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<br /> ' applicabk law rtwy rpocify for reinawtemenq bcfare e�le of thc I'topeny pursuant to ony puwcr af aulc conl�ined in this
<br /> -- °�""; Securiry In�trwnent;or(b)entry oP w judgment enfurcing thix Securf�y Instrument. 'Thaxe candi�lona ure�hs►t Barrower. (a)
<br /> ,�' peys L,endcr WI sumx which then would bc duc under �hfa Security In�trumcnt Aiui thc Notc as if nu ncceleretion had
<br /> ���.: occurrcd;(b)curcs any default of any aher cavenanls or eg�eemen[s;(c)pays all ezpenFCx incurred in enforcing this Securily
<br /> r }'� Instrumen� including, iwt not Nmited�o,reasuneble onorneys'fcea;und ld) takes such uctiun aw Lcndcr may muxanabiy
<br /> ^���k'�'k�.�` ',�''.;., •
<br /> -- �,�r,„;,� rcquirc to uuusure tiwt the lien oP IhiA Sccurhy Inatrument,Lenderk�ights in�Fic Pmpeny und Burrow+cr's obligeiion tn pay thc
<br /> __,:. ! aums eecured by thia Secudty Instniment sfiall cotHinue unchanged. Upc►n reinslutement by Barruwer,ihiR Secu�ity
<br /> 's��''`1�''"��`" ' Insrcument and the obligatione secured hercby ehall�cmain fully effeciive us if ao ucceleralion hud accumed. However,thiR
<br /> _ _..,,..,..w....._ .,.� . , _
<br /> `�� ri�ht to reinstaie shall not apply in the case�af acceleratlon under parug�ph 17. ��
<br /> ,� .S�.� � 19. SWe of NMei Ciwa�e of I.iwn biervfce� 'Itie Note or a partial interewt in the Nute(�ogether wiih thix Security
<br /> = Inatrumentl m�y bc sold onc or more�imcs withaut pdor notice to Bortower. A sAlc may rexult in u chunge in thc e�uty
<br /> �"��f `��'.. (luiown as the"L.oan Servlcer")that collecis monthly payments due under the Nwe und this Security Inxwrnem. There ulsa
<br /> �.;::H:�..-��'� may be one armore changew oP the Lonn Scrvicer unrelated ta n tiale of the Note. If�hero is n chnnge of Ihe l.osm Servicer, _.,
<br /> ' '�� �� = �� B o r ro w e r w i l l b e g i v e n w r i n e n notice of the chun ge in accordance with parugraph t4 above und up�licable luw. The notice
<br /> ��?'����� �� will state�ha name und addresa of the new Laan Scrviccr a�d the address ta which puymems should be made. The nn�ice will
<br /> ����:�:��-.:-:v`�� ' also conwin any other infarma�ion required by applicuble Inw. -
<br /> '�w� , ti,�.�� 211. Hnzardaus Substances. Borrower shall not cuuse or(�esmit Ihe presence.use.disposol, �toruge, nr releASC of nny
<br /> .. Haxardous Substances on or in the PropeAy. Borrowe� shell not do, nor allow anyane else to do,unything affecting the
<br /> '"" , . , Property Ihat i�in violation of Any�nvironmental Luw, The preceding two sentences shall not apply to�he prexence,use.or
<br />-__ -_•'� . �' storage an the Property of small quanti�fes af HawMouc Substnnce+that are generally recognized to be appropriate ta norniul
<br /> �;.��y��;�,;ti,�;,��A�.� " reaidentid uses and to maintenunce of the Property. _ .
<br /> °���k���� Bormwer shall promptly give l.ender wditen notice of nny investigatian,clnim,demand.lawsuit or ot6er ac[ion by uny _.s —
<br /> �-- '•�-�°�=•`� : -- - governmental or rc g ulata ry ugency or private pany involvfng the Property and any Hnzandous Substnnce or Envimnmentol __ __
<br /> — �� Law of which Horrower has nctual knowledge. If Borrower leams.or is �atified by any govemmentnl or regulntary �s.,,_��
<br />--�,,� '�, �• �� • authority,that any removal or other nemediatiun of any Hauudous Subs�ance affecting the Propeny is necessory.Borrower —
<br /> �� sha11 promptly take nll necessury remedial uctions in uccordance with Environmental Law. f.=�=;--.
