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<br /> _ a ,,� condemnatic►c�ar cHher�akin�af any pun uf�hc Prc�erty,ur fur canvcyun�r in Iku ol'coixiemnutiun,Lre hereby wrci�ned wKi
<br /> e�hull be paiJ to�ender.
<br /> -- In tlw evcnt ��f a I��tal tuking of �hc Pro�x;ny. thc prorccds xhall t+e upplicd�a the +umx s�curcd by thix Se�urity
<br /> --_— Inr�cumenb whcthcr or nut then duc,with uny exccx�p�W to Bnrcowcr. In ihe evcnt of u partial laking of�he Pmperty in
<br /> ,.=;�_,y���� which Ihe fuir markct vuluc of Ihe Property immedlutcly beforc�he�uking i+cyuut�o ar greuter than!he um�wnt af the sumc
<br /> --- '' r�ecun:d by thlv Securily In�Irumenl immcdiately before thc taking,unle�x R��rrawer und Lcnder uthcrwi�c ugree In w�idng,
<br /> ����� the sumK recured My ihls Securlty Imtrumem�hAll he reduced by tha nmiwnt uf the pr�xeeds multiplied !+y the folluwing
<br /> �_,_ ftartion: l��l lhe t��tal nm�um��f thr tiums sccurcd immi.�liulely hctiorc the�aking,divideJ by�b)�be fuir market vulue of the �_
<br /> :�"'��`Z' Pr+npeny immcdiutely beforc the tuking. Any bulnnce Fhull be paid ta Bormwer. In Ihe evenl of u partiul tuking af the
<br /> �„ Pro{x:ny in which thc fuir murke� valu��f thc Piropeny immediutcly beforc the mking is Ics.thun the umount of thc sums
<br /> . M�uned immediu�ely bel'orc�hc �akin�, unlcxc 8orcawcr und Lendcr othetwise ugnc in writing or unlesz upplicable law
<br /> ;��+��'��.x otherwlse provides.�he procced.r•shall l�upplied lothe�urnx kcumd by�hix Securiry Inxtrument wlx.theror noi�hc suma are
<br /> �;Kdt::`ic �, , �henduc.
<br /> _b,�•'�.�,.: If�he Property is abtu�doneJ by Bom�wcr,ur if.ulter natice by Lcnder to Burrower Ihul the conJemnor offerv to muke
<br /> '•*'�' �"-`""''"' "'= an u�vard or xettle u cluim for dumuges.Borrowcr fail�lo re��x►nd�o I,cndrr wi�hin 311 Juyti utler Ihe dutr the notice is given, _., _
<br /> J�;'�.3":•.�.._. .
<br /> _�-w.t��� {� l.endcr i,uuthorized to collect And npply the proc��eds.at iiti uptiun.either ta reslorutiun or repuir ot'�he Propeny ar to�he
<br /> �f�r ;,i Y._�..�,.`.^�=-- xumK+ecun:d by thiw Sccurity Inrtrument,whc�hcr or nat Ihen duc. _
<br /> Unless Lender und 6�xrower olhenvi�e ugree in writing, uny upplicu�ion of pa�ceeds�o principul shull not extend or
<br /> ;��•x+���; postpcme thc due d�te of�he monlhly puymems rc:ferrcd to in pu�ugruphs 1 und 2 or chonge�he umount of such paymcnts.
<br /> --_-_---"="�°�^-'°"` 11. 8orrower Not Released; Porbearpnce By Lender Nat A Weiver. Extenxion uf thc �Ime for puymcnt c�r -___
<br /> L i�,�:�'��;:� modificution of omonizution of the tiums secured by this Sccu�ty Insmiment gmn�ed by L.ender�o uny+uccessor m interest = -
<br /> � --- oP Borrawer xhull nat opernte to rcicas�the liubility af tha originnl Borrower or BorrowerF xuccesso�in interest. Lender
<br /> = � :;„,'�.� •� 'y�j��� shull na be required ta commence prcx:cedings ugains�uny xuccrssur in in�ere+t ur refuse to rx�end time for payment or --
<br /> �;,,.da.'ks�fS�[L�G�:•'.'
