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<br /> ����.�� perfods thal Lender requites, The insurance carrier providing�he Insurunce Khull 6e cho�en by Barruwer suhject�o Lenderk
<br /> - Approval which s�holl not be unreu�nubly wlthheld. If Oarrower fuilk to muintoin rovemge descritxd ubove, Lender m+�y.ut
<br /> ».,,.d,�,.,R��� L.enderk optian,abtain coveroge to protect Lender R rights in�he Propeny in accordance with puragr�ph 7.
<br /> ---- ' All insurance policies and renewula shull he acceptable ta Lender und:�hall include u stundurd mungage clauaa. Lender
<br /> -��' *-�'.��� •�- shall have Ihe right ta hold the policie.r und renewuin. If I.ender rryuires.Barrower shull prompUy give tu Lender a0 receiptw
<br /> ,;�.:� •°'��� '`� �_ of paid premiums and renewal noticex. In Ihe event�f Insr�,sorcower shull give prompt natice�o the insurcmce currier w�d
<br /> - ` L.endcr. Lender may muke proof of losc if nat mude promptly by Bormwer.
<br /> • ,�`ss�, v�; �i,:;
<br /> - ��-�-�=a��•-- Unlegs Lender and Bormwer ntlxrwise agree in wdtin�.insurunce proceeds�hull be applied la re+torution ur repair uf ---
<br /> ..-- - , _
<br /> . ,.- . _ ��-
<br /> . �+: thc Propeny damuged, if the resrornlion ar repuir is economirnity feusible und Lendcrk sccurily is n�l lesxncd. If thc
<br /> "�'f restor�Nion or repair is not economicully fensible or Lender�r �cecurity would be Iesxened, �he inxurunce proceeds Khull Ix
<br /> • • �f•!y-;�" �` "�` upplied to the xums secured by thia S�:curity InstNmeix, whether or na then duc, with uny exce�s puid to Bomower. If
<br /> _.;�, ;;,, ,
<br /> �''�,�`y�t�yw�:�,p•: .� Borrower abandans the Pruperty,or doea nat answcr within 30 duys a natice f'rom I..ender that the insu�nce cumer hag
<br /> �-��''^''•-�D". affered ta settle u claim,then Lender may colkct the insurunce proceedg. Lender muy uso the pruceeds to repair or resrore
<br /> - -<fi ;-...:1 �>:;_:..._
<br /> . •�.•�,.�.}. ... the Property ar to puy sums secured by this Security Insaument.wh�ther ar not then due. The 30-duy perfal will l+egin when
<br /> _ :;�".:�."•'",,.." ` du nouce Is given. -- --
<br /> : ..:;h�.,,..� Unle.gs Lender s�nd Borrower otherwisa agree in writing, uny applicati�m of proceeds w princip•rl nhull nat extend or
<br />____ ; ,<:���.•..,f poatpone the due du�e of the monthly pAyments refemed ta in paragraphs I and 2 or chunge the amaunt af�he payments. If +
<br /> - 4 '.. �"� ,., under paragruph 21 the Properly is acyuired by Lender,Barrower�right�o uny intiu�anre palicies and proceedy resulting __.
<br /> ... -�,�,.,,;.,;;�� , from damage la the Property priar to�he acquisitian shall pa.�s to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security �_�_
<br /> • � . Instrument immediatety priar la the ucqu�si�ion. �� _ _-__
<br /> ��,.,;,,,y;;;;��y,�:• `S,� 6, Occepaacy. Preservptian. Ms�inteiwnce and Protection of the P�operty; Borrower'x Loan Application; _ '
<br /> ��' ,_��•:� I.easehoWs. Batrowe�shall accupy,ectnblish,und use�he Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixry days after ° ,,., _
<br /> '.��:.;,�..,,:,.: .. . .
<br /> `r��c.�:;,;;.':._s,�.�„s. ,•'�- ' the executiun uf�his S�xurity Inslrunxnt and shall continuc ta occupy the Property as Borrower4 principa! trsidence for at ����-�- --
<br /> ��' least one yeur ufter the date of occupancy, unless Lender aherwise ugrces in writing, which consent shnll not be ';�..
<br /> , �,r`:�t�• unreaeonably withheld,ar unless eatenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Burrower's contraL Borrower shull not -,���,:;.
<br /> _i,.n ;,,,a;��;,.+,�cl,�},s;�;!".• destroy,damage or impair�he Property, ullow�he Propeny ta deteriorutc,or commit waste on the Prupeny. Borrower sh�ll • ,.,�,�.-
<br /> -:�. ��, r.�r,:_ �., be in defauU if an farFeiwne action ar raceedin ,whether civil or criminal,ie be un thut in Lender� ood fuith 'ud ment
<br /> ,,,. ;,. ' y P F � S J 8 ��:—
<br /> - +•`'�'����' could result in forfciture of the Property or athenvise materially impuir the lien rreated by this Securiry Instrument or �.,,�.�—
<br /> • � •��,�:,.�..:. -----.
<br /> ° ` `°^°•' ' Lender�recurity interest. Borrower muy cure such a defaul�and reinstute,ae provided in puragruph 18,by cuusing the action �`-.--
<br /> �'.:; ;�x..,.,,,. , � ..