<br /> -'u�.-�•'•��• � -•• � As used In this ara ra h 20,"Hw.cirdous Substances"are�hose substances defined as toxir or hazardous subs[ances by __ _ �
<br /> •:,:�,:�r,..�=�• P � P
<br /> �`�,� ,�.;�-, , ;�- Environmental Law and the following substnnces: gasoline, kerosene,other flammable or taxk peUOleurn produc�s.toxic ����..,
<br /> �' pesticides and herbicides, valutile solvents. materials contuining acbestos or formaldehydc,and radioactive ms�tcriuls. As ���!`
<br /> _��� � used in this paragrnph 20,"Environmentul Law" means federal laws and laws of tlre jurisdiction where tha Property is located '•_`.=_
<br /> _ �,��.�t;:,';';,.,. .�,
<br /> i,;�� :r.;:;,. Ihat relate w health,safety or environmental protection. _—
<br /> � �� � � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowerand I.ender furthercovenant und ugree ns follows: ��---°
<br />`�j�� �� ' , 21. Acceleratlon; Remedies. l.ender shwM give �otice to Borrower prfor to acceleration idlowlpg Borrower's __—
<br /> •:n'.� • brestch oP any covenAOt or agreement in Ihis Securlty Instrument(but not prior to acceleration under paragraph 17
<br /> •,%;,-:�';s���;�;�;,�.(' unless Appliable law provldes atherwise). The notke shall speci(y: lal lhe dePault;(b►the action requlred to cure the
<br /> - - t`; - defAait;(c)a date,not iess i han 3 8 dwys irwn t hr do te i h e�o t i c e t s g t t 2 n i a S o r r u s s c r�b y�Y l s l c�!h e d e t a�!!mus!be
<br />_` ��;,_;y_,,,,; •. . . cured;and ld)that faflure to cure the default on or before lhe date speclFied in the natice may rexult in acceleratlon of _
<br /> '•,. '�,c;?,. , the sums secured by this Security lastrument and sale oP the Property. The notke shwll i'urther inform Borrower of
<br /> '��`< • � •,a'„;:'� the right to reinstate�fter Acceleradon and the righl to bring a courl actlon to assert the non-exlatence of a default or —'�-
<br /> ` �. • �•. " • any Mher defense oP Borrower to acceleratbn and sale. If the dePaalt t9 nM cured on or before the date specified in
<br /> ��.':� • . • . the notice. �>�.�_
<br /> °� Lender at its option may require immedi�te payment in i'ull ot all sums aRecured by tMIA Securpy laylrument z.�,w.�
<br /> ' �•������' without furlkcr demand and may invoke the power nf sule and any other remedles permilted by Applicable law.
<br /> '`"��`'. � 11 ex nsea incurred ia ursufa Ihe remedies provided in this parAgraph 21. �•
<br /> Lender shaN be eMided to wllect A pe p i�
<br /> • including,but nat Iimited to.reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of thle evidence.
<br /> - � . If the power oP sale is invoked,7lrustee s6A11 record a nutice af defaull in each county in whkb uny part of the -- _:..,�,
<br /> - •.•.,:•��� �` Properly is Icepted and shall ma{I�npie9 uf such notice in the manner prescribed by upplicable law to Borrower and to �•���A:-�-
<br /> � •� �F�-� the other persons prescribed by applicable law. After Ihe lime reqnired by applicable law,7Yustee sholl give public ��`;-�
<br /> ' �� � �� notice of sak to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicubk law. 7lrustee,wilAout demwnd on Borrower. '
<br /> rilF�-.:-• ' shall sell the Properly at publtc auclion to the highest bidder ut Ihe time and place and under Ihe lerms design�ted in �,,.•�
<br /> • , ° the notice oPsale in one ur more parcels and in eny order 71�us�ee determines. 'I�ustee may postpoae sale of all or any i�`��=;:�•
<br /> - - parcel oi the I'roperty by public announrement at the dme q��pls�ce oi any previuusly scheduled ss�le. Lender or its "::�4
<br /> � designee may purchase the Property at uny sate.
<br />- � Upon receipl of payment ui'the price bid,7Yustee sAall dellver to the purchaser 71�ustee's deed conveyinR the
<br /> �� .. , Property. The recitals in the'I�ustee's deed tihall be prime Pacie evidence oP the Iruth uP the statements made therein.
<br /> „ • �w 7FuAlee shaN s�pply the proceeds of the sule In the tollowing order: lal lu all costs and expenses oi exercisin�the power —__
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