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<br /> -� candemna�ion or�her tuking ai any part af'1hc Property,ur fur ranvayuncc in lieu of co�xlemnation.Arc hereby�c�i�ned w�d
<br /> �Il ba paid to Lcnder.
<br /> -- In the event oF u tatu) tuking of the PrapeRy. the pruceeds .rhsdl be upplied to thc r.umx secured by Ibix Security
<br /> Ingtrument,whelher or not Ihen due,with Any cxcess pnid�o Borrawer. In thc event of a panial tuking uf ihe{'roperty in
<br /> ,�� which the fair market volue of�he!'roperty immediutely bePore�he tuking iw eyual to or greuter thun the umount of the hums
<br /> secured by lhix Security Instrument immedintcly bciorc the lakiog.unles�Born►wer ,u�d Lendcr u�irerwiu:Lgre�in wriling.
<br /> � � ths sums secured by this Securiry Instnrment ahull be reduced by thc umount of the pmceedx multiplied by lhe Pollowfng _
<br /> � --___ „�';`�''� fraction: (a)the total simount of thc sums sccumJ imrnedia�ely hef�re the taking,divided by(bl the fair msuket vulue of the __
<br /> - --- Propeny immediatcly beforc the taking. Any balunce shall bc paid to Barrower. In the event of a partial taking of the
<br /> "- �''°'.�'�+�s Propeny in which �he fair murket value of'the Property immediutely b�fore Ihe taking is less than�he umount of the Rums
<br /> . �. ____i�ry;....
<br /> --�--�,�,,,,,,-m;;��_;."`,', secured immediutely before thc tplcing, unle�s Barrower and Lender othenvisc Agree in writing or unlex�upplicablc luw
<br /> —�----_�.�.�r" otherwir,e provides,the praceedv shall be apptiad lo the sums isecured by this Security Insirument whether ar not the sums zu+e
<br /> ::•,�� . .5,�:.�;�:a:.:Y��� then due.
<br /> ,w��,�^r,�� a.,,�y�.�� If the Property is ulwidaned by Bprtawer,ar if, after notice by Lendcr to Barrower that the condemnnr oi'ien to make
<br />----• P :��3LA�;��:���"'��'"��iy� Lende�a uthonied to oll ct u d a�.!�lhe�Vroceeds�nre`pondion Lither t�rehtorsnfon ar fre ra�eof��j�thr notn c or io�he
<br /> -=-=.;:.:.,«;,,�_��,� _ PPY P P P �P� Y
<br /> -�_=!"�"i,'`+`�"`,��: ' sums secured by�bix Security Instrument,whe�her or not then du@.
<br /> "'��+.'• '� � Unlesx Lander nnd Borrawer otherwixe agree in writin�.uny upplieution of praceedx�o principal shull not ex�end or
<br /> .."'r -'�t-�,_w•
<br /> - ="��`'`*�"y"- postpone Ihe due da�e�f'the mnnlhly puyments refcrrcd to in p:unga►ph� 1 und 2 or changc the um�wnt ot',uch puymentw.
<br /> '`'���-�'j�r-��-�`--=�_�`�� 1 L Borrower Not RelewRed: �orbearance By I.ender Not a Walver. Eatcnsinn of ihr limc for puymcnt nr
<br /> �'f'�`��?���',. mcxlificution of omimi�ution of Ihe�umw+ecumd by thlti Secu�ity Inx�nimem gn�nted by Lenckr t�►ony tiucre.xor in imercr�
<br /> - --- •a�.�,,s,��
<br /> �.t.4_ oY Harn�wcr tihull n�H operu�c�ii relcu�c �he liubflity of�he origfnul Borrowrr nr H.xrnwerK +ucces�oro in intcreri. cn �r
<br /> °- .k::_;o-.. _ i,. .
<br /> _ , ��. ,.�" �hull nnt hc rc��uired Io commcncr pr�xrcJinRti uguinsl uny tiu�rc.r�or in inlcn.l ur rcl'uk tu c�tcnd t�mr tar paymcm �+r ---
<br /> ' �,�.,`'. uthrnvi+c m�xlil�y umonii�u�iun of Ilu�um,kcurLJ by Ihih ticruril� Imlrumrnl by na,nn�►f uny dcrosmd mudr by ihr��ri�tinul ---
<br /> !~""��k:{ �`".� ' Hurrowcr�K HuRUwrr'+,uccc„urti in intcrc��. Any I.�rlmarunrc �y Leiukr in cxcrci+fng m�y right or rcmcJy.hull niN In n --.-
<br /> ��. � �.: ' � warvcr nf ur prrcludc�h.r�crciac al�imy nght�►r rrntcdy. _
<br /> ,� ��"�LA q�, IZ. �u��ce,a���nd A�xlgnx N�►;�nd:Jolnl pnd tieveral I.iubiNly:CaKiKnerK. The awrnun�r und ugrcenxm,�d'thi.
<br />__:•� .����.�: tircurily In��runknl+h:�ll bind •rnd Fxncli��hc tiucrc�ra�n und u�riKn��+I'Lcndcr un�l S��ROwur.+ubjrcl ui Ihr pruviyiom ul'
<br /> �;:h�i'�.-y.�r1°�•�+' .� purugruph 17. liurniwrr's r�►vcnum�:und uuncmcntw .hull h� Joint und .cvcrul. Any Borrowcr w•hu ar.ign.tbi, ScrurU�
<br /> 4— ' ' " � '�"`" Inr�rumcnt hut dnc.n��t exrcu�c tha Note: lul i+cu•.ri�ning ih i+Securily Intitrumrnt cxdy lo monguge,grunt unJ convey ihut
<br /> �� A�. . •, ' .. Borrower�intem,t in the Pro�rty undar�ha tcrmx of thi.Sccuri�y Imtrumem: lb)in not per.sonully obligated�o puy Ihe�um,
<br /> — �tk�:}.. ticcureJ by iM� Sccurity Instrumon�;und lr)ugrce.thut Lemk r und uny iuher Barrowcr may ugme�a extcnd,m�xlify,lorhrur
<br /> _�—_ .; �J�'�� ,-� ,... ur mukr nny uccommodutions wiih mgard to�hu tcrmti�I�thix Security Inxtrumern or Ih� Nae wi�hcwt Ihul B��rn►werk _
<br /> -=C_ . consent.
<br /> ---.�-=:�'ik�n�±�f+�.,_� 13. Loan Chur{�es. If�he I��un secured by this Securiry Inxtrument is �ubject to u law whirh sets muximum loan
<br />