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-=�x -- --- -�-`-- „-'_'='_� °:„_'-��:,;r._�� . _ .—._.. �i•:Sxr�z: —. <br /> ..��`a - �:v�rr� �,��!----�-�- --:. <br /> ,.�PG� 4 - <br />��� .� R -- --�� .r.-��.,,n,,,W�,�ic��.� • �. <br /> . .-rt�r��..,. <br /> _ �,.A- <br /> _:..�.�i� -- -- - --- -�-- - -- - -�- - .-- - <br /> - �--�------ _-- ' 9C- �Q�g:� --- <br /> sppllcable law may�pecify for rcinsiwamcnt)beforc snle of the Property pursuunt to any power of uak cont�ined in�hir <br /> � � -- Serurity Instrument;or(b)entry of p judgnient enforcing thfs Security insuument. Thoce conditions sur thet Borrower. (a) <br /> _- p�y� L.ender�II sums which ttkn would be duc under this Security lostrument and the Notc as if no arceleration had <br /> �—� accurted;(b)cures any default of+uty aher covenants or agRements;(c)pays all expensea incumed in enforcing this 3ecudty <br /> „�:-- Instrurnent, inclwling. but not Iimited to.reasonable anomcys'ices;and(d)takes such act�on�.s L.ender may rcasonrbly - <br /> ____ requirc ta assurc that the Iten of lhis Secudty Instrumenl.Lender�i rights in the Property and Barowcr's obllgation�o pay the <br /> — sumr sxured by �hia Security Instrumont sh�li cominue unchunged. U�oon reinatelement by Bortower, this Security <br /> ��:� <br /> : _--�::n---- �--� Instrument an+f thr++t+l#gatioac�s!�ct+rrd h�rchy�hnll remnin fully effective aa if nn rMrelc►ation hod nccutred. Howcver,ihi� �_ <br /> ' _ ri�ht to reinsu�te shall nat apply in the case of acceleratio�under paragraph 17. — <br /> .�':� 19. 4irle ot Note;Chanae ot I.oaa Servker. Tha Nota or a parti�l imerest in the Noce(together with this Security <br /> �� Tnsaurnent) may bc sold ona ar m�rc times wllhout prior natice to Borrower. A sal�may�csult in A change in thc enti►y <br /> ��M.�' (Imown u the°Loan Servicer")�hnt collects manthly payments due under Ihe Note and�his Secu�iry Insdument. There also <br /> ���' ` � moy be one or more changes af the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sala of Ute Note. If there is u chwige of the Loan Servicer, ___ <br /> ,�r,��`�'.��+ ; � <br /> ,,,�,.,�„ .. Bortower will be given written notice of the change in accordance with puagrnph 14 above nnd applicable law. The notice <br /> ����_;N will state the name und addrecs af the new Loan Servicer anJ�he address to which payments shauld be mad�. The notice will <br /> '`""�'`"=`=11-`��= � also contain any other fnformalion required by applicable law. � <br /> "�"�"°'='i�.'��'�� 20. 1{nmrdous SubsUmces. Borrower xhall not cAUSC or permit tho presence,use,disposal,siorage.or release of any <br /> _��,-,.�,:• —. <br /> C.��i Hnzardous Subswncec on or in�he Property. Bortower shal! not da, nor Allow anyone else to do, Anything affecting th� _ <br /> �;���-�:;� Ptoperty that is in violetioa of eny Environmental Law. The preceding two r.entences shall not apply to�he presence.use,or � <br /> _� �.�_n,�e� storagr o��the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substu�ces that tue generally recognized to Ne appropriate to nomia! <br /> '"�'��,�.�; residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. ��� <br /> —�;n;��F� Bmrower shall promptly give Lender wrilten natice of any investigation,claim,demuad,lawsuit or other uction by any � <br /> -�� ,;��r.�;�:q goveaunental ur regulatory agency or private parry involving thc Properly and any Hazardous Substunce ar Emironmental __. <br /> "�� '��'��-•°� Law of which Borrower has uclual knawledge. If Borrower leams. or is notified by uny govemmenwl or rcgulntory —M- <br /> �;"`'' ��'' awhoriry,that any removal or other remediation of any Nazurdous Substance affecting the Properry is necessary.Borrower �'.` <br /> -=� ' . °•. .�' sNall pnxnptly tukC all necessary reniediai actions in accorduncu with Envirunmentul Luw. <br /> '--`•;:t,.'�;�1°�.�. .'