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<br /> ����— condemnatian or wher�ak�ng oi uny purt of�ha Properly.or for conveyLnce in liuu uf cotMlemnuti.xt,ure hcreby os�i�ned wul -
<br /> - rlwll he paid to Le�uler. �"-
<br /> = In �he event af o total taking of the Property, the praccedx shnll be upplied to�he �uma.�:curcJ by Ihih Secu�ily
<br /> - Instrument, whelher ar nat then due,wi�h any excess poid to Bormwer. In thc event of u partial Iuking nf�hs Propeny in
<br /> � -,;,�„��=�� which the folr market valuc af Ihe Propeny immediately bePore thc�ul:ing ir eyuol to or greuier�han the umount of thc r�um�
<br /> �°�i�_irdnwr��_ •s�.
<br /> :..�., r�ecured by this Security In�uumenl immcJiately bcf�re the lukin�,unlesx Born�wer und Lrncler athenvihc agrec in wriling.
<br /> ,, �he sums secured by thlx Security Instrument r�hnll be reduced by ihe omount af the pmceeds rnult iplied by the following
<br /> ��,_ _�-��� faiction: lol the tntal Amoum of the sums secured immediatcly 6efom the taking.divided hy�b1 the fair market value of the
<br /> M�nperty immediutely before the taking. Any bulunce xhall be pafd to Borrower. In the evem c�' u purtial �aking of�he ` `
<br /> Prapeny in which�he fair market value of�he Propeny immedintcly t+efnr+e Ihe tuking is le�z�han�Me umount of�he�cumx
<br /> __ _,_�� xecured immedintely before�he �oking, unless Bormwer und Lender aherwisc Agree in writing or unler:,up�licablc luw
<br /> ^-^�+' ����� othenvise pmvides,the praceedx shull be Applied�o tho sumY secared by Ihi�►Secu�iry InK�n�ment whether or no1 the xums are
<br /> � ��r„;�G-„, ' �hen due, -
<br /> :��tir;b-;>,+,.�s.,,�,: ; If�he Property is�bandoned by Borrawcr,or if,afternotice by Lendcr ta Born�wer thul the conckmn4r oifen tu make
<br /> -_:�='`-�='�.�''� " an award ar 5cttic a claim for dumuges.BaROwer fuils to respond tn l.ender within 30 duyti af�cr the du�e thc notice ix given,. _
<br /> =-''��"�L`�".�'`��*;4+•� L.ender is uuthnrized tocollec�and uppty the proceeds,u�it�opi�►n,riiher�o rcatar�tion or repnir at'the Pro�sny cir to Uks,
<br /> v�.�'",-' " `r. suma secured by this Sccuriry Instrument,whclher or not then duc. �;_
<br /> k�� �;;,... y..., . -
<br /> ,. Unles.�Lender und Bom�wer othetwise ugre� in wriiing,any applicution of proceeds ta principal shnll not extend.t�r
<br /> '-�""'"'''` wt ne�he d�e d,uP nP ih�mo��thl a memn referred to in �u+.m hti l And 2 or chan a th�.nm.�unt of yuuh a mentr,
<br />_:. ����.=x. . a. - po. po Y P Y P F P B P )' - _
<br /> '�:�'�";:" ��'" ,i,,,,. !l. Borrower Not Released; ForbeAranca By l.ende� Tlot a Waiver. Ex�entiiun nf tlu:.iirn4,for puym�nt or �
<br /> "'�u��"' madificution of nmaniu►tion of the wms tiecureJ by this Secu�iy 6istrwnent gmnted by Lendar to any succetisor in interes�
<br /> ?��;:.a�'*�� . ' of Borrower ghull not opernte to release the liubility of the original Borrower or Borrc�wer4 succer:sor.c in interest. Lender ---
<br /> _ - -- =��%�%:�:�:��'-�; � shall not be reyuired to commencc proceedings agmnst any successor in interest ar reCuse�o e�tend iime fi�r puymem or �__-
<br /> - =+'�'��•���;+" otherwise modify amonizution of�he rums secured by this Security InstNment by reASOn of uny demu nd made by the original �'-
<br /> �.�'�:_:•�;�.t,...,�_ ; �_
<br /> ,,:.;•::�,�. �.�_ Borrower or Barrower's tiuccessors in interesi. Any forbearance by Lender in ezercising uny rigM or mmedy ahutl nat be u
<br /> =,�„��. : , � waiver of or preclude the exercise of uny riFh�or remedy. ==�
<br /> —''' ' 12. Successors and As�lgna Bound:Joint and Several Llabllity;Casigners. The covenumti und ugreements of this �•-�
<br /> �-i- ;.' -'•5 ;�; ..r.. -'°_:.
<br /> •�_ Securiry Mstrument shall bind und benefit the successon and astigns of Lender und Bomnwer, xubjc�ci to �he provixionti of -.--
<br /> '�'� _,. �� ' p�ragrnph 17. BoROwer� covenrantx und agreementx shall be joirn und.everul. Any Borrower w•ho co-signs �his Securi��•
<br /> _:��; .:' ' Instrument twt does na�execute Ihe Note: lul is co-sig�ing this Security Instrument only to monguge,grnnt und cunvey�hot �.`�'','
<br /> ,`�_ .�. Borrower�v interest in the Property under Uie terms of thiz Securily lnstrument; lb)is not personnlly ubligated�o puy the wums
<br />::- --- secured by this Security Insuumenl:and(c)ugrees thal�einier and ony ather Borrower may ogrec to exlend,modiiy,forbeur �,-- -
<br />:,-���� a.;.�; ;,�,�;�'°,, or make any accom�m�dAtians with regurd to the tertn.of this Securily Instrument or the Nute wi�hout �hut Borrower's
<br /> -=� . . . consent.
