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<br /> �pplic�bla law may �pecify for rcirutatemenq befon: wdc of tho Propcny pursuAm to oify�uwct of�wk conlAined i�Ihis
<br /> Socudly In�trament:or lb)entry of�jud�ment enforcin� Ihir 5ccurity Inatrumcnt. Thcuc cumlitions ue Ihat Bc�rrowe�: (A)
<br /> pqyti Lender dl �um� which then would bo dua under thi.r Securily instrument And Ihi: Note o� if no accelemtion had
<br /> accurred;lb)curew any dcfvult of�ny at�covenants or v�rcemenlx:lrl paYR oll eapensea imurred fn enf�rcing Ihis Secudty
<br /> __-.�.�:� Imttumenb includfng,but not limited ta,teasonoble AltameyK'feed; und Id) mk�'�e�uch aclion ax Lender may reuw�wbly
<br /> --- requite to�xure lha�thC lien ollhis Sccudty Instrumem,L.cndcrk�ighlx in Iha Pn�pcny und 8urrawcrk obliguliuo ta puy�he
<br /> - - � aum� zecur..d by thifi Security Instrument s�halt cantinue unehangrd. Upon �einstatement by Bom�w�r, �bix Cecurity ---
<br /> ��.��___�-_=� Inswment nnd the oMigaNnng+ecurcd hereby shell remain Pully effec�ive as if no acceleraliun had�rcu�red. Hawever,ihi� c _
<br /> --=-- _ �i�ht to reinstate shull not�pply in the cuse af acceler�tion under puagroph 17.
<br /> - °- --- 19. Sale at Note; Clw��e at I.own 3ervicer. Thc Note ar a paniol intercst in the NWe (�agether with this Secudty
<br /> ��u�,-�=-�=_ �netrumenl) rruy be sold one or more times wilhout prior naice ta Bartower. A Rule may result in u change in 1he entity
<br /> ---�-�°�-�-�. (Icnpwn a�the"L,oan Servlcer")thut collects monthlY paYmenta due under Ihe Note and this Secud�y Instrumen�. There olsa
<br /> -� ;� m�y be one or more changes oi 1he Loan Servlcer unrelated to n snle of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> ��"`.��� " Bomower wiU be givrn wrilten notice of the change in sccordnnce with purng�ph 14 nbove and upplicable IAw. The ndice �_
<br /> ,:�=�'c i.� wU1 state�he name and adMess of tha new L.oan Servicer and the address to which paymenls should be mude. The notice will i
<br /> ��^-���•��.' ulw contafn oay other infamwdon required by applicable law. -
<br /> h'�- �tY 20. H�rdoue 3ubstances. Barrower shall not cuuse or permit the presence,use.disposul,storuge,or releuse of any
<br /> ;,f Hazeuduus Subctances on or in�he Propeny. Bortower shall not do,nor allow s�nyone else to do. anything affecting the ___
<br /> , Property that ia in vidution oT any Envinunmental I.ew. 7'he preceding two sentences shall not npply to the presence,use,or
<br /> v u��;;'�� storage ou the Property of small quantities af Hazardous Su�es that are generally recogniud lo be appropriate to ncxmol --�
<br /> �°�------_=_°-� re9idential uses and to maintenance of the Properry. =
<br /> � a��"''�Y'-� Borrower ahall prornptly give Lender wrinen notice of any investigatian,cluim,demand,lawsuit ur other uction by uoy 6
<br /> govemmentai or regulatory agency or private party involving the PropeRy and uny Hazardous Subslance or F.nvironmental
<br /> t�,;yLhs�.;;►!•"'`; Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If 9ortower leams,or is notified by Any governmentul or regulptory =-__
<br /> _�;';�t���,��t�`t���'n" authodty,that any removul or dher remediation of any Hatardoux Substnnce uffecpng the Propedy is necessuy.Borrower ___
<br /> � -�:a/=;,�:;e•.:�,���, rhall promptly tuke ull necessury remedial actions in accordonce with Environmental l.Aw. —
<br /> "`•'�',�,,;�'��j;,5;s��y,t. As used In this purngraph 20,"Hazardous Substunces"ore those subctnnces defined as toxic or hazardous substances by �.�
<br /> - �• `-,�:r^'�� Environrnental[.aw wtd the follawing substnnces: gasoline,keroseae,other ilummable or�oxic petroleum proclucts, toxic
<br /> �^�'��"�= � pesticides and herbicideR,volatile solvenw. mnterinls containing asbestos or fomialdehyde,nnd rndiouctive muterials. As �:
<br /> --- �3�• '•'�•"'•='�:� used in this parugraph 20,"Environmen�al Law"me.�ns federal luws and luws af the juasdiction where the Properry is locuted �.
