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�timc.�� .,t•�f. „ v � �ti.rY � iti�•.tt n �.,; . .t�: . -ti ..,�,., n .--, ____��r,r.« <br /> , . . . , ____ <br /> �.. ., � . .,. . ..' f" � <br /> �14�,�'i �1'.�'�"� �i;��� -+`�'1� t�+��`�" _ — <br /> { , � .. • • r __ <br /> . <br /> , - <br /> .,. <br /> _��g�:�� ti, � .� ,�._�...��..,.�.,:� ,r.� -�• .,. . � -1 �1 a�.r-- <br /> :a�E. ;- <br /> ��ji�s�. �C^sffitf�,'�E1�'�"� ,>. s�,. "" - - <br /> ..F'. 'T.__ "' . _ °_— .--. . " - <br /> �;�N 7 <br /> •.�� � f . ,. .. ... _'- . _ --__ <br /> �f� . �C <br /> i � ��..- <br /> � � , �.f ::�•�e' %a F , - - _-- - —_ ,�j``� —. <br /> .� ��'�4_ <br /> .�. _ . . ^- — <br /> `��_..:��_-,�u.�i �.4?�93 � -- -__ <br /> -__�,�..:_�� 9?- r= - <br /> .-�:��-��;���� <br /> - -- �'�� TOCi�TI-18R WITH all the improvomentK nnw ar t►creufter cr�wt�d�x�thu pr�ryx;ny.und ull curcrocmr,uppurtcnuacc.r. <br /> �'�`'"���f `'� rt All re IuremcMs and u�kliti�►ns xhull alsu be cavcred by this Seoudty <br /> --- �nd fixtures naw or hereAfter a purt af Uw prope y. p <br /> �--�——�-:.�^',��;;�+ Inwrument. All of the fongoing ix n:femed io in thix 5�rurity Inxlrument aK thc"1'ri�xrty." _ <br /> :���,•�-,�l..,�'�' <br /> �,�o�'Rt.°���•„'.` BORROWER COVENANTS ihs�l&arowar Is lawfully t.eir,ed uf the hcrchy cunvcycd mu1 huti Ihc right �o grant <br /> �':�.� " '•�, and convey the Propeny and�hut llx: PiupenY i�unencun�F+ered,except for encumbrancer of recurd. Bixrower wur�nta on�i <br /> �:�,_•��` will defend generally Ihc UAe a thc Pruperty n�uin�t pll rluimK und�kmundti,�ubjcr�1�any cncumlxunces oF record. W <br /> � '"°"` THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT combine� uniform covenanty Wr nuii�nul u+�: unJ nun-uniform rovenunis with <br /> . <br /> ,_��F�,�., - limited vartations by Jur�sdiction tac�n�itutc n unifurm n�wurity in�tru�uad cuveri��g rcaf pmperty. � -- - - <br /> i 'f� UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Burrower and Lcndot cnvonnnt und agme as i��lluwa: <br /> '"""" �'�T ' 1. Po y m e n l o f P r i n c i p w l a a d I n t e r e c t:1'r e p w ymenl�nd Late Chargee. Burrowcr shall pramplly pay when due the <br /> ,�".�.�����t,: <br /> � __,�.�,.��.�i•.. � princi I of ond interest on the debt evidenced by tha Nola und uny prep•ryment nnd late churges due under the Nae. <br /> 5„�, : ,: ;��...•� � F�nds tor'�xes pnd Insu�aace. Subj�ct tu nppflcuble law ar to o wdtten wuiver by Lender.Horrower shall puy to <br /> :,";s,_. „• ,� ' Lender an ihe duy monthly payments are dua under the Note,until the Note is puid in full,a sum("Fund+") fur:(a1 yearly <br /> -""� �°' °� taxes and assessments which muy uluin priority over this Security Instrument as n lien an the 1'ropeny:lb1 ycnrly IeasehoW <br />_�: . __ . . .: .: _. - -- <br />=__ � . • , �. payments or ground rents on the Pruperty, if uny: (c) yeArly hnzard or property inrun►nce prcmium,: (d) yeurly fl — <br /> ' insurance premiums, if any: (a) yearly mortguge inqurAnce premiums. ii ony; und (�nny .um� payuble by Borrower to <br /> �?� . '. �� �� L.ender,in accordonce with the plov�tiiunr:of psuagrnph 8,in lieu of the payment af mongage insurunce premiums. These _ <br />�� ;' ��'w�..,.%�s�..�� °"��" items aro callecl"Esc�row Itoms." Lrnder may.nt any time,collect und hnW Funds in an amount not ta eac�:ed Ihe maximum <br />��� . � amaun�a lender far a fedesally talatad mongaga lonn may rr.�uire for Borrowe�k escrow accaunt under�he feciernl Real � <br /> �,,,� .,, Estat�a Senlemenl Provedums A�ct uf 1974 us amanded from time to time,l2 U.S.C.§2601 er seq.("RBSPA").unless another —= <br /> " .:�., . - � law that applias to•th��unds seta a les.�er gmount. If so,Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in un umount not to `._,�- <br /> �� '�` � � ' eaceed the I�i�r umoum. Lendar may estimute the amount of Fund4 duc on the basis of curnent dara and reasonnble _ _ __ <br /> �� :;n•,.�,',, ; ',0..�r`' estimates af expe�tdiluros M'fwuttt Evcrow Items or otherwise in accordunce with applicAble law. � - <br />``� �,Y':w�� , �: ,. "r, TIKS Flmds shall be herld in an inuitudon whose deposits arc insured by a federnl agency, instrumentulity, or sn�iry �_;� <br /> � �� (including Lender,if L�nder is such c+nintiti�ution)ar in any Federal Hnme I.onn Bank. Lender sball apply the Funds to pAy i a___ <br /> _ ` � the Escrow Items. Lendar muy not charge BoROwer for holding and upplying the Funds,annually anuly�ing ihe escrow �,-�.�„_ <br /> ��� account, or veriFying tha Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower int�rest on the Funds and applicable low permits <br /> �.