*,���'��,,�((���•:i:('�., � .��`1•'�"',���44�r � r �f;'�/t.-f.�k`''�`�'1S'(:1� r S�i �Si -•r•n• � :�., �„ .;.; �nl�(�'tP(�iFe�"?-"{ `'`_�
<br /> � � Lt y I ' ��Ffc'r -�.. -'-�'-. '�'{ /�,�r�' , _ • ' ��`=� -
<br /> .�II"�(`.jR7�° _���1�'1�:� � 4L� ._�c••-s�y,, �rr�, r «r�u. ;'.i ,�._;4�':,.il�i=' - i.
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<br /> -����:���; , °��-- 3�;��'i�t
<br /> �-�' �_,�,:.�',� pe�icxis thal l.ender reyuircx. The inaurunce currier providing Ihe insurunce tihull Ix cho.r�n hy H��rrower huttlest ro l.enderk
<br /> -- -�,+° appravul which ahall not be unrcar;�onubly wi�hheld. if Borrowcr failx�o muintoin ruvc�uga dexribrd plwvo,l.c�der muy,re
<br /> r °+� Lender i�aption,oWAin coveruge to prolect Lender w rights in the Prapeny in uccards�ncc wi�h parngruph 7.
<br /> 'A '��. ,. pU insurance policics and renewula shall be ucceptpblc to Lendcr And sholl includc u�tandprd mongago cluuFC. Lcnder
<br /> ehall huve Ihe right to hald the policie.r•Lnd renewuls. If Lender reyuir�e�,Borruwcr+hull pn�mptly Kive u►Lcndrr ull reccipis
<br /> __ of paid prcmiums und rencwul natices. In thc cvcnt of loxs,Borrawcr shnU Qive prampt noticc to the in►urcut�'c+c�rrier wid `
<br /> �,. ,,��:;�a J w�•,•, ; Lender. l.ender may mnke proof uf losg if not made prampUy by Borrower.
<br /> -°*a---:- - Unless Lendrr wid Burzowc�uthcrwibc ugree in writing,insurnnce praceed��hall F+r npplied lo m�mrn�i�m or repair of�_
<br /> . .�,;�r,'.,,,.-
<br /> ' ;rY•S.a�:��..�,��'��� the Propeny damAged. if the restorntion or reps+ir is ernnomicelly fear•ible und LenderK security i+ mn lasaened. If �he
<br /> �-,:•.�'°',; : • restoradon or repni�i� not ecanomicully featiihle or Lenderk securi�y would 6e lessened. the inhur�►nce ptrxeeds shall be
<br /> ` •�;f-,.:.; applied to�he sums secured by this Securiry Instrument, whethar or nrn then due, with uny excesx pnid t�satrower. If
<br /> ,,u�_,�;�:�Y:+, ._ Borrower abandons �he PropeAy. or daes not unswer within 30 dAys u notice from Lender that the insurance carrier hn.�: __
<br /> _� �,, b� .. _ offered to settle u cluim,then Lender muy collect the insurun�e praceeds. Lende�muy use the proceedx t�rspair ar restore� _
<br /> -_-- ,.�;:••,�•�;• ° :t� thc propeny or to pay RumR secured by thi�Security lnatrument.whether or not then due. The 3tl•day perind will begin when
<br /> -_,__.�,;;�;��,•' .
