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��.�:..:ri , �-� :'?);p`..ti 4 .�y�y � f� �t i' if, ' )1�. .. -.,_ . ..,.zsi <br /> ���5::i - �b ��!yt ��i�':..��i�.. � �f� � I,S;�/l�,.._ �_�.si.��-+�F��' _- <br /> �.�� •� .. . � � - - '" _ - �w.s+m.-s�. -r--._—"__. .�_.'- _. <br /> yi .� _ , <br /> ..,._. �..' . . . . .. ------- -- - _"^",{."m�l�e�3,�1fY.��, • I , .... <br /> � . .. . . ..�, " �--._-- - <br /> �,•p?�'1:'�Y+?�Sf'J�IF11.� <br /> . • : . . .�,, ,. . "" - <br /> .. . ., . .._.. <br /> _ .._..; �s .:.�� ' ' 10 ^ - _ - <br /> _--�--��� __ �:.-,� �1�1 - <br /> _--� �t�.a g�_ <br /> �3�1(Yt'�3��fE2�.'S'�L'��'. .' —— <br /> -'�"-'_�°"=`x�`,--�•"'�l applicable law may specify for reinstatemeny before sale of the Prope�ty pursuaot to eny power of sule conwined in thi� <br /> - ____ ____—� Secudty Inswment;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing this Securiry Insuumenc. Thase conditions ue that BoROwer. (a) <br /> ;,�,�„�,,� pays Lcnder�11 sums which then would be due under this Securiry lnsirument and thc Note as if no accelcration had <br /> �""' � ,, ~ occurted;(b)cures any default of any other covenants ar ag�+eemenls;(c)pays all csxpenses incurced in enforcing this 5ecurity <br /> x'_.�'..r.� �''`�.,.: <br /> �.`` instrument. including, but not limited to, reasonuble attomeys'iees;and(d)wkes such actfon ns Lender may�asonably <br /> �� 'r'��' � �'� require to assure that the lien of this Securiry Insqument,Lender's rightb M thc Property anJ Borrower�a obligudon to pay 1he _ <br /> `� �: ,,;,,�;.-,.,;;. ;.��; sums r+ecured by Ihis Ser.urily 1naUw��rul shail conQnue uncbenged. Upun reinstatement by Borrower. thi� Secud�y <br /> � ~ _ �,t Inswment and Uie obligations sccurcd hereby sfiull remain fully effective ag if no ecceleration had cxcurred. Howevcr,this , , ____ <br /> �. , '�� " �ight to reinslate shall not apply ln the cese of acceleration under paaigraph 17. <br /> ..%;r�x'�;.` • �,; 'I� 19. Ss�le ot Nate:Cdange of l.oao Setwicer. Ttic NWe or a partfal interest in the Note(tagether with Ihis Secu�ity _ <br /> !.`''S�Yi':;,•r,,':r�:����' �' <br /> —�•±�•--.`:'�;: ;. � ` ]nsaument)may be sold one cr more iimcs withaut prior notice to Borrawer. A sale may re,ult in n c.hangc in the entity <br /> -:.::.te;;�S�'-::,,� <br /> _���„f.��...j.,.: (known es the"I.oan Servicei')that collec�s monthly payments duc under�he Note und this Securi�y Instrument. There also -- <br /> may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated lo n sale of the Note. lf there is a chan8e of the Loan Servicer. <br /> • Borrower will be given writlen notice of tha chonge in uccordnnce with pmugruph 14 ubove and nppUcnble IAw. The noticc <br /> - - �— ��-� will state the name and uddress of the new I.oAn Servicer und the uddress ta which payments xhould t+e mude. Tiu:naice will ____ <br /> ��•�t�'''"X ulso conlain uny other infannution required by upplicuble luw. <br /> �-�`°�-�� 20. Hau�rdous Substw�ces. Borrowcr shull nat cuurx or pem�ii Ihc pn�ence,usr,dixpo,nl.�taage,or relcuse of arq <br /> - �,;,;�;��,'.�y:' -.��:_ Hazardaus Subxtances on or in the Propeny. Bortower zhull nat aln, nur uUow unyunc clse t�do,anything offccting the — <br /> _ - Propeny�hut is in vial�tinn of uny Envimnmental Luw. Thc prercdiog two ticntenrc.xhull nnt upply lu Ihc pnxnc:e, uu�,or <br /> -- .��_',��`'� � •�✓ ` xtorage on thc Property of small yuon�itie�of Huzardoua SubRluncex Uwt urc gencrully rerngniud Io be uppr�priatc to norm�l <br /> —_�,� n��►s�r.�,i�te� reridemial u�c�nnd to muintcnwue of�hc Praperly. <br /> -_-.�.., _ . Borrower�hall promptly give Lender written notice uf uny inveniigutfnn,cluim.demand,luwsui�or�Nhe�uc�iun by uny <br /> � � ' • govemrn�mnl or regulatary ugenry ur privale pany invulving the I'rop�:ny uad uny Har.urJuur Subytancc ar Gnvironmcntal � - <br /> �_;;,:.�;;:�:. �; Luw ut'which BoROwer has ucluul knuwledge. If Burrowcr Icums. or i,n��tified by uny govemmemul or regulutury � <br /> • + � authority,tha�uny removal or other�emediutiun of uny Huiurduux Substunce affecting the Propeny is necessury, Bcxrower <br /> '�'"" � ' ` shall prampUy takc nll nccc�sury mmcdial uctianti in urcurdnncc wi�h Environmentul Luw. <br /> ,�+� `� � • As used in thia parugrsiph 20,"Hazardaus Substunccs"�ua thotie xubsances dc�ned as taxic or huzurdous r�ubslances by <br /> rs <br /> Envimnmemul Luw and the follawing subswnces: gasaline,kerosene,olher Oummable or toxic pcuolaum praduct�.toxi¢ <br /> , ' � • pesticides sind herbicidcs, volatile solvents, materiuls containing ashe+ios or formuldehyde.7111(I Iil(IIOAClIVB I11p1617AIH. As <br /> ^ used in�his pamgrnph 20,"Enviranmental Luw"mcuns federnl IAwc und laws of the jurisdiction whoralhe Property is lareted <br /> � that relutc to heulth,sufety or environmcntal protection. <br /> �' � • � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender funhe�covenunt und Agree us fallowx: <br /> � �,.,,. � 21, Acceleration; Remedies. I.ender shall give nntice !o Borrower prlor to acceleraden following&rrrower's <br /> 'i t' breach of any covenant or ugreement in this Securlly[nstrureent Ibul nM p�ior to acceleratton under para�raph 17 <br /> :�'_.�.��._.�.__�==-�i---. <br /> - -- -:-.�:_--..-,. ualess applksblf!aw prov#d�x otherwLsel. The notice shall specify: lul the default;(b)Ihe actiow required to cure the =_ <br /> ' "�' "�••'• '' deiault;lc)a date.not les.c than i0 ds�ys from the date the notice is�iven to whicb the det'adt must be _ <br /> ".'•�;i,ti: �:. <br /> ';,;;;:�, , • ., cured;and ldl that failure to cure ihe default on or before the date specifled in the noUce muv result in accelernlion of <br /> �'"'°' • the sums secured by this Security lastrument and sale oi Ihe PPOperty The noNce sha0 further inform Borrower oF <br /> , thc riRht to reinslate after acceleratbn and Ihe riRht to brinR a caurt action to assert Ihe non•exlstence oP a default ar <br /> � y;j`; � ' any other dePense of Borrower to ucceleradon and sule. IP the defuull iS not cured on ar before Iho date speciiied Ip <br /> . the notice.l.ender at il.s option may require immedis►te puyment in full of ull sums secured by Ihis Security Inslrument <br /> �� . . withoul further demand and may invoke the pnwer of sale und any olher remedies permitted by applicoble luw. __ <br /> ' Lender shall be enNtled to collect all ezpenses incurred in punufng tbe remed�es provided in th�s para�raph 2l, �—_ <br /> ' ';�:`�: inrludin�.but nM limiled lu,rens�mable uttorne�•s'fees und cosis uf tilk e��idence. <br /> '• � IP the power oP sale is invoked,'Ilrustee shull record u nMice oP defeult in each caunty inµ�hich uny part of the <br /> �'' , � � Property is lucated and 4ha11 muN cupies oP�uch n�►tice in Ihe munner prescrfbed by upplicubk law to Borruwer and lo <br /> : �"�� �''� the other persons prescribed b�•upplicoble law. Af'ter the time required by upplicable law.Trestee shall give public n���`•�'4 <br /> � ��-�`�•r��,. . ootice of sule ro the persons und in the munner prescribed by upplicable lu��t 'IYustee.withuut demond un Borrower. ii�;��•_.-� <br /> , .',',,�;+�, ,;r <br /> • �:;�•;�r��,,� �,.;.;. , . shall sell the Propertv at public uuclion tu the hiRhawt bidder ut tbe time and place und under the terms de�ignAled in <br /> ,•,c'• the noNce of Sale in one or mure pArcels und in anp order'IYustre determines. 7Yustee may po�tpnne wle of�II or any <br /> ,�,:� -__...... <br /> �;t�� � � parcel oP the Prupertv bv public annuuncement ut Ihe time und place nf anv previouslv xcheduled!wle. Lend�r or its <br /> ���; <br /> � .� designee moy purchnse Ihe Pruperly at any sale. <br /> � Upon receipt oi'payment oP Ihe price bid.�I�ustce shull delh•er 1�the purchuser Tru�lee's deed cunveyinR the <br /> �.�` • . <br /> � � � PropeMy. The recifpls in the 7'rustee'v deed xhull Be prima facie eviden�e oP the truth��f the xtvlements mude therein. � <br /> � . �� � � � 71�ustee shall apply the proceedx of'the sale in the tollnw•ing�rder: lu)lo ull cucls and exprn�e+ uf rxercising�he power <br /> . �;,��,;� <br /> . , ' o . .. c,�;:.:��,::. <br /> �� . ,;:?- .�. <br /> .`'` ��w�l""a_ <br /> , . ��s�i..._ <br /> '1, . . . I���''`����� <br /> � �:�,�,.�; <br /> � �� <br /> �; <br /> , -•�, <br /> .�.�' Fi�rm;/1111 4�41) �p�er s�.�np��¢r�� <br /> z <br /> � � . <br /> � <br /> . �•' � _ -__1 <br />