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�,� {;-� '.�s•:%3:;''.�. • , i . .�;��;, ""'."'x•" .. ..� ;.�. ..... • .. :•�L';y?:n.�. <br /> i.�:_ <br /> •J C^ -.Si�.. .w+%ra)��� .s.. -.r_�r. '�'�:l�, ��L:'`"�'.S'�:-_^—°_ <br /> ---�. . - �4i -- <br /> � ..�.�— <br /> �....2.. ., •r:,.• <br /> • _.._. . ... <br /> �� . �„$,r� :`S" �,`IJ _ . -- - _ - .���.._ _.. --� <br /> J� <br /> - .. ���i��r�iw�ir���i. —-__ <br /> -.��- _. ' � A .. <br /> .._"K� ��� e: ti.�...—_ <br /> r ���VY� <br /> _._d_�n�,��.�� M. --- <br /> L� <br /> _—'_—. �Rir".eJ� <br /> �� <br /> - ,�.,9,,,,,� condemnution or�Nhcr lulcing oi�uny p:ut M'the Pn►PcAy.�K I�x r�u�vcywuc in Ifcu ul'c�Nxkm�nu�i��n,urc Ix�nby w.riync u <br /> ��� xhAll bc ps�id ta Lctwkr. <br /> ��.""`�"�;"� In ihe evem ��f u uxul IakinB uf iho Prupeny,thc pnkccdh .hull hc upplied w thc,umr McunJ by �hi� Scrurity <br /> �,��'�`Y"`�'u�Y � Ins�rumcnt.whc�her�►r n�N ihen duc. with ony exre�w{+uiJ 1��Bo�ruwcr. In thc rvcn�uf u p•rniul�ukiog uf�hr Pn+��ty in <br /> � �. �'�'8°' ••'�� which tlx fnir murkc�vulu� uf Ihe Pmpeny immediu�ely infurc�hc�aling i.ryuul���ur�t�ealcr�hun thc umount uf thc tium� <br /> � � � ' ;;,.,;' secured by ihis Secun�y In.wm�m immrdiu�cly F+cl'nre �hc wAmg,unle++H��rn�wcr unJ Lrndrr ulh��rwiu ugn�in writing. <br /> 1� ihe sumr�ccund hy ibir S�curity Instrumcnt �hull lx rcduced by thu umount nf Ilx pr�xc��d� muhipli�d hy 1lic fullowing <br /> �'"�-`'... """'"`�""'"• fr:ution: lal the total amuun��,f�hr+umv,ccurcd immedlmely ix�t��n�h�irlinµ,dlvidrd h}Ihi ihc t'air murkc�valar ut thr !_- ,_ <br /> „s. •..,. ,��4 • - <br /> , �;;.; Pn►perly immediutely Neforc thc�uking. Any balun�c vhull I+c puid t�► Bum�wrr. In ttce cvem ul i� punial iukmg ul the <br /> � s.'� ' Prapcny in which Ihe fuir rnurkc�vuluc uf�he Property immrdiu�aly t+efi►rc th��uking iti Ir�� thun�hr:unoun�ot'�hr+urti, _ <br /> c�'� �. ��;g;'=�'.� '.�., x:cun.�d immeJintcl tnfarc�he �aking. unlc.� Borniwcr•rnd Lcndcr whcrwix u�RC in wri�ing ur unlc,. uppliruhlc luw `- <br /> �:�•'t Y'..i,:'i�1� <br /> ,�.X�}�„�`�, a..�� utherwi�e pmvidex,lhe pnwcedx+hull I+e applicJ�o Ihe.umr:�ei:unJ by thi�:Sccurity In�trumant whetikr nr not Ihe.runix u�r _,� <br /> :,a3,�;.�.�... then due. — <br /> '' , � ' If ihe Property i*uh;ndoncd by Bnrrowrr,ur iL ufier no�icc by Lender to Bunowrr Ihui thr c�mdemnur offen u�muke <br /> �-�_ ������±.� .� un uw:�rd or xtdc u cluim for durnugcs.Burrowrr li�iln t��m��md�o Lcndrr wi�hin 311 duy.aflc�thc du�e�hc notire i�givcn, v _v <br /> . Lender ix uulhurir.eJ w rnl I��ct und apply thc pmcceds. u►i�s npliim,cithcr to mrtara�iun�K rrpair af It�e Pn,perty or to the _ <br /> �a� �� �.,;��.�. �.: sum�:�ecumd by thir�Security Inrtrumem,whcthcr urnut�hen dur. <br /> �,i��•..; <br /> • „ ,.� �-�. ;�. Unle+s Lender und B�mower�xhervvi.c agre� in writing, any applicuti�m ni'pnxccJ,tu principul �hull nrn exlcn or _ <br /> x��-a.,r.�-�;��"'•-' � p�tpa�e�he duc dnte ol'�hc m�nthly puymcmti rcfrned w in purrgr�phn 1�nd 2 ur rhun�r�he umouiu of.uch payments. <br /> '°'�r�-^ �� � 11. Borrowe� Not Released: kur6earance By Lendrr Not � V1i�iver. Gxtcmion of ihr dme far puymem �x <br /> - .. •ti•r...N.r�J�i.u,:. � - _� <br /> — .