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<br /> �. 4�m_;_;� T(N3E1'HER WITH all Ihr fmprovcments nnw c�n c�rcuQcr ema:tcd on thc pronetty,und o0 cuxmcmx. oppunen�nccs,
<br /> and fi�ctures now or hercuftcr a pun of thc property. All rc�em�;nle and u�IdNlans Khall al�o be cavcred by thia Security
<br /> -- Instrument. All aP the forcgoing is rcfertrd to in Ihfs Security n�;trunum uA ihe"Propeny."
<br /> - --- -----j� BORROWBR CAVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully rciacd cif Ihc estatc hercby convcycd utxl has thc dght w gtant
<br /> ��s ,,;..�.c ,: and convey the Properly And Ihut�he Pra}xrty is unencumtwrcd,except for encumbruncea uf re�:urd. Burraweo wurrant�and
<br /> = ";;'.; will defend generully�he title la thc Property ugainst all claim�and demunds,�uAject to any encumbriuice.r af r�YOrd.
<br /> �'� ' THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambincc uniform cuvcnanls fur naiianal usc und n�►n-uult'orm covenwur wilh
<br /> �;��.i_.._LLl..I_.M..:L+`..i. �
<br /> ;F limited vuriul�ona by jurit;dicli�►n to cun+lituk a unifortn.c�urily in�trunkm cuvcring rwl prup�:rty. � _ _ ----s
<br /> '��'`` UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrower ond L.cnJcr covenant and ngrec as follaws:
<br /> �' t , 1. Payment ot Princfpal ond Interest; Prepayment aad Lote Ch�ew Borrower shall prc�mpt ly puy wt�cn due the
<br /> :��.:��n't,.;,.,.�" princip�I of and interesl on the debt evidcncul by�he Note und uny pirepaymcnt and lalc chargcs due under ihc Notc.
<br /> �t�'.'!�,"•�,.. � 2. Fuods�or 7hzes ond Inaurance. Subject to upplicable IAw or to u written wuiver by Lender,Bortower shalt pay to
<br /> ;u:,;;..,;,,,;.,:,..,� L.ender on the day monthly puyments arc d��e undcr the Note,until the Notc ix paid in full.A sum ("Funds')for: (a)yearly
<br /> ;:.:. .�� • • taaes and assessments which may sutuin priaity aver this Secu�ity Instrument as a licn an the Propeny: lb1�euly leasehold
<br /> �� '=;�m;�..:":w=!. �� payments or ground rents on �hc Prc�perty, if any; (c)yearly haterd or property inxuruncc premiurns; (d)ycarly fload %� —
<br /> � , �., , insurance premiums, if any: le) yeurly mongage insuraxe premiums, if uny; and (�any�;umc payAbk by Borrower to
<br /> ' '•� Lender. in accordance with Ihe pravisiony of purogrAph 8, in lieu of the payment of monguge insurance premiums. There
<br /> ��' "'° � ���.� •t items are called"Escrow Itemc." Lender moy,at any time,collect and hold Funds in nn amaunt not lo exceed�he maaimum
<br /> ���`Lh�N i+�'
<br /> •_�ns�__._,,__ -�, " umount a lender for o federally r�elntcd monguge loao may require far Bnrrowerk escrow nccount under the federnl Reul
<br /> �—�T r:'z„�.gy��., Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 uY amended f'rom time to time, I 2 U.S.C.�2601 et sey.("RESPA").unlews another � —
<br /> _ ' • lew Uiet applies to the Funds r,ets u lesrcr amount. It sa.l.ender muy,ut s�ny time,collect nnd hold Funds in an emount not to
<br /> •"`�"��'�•'• ° exceed the lesser amount. Lender may estimate Ihe umount of Funds due on the ba�is of current dau� smd rr.a�onable
<br /> - � estirr�tes of expenditures af fuwre Escrow Items or otherwise in accordnnce with upplicable law. -
<br /> -"'�'`' ��.,;..,. ,;�:�,,; The Funds ghall be held in an ins�iwtion whose depcuitx are insu►+ed by A federal agency. iostrumentaliry.or entity
<br />�?�, ' �"" " lincludinp l.ender.if Lender is tiuch un institution)ur in ony Fcdcral Home Loan BAnk. Lc�der shall�pply the Fundg to puy _
<br /> __� ,;.^�.��.�r,� . the 8scrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding und Applying the Funds,unnuully analyzing the escrow =�
<br /> ,�. � „ account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender payx Borrawer irNerest on �he Funds ond opplicable law pertnits
<br />- ° ' ' Lender to make such a charge. Hawever, Lender muy rcyuire Borrower to pay u one-lime charge for nn indepemient reul _
<br /> ���'�' . �,t��;_�'� „ estate tax reporting service ur+ed by Lender in connection with this loan,unless applicnble Igw provides otherwise. Unless un
<br />.:�T' .. agreement is madc or applicable law requirrs interest to be puid.Lcndcr shall not be reyuired to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> ��r� � eamings on the Funds. Borrower anJ Lcnder may agree in wri�ing,however,thut intereat shull t►c paid on�he Funds. Lendcr
<br /> "�� ` • � �� shall give to BoROwer,withaut charge,an annuul accounting af Ihe Fundti,showing credits and debi�s to�he Funds und the �
<br /> ,`;,;.•� , • ., purpose for which euch debit to the Funds was mude. The FUnds ur�pledged as addilional security for ull sums securrd by
<br /> this Security Inxdvment.
<br />_ - --- _ - - _- if t1� i�Lu�fa heid by i.en.�kr exceed ihe amounis permiit�.i to b�: i�ld by applicablc iaw. Lc�sdrr stta!! arcaoat to
<br /> .P��� • � BoROwer for ihe excess Funds in accordunce with the rcyui�emen�x of Applicnble luw. If the umount of�he hlmds held by
<br /> � ' " � Lender at uny time is not cuf�cient�o pay ihe Escrow liems when due, Lender muy so notify Bormwer in writing.und,in _�,,,_,___
<br /> ' � � ' " � •, such case Borruwer shall pay to Lender the umount necessury to make up the deficiency, Bomnwer shall maks up the
<br /> , ;� �, _. �' "' ., de�ciency in no more�han�welve momhly payments,at Lender�sole discretion. ,____
<br /> Upon puyment in fuU of all cums xecured by this Security Instrumen�.Lender sh�ll promp�ly rofuncl to Borrower Any -
<br />'� . zi;;�,.�._.��.-
<br /> ,�; . • Fundc held by Lender. If,under paragruph 21.Lender shall acyuire ur scll the Property.Lender,pryar �o thc xyuisitiun or �a_.,�.�;��,
<br /> �,; . wnle of the Property. shall upply uny FunJs held by I..ender ut the[ime of ucyuisition or wle us a credil ugAinst the sums `
<br /> `' secumd by thix Security lostrumcnl. '�`"0'F�'-� =
<br /> , �<�.�'n:�. . 3. Appllcadon of Payments. Unlcx� upplicublr luw provides athcrwise, �II payments receivcd by Lender under ��
<br /> � pnrngraphs !und 2 rhall be upplicd: fini,to uny prcpuyment chur�es Juc unJcr the Nrnc:sccund,to amounts payable under �_ -
<br />- � . � � paragraph 2;third.lo interest due;founh,to principul due;und Is�st,tc�any late charges due under ihe Note. _- �
<br /> 4. Chorges; Liens. Borrowcr tihull puy u0 taxes, usscasmema, churge�, fincti :uid impoiitions altributuble to the �,«•��-.. ,
<br />- . • � Propeny which may unuin priority aver Ihis Securi[y Instrument,and Ie:i�hold payments qr grouad rentx,if any. Borrower ���,`�
<br /> . , shall pay these obligntions in the munncr pruvidcJ in pumg�:�ph 2,or if not paid in that munner,Borrower shssll puy ihem on k ,,;
<br /> ., ' timr direclly to the penon owed puymrnl. Iiorrowcr,hall prumplly fumish to LenJcr all nuticrs of umounls to be puid under (
<br /> ' . . this parngruph. If Borrower mukes these payments direcdy,Barrowershull ptompUy fumist�to Lender mceipts evidencing -_
<br /> the payments. � . ,
<br />,``'' ' ^ ,, Borrower shall promptly discharge uny lien which Iws priori�y uver�his Security In,trument unless Hormwer:(a)ugrees �.� ,.:.__
<br /> - in wriling to the puyment of the obligalion tiecured hy Ihe lien in a munner acecptable to l.ender;(b)cuntesis in good faith�tx� r"
<br /> „ •°"-`•� lien by.or defends uguinst enforcemenl of thc licn in.Icgal pra�cedingz whKh in thc l.rnclrr:opiniun operatc�o prevent the �' �� ��'�'
<br />- enforcement of the lien;or(c)secureti f'rom ihe holder of thc lien•rn agrrement sa�itifurtory to LenJcr subordinuting the licn �
<br />- � '" to this Security Instrwnent. If Lendcr de�crminen thut uny puA of the Property is whject to u licn which muy attuin priurity ,
<br /> ' over�his Secudty Insttument,Lendcr may givc Borrower u ndire identifying thc lien. Barrowrr shsdl salisfy the lien or tuke (�t,,�,� •��•�:'G��
<br /> • one or more of the nctions set fonh above within 10 day,of the giving of noiirr. F' �•
<br /> • S. Ha�ard or Property Insurance. Bi�rn�wer tihull keep Ihe improvenxnl+ nuw rxi,�ing ur herealter ererted on the I ,
<br /> . Property insured agninst loss by fire,h:uards included within ihe terrn"cxtended cuvrrugc"anJ any uihcr h:►xurJx,including
<br /> • tloods ar flooding,far which Lcnder rcyuires insurunce, This insu�ancc shull hc maintaincd in the �moums :u�d for thc f •
<br /> .. ••
<br /> �
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