<br /> • ,. ;•,,,,; , , ur prceeeding to be dismivxed wilh a ruling thnt, in 4ender�gaod fuith determination.prccludeti forfeiturc of the Borrower+ ��,-�;,
<br /> - . interest in the PropeRy or other material impairnient of the lien ereuted by this Security Instrument or Lender's security
<br /> '. �,� � intereu. Botrower 4hn11 III50 be in default if Borrower, durinF thc loun upplkntion process, gnve muteriully FAlse or __ --
<br /> ' • . inaccurute infarmation or statememh to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender with uny material informutio�)in connection wilh
<br /> - ' the loan evidenced by the Note, including, bu[ not limited to, repre+entutianc conceming Borrower's occupancy of the
<br /> Propeny as u principal re�idence. If this Security Inurument is un a leaxehold,Borrower shall romply with ull the provisions �=
<br /> , � ,�: � of the leosc. lf Borrower acyuiras tee utle to the!'ropeny,the leacehoid and the fee�itie shail not merge uniess Lender ogrees q,�Y;Y�,. -
<br /> :'�.' to the merger in writing. �'}"c ';:�;.:•:'
<br /> 7, protectlon ot I.ender's Rights In the Property. lf Borrower f�ils to perform the covenants nnd a�reements _-��`.;., ._,,,_
<br /> � �. contained in this Securily Instrument, or there is u Iegal proceedmg thut muy si�nificantly af'f'act Lender� rights in the V
<br /> Pmperty�such s�s u praceeding in bankruptcy,proha�e,for condemna�ian or furt'eiture or to enfa�ce luws or regulutionsl,then �'-'-"= '
<br /> Lender may da und pny for whatever is necessary to pmtert the vulue �►f thc Propeny und Lender i rights in the Propeny. �"` '�=`''�'�'`.` •__
<br /> . Lender s ui:�ions muy include paying any sums secumd hy a lien which ha.r priurity over this Security lnstrument,appeuring E ' "
<br /> ' in court,paying reasonuble•rttorneys'fecx and entering on the Propeny to ms�ke rcpuin. Although Lender muy�uke action —. � r
<br /> under this puragraph 7,l.ender docs not have ro do so. °---
<br /> • • � Any amount.r ditibursed by l.ender unekr this p:uagruph 7 tihull becumc udditional debt of Bortuu�er srcured by this .,.,-.x�,,i,�___
<br /> Securiry Ins�rument. Unless Born�wer and l.undcr agree a�othcr terms ui'puymcnt,these umounts shnll be;►r intare+t from the
<br /> date of disbursement nt the Nae rate and xhall tx payable,with intere�t,upim noticr from I..ender to Borruwer reyueating ��"•
<br /> ..�,, payrnent. �-'��:_
<br /> • � 8. Mottgaqe Inwranee. If Lenc3er required manguge inxurunrr a� a condition of mulcing tha loun necurBd by this ��t•�1°'�t'�-��
<br /> � • Securky Instmment, Bornnver shall p�y �he premiumx reyuired to ms�imuin the mungage in�unince in affact. If, fur vny ���-- ''�'"""-
<br /> �,..�.-__—�
<br /> � , . • reax�n, the m�nBnge insumnce cover�+ge reyuinJ hy LenJer lupxe. or ceaxes to t�e in effect. 8orrower nhul� pay the �. .�'_�° :.:
<br /> . .. ;�,_ • premiurns required to abtsin c:overugc sub.�untiully rquival�nt �o thr mongugr intiurunce prnviuusly in effect, ut u cost �;_,,,r.;�.�._'F'
<br /> substantially eyuivulent lo the cost to Borrower uf thc mungugc in.urunre previuu.ly in uffect,from un ultemute monRage ���=`�"
<br />...� � '':�.'�•(. �wrr�..,._--
<br /> '�°, '�• " insurar upproveJ by Lender. If sub�tuntiully cyuivalent mortgugr insuruncc covcra�c i.nut avuiluble.Bormwer shull pay to �==��.
<br /> • Lender cach monlh u wm eyuu) tu�me-twclflh��f the ycurly mortgugc in.uruncc pr�mium being puid by Borrower when the �����_„ _
<br /> in�urunce coveruge lapsed or ccuu�d to lx in eft'crt. Lrndcr will arcept,u+e and rrtain thr+c paymentx us a luss rexerve in lieu �Y�-1C•-�
<br /> . � of mongage insurunce. L.oss rescrvc paymcntr: muy no lonticr I+c rcyuiRd,m thc up�ion��f LenJer,if munguge insurunce �_
<br /> Le p� 4 P Y� pp Y b �-Y-•n-�K
<br /> "�;�,... covero e(in the umount und for Ihr riaJ that L.unJcr R uirr,l rowded b ►n in�urer a roved b Lender n•uin becomes �
<br /> ' ��''�'�' , avuiloblc und i+obtained.Borrow•cr,h�ll pay th�prcmium.r�yuirrd a�maintuin monguFe insurunrc in cffect,or to pmvide a �•+ �
<br /> �• • , loss reservc,until the myuircment formunguge insur.�nce end�in uccord:mcc N•ith w»�written agrrcmrnl ixtween Borrower � �r �"i''-�•
<br /> :::::..
<br /> ;u�d Lender or upplic�ble luw. �• .
<br /> 9. [nspeclion. Lendcr or its aErnt ma? makr na+unuhlc rnlrir.upun anJ in,Fxc�ian.ul�hr Pruperty. Lrnder xhall �;,•
<br /> � � give B��rn►wcr noticr at Ihr�inte ul i�r priur to on im�xriiun,�ritying rca,unuhlr cautic tiw thr in.�xcpun. i
<br /> ' IU. Condemnation. 7'he prureed.�,1'am�• uwurd ur claim li,r Jamage,.dirc�t ur con�ryurntiul.in runnrc�ion with vny !
<br /> , timglc Fannlu•.Fi�pniu�tac'Freddk�luc l'\IF'UR�t 11tiTRl'SIE\T- l nilivm t'���cnwin 4�90 �p��¢r?��/���a+gr.�i
<br /> �drat Wr+Hu•inc.e 1mn.IiK ■ •
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