•' `�,:,;�: �,�. Lender to muke xuah u charg�. Howe�er.L.ender mny reyuire Borrower�o pay u one-time charge for an independent real �:.r�i�,�;�: <br /> f��� � � estate wx reparting�servico uced by Lender in connection with this loan,unless applicubla law provides otherwise. Unless an � <br />�"�• ^ agteement is mada or applicable law requires interest to be aid,Lcnder shull not he required to pay Borrower any intercsl or � <br /> .• eamings on tha Funds. Borrower end L.ender may agrec in wri�ing,howcver.thut interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender �_� <br /> � ,. •� .� ' shall give to Borrower, without charge,an annual uccounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits ro the Funds and the ��=-`— <br />� .�• , . '•.,����: purpose for which each debit to the Fundti wus made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by — _ <br />- , �r� �':�' thfa Security Instrument. <br />- � `:�'�"'"�'"'?"-.1� If the Funds hold by Lender exceed the amounls pern�ittrd ia tx hcld by applicable la�s�, Lend�r sha!! e�rn��n� t� -_- _ <br /> �..,.�;, �� ' Borrower for the excess Funds in accad�oce with the requirements of upplicable law. If the nmount of the Funds held by �.-- <br /> ' . Lender at any time is na sufflcient to pay the Escraw I�ems when due,Lender muy �o notify Bormwer in wriling,and,in <br /> � � � such case Borrower shnll puy to Lender Ihe s►muunt necessary to muke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the _ <br /> , � deficiency in no more than twelve moMhly puyments,at Lender's sole discretian. ��' <br /> -�.-�,;..; <br /> �, <br /> Upon payment in fuU oi ull sums secured by this Security lnstrumem, Lender shull promp[ly refund t�Borrower uny °sa"'"' .: , <br /> � ��� ti Funds hel�i by Lendcr. IF,under parugruph 21,Lender shull acyuire or sell the Proper�y, Lender,prior to 1he acquisition or �.y-: - <br /> . . sale oi the Properry,shull apply any I'unds held by Lender nt the time uf ucquisition or sule s�.s a credit against the sums <br /> . • securedby Ihis Securiry Inxtrument, �'�'=��. <br /> 3. A IicatMn of Pa mepts. Unless u licable Inw rovides otherwisc, ull payments received by Lender under "��-- <br /> t � . : � suagraphs P and 2 shall be upplied: first, to any prepayment churgcs due under tlx Notc; second,to amounts payabk under ��.._-_ '"' <br /> P <br /> • pumgraph 2;third,to interest�ue;founh, to princ�pal due:und lust,to uny lute churges due under�he Notc. "_��_� <br /> ' , � 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shull pay all taxes, A4sessments,charges, fines and impositions auribula6le to the V��:��_2_- <br />• Propeny which mAy attain priority over thi�Security Inslrument,and leusehold paymenls or ground rents,if any. Borrower �'„',�,:,� <br /> shull pay these obligations in the munner providcd in parugraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on �''`'��r� <br /> nrr,--.-__ <br />� ° time directly to the person owed payment. Borrawcr shall prampdy furnish to Lcndcr ull nuticcti uf umounts to be paid under �:°�-��- <br /> -. this paragraph. If Borrower mukes these p•ryments directly, Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing -_;ti,. ,'"'-'_ <br /> " the payments. • .� .�Y <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any licn which ha�prioriry over this Securiry Inslrument unlcss Borrowcr: (a)agrees •:;,�.�_,:�:. <br /> . • in wri�ing to the paymem of the ubligalion tiecured by the lien in v manner acceptahle to Lender,(b)contesls in goocl faith th� -�,"�`_;-- <br /> lien by,or defends Aguinst enforcemem uf Ihe lien in.Iegs�l proceedings which in�he Lender�opinion oper�te to prevent the �^.t�_:_,�_� <br /> � � enforcement of the lien;or(N secures from the holder of�he lien un Ugreement satisfuctory to Lender suMxdinuting the lien �=r--�_,,� <br /> • ' ��'�•• to this Security Instrument. If Lendcr detertnines thut uny part of the Property ix subject to a lien which may uunin priority •'•� <br /> `��'�` � over this Security lnstrument.Lender muy give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Barrawer shull satisfy the lien or take • ��. = <br /> one or morc of thc aclions scl forth ubovc within 10 duys uf Ihc biving of noticc. <br /> , S. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower xhull kcep the improvementti now rxisting or hercafler crccted on the , <br /> ���,, i Propeny insured ugainst loxs by firc, haiards included within the Iern� "extcnded cuvcrrge"•rnd any other h•r�arJ�. inrluding <br /> floods or flooding, for which Lender require� in.uruncr. Thi. insuronce sh•rll lx maint:�ined in the anwunls und Car the � <br /> i <br /> • ; FMm J1121t 9�9Y rpu¢��n/n puqvs� � <br /> I ' <br /> i <br /> i <br /> ; . <br /> � �--. _.. ... ._. . .. . <br />�� � � -'-- -'--._.- - . . . <br /> . <br /> f <br /> . :� �.__ . -.- .--_._ . <br />