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<br /> _,_�,�-,;�=�,,�,`.S� perials tMat Lendcr reyuirca. The insuroncc cumer providing�hc fnnuruncc r�hull hc ch�nen hy Bartowcr nubjcct tc�Lcnder� � _
<br /> ._. ___— .,�.a. upprovol which shall not be unrcaronwbiy withheW. If Borrowc�i'ailx ta muimain cuvrrogc dcxrilxd ubuvc,Lc�xler muy.u�
<br /> --'r� r� Lender K aption,obtafn coveroge tu pmtect Lcndcr'z r�ght�in Ihe Pro�cny in occordan�c with paruRruph 7.
<br /> --�r��'���rra�
<br /> A- —���,,;,� All insurAn�e pulicieg und renewals rhall t�c�ceplab!�w LcnJcr wkf KhLll include u,lu�clard monguge clau�e, Lender
<br /> xhall have the nght to hold�he pc�licies und renewal.. If Leiukr rcquirc�,Burrower tih•rll promplly givc lo l.ender ull rc�:eipt+
<br /> ` :teCw"r'.�'t�;_' �'`', "°' uf pafd premioms ond mnewal noticew. In thc evenl uf losr,s��R��wer whull�ivc prompt n�►lice ro�hc inaurunce cnrtier and
<br /> g��`"��4:��`y�,"'�' Lender. Lender muy mokc proof af lo.,if not mwle prompUy by Burrawcr.
<br /> ,..�..m�.
<br /> � �+1c..:1+J�1. ..
<br /> :: ...��.._ Unlcs�Lendcr und Borruwer othcnvjsc agrce in wriling,intiurimce pnKCCd�+hull Ixr uJ�+licd�n reaorution or repulr uf � - s__�
<br /> , `z�r-:':s.. �
<br /> .�ti �}�;•. f' '' the Property damaged. if the restorotion ur repair iti ecanumicully 1'ea�ible und Lenderti .ccurity iti not Ies�ncJ. If the
<br /> � .`.
<br /> '•• 5 ,�j Rstorntion or mpair iti na economicully fe��ibk or l.erxler i +ecuri�y wuuld be leszened, Ihe inxurance prcxeed� xhall be
<br /> �• npplicd ro the Kums secured by this Securi�y Insirununt,whelhcr ur n�N Ihen due, wi�h uny excess paid w Borrower. If �=-
<br /> �'#'.,r...
<br /> .. -L!&!:a.?..; �.y.�r`�•
<br /> ,r,_,�,�_, ��� . Bortower abandons the Property,or dacs not mswer wilhin ill Jay,u notice from Lender thut�he inxurnnce cWrier hu�
<br /> '�°'�--*�?��•• offered to settle�claim,then Lendcr muy callect the intiurunce prckeed�. Lender muy use the praeeds w mpair or restore � _
<br /> :��r��"�'•' ,' the Propeny or to pay sums recured by�his Secumy Instrument,whether or not�hrn dur. The 30-duy periad will begin when
<br />— -- '•� :'`. ' �e natice is given.
<br /> __���' ����:�,:,�:�;�,.._ Unless Lender nnd BoROwer otherwise ugree in writing,w�y applirution of proceed, to principal+hnll not extend or
<br /> ��� ° ''� ' po�tpone the due dute of Ihe monthly paymentti referred to in pumgruphx 1 und�or change the umount of the pnyments, If
<br /> - • ��L�' �Y�,,,�;�.,,: under paragraph 21 the Property ix acyuired by Lender, Borrowerti right to uny insurunce policies und prcxeeds resuhing = ..
<br /> _-- -_ �---�*:°� •' �' from dumege to the Property prior to 1ix ucyuisnion shull pug��o Lendcr to the erlen��►f Ihe�ums crcured by�hi�Srcurity �__�__.
<br /> - '`'�"L'�"''`."-�' InsAumcnt immediutely priar ta Ihc ucqui�itian.
<br /> —�� F��"��,i�.� 6. Occupsmcy. Preservation. Maiatenaace and Protectlon oP Ihe Praperty: Borrower's Loan Appllcadon: ���
<br /> -�� � Y. Leaseholds. Borrower shall occupy,exlublistt,mid us�the Propeny us Borrower's principal residence within sixly duys aftPr
<br /> -"_a�s",'' ." . -. �,..a..-.'n.. _– . . --
<br />_.�Y�` •'� • ., . the eKecu�ion of this Security In.r•trument und y1u11 continue to accupy the Pruperty ns Burruwrr's princip;�l re5idence for at �
<br />�- _ , (eust o�e yeur after �he date af a�cupuacy, unless Lender otherwire ogrees in writing, which cament shull not be �,.,,.•-_ -
<br /> . unrensonAbly withheld,ur unless extenuating circurnstonces ezist which ure beyond Borrower's cantrol. Borrower tihall no1 �
<br /> �:� ' � � destroy,damage or impair the Properly,ullow thc Property to Jetenorate, or commit wusie an the Property. Barrower shull � -
<br /> •�:;;:, , ,, be in default if any farfeilure ac�ion ur proceeding. whether civil or criminul.is begun that in Lender's goad fuith judgment �- -_-
<br /> ,.•y� ,. could result in forfeiture of the Propeny or olherwise muterinlly impuir the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or ,�,,,,,;,_:
<br /> Lcnder's security interest. Borrower may cure such a default and rein��ole,u�provided fn puragraph I S,by causing�he ac�ion
<br /> • or praceedin�ta he dismissed with a ruling thut,in Lender's giwd faith detertnination,precludes forfeilure of the Borruwer'.s --
<br /> - - interest in the Property or other material impuim�ent of the lien creuted by thiti Security Inr�trument or Lender's security �—,
<br /> �� ° intercst. Borrower sholl •rlso be in defuult if Borrower, during thc loun upplicution prceess,guvc muterially fAlxe or ---•
<br /> ° '. inaccura�e information or.wtements to Lender(a fvikd to provide Lender with uny muteriul informntionl in connection with �`�""'`'�.
<br /> � the loan evidenced by Ihe Nate, including, bW na limited ta, repretientutionti conrerning Borrower� accupancy of the
<br />