<br /> _ ,� uthenvinc madify umodization uf thc sums,ecurcd by this Securiry Iminimen►by nu+on of uny demund mudc by the origin�l
<br /> ����'�" T'"����'���'�-� Borrower or Borrower's succes�ors in interes�. Any for6r�ronce by Lender in cxcrcising uny right or remedy shull not Ne u ___
<br /> '•�'�� • �' wAiver of nr Fxecludc�he cxercisc of:my right or remcdy. �_._
<br />-;':� ���..,;?�•;e, l2. Successors and Assigns Bound;Jolnt and Several Liability:Casigners. The covenants und ugreemcn�s of thi, �=
<br /> �': ., � „�: Securiry InstNment .rhull bind und benefit tlie succeti+on und a�+igns ot Lender mxi Bom�wer, +ubjccl lo the provisiom of
<br /> y%�-' �,� 9 - aruern 17.Borrowerti covenants und u reements ,hull be 'oint unJ �cverul. An Borrower who co•si+ns this Serurit -•
<br /> ,. � •��Y•��•'•'.,.:�:��:. P � � J Y b Y
<br /> �-., • Instrument Mw does nut execute the Note: (A)iti co•xignin€�hiti Securi�y In�trument only to mortgug��,grunt und c�mvey Ihut
<br /> " '' , ° Borrowcrk intere.t in�he Propeny undcr the term�of thix Securiry In+trumenr, Ib) is n�t pertiunully obliEu�ed to pay thc,umti ___
<br /> '�f�,,• °,a�..y.;.'.• , secured by this Sccuriry Imtrumcnt;und(c)agreex ihu�Lend�r and uny���her Borrower muy ugrec to extend,malii'y,farb�ur 6_,.
<br /> or muke any eccommudutions with regurd to the t�rm. oi�hix Serurity Inurunxnt ar�he Nute with�wt �hat Borrower's
<br /> - w '' con�ent.
<br /> •:��::. 13. Loan Ch�rRes. If�he loan secured by this Securiry Instrument is +ubjert �o u luw which �ets muximum loun _ __
<br /> - 'v'' •--.- _- °
<br /> ` , �� churges,und that luw is tinully intcrpreted so�hut 1he imeresl or othcr loan churge,roUrcted i►r ta be collected m connecuon =
<br /> wilh Ihe loun cxceed the�x:rmiueJ limits,�hen: (al any such loun charge+hall tx reduceJ by the amount nerecxury lo reduce
<br /> � ' � ��� ��� ihe churge to�hr�xrmiued limil;und(b►uny+um.ulready callected from Borcowcr which exccedrd FxnnineJ limh�will lx
<br /> � ' ° . refunded to Sorrower. I.enJe�muy ch�wsr�o mi�ke thiy refund by nducin��he principul nweJ under the Notr or by muking u
<br />; : dir�ect paymenl tu Borrower. If a mfund reduces{xincipal.the reductinn will be tremed ax u purtiul prepuymeol wuhout:my
<br /> • prepaymcnt charge under the No�c. �•�=-
<br /> ' l�i. Noqccw. Any nolice�o Bom�wcr priwiJ�:d fnr in thi�Scrurity Inztrumem �hull Ix given by Jclivcring it or by �
<br /> . �,Kr�' muiling i�by fir�t clu+x mail unle+s upplicublc luw reyuim. usr i�t'�nuthrr me�hal.The nolicc+hull I�directed tu die Pry�Exrty ---
<br /> • , � ;. " Addrexs or uny othcr ixk1r�M� Bnrrnwrr dr�i�nu�es b��ni►ticr�o Lcndrr. Any�x►tirr�u Lcndcr �hull txr givcn by lirti�cluti� --
<br /> • � mnil to Lcnder ti uddre�y�luteel hcrcin ur uny other addre" Lender dc.i�!nu��.by nuiire to Borrower. Any nulicc provided I'or
<br />- in thi+ Seruri�y Instrumenl shull he Jcemed tu havc Ixen given �o Barrc►wrr��r LenJer whrn givrn a. pnwiJeJ in �his �=�
<br />„ �� � parugruph.
<br /> � 1S. Governins I.�w;SeverubHity. Tlii. Serurity In.�rument .hull hc �ovcrnrd by fcJcrul law und 1hc lu�v of ihc —.
<br /> � ° � ' juriuiicti�m in which ilk f'n�peny i�I�xated. In the event thui i�ny provi�ion ar cluu�e��t'ihi�Security Inxirument or�he Nntr �-
<br /> � canflicts wilh npplicuble law.,uch contlict rhull niN.dfcct uthrr provi+iuns of thi� Srrw•iry Inrtn�mrnt ur ihc Notr which cun {
<br /> •,'::�:;4,•,;.,, be given et'fect withou�the cantlicting pnwi�inn. Ti►�hi.�nd the pn�vi.i„m ui �hix Security In.trument anJ Ihe N��te are �
<br /> " �"'�•"�,�•,�r�• ��• d�lured lo Ix�evcrublc.
<br /> , ;:1.�;;:._.. � —
<br /> „ .. . . 16. Borruwer s Cnpy. Borrowcr�hall Ix�ivc�i�mc runti�rmc�i ropy uf tlk Nu�c anJ ol'ihi.Scruri�y Ins�nimcnt. _�..
<br /> • 17. 71�nnsfer uithe Pruperty or a Beneficial Intere+l in Borrower. N'ull��r nny pi�rt uf thc Pro�xny or uny intcrc�t in ""_'-
<br /> �• ��- � � it is sold or trantil'crrcd(or if a lx�nrtiri:d imere�t in Borro�scr i�tiold or�r.�n.ferreJ:n�d Borruwer i,na u nutural �xr.unl �-�
<br /> " . � wilhuut Lender;priix wriuen conscm.Lender muy. al itti ��pticm.rcyuirc immedi:ne puymenl in 1'ull uf idl �unts.ecured by ,
<br /> . ' , `� Ihis Sccurity li�s�rumcm. Howevcr,this option zhull noi ik exrrci�ed hy Lcndcr il'cxcrci�r is pruhihitcJ by 1'eJ.rul law u+c�F �--�
<br /> " '�,�'�•.:."" the date of�his Sccurity In.ln�mcnt. ---
<br /> � lf Lendcr exenixes thiti uption.Lrnder.hall givr B��rroNrr n��tirr�►I acrclrratinn. 1'hr n�iticr�h:dl pr�►viJc u�xriixl ut `�"'
<br /> � ? y , , no�less�han 3l1 dayx(rom ihe d�uc�he iH�tirr i.dclivenJ i�r mailed wi�hin�vhirh 13urr��a•rr mu,t pu��:dl.am�+rcured by this �'
<br /> ='����' Security In+tn�ment. If Homowrr t'•rih to pay th�.� +um.prior tu thc crpirati�m uF thi� �xriiKl. L�ndcr ntay invoke any
<br /> `��,,,`,,.;, remedics perniiUcJ by Ihi�Scrurity Imtrumcm wiihnul furthrr rn�tirr ur�Irm:ind un liorr����rr. �`
<br /> ':,�.;!. 18. Borrower's Ri�hl to Iteinstute. If Hurroerr mect. crrt��in :i,nJitiim.. 13urr��«er •li:dl ha��c �hc righ� �o havc i ,.
<br /> i � r �;'; � enforcement of'�his 5e�uri�y In�trununt Ji�r�xilinuecl at un� �inu priur tu Ih�e�u�lirr uf: �;�1 5 dny,lur�urh uther�xri�xl u, r.
<br /> :;•'�.• .
<br /> tiu��;lc I•amdr•-Funnie Nac�FYeddk�lw l'\IFIIR�I 1\til'Nl 11h:\I•�1 nd�mn llni•n.ml. 9�711 �p�r�r�n!np��crv `
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