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�����K�� . : �'� 1� `�:��; : <br /> --���..�..�.,.. ..,a.c . . � x.��.. irrl+r . � <br /> . x'i�iM.-:�caRY�'f�..a.:i�:i-L ' --...--- . . <br /> � . .}.2'i����Mi , _ ��.�._'r ... <br /> � � _. <br />-....._�� __ . -r �'_�_�-.�- .:: <br /> ��� - � �2- �.0��9� � <br /> "—'���'� periods that lx�dcr nyuircw. Thc inxuranre carrler providing the insuronce xhall bc clu�un by Barrowcr subj la Lender� <br /> °��"'�^�"°`��'��"'`�� upproval which tihull not be unrcasonably withheld. If Burrowcr fadr�a muinluin caveruge de.�crfbed ubove,Lendcr tnay.w <br /> ,,,�,,. Lender ic aption,ohtain covcrugc to protect l.ender's rights in the Praperty in accordance wllh parograph 7. <br /> ��., �- ';: All insumnce policies und renewulg Rhall be acccptablc�o Lender and shall include a xwmdsud murtgogc clauu. L.¢nder <br /> �� " ° ' -* �• shall hnvc Ih�right tu hold the policies�xi renewalx. If l.ender requires.Borrower shall prornptly give to l.endcr all receipts <br /> '�' .~ �•���y of paid premiums und rrnewul naices. In the event of loxs,Borrower Khall give prompt natice to tf►o in�+urance cairrier wd — <br /> � ` Lendcr. Lcnder muy makc proof af lovx if not mude m U b Burrawer. � <br /> . . • .n Pro P Y Y <br /> �'��;'�����-� Unlecv LcnJcr and Bartower otherwise ugree in writing,insur+uue ptaerda,hull be upplied Iv rc�wru�iun ur rep�ir of c_____ <br /> ;� ' c�:•�• �•< < �he propcny damag��d, if 1he restomtiun ur repuir ia ecunomicully fea.cible And Lenders aecudly is nut lessened. If the <br /> ..�: <br /> ,� rer:totutian ur nepair ia nat ccanamicully feasible or Lenderg ucuriry would be le+scned, thc insurance procceds shall 6e <br /> �".;;�N� �'�"���"� upplied to�he xumti �ecured by �hix Securily Instniment, whether or not thrn due. with uny excess paid to Borrower. If <br /> ..<;,.,...;,,�,.,�;,. Bortuwer abandunw ihe Property, ar does na answer within 30 duys u nwice from Lender that the insurance carrier has ___ <br /> ,� ,;� .:,-, offered ta�etde u cluim.�hen Lender muy collect the inaurance pmceedx. Lender muy use the pmceeds to�+epair or restoro <br /> � � .�`�,,. . � , thc Pmpeny ar ta pay sums secur+ed by thls�Seruri�y Inatrument,whether o�nat Ihen due. The 30-day periad will begin whrn <br /> --_ .�. . �he notice ia given. <br /> ,•.��,�. . ,� , �_ _._ <br /> .,, ,k�,,,.._ Unlesg Lender and Borrawer a�henvi,e ugrce in writing, uny upplica�ian af proceeds to principal shnll not extend or <br />-- .;_t., , poatpone the due date of the monthly payrnentz mferred to in parngruphs 1 und 2 or change the wnaunt of�he payments. If <br /> _.