<br />'-'�`'�._,� t3. Loan Cha ea. If thc losu� secumd h thix Serurit InStrument is ,ub'ect to � luw which u:ts muximum loun _
<br /> - . �s.;.,,�_...:;.._ 7,.,,_-3 �'R Y Y J
<br /> -" --`"--•�,�:;: eharges,und Ihat law is t�nuily�n�erpre�ed sn�ha�the in�em�ur otlxr i.r,u�churgr,colircird or tu i,r l'UIICI:ICII iu c�n���e�tiu�
<br /> =r _ • ��. • '. with the laan exceed the permiued limits,then: ln)uny such loan char�e tihull be redured!�y the sunc�unt necessury to reduce --
<br /> . the chnrge to the pem�iued limit:und(bl any tium+ulrcady col lected from Borrower which exceeded pertniued limit�will be =�-
<br />'�A' � � � refunded to Borrower. Lender muy chcx►se�o muke thi�refund by reducing the principul owed under the Nute ar hy mnking+�
<br /> ��. . .
<br /> -- . ., direct pnyment�o Bor�wer. If a refund reduces principul,tiie reductian will be ireuted u. u purti�l prcpayment wilhout:my
<br /> -_ ^ .. ' prepuymem charge under the Note. _�,
<br /> _°-� �' � 14. Natices. Any natice to Borrowrr providcd tor in this Security Instrumenl tihull l+e eiven by delivering it or My �;,'
<br />'`;:+. ' • ° . mailing i�by fir�t class mail unlrss upplicuble luw r�yuirc,usr��(uirothcrmethod.The nwice,hull be directed�o�he Pmprny
<br /> � Addrcss or;u�y cNhcr uddress Borrowrr Jrxignutex by notice to Lender. Any notice u�Lendcr tihull tie given 6y fint clu+. - -.
<br />�- :�.. ��"�'s mail to Lender s udJrc.rs.tuted herrin or uny o�hrr uikirr�.Lender �ksi�nutr.hy notice to Bormwer. Any notice provided for
<br />- �• in ihiy Securi�y Intitrument sh•rll br decmeJ to huve lxen given ta Borrower or Lender when givcn ux provided in this �"
<br /> pnrugraph. _
<br /> u
<br /> , " IS. Governin� I.aw: Secerability. Thi. Securiry Inurua�rnl ,hall tk govemed by federal law nnd the luw of�hc
<br />_. -- jurisdiction in which ihe Praperty i.kxutcd. In�he evrnt thu�any pn�vision�ir cluuu��tlhi�Securily Instrumcnt or the Notr _
<br /> • conflicls with uppliruble law,.uch cuntlirt.hull not uffcct uthcrpruvi.ionti of thiti Srruriry Im�rument ix Ihe Nate which can __
<br /> . � , ° be given ei'i'ec� wiNiou�thc conflictin�pmvision. To thix cnci ihe prcivisiun� ot thi� S�wurily Imtniment and tlx NWe nrc
<br /> . dec:lured to 6c�evcrablc. �:;:.
<br /> �� 16. Bor�uwer's Copy. Borrowrr tihull 1►�piven unr�vnf i�micJ c�my uf�hc Nac unJ a�f�hi.S�w uriry Imtrument. _-
<br /> �:�`� •� .,��" 17. TransPer uf tbe Praperty or n Benef'icial Interest in Borrnwer. If all or uny part of Ih�Prnperty or any interc�t in
<br /> • " il is xold or Iransfcrred(ur if a txnrficiul interc.t in Bormwcr i. �oIJ or tran.(crrcd anJ Bom�wer i.nut a nutural penonl
<br /> without Lenderz priur written conxent.LenJrr muy,ut it.optii�n. nyuirc immeJiale paym�m in fuD of all.wn.,crured by �ti-
<br /> - this Secudty Inswmem. However.�hi�optiun shull nut tx cxerci acJ hy l.en�kr if exerci�e i,pn�hibia�l by frdersil luw ax ol' ___
<br />. , . � " � the dute af this Security lnstrumrm, ^-
<br /> ,. If l.cnder excrcixrs thi+option,Lrndrr+hull give Bom�wrr n�qicr ol'acrrler.�tion. Thc noticc.hall pr���•ide a prriixl ul' -•;eR
<br />:: ni�t Ir»th•rn i11 dnyx t'rom thc Jute�hc no�icr i.dclivrRd ix m:iikd within whirh fiorn����r mu,i p;►y all+urn���rumd hy this ..
<br /> , .��;i Security Imtrumem. If Barrowrr fuil.a� pay Ihc�c �urn� pri�M �o thc rxpira�ivn ul' �hi. �xriwl. Lcmkr ma�� im•oke uny
<br /> " . remedie.�x rmittcd by Ihi�tiecurily In�trumrnt a•ithi►ul funh4r nn1 ice��r�km:md on fiurn����rr.
<br /> , 18. Borrnwer's RiRht tu Reinstute. If Bom►wrr mrri<<enain r�mJiuun., liurru��cr ,hall havr �hc right tu hu�c i
<br /> , enf'oreemem ot'thix Srcurity In.tromrm di.ran�inurd al any� li�lM pn�►r In Ihc caflicf uf�: 1.�1 5 du}�1��r.uch i�ther�x riixl a� f�
<br /> . � • SinFl.l��mil�--FrnnkSlre�Freddle�lorl \II-'llRltl\ti'1'Nl\1F:\'I'� t'mtuimt'���roant. 9i90 �p,��,•a.,/npi.���i
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