<br /> �.�k:'�T�' �qu ����� .. _—__—
<br /> -.,;,,,��".;�fy:,,` that telute to health.safety or environmental proteciion.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lendcr further covenant und agree as follows: (�•
<br /> ���������'s��'`�•"�t�:%;�,�.�••� 21. Accelerat(on; Remedies. I.ender shaM ive notfce lo Borrower rior to accek�ation following Borro�rer's
<br /> __-���.,�:,., ,.ar,.,: � P
<br /> —�cr:�r�x� 'x;s,�;,��.;. breach d any covenant or agreement in thls Security Instrument Ibut not prior to accelernlbn uade�pa�agraph 17
<br /> - '< ualess applicable law provides otderwise). The notice sball Rpecify: la)the dePAnit:tbl tpe Actian required to cure the
<br /> _� •-�F'� `T'�.�'tk:YyE;:�? default;lc�a date.nM k�than 30 days from Ihe date the notice is givea to 8orrowrr.8v �hkh ib�def�uii must!sc
<br />- �-�4��"''� ��';;t���`'°�;t�= cured;aad(d1 that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the noNee may result in accelerotiun of
<br />"'�.� ' '�'��.��°�A�� the sums secrred by lhis Security 1�.4trument and sale ot the Property. The natice sAaq iurther inform Borrower of
<br />-,r:� °, "''` the righf to reinsts�te atlter acceleration and the right to bring a courl aclbn to acsert the non�existence ot a deiault or
<br />-�;��, , •� �R �''1r any olher defense of I�arrower to Accelerat(on And snle. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in
<br /> -:.��� ° . ' the notice.Lender al its option may require immedi�te payment in fLll of all sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> =,��i . ' without furtAer demwnd And may invuke the power uf w�le und Any other remedies permitted by applkaWe law. -.-
<br /> . • s Lender shwll be enlltled to collect all expenses incurred in purcuin� the remedies provided in this para�aph 21.
<br /> -�^` �' .-�..•���- Mctuding,bul nol limited to.reysunAble atturneyg'fee,�and cosl.s oP litle evidence.
<br /> °'''� ' "``":.:,•"''�. o . !f Ihe pewer of sale Ix invoked.'Irustee shwU recard p notice ut dei's�ull in ench cuunty in wbkh uny p�rt uf the
<br /> ;��; . -� - • Property is lacated ond rhpll mail a�pies oP such notke in Ihe ms�nner presc�ibed by upplkable law tu Borruwer und to
<br />:;:�'• ^ '`�''' `'' f` the othe�persons prescribed by applicable IAw ARer the time required b,r•upplicable luw.7lrustee shall Ri�•r public
<br />_:;r;.`r� �,�. nMice of sale to the persons and In Ihe manner presc�ibed br applicable lux•. 'IYustee.without demn�d on Borrower,
<br />_-;�;=�' s6o11 sell the Property al public auction to Ihe Bi�Ghesl bidder ut the Iime vnd place and under the terms desiRnnted in �_
<br /> ` ''�� �� the notice of swle in one or more parcels and in any order'Ibustee determine!t. Trust�e mvy pastpone wte of uU or anv �
<br /> - parcel ot the Property by public s�nnouncement At the�ime and pluce ui�ny previou�ly scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br />- � desigaee may purchose the PropeMv s�t uny sale. -
<br /> -���� Upen receipt oP payment of t�e price bid.7lrustee shLll deli�•er to the purchuser Tru�tee's deed com�eying the
<br />-_,s„�� �. • :` Property. The recit�ls in Ihe 71ru�tee's deed shall be prima fucie evidence of the truth uf Ihe stutements made therein.
<br /> '•, ,,;':,.',. 7r'������+�PP����P�ut the w+le in Ilie following order: lul tu nll cwls su�d e�►pea�uf exercLtiia�the puwer „
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