• •:�•;, '. • modbficatian of amoniza�ion of tha �umti se�:ut+ed by thix Security Inxlrumem grrnied hy Lender Io cu�y�ucceti,ar in�ntercst ��_ <br /> �- • �e ' of Borrawer ShAll na operule lo rolau+e the liabili�y i�f Ihe original BuR�►aer or Bormwerk tiucce.,on in interrst. Lender <br /> �'�'w���':?;�?r�;.;.�: shall not lx rcquircd to cnmmence praeedin�+uguin+t uny�ucces�r in interest ur rrt'u+e t�. erlend time 1'or paymem or _._ _. ._ <br /> —.-3.S.0 <br />=�--�-�K •�• �• • ��� • othenvise modify umonizatian of�hc sum�+ecured by Ihis 5ecurity Inrtnimen�by muron of any demund made hy the orig�nul — <br /> .' 'h'•' ' Borrower or Borrower+rucce�wn in intereu. Any forbenrsnxe by Lcnder in exerrising uny�ight or mmedy.hull not i+e a <br /> �._�. waiver uf or preclude�he excrc i.�oP any right��r n:medy. -- <br /> �^"`?�R'�'• l2. Successors and Ascigns Bound;JoiM wod Several I.iability;CasiRnen. Thc arvenants und aErcemcn�ti of�hi+ <br /> �'. <br />;�z�., �.: - Security Instrument�hull bind vnd hene�t the tiurresson and ussigns of Lcnder and Burmwer.+uhjrcl to�hc prrnision�uf <br /> ,��'��„'� Jr..;, ���,:, ; psuugruph 17. Borcowcrs crn•cnnnts und ugreemen��shull be jnint und severul. Any Borruwer w�ho co-.igm�hi� Securi�y <br />_ .1:v <br /> �,i �'�'-���•r• Instrument but dces not exccute Ihr Nixe: lal is ro-signing thi+Security Intitrument only to mortguge.grvnt anJ ranvcy 1 ut <br /> ^ �� •.�,�t��f;�,u; � g�R�wer's interest in the Prapeny under the�erniti of�his Securiry In+trument; lbl is not persunally ubligulyd to pay ihc sum� _ <br />"r;:� •- o • secured by thir Security In�aument:und(cl AFrecz ilwt Lencier und uny other BoROwrr muy ugrce to rxtend,nu�ify,forbrar �''` u- <br /> ,, . or make any uccomm�xluliona wilh rcgurtl to the termx ot'Ihiti Securily Intitrument or the Nae wi�hout that Burruwer: `.,�•J;_ <br />;';,'�, . cansenl. <br />.i%�r:_ :'�5t,�'}= .::_;%:_,__• 13. Loan Char�[es. If �he lo•rn ticrured hy thi+ Serurity In�trument is suMject to u luw which u�x muximum loan �. <br /> n .�.,�,,,,-_ _�______ <br /> ' ' , . �f;,;;�.;•,� churge.,and Ihut luw ix finally inte reled so�hat the intemst or rnher loun charge,coltecirJ ui iu Ire wU��i�al iii�ciiiiiCCi:i'Ni <br /> • • � . •i�,�'�;�;;.;<.. with thc lonn rxrecd�he permiued 11mi�s,thrn: la)uny such loun churgc shall he reduccd'ay the um�wnt neccss��ry to reducr <br /> • ,:��i,,,:�';!�:;���: ihe churge to the permitted limit:und lb1 uny wmr.ulRUdy colkrtcd from Born�wer which rxce.ded�xnniard limit.will t+e <br /> «��r�''`��•�±''�%'.' r�funded to Borrower. Lender muy rha�ti�lo muk�thi+nfund hy reJucing�he principal uwed under the Nate or by muking a <br /> ,�;�, . � .'.� <br /> ':�� � , direct payment to Borcoaer. If a ref'und reduces principul,the reduction will he Imatcd us a purtial ptrtpuyntenl without any � <br /> ' ��• prepuymcnl churge under thc Note. <br /> : ••,�,�,1, 14. Notice5. Any nolwc to Born►wcr provided far in �hi+Security Inntrument .hull hc �iven by delivering it ur by � <br /> + ' , .. • mailing i�by firs�clusx mui 1 unle.s applicuhlc luw royui n+u.e of uni�thcr methixi.7'he notice+hsdl lx�directed�u�he Pmpen� �.