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<br /> -______.,-��; condemnation or alher tuking af any purt of 1he Prc�pcny,or fnr conveyancc in lieu of'caiulemnalion,ur�c hereby wcsiQned and ____
<br /> _�� rhwll be paid to Lender.
<br /> _---' In �he event of u lotul tuking of the Propeny, the proceeda shull bc npplicd �a thc tiumw +ecured by �hiti Sccurity -
<br /> ----•---------�-==�i Instrumcnt, whether or not�hen due,with uny exccrx puiJ tu Borniwer. In�hc eveni nl'u paniul Inking uf�hc Pn►peny in
<br /> ���.�.� which the fair markct valuc oi'�he Property immedia�cly t+efore 1hc tuking i�cyuul lo ur�t�eatcr�hun�hc amuunt of�hc r�ums
<br /> -�--��!; securcd by thiw Securfly Instrumcnt immediutely before Ihc lukink,unle,s Born�wer und Lendrr otherwise ugrec in wri�ing.
<br /> �_����� Ihe sum.r•r�ecured by�hir:Security hix�rument shall he reduced By�he umoum of the prc�eed,mul�iplird by�he fiilb�wing
<br /> :.;,;�;,,A�;�,�,��_ frua:tiun: (u)tFu lu�al amount��f ihc aum�ticcured immediatcly tk.farc�hc taking,dividcd by(b)thc fuir marke�valur c+f the �- -�--�
<br /> Propeny immediu�ely before the tolcing. Any balunce shall 6e poid to Borrowc�. In thc event of u paniul takFng of the
<br /> ��:"'-"-`=='a; Properly in which the fair murket vulue of Ihe Propeny immediu�ely bcfbre Ihe�uking is les��hun 1hc umaum oF�h�wum+
<br /> '''� ��`-' ` ; secumd immediately before the mkin�, unless BoROwer and Lendrr rnherwiyc ugree in wri�ing ar unless opplicuble luw -
<br /> kt,5��`:-:.
<br /> ,r�:� ��k.� �4 i othenvise provides,the praeeds Khall be upplied ta�he sums r.ecured by thic Security Instrument whe�her or not the xums ure _
<br /> � � ''� •� • i then due. -
<br /> .� +i ,.�..� ��'. �
<br /> �•„i-�'�tY;�;�:�.� ff the Pmperty is ubandoned by Borruwer,ar if,aRar notice by l.�nder to BoROwer thut th�condemnor offerK to.muko =
<br /> ;��;�r f��='�;�t.�°:t:;a � � sui awarcl ur seule a cluim far dumages,Borruwer fails ta respond to Lendcr within 1Q da��ti uGur the dute the nalicc i.given.. _._- °--
<br />