�. ° • un�ler parograph 21 the Propeny ix ocquired by Lender. B��rrower. right to uny insurance pc►licies und proceeds rcsulting <br /> ,�i►�.,.a_...,,�x�i�; � from damage to the Prapeny p�ior ro the�►cyuisition shall p�.ss to l.ender to the eztent of the sums secu�ed by this Securiry _ <br /> -=� =�� ,<. In,iroment immediatcly prior to�hc uryuisition. --°�- - <br /> _,�;�� `;,; 4�•� �, 6. Occup�ncy, Preservqllon. Mwlnlenonce and Protection of the Prope�ty; Bon�ower's Lopn Applicatloni =-_ — <br /> - " ----""'"�"�`t'• I.enseholds. Bortower sholl occupy,eslublish,smd ure the Property uti Borrower s princip�l rexidence wilhin sisty days after -- --— <br /> ����'; ��=- -- - <br /> thr rxrculi�n�uf�I�i+Securlty Instrument und shall continuc to occupy the Property ax Borrower's principal trsidence for at <br /> least one year after the dute af occupuncy, unlexs Lender otherwixe ugrees in wri�ing, which consent xhall not be �__�- <br /> - unreasona6ly withheld,or unlesx extenuating circumtiluncex exist which are tmy�nd Borrower's control. Borrower ahall nat �:�ee;_ <br />: �� , : dextroy,dama�e or impuir�he Property,allow the Property ta deteriorute,or commit wusic on the Propeny. Borrower shall <br /> ,,;_ � ^ � be in default if any forfeitu�e actiun or proceeding,whether civil ar criminul,i+begun thal in Lendcrs good faith Judgment �:'.�,t;- <br /> , " � ^ could rcsult in forfeiture of �he Propeny or othenvixe muteriully impair the lien cres�ied by this Security Instrument or �.,,�.x, <br /> Lender's security interezt. BoROwer muy curc.uch u Jefuult und reinstate,us pravided in parugraph 1 S,by caucing the uction �.�.�ai�. <br />_ . or pruceeding�o be disrnisse�l wilh a rulin�z thut,in Lender y good fuith dctermination,precludes(orfeirore af the Borrowerk „a�r <br />._ ''.',.'�_- <br /> interest in Ihe Propeny or other muterinl impuitment of the lien crcu�ed by this Securiry Instrument or Lender4 sewrity <br /> '• •- _ . intcrect. Bormwer shall sd.� he in defuuh if Bormwer, during the loun upplicutian process, guve muterially fnlsc ar ��'�'�� <br /> ' " ' � inaccurate informution ar slutements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any material informution)in connection with �"� <br /> '" ' ' the loun evidenced by �he Nae, including,but nat limited to, reprexentutions concerning BaROwert occupancy of the �i;�3=.v <br /> . ., <br /> `w,�,;,; property ae a principul residence. If thix Security Instrument i,on a Ienschol�i,Rnrrowcr shall comply with ull the provisi�nc �r';r-�;>L'•.`' <br /> „ _ r _ <br /> ° ` _ �i of the leu�e. If Borrower ucywreti(ee�itie to ihe Propeny,�he ieasehoid nnd�ne fee[itie sh�ii not mergc uniess Lender agrees --'- `- <br /> �j y to the merger in writinb. -- .-.--_ <br /> � 7. Protectton of I.ender'R Rigbls in the Pruperty. If Borrowcr fuils w prrfbrm �he covenan�� and agreements �-�=— <br /> � � ' cantained in this Security Instrument, or there i, u le�ul pnxeeJing that may tiignificundy affect Lender's rights in the ��m� �_ <br /> • Propeny Isuch us u pra:eeding in bankruptcy,pn►liu�e,fur condemnution ar forfeiture ur to enfarce luw.r•or regulations),then �`"'''� <br /> Lender mny do unJ puy for whatcver is nerescury to protect Ihe vnlue of'ihe Propeny vnd Lender's rights in the Property. ---- <br /> Lender's aclions muy include puying:uiy�ums aecureJ by u lien which hu�prioriry over this Security Instrument,appearing '^'�'�-' <br /> �' � in couR,paying reasonuble uttorneys'fecti und en[cring on the Proprrty to mvke repairs.Although Lender may tul:e uction 1n`1'"-�_^�-_— <br /> r.�� � � under this pamgroph 7,Lcndcr dck.not havc�o Jo so. a�+ig.3qy,�-� <br /> , Any umounts disbuncd by Lrnder under thi. p;u�agruph 7.hull Ikcumr udditianal debt uf Borrower secured by this '�" <br /> ��•--°"-- <br /> • Security Inxtrumenl. Unles+Borrowrr and Lrnder agn�to o�hcr�enm i►1'p•rymem,the,r:unounts shall bear interetit Prom the �'`'•'�`��''�-- <br /> date of dixbursement ut Ihe Note ratr uml zhall be puyahle, with intemst,upon nuticc t'ram LenJer to Borrower myuesling �•�.`-��:s.'�� <br /> puymeut. :�:c;�, <br /> ��� • . 8. Mortgaqe InsurAnce. If l.ende�reyuired mongage inxuraucc a.a condition �d muking the loan,ecured hy thiti -- -- <br /> ., Security Instrument, Borcower.hull puy the premium. reyuireJ k► mainluin the m�mguge insurunce in effect. If, for�ny r����'� <br /> reuson, the mortguge insuronce coceruge reyuir¢J by Lender cir rrusr, to he in effect, Burrower shull pay the ..•.•.�,•: <br /> premiums reyuired to obt•rin coverage .ubsi;m�iully cyuivalent �o �he mungagr in+urance previously in effert, at t�cust � ,"���_ <br /> , subrtantially eyuivalent 10 Ihc co+t lo Borrowcr ut�thr morlgagc in.urunce previouxly in rftert,from un ulternute mongage '_ <br /> ";. ' ' insurer uppmved by Lendec If+ubs�untially cquival��nt mm�guEc in�uruncc r�n-eragc i. nni av:+iluble.Borrnwer shull puy to ..�N�w�-�;'m <br /> � � Lender euch month u sum cqual to onc-twrlfih uf th�yrarly mortgugr inwrancc prcmium hcing puid by Bonower when the , ',_,'�'�'�:.�' <br /> ',•,.:;,,;,:: <br /> � insurance covemgc IapscJ or ceuud tu lx in efterl. LenJcr will uccepl,u.r anJ rctuin Ihr.e�aymcnts us u lu.s reserve in lieu ' � "'�� <br /> ".,'='----- <br /> . . ' , of monguge inxurum:e. Loxx rc.ervc payment�muy nu k►ngrr ik rcyuircJ,ut �hr uptian�►f Lrnder,if nwrtgagr insurance . - : <br />. • coverage(fn the umnunt und i'or the period that Lender rcyuircsl provided hy an in,urcr upproved h�•Lrnder uguin Ix:comes <br /> � , nvuilable und ir oblaineJ.Borrow�r�hull�ay the prrmium�rryuired tu maimuin mun�u�;r in.ur;mcr in ct'fert,or to pmvide u <br /> lo�s rescrve,until thc myuirrment for murtguge inxuruncc arrord�nce with •rny�vntten ugrer�mnt tktwcrn Burrower � <br /> , „ und Lendcr ar applirublc luw. � <br /> 9. Inspecliun. LrnJrr ur il.agcnt may make rra,unnhlr�nair+u�xm:uiJ in.�xrtiu��.ut'ihe Prap�ny. LenJer�hall �: <br /> give Borr�iwrr notice at thr timr uf or pri��r tu an in.�kr�iun,�xcif��ing rra�onablr rau�e t'ur the im�xr�i��n. ` • <br /> ; 10. Condemnaliun. Thc puxeed.uf an�•:��s:�rJ ur rlaun li�r Jam:�gr,.Jinrl ur runx runnectiuit with any <br /> Xmglc Prmdy..Faonle�lue/Freddfe�tuc l\IFIIR�t l\tifRl�1t:\'1'..l ndnnn(l,�rnann 4�9D i�n��r+,d•�i��ir,� <br />� � ,_ ' ��rcal Huaa+,fonn..Iw � . <br /> fu IhNV lall. IAID53aN.'1D8 l'FAt 61147RI�1 I71 � <br /> .�i 1 <br /> :�. ' <br /> . , <br /> � —-,- _ :r-��; - . <br /> . ' <br /> . � <br /> � <br /> �� �- - — -- - - — - <br />