--s` <br /> • • Address or any other adJrrc. B�xruwer drtiignute� hy noticr t��Lcndrr. Any �xnice tu Lender shull t►e given by fir�t rluss __� <br />.� „ � i�,�, m•ril to Lender s udJres,,tuted h�min ur uny o�hrr aJJrc.+L�nder dc,i�nulc�by mnicc tu Borrower. Any natice providrd for _-___ <br /> " • � in thix Securiry Instrument +hnll tx dcrmcd to huve txen given lu Horcower or L.enJcr when Fivcn u� pr�►vided in thir �� <br /> :,��•. <br /> parogroph. <br /> •s�`,. IS. GoverninR•;Severubilffv. Thi+Su�ri�y�In.irument .hull Ix �ovemed by fcJer.�l law anJ �hc luw uf the <br />� • � jurisdiclion in which Ihc Properly i�:I�xrteJ. In Ih�event�hul uny provi�ion rr rluuxr ot'thi,Srcurity Inslrument or the Note <br /> runflicls with upplicublc law.,urh rnnflicl,hi►II not al'f eci othrr provi�iuns of th+,Scrurity In,trumcnt ur Ihe Notc which can � . <br /> ., he given et'1'crt without th�contlicting provi.ion. Tu this�nd ihe pn►visiun+ol'thi,Seruriry Imtrument und thr Note are .---�ti�,'_ <br />� " declured to hc�cveruhlr. �;'�;�'_'; <br />'~ { . . :.::.� ' !6. Borrowrr's Copy. Hurcowcr,h:dl hr givrn onc cunliirnicJ cupy�N'thc Nole anJ nf Ihi�5ecurit�•Inslrumenl. ;..o�,..;- <br /> :d. ; �',',:':;% �1��, <br /> •�i,,..::.' <br /> , 17. 7YnnsPer of the Pmpertv or a Beneficiul Interest in Borrower. If:►II or any purl ui thr Property or any intcrest in �r . <br />` ' ` ' ':•( it is sold or trun,trrrcd lar il' u benrficiul intcr�+l in BorcuNrr i..uld ur tran�IrrrrJ and Burrawrr i.nut u nalurul prrs�n) *�7���= <br /> ._�,.�.,.. .. <br /> �vithom L.endcr:prior written a�n.�m.Lrnder muy.:�t ih option.rryuinr immediatr paynxnl in fuU uf,��rurcd hy }�;., <br /> '�.=�'�'��'��n;. ? • thiz Sccurity Instrumcn�. f lowrvcr.thix uplion+hull n�i�he rxrrci�rd by Lendcr i(rxcrci�r i.pri�hibited by fedrrul law n�nf .:��r `: <br /> '_ f:���. : • thc dAte of�hiti Securiry In�lrunum. <br />. �,:.� . ., If Lrnder excn:i�c�thi+.�pti�m.Lendrr�h•rll�ivr H�rcrow�r n�itirc uf arcrl�rati�m. Tlk nuticc,hall pri►viJc u prriixl of <br />' , nut Ics,than�0 duy�frum dx Jutr thc nrnirr i+Jrlivcr�J��r m:ulrJ���ithin���hirh Hurrawer mu.�puy ull,ums ticrurrd by Ihi> ��. <br />' , �- Security In.lrument. If'Bun•u��rr fail. tu pay Ih�.c .um� prior tu �hr rxpiraiiim ��( Ihi,�riiKl. Lenikr muy invoke •rny • <br /> .. ., remrdics�xmiiucd by this Scrurity In+�rumem�+•ith��ut funhrr nuticr ur�I�mund un H�,rr�,��cr. �• <br /> ,. 18. Bnrrower's Righl tn Reinstutc. It'R��m�w�cr mrcu r�nain rondilian,. B�n•m��cr .hall h:w� Ihc ri�:h� t�� hu�•r <br /> ;: . enfunemem ni'thix Security In,trumrm di�ronunurd:+t am•�imr pri��r a�Ihc rarlirr��I: �al 5 dag.I�,r�urh��her�xri�xl a� ► <br /> timpl¢I�,und�••M'nanle�fua Prcddk�luc l 11F'IIN�t 1\�I Rl�IF.\1 l n+l�mn l���rn.m�. 4,411 �p,�e���„�����ter.� r.. <br /> • !+ � • f' , <br /> ,}: <br /> ,:i,,. �. <br /> - �i . <br /> -- ` . . . .. <br /> . ' <br /> � <br /> � . <br /> � <br /> � � <br />