. As used in this paregrnph 20, "Hozardous Substnnces"are those subswnces de6ned as tosic or hsizaardous tiubswnces by �-' <br /> —�..._ . " Environmental Luw and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, aher pnmmuBle or toxic petroleum producti, toxic _ <br /> °o;�, • pesticides and herbicides, volatile soivents, mnterials containing Asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materiuls. Ati =- <br /> —° h ' • used in�his paragraph 20,"Environmentul l.nw"meu�s federul laws and laws of thc jurisdiction whe�e the Property is located �..�,. <br /> ° � •:.-, _,�••'fi. • tNat relute to heulth,sAfcty or environmental protection. — <br /> — � ''�� ;"` ''�'• NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower nnd l.enckr further covenunt und ugree ati follows: � <br />_ • � •°�6 � Zl. Acceleratfon; Remedks. Lender shall give notice!o Borrower prior to acceleration Polbwing Borrower's __ <br /> --- � •� breach of apy coven�nt or agreement in this 5ecurlty Instrument lbul not prbr to Acceleration under paragraph 17 -- <br /> — �s„i;%,;*,;,,�;,.•,;�,:, unless applicable law provides Wherwise). The notice shwll specliy: la1 the deiault;lb!the Acdon reqoired to cure Ihe <br /> -���r F'��r:f•:F--=� -� defaults(c)w dqte�not less than 3U days�rom the date the eotice is given to Borrower,by which iiie deiAUii musi i� _ <br /> �'�� cured;and Id)thAt faflure lo cure the defuult on or before t6e date specified in the no[ice may�esuR in acceleration of <br />_:':�� ��"` . ' • the sums secured by thts Securlty Instrument And sale af the Property. The notice shall ferther inform Bor�ower of _ _ <br /> ;;; • the right to reinstate aRer Acceleralion and Ihe rip�ht to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a default or <br /> '',f' '�,�"' ' any otlier detense of Borrower to uccelerutbn and sale. If Ihe defaull is aot cured on or beFore the dote specifled in --- <br />-.•� ,,. .. , <br />; „ .�, tbe notice.Lender at iLc option inay require immediate payment in Pull of ull sums secured by this Security lastrument mc"' <br />'°';� • � without iurther demand and may invuke Ihe power of sale and any uther remedies permitted by appticable lew. <br />:,.,�.. .. <br /> -.Y , �� - I.ender slwM be entilled to coNect all expenst,w incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this pa�grs�ph 21. � <br /> including,bnt nut Umited to.reasonable atturneys'fees and cucts uP title evidence. <br />~1v�� ° .` A�.....-• [f the power of s�le ig imoked.7lrustee shall record a notice uP default in each cuunty in which any part of IBe _ <br /> _".>�•�. � Properly is located and shall mail copies uf sucb noUce ip the munne�prescribed by�pplicable law to Borrower and to ��° <br />_``:=� � 'f"'�`"""""`': •� the other persons prescribed by appNcable low. Aner the time requlred bv s�ppNcuble law.7lruslee sholl giti�e pubUc <br />_ ,".�''� `, '�•''' notice of�k to the persons and in the munner prescribed by applicuble Inw. 7lrustee.without demand on Borrower� <br /> � ' �� shall sell the Property�t public auctlun to the hiRhesl bidder at the time and place ond under the terms design�ted io ° <br /> - � 'V ,���'"``• • the notke of sale in one or mure parcels ond in anv order'I�uxiNC determines. 7lruslee may poslpone�le oP all u�any � <br />--_ . ;, parcel of the Property by public annnuncrment At Ihr time ond pl�ce af any prevlously ccheduled sale. Lender or its <br />_�"•��• ,::r;•„ . designee may purchase 1he Prope�ty ut anv sale. �- <br />-�.i��;i �'`�i;. " ,;;, Upon receipt of pAyment of the prire bid,7Yustee tihall deli�•er lu Ihe purchuxer 7Yustee's deed con�•eying the �,,;; <br />-'.:�.',� �� -i�;; Propertv The recllals in the'IYustee's deed tihull be primu tarie evidence of the truth of the stntemenRg mude therein. � <br />?,;.�.�'�• • " 7Fustee sh�N Apply the pruceeds uf the u�le M�the ioHuwinR�de�: lui to ull c�►stc and expenses uP exerdving Ihe power .. <br /> �,.. .. <br /> �1 . /i � <br />;�, ' _o <br />''' , , ��• <br />. �_,_, <br /> ' • :, Form JOtli 915N1 ��a�er S�•�n p�er.i �.' <br /> ,•5 ' <br /> . . �t • � <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> �, <br /> .-._�--.�-,_-�_ _ '.1.wy.FS,_c . . . .. . .. ... � . <br /> ..- . �r _. <br />. �J � , <br /> � � 1 <br /> . � <br /> � �. . -- - --- <br />