non-existence of A def�ult or
<br /> •;'i;;:;;,,•, ,,,, �=',:
<br /> !�%::f:��fi::�,��r.: .",;�..' any alher defense oP Borrower lo acceleration and cale. If the detuult is not cured on or bei'ore the dAte specffied in �yti..
<br /> � •'�`i'����'�� � • the nWice�I.ender At its oplion may require immediate puyment in full of All sums secured by this Se��urity toslrument
<br />,;;,.;, Y•�•!i�•�"!c`�'�� "�-�,!';� withart further demand And moy invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by �pplics�ble Ipw. --
<br /> ��•.��`i�',`����•t� I.ender shall be entitled to wllect all expense� incurred in pu�suing the remedies provided in thts paragraph 21,
<br /> t�„�'� ;:,.
<br /> • h � • • „ - including,but not limited to.reasuns�ble altorneys'Pees and c+►sts uf tltle evidence. _
<br /> .� . If tl�e power of sale is invoked.'Iruslee shs�ll rrcord a nutice uf default in euch county in which any part oP the
<br /> ;�;�'}i'� M properly is located and shall maQ copie+oP xuch notice In the manner prescribed by upplles�ble law to Borrower end to _
<br /> �•;'!'!i��'` -. , the dher p Y PP 4 Y PP R P
<br /> .a���,��.•� persons rescribed b u Ucuble IAw. Af'ter the time re ulred b a licable law.'Irustee shall ive ublic
<br /> - �� .. <-;t° , • • notice of�le to Ihe persons and In the m�nner prescribed by upplicable luw. 7lrastee.without demand on Borruwer�
<br /> �'t"���" '� " � shall sell the Propertv at public Auctlon to the hiRhetit bidder at the time und place and under Ihe termc designated in
<br /> _,,s,...�.i �� . •� -
<br /> �:.�;;,..•,• '' • • . ,,;"''+ Ihe natice oP sale in one or more parcels And in any order 7lrurtee determine�. 7Yustee may pnstpone sale oP All or any R
<br /> .'•`��+;'•°�`� •'.";�t`��;''" pprcel of the Property by public announcement ut the tfine and place uP Any prevlously schedukd s�le. l.ender or its
<br /> ';{�_';_:,,., , ,}
<br /> �%':�4j�;;''�••'��.,�• designec may purchase ihe Property at any sale.
<br /> °,.�r,;,�t:,. t
<br /> � ���?�� Upon receipt of}wyment uP the p�kr bid.'I�u�tee shull deliver to Ihe purchntier'IY�utitee's deed ranveying the ,.
<br /> ,:,1:;:�,�.•�
<br /> �;`',�'�' � Property. The recitals in the'[Yustec's deed shull be prlmu facie evidence of the truth of the slutemen�5 made therein.
<br /> •� ).�,;�.
<br /> .': •,. � 7Fustee slwll npply the prucceds of the wle in the Palluwin�order: lal to�II cnsl4 wnd expcoses of rxercLtiing the power _,- .
<br /> , •� u_--
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