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<br /> �_ ___:,,�„�_,�-:�� applic�blc Iaw may�pecify for reins�temen�) befom Kale of thc Pmperty pursuunt to uny powcr of vpl�conta ned in this
<br /> � — - Security Insuumenr,ur(b)entry of s�judgment enforcing tfiis Securiry Inxuumcnt. Thase conditiana ere t6ot BoRawer. (n)
<br /> ---.�,�..,�ssc;,� puya l.cndcr all aums which thcn would be duc under this Security Instrument ond thc (Vae ax if no oecelerutlan had
<br /> ;��-�,,�--°.�"-�'�-. '�: =n occurred;lb1 cures any dcfault of any dher covenants or agrecments:(c)pays ull cxpenses incurted in enforcing this Security
<br /> ':,�"�°.• �•�� ,' Instnimenl, including.but nos limited to, reasonoble uuarneys'fees; and (d) takes xuch action As Lender may rcusonably
<br /> �' " requirc to ussurc ttwt Iiu lien of this Securfry Ins�rumcnl,Lender w righta in Ihc Properly und Hnrrower r obllgwdon to puy 1he � _
<br /> ' Ruma hecu�d by this Secur�ty Insdument shall cantinue unchunged. Upon reinslatemrnt by Bortower, ihix Security
<br /> =� ~'� ` -- Instrument and Ihe ohligationg secured hercby ghnli remain fully cifective us if no acceler�liun hud accurred. However,�his v �
<br /> ����f
<br /> ri�ht Ia reinstate shall oot apply in the case of acceleauion under p�ragruph 17.
<br /> b:• �. ' l9. SWe of Notei ChanRe o�I.opn 3e�vker. 'Ilie Note or a psulial intcre�t in the Nnte(tagether with ihis Security
<br /> ��..{;;N�;��-*,.+=.g� °v��!' Insuumentl muy be sold ane or mare dmes withaut prior notice ta Barcowcr. A tiulc may rexult in u change in!he entity _
<br /> �.s�t.s•�s,�. (k n o w n a s t h e"Lo�n Sewicer")that collecis monthl y paymems due und�r the Nate and this Security Instrumen�. There ulsu�
<br /> '�` ��'"'"�;� ,?..� , may 6e one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelu�ed to u aule of the Note. I f I here is u c hsuige a f t h e l.o a n S e rv i c c r.
<br /> ;•..; . .
<br /> ,,;�^�= �• '' � ,, Barmwer will be given written natice of the change in accordunce wj�h purngruph 14 ubove und upplicable luw. The nutice
<br /> - �,:�`:.�"�•��'�``'• wiU swte�he nume and uddresg of the new l.oun 5ervice�and the addrexa�o whirh puym�ntY hhauid be made. The natice will q
<br /> '•°;�� r� �'� ��•t also contain Lny other infarmattan required by applicable law.
<br /> '�' �•'"��"�'���'� 20. Nazard�ws Sub9taaces. Borrower shall not cause or permit Ihe pre:;ence,use,dfsposul,�toruge,or releatie af any �
<br /> --`_�.;;`�`��;;�°-°t:��� . " � Huzardous Substunces on ar in the Propeny. Borrower xh�ll nat do,nor ullow unyone eik to da, unythfng aifec�ing the
<br /> - • r :� _ �� Pro{xrty that is in vi�lulion of any Envfronment�l Law. The precedinR�wo sentencex xhall nat appty to the presence.use,ar
<br /> ,{��� �r,. ;.-�'.'�. '•.- , storage on thc 1'ropeny of smnll quamitir�of H:u.�+rJuu,Substanecs that urc gcncrully recognized to be pppropriate to normul � �- --
<br /> ��-..-# ie�lT.��,TG�M Y:"' . _'
<br /> .�- � ;,,, .,.�.�;; ; residential uses and to muintenunce of the Praperty. ---
<br /> ;..��� .4, Bortower shsJl promptly givc Lender written notice of uny invewtigutian,cluim,demund,luwsuit or other action by uny �v
<br /> _-� � �,_ t4x°+F,��., � governmental or regulawry ugency ur priva�c puny invalving thc Propeny und su�y Hazardous Substuncc a Environmentul �_
<br /> • Lnw oP which Borrower hns uctual knowledge. If Bormwer Ieums, ur is naificd by uny govemmcMal or regulntary �v---__
<br /> ---. ` ��:� •°j"��"; ' ., aulhorfry,that any removal or Mhe�rcmedia�ion of ony Huzardous Subtitunce uffecting the Property is n��cessery, Borrower
<br /> ' . ', xhall promptly lake all necessary remediul actