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<br /> _—��,�'�9 � �criais thut I.c�uler reyuirex. Thc in+urunce carricr pmviding thc insurunre rchall he choun My Borruwcr tiubk�t to Lcndcr R
<br /> uppmval which chull not bc unrca�on+bly withheld. Ii Borrowcr fuils to mainlain coverugc dexcri6cJ uiwvc.Lciuler may,w
<br /> -'--''� l.cnder's uption,obtufn cuvcrngc�o pnK ecl L.endrr ti right+in�hc Property in arrurdancc with pazu�trupli 7,
<br /> _�� All insurunec policie�und renewalti shull ix:ucceplAblc to Lender unil�hull include u xtandurd morlgagr cluu�e. l.entler
<br /> tii�ull havc the right to hold�hc�xilicic. �nd n�ncwal,. If l.etxier rcyufres,Born�wcr+hull pnimplly�:ivc ti�Lcnder all rccciptr
<br /> �� 5� of paid p�+emiums unJ Rnewul noticc,. In tha�vent uf lotir.BoRe�wcr whull give prampt�utice to�he InRUrwico rarrfer wKi
<br /> �'�'��'"•'-- t.ciuler. l.ender may m�kc pnat��►1'I�n�If n�N m+►de promptly by Born►wcr. -
<br /> ..,......,....»,,.o.....:.,..._. � - - _
<br /> `� �--. Unir+ti Lender und BnRUwcr utik�wlu:agrce in��•ritin�e,insurance prcxerdti�hidl hr upplied tu rr+u+ruli��n ur re�wir��f
<br /> ` ..:
<br /> : .� � the Property dumuged, if ihe re,toruiiun or rcpuir Is:ecanomirolly feusihle and Lender+.ccurily i+ n�N Ic+�enrJ. If the
<br /> ��_�"'` ' res�orution or mpuir iy no1 eeunumical ly teayiblo or LenJer's,eeurity would bc Ie+u�ned.�Ix in»urunce prcKeeJx tihull tre
<br /> s"' � upplied to the xums uscurcd by thi,S�curily Imtrument.whcther or nat �hen Jur, wi�h uny exces� puid �o Barruwer. If
<br /> �•��^;, •;,+s..-. V gortower ubandans the �openy,or dac+ na unswer wi�hin 30 duyr a natice in�m Lender iNut thc in�urs�ncc cumer hur
<br /> '`"+ '' ��''�'~`��� vffered�o,ettla u clain�,lhen Lend�r muy collect�hc insurance prex4ti�1� L�nder muy use Ihe prixe�ds�o repuir��r re+larc
<br /> ���*�; ;� the Praperty or to pay sums necured hy thiti Security In�trument.whciher or not ihen Jua The 30-Juy pericxl will F+egin when
<br /> _7,,L._x.�.,.,�;4i.� , the notice is given. - -
<br /> Unletis Lendcr und BaROwer u�hrnvine ugree in writing,uny upplicution�I'proreedr tu principul xhull not extcnd ar
<br /> •.:; ',,�:p_,�.,�.;;;,r.„ . postponc the duc dnte af ihe momhly paymcntx refcrred to in parub�uphti I unJ 2 or chungc the umaunt uf the puyment�. 11'
<br /> =-- • •� under parngraph?1 the Propeny i+ acyuired by t,ender. B��rrowcr+right�o uny insuran�;r �x�licicti unJ pnxreds resulling
<br /> �'���' ` " w '� " from dnmuae to�he Propeny prior to the ucyuitiitbn �hull puss�o L.ender�o the�xtent of thc xumw.ecurcd by Ihi�Security , ,_
<br />—�—a.�.-�.-:�..�:+.u� In!+uument immcJiutcly prior to the ucyui+i�ion. � -_ � —
<br /> -- �r ��' '" � b. (kcupancy. Preservation, n1ointenance und Prolection af Ihe PropeMy: Borrower s I.oun ApplicAtton;
<br /> _� `� _ Leaseholds. Borrower shull acupy,etitpblish,and u�e�he Propeny ati Burrower;principsd retiidence wiihin+ixty dAya ufter _
<br /> _. .., . �.
<br /> -.� ; �..�,,�._��<.,_ �,. _ _ . _
<br /> ,��z . � • ' ' • the exewtion of thi.Sccuriry Inytrum�nt und xhall cominue w�xcupy�hc 1'ropeny as Borr��wer�principul rcsidence for ut
<br /> ��-' �,��� � leas� one year after �he du�c ��f �xcupancy. unlrss Lender o�henvise u�re�� in writing, which cc�nxcnt �hull not he �--
<br /> �;: �''�' x°'� � unmusonubly wi�bheld,or unleyx extenuaiing circumstuncrx exi+t which ure bryonJ Bnrrawer.r��rNr��l, Borcower shull not
<br /> �•�� des�roy,dumuge or impuir�hc Property.ullaw the Properly to Jc�rrioro�c,��r commit wu,tc on�hr Pru�xny. I3urrower ,hall
<br />--� � �` � be in defuult if uny forfeiture urtiun ar prac:eeJing,whettier civil c�rcriminul,i,:begun�hut ia Lende��g«xl fui�h judgment
<br /> ;:,:_ .
<br /> �o � � cuuld rexult in f'orfeiturc��f the Pr�ny ��r uthenvitie muteriully impuir the lien creaucd Ny �his Secu�ity In+trumem ur
<br /> Lender�xecurity interc.rt. Borrower may cure,uch u delault und rein+uue,us provicled in purugruph I H,hy cuusing the uction
<br /> � ° � ` or proceeding lo lx dismi�xcd with u ruling Ihut,in Lender;goal iuilh de�erniina�ion,�rlude.ti�rfeilurr uf thr B��rn�wer+
<br />_x'��:. • interext in thc Pmperty nr o�her matcriul impuimicm i�f the licn rmahd hy Ihis Securiry Instrumcnl ar I.endcr+ �ecurity _
<br /> - � � � interesl. Borc��wer tihall alsu Ix in defuult ii' Borruwer, Jurin� thr loun applirutian prcxess, girvc materiully ful�c or
<br /> ,.;,;' : � inaccurs�tc infortnulion o�.tu�ement�io Lender lur Fuiled to proviJr LenJrr wilh uny mutcriul infonnuli��n1 in connertion with
<br /> Ihe loan evidrnred by �he Note. incluJin�, but nut limited to, mprr+rnlulions concemin� Borrnwcr: ucrup.mcy nf Ihe r .n__
<br /> '' ``-� � ° Qroperty u.s u principu!nr�iden�•��. !i�h:.S�•�•nrity In�mimrnt i+im a Icu,rhold.Bomiwrr,hall rom ly wi�h ull thr ravi.i�m, � ' `
<br /> ° �� ' �~'` �. of the leunr. It B�rrower acyuirex I'ee�i��to�hr Pro�xhy.the leu.,�holcl and�he fec tiUe�hull na merge unl�hs Lenc�ler ugreer �;i� ��
<br /> " - lo Ihe mcrgcr in wrilin�!.
<br /> . •, � � 7. Protection oP l.ender'c RI�hIs In Ihe Prupertv If Horruwrr 1'iiil. to �xrl'arm �he rovrnant. unJ agrremrnh -
<br /> con�ainrJ in thi. Seruriry In+irumrm. or therc i� i� Irgal pnxcrding �hut mu�� .igniiirantly al'fect Lendrr� right+ in thr °�"'�.
<br /> � .:•�
<br /> Propcny(+uch u.n pnxrcdin�in bunl�nip�cy.probu�r.liir condcmmaiun ur li>rfri�urr or ta cn1'nn:r law.or rcgulutinns),Ihen `"' `'� -'�
<br /> Lcixler muy do und puy 1'or whairvcr iti nece�sury tu proterl Ihr vulue of Ihr Pruprrty unJ I.cnd�r+ right�in Ihr Pnqxny. �.,�_
<br /> ' Lrmicr's uciionti muy inrludr paying uny�um.ticrurrJ hy i� lirn�vhich hay priurity uvcr thi. S�curiw In.trumrnt,up�xuring '�=c=itii*.�:m�:
<br /> " ' , ' in coun,r�y���:��u�����uni�uu�»,�y� tce. anJ emrring on the I'ro�xrt���o mukc rcpuir.. Althou�h Lender muy �uke uclion ��y`'y-' -'''"
<br /> �• unJer Ihis paru�truph 7.LcnJcr dix,ix►�h��vr lu du.o. '.'`-":';���,��°
<br /> .'. Any umounl�Ji,hunrJ by LenJrr und�r thi. purugniph 7 .hall Ixcu�m udJitionul Jcbt of Born�wrr,crur�d by Ihi+ .�=-°='��`
<br /> � �� Security In+lrumrnt. Unlr,.Bom�wcr uMl l.rnJcr agnr�o ulhrr i�nn.ol'p+iymrrn.ihr,r amuun�ti.hull I+car in�rn.t t�om Uir .. .�� M
<br /> . . Jatc uf Jitibur�cmrnt ul Ihr N�ilc ralc anJ .hull Ik�iuyablc. �vilh imen,t.u�m irnicr from LrnJcr to Born�wrr rcyuc.ting • '�':6
<br />- . . - puyment. ' -
<br /> � S. MortRake Inxurvnce. If' l.�ml�r rcyuircd m��n�!a�:r in.ur+mrr :�, a condiuun��I'nui{,ing thr loan.crorrd by�hi. ,_.
<br /> �-�--�:.
<br /> Scrurily (mlrumcnt. Burrowcr +hall pay INr prcmium. rcyuircd tu tnaintuin Ihc ntortg;�gr in,ur.mcr in r1�lcrt. If. li�r uny R.•�=
<br />- , reu,on. ihr mon�agr in.uruncr co�rragr rcyuircd hy Lrndrr L•�pticti or rrii.r. tu ix in rl'I'cct. Bi�rn�wrr .hull pay ihc ,�''':���4�N��
<br /> 4 i:
<br />-� rrcmiums rcyuircd to uhtain covcraE�+ub,lantinlly r��uivalcm tu ihr mun�:;i�r in.ur:mr� �xrvi�w.ly in ct'tect. at a c�i,� �:",,,: ,:��..,�.-.
<br /> _ „� sub,�umiully rquiv:dent lo�hc ro�i w Hnrruu•rr uf lhe mortE�igr i n,oranrc ��r.�vi„u.ly in rffcc�. fram .m ahemutr murlgaEc . . ",..�_
<br /> . in+urcr upprovrJ hy Lcndrr. If,uh,laniii►Ily cyuivalrnt m��rtE:�gc in,urancc cu�era�r i�nui:w:iilaMc. Borrowrr,h:�ll pay ro __-
<br /> • ` " ' L.cixler ruch month a tiwn r uul 1u�ai�-�«�rlllh uf�hr�ci�rl nxnt •i�r in.uranrc rcmiwn hrin� iid h�Hurrow•cr�vhrn�hr ""°-"°-
<br /> 4 . Y �-�� P !-P� ) l�car`:r�:.._ _
<br /> • � in,urance covcru�e lapxrd or cea,�il iu Ik in rffrcl. (.enJer�rill urcepl.u.r:mJ rrt:iin ihe,r paymrnl,a.•r lo.,reun•r in liru �':�,�`
<br />- ° ., . . � of mortEu�c intiur•rnc�. l.u,+r�,rrvc paymrn�. may no lungrr Ik requirrd. ;u dic��pliun nl'l.rndcr, il mong:►�c in+uranrr �_�-�-f�-�`_�-
<br /> • �.� cuveruge(in Ihe amuunt and tiir Ihr�nod th;�l l..n�lrr require,►rro��ided hy nn in.urrr appru�•rd hy L�nJcr again hccome� r - ..
<br /> � avuiluNlc unJ i�ohlainrJ.liurrowrr tih:dl��ay Ihr prrmium.rryuir�d�u ivaintain imn�i�c��r in,urance in rll'rrt.�,r lu pruvidr;� !
<br /> , , _ �� lin�rctien•c.until thr rryuircmrn�ti�r nw���ngc in.uranrr cnd,in arr��rdanrc n•i�h am ��rinrn uzi���mcnl Fxtwern Bun•owrr � . .
<br /> , und l.rnJer ur.��ri��:�i,i�i���. �. .. ... ... -
<br />, 9. Inspectlon. Lendrr ur il,:i�.cni ma�� m:il,r rca,unahle�mrie.up�,n anJ im�x•rtiun•�d th�� Pruprrly. L.rnd�r ,h:►II �'
<br /> give liun�i��ecr notirr iu ihr�ime ol'ur�ri��r lu an in,�u�rliun,�xrit�iuL rc:�.un:ihlc ra�u�lur Ihr m.pert iun. .
<br /> 111. ('ondemnati��n. 'I�hC�m�r�i•al,nl�;in) :n�:�rd��rrlaimt�►rdant:iie..Jirrrtnrrun.�yurnU:d. inc���ui�•�liun��ilhrot� }�. - . ' ' .
<br /> ,
<br /> , timFlr I;umh-•Funnle�Inr�FYeddie\I��c l VIM'�IIt111\�1 Nl�IF.\1 1�w���oi���..uaw. 4,V11 ����icr:�•f n�„��r.�
<br /> .f 1�1�-.III.1�.�'wllu.11h'..I�MIII•.III� � •
<br /> , . �,��WMi�.dl I IU��'�NI•11'll 41\U1�..7'�1�11�I
<br /> t '• .
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<br /> � .
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