<br /> • �'':+�it;�:;:;,: : .r,�C'�•'•� �he notice is given. r .°�_
<br /> �+ � �� . ��'��if:��.��;:;'z Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwise agree iq writing,any upplicutian af praceedti to principul�hall not extend or "�'�L
<br /> "-�,:����it�., • �t�; ',. r. i�;:�T----
<br /> ; ",L„ , ;,, 'a'e��r;;ii`v� postpone the due date of the monthly �aymenix referred to in paragraphs I and 2 ar changc thc amaunt of the paymentt. If =_-
<br /> ::=�'7�'``;���� � ' ``"4°��` , under ara �e h 21 �he Pro rt is ac uired b Lender, Eorrower!c ri hl ta an insun+nce licies and raceeds resultin �
<br /> „ , alk..,�,�•.,,.s•�t� P' � P Pe Y 8 Y R Y P� P R
<br />�T���"�``�':;��'Af1��'��S''�� from damo c.to�he Pra ny prior to the acquisition shall pas+w Lendcr to the extent of the sums u:cut�d by thix Secucity ��°'"_ —
<br /> '�t�`,r�,`.�''�;�':�,1+�'``j�r�,�il�tr Instrument Immediately pnor to the ucyuisilion. ----=_-- —
<br /> �•���f};<�f;(�;��:����iv;�=;�l;; '� 6. Occupancy� Preaervation. Mvi�tenance And Protection of th� Praperty; Borrawe�'s LoAn ApplicAtion; _
<br /> ���.�;`�,�;:.;`�•_��: .� l,easeholds. Borrower shall a:cupy,estnbli�h,und use the Propeny us Bormwerk principul residence wilbin sixty duys ufler
<br /> r., ...,,.• --_ -_-- --
<br />-"�' � •!'"'" " ' the execu�ian of thi+Security Instrument und xhull condnue w��ccupy the Propeny a�Borrower's principul re�idence or ut —
<br />'`;t' �`' � leaxt �ne yeur After the dule nf cx:cupunry, unler;s l.ender otherwixe ugrees in wri�ing, whlch can�nt hhull nat be ���_�_,
<br /> � unrca+onuhly wi�hheld,ar unletiti extenuu�ing circumti�anrrs exitit which urc ik:yand Hom�wer'x comml. Hortowcr xhull nnt
<br /> Jc,�trny.dumugc ur imprir�li�Pru�xrry.ull�►w thr Pru�xny�u dc�rri�irut�,nr cnmmi����a.ta un the Pro�xny. HnRnwcr tihull _ —
<br /> • ' , Ix in Jrfault it'uny G��f'efwn ucti�m�rr pnxecding,whether civil ur crhninul, i�hrgun Ihat in L.ender'.g�Kxl liii�h judgmen�
<br /> ' .° cuuld rerult in furlef�urc ul'thc Iku�xny nr n�hrrwiu mutrri�dly impuir �hr licn rruuh•�I hy� �iii. ticcuriry In+lruimn� or
<br /> - � a.. . Lrndcr ti.cru�i�y intcrc,�. Hurmwer muy cur�,uch u drluuU und nin.iutc.u,providcd in purugruph Itt.hy cuu.in�t thc urliun �:��'
<br />� •• � • . nr pnw�cdin�c�u Ix di,mifi.rd witN a rulinµUiu�. in Lcndcr:�;aKl linth�Ir��nninutiun,prerlu�kr li►rlci�um ul'�hc Nurrnwrr� �y�
<br /> o in�rre�t in�hr I'ru�xny��r uther n�ulrri�d impi�irnicnl ul �Ik licn crc+iicd by d�i� S�cumy In��rumrnl �K Lendcr: ,cruri�y i
<br /> . - inlcre+�. liurn�wrr .huU ul.0 Fx in �k�luuq if Norrowrr, during �hr luun uprlicuuon prncr,+, �uvc malvriully fnlw or
<br /> •��, inurcuru�c infumiidi�a�or rtu�rmrm.t��LrnJrr 1��r luiled lu pr�►viJe LrnJrr with s�ny ntutcriul Informu�ionl iu cannerlion wf�h _
<br /> �hc I�►un �vi�knrrd t+y �hc Nu�c, including. bw nut limi�cd �u. reprcun�utinn�c ru►xcming Borr�►wrr: �KCUpum:y nf ih�
<br /> - ' ."•..�' ..— !'rczpett3'a:��trincfpa! rc+i�lrncc. !!'�hi����cnrity Io�Irument i.un a Icu+rht�ld. Burn�wer s,huU cumply wi�h ull�he pn►visi�►s � � ;-:-_
<br /> '. � iH'thc Icux. If Nnrruwcr ucyuirc�.fec tiUc�o the Pnqkny.the Icu,rhold•rnd Ihr•f�IiAe shAl)not merge unlexs Lender agreex � -- - -•
<br /> . " �o�hc mcr�rr in wri�ing. �`'-"`r°"°
<br /> ��..._.-�__
<br /> ,: 7. ProtectWm uP I.ender's RiRhl.g In tbe P�operty. If Borr��wcr fuilx t��Exrti►rm the covenumr :uid ugreemems ��_,______
<br /> can�uinrJ in �biy Securi�y Inr�irumen�,or then is u IeFul pr�xreding that muy significxnUy uffcct Lender's rightx in �he �=`�.��,..,,-
<br /> " „ Pmpeny lyuch uti u prc�ceeding in bunkruptcy.probutc,for ronJemnution or forfoitur�ar t�►enforce luw�or regulntionxl.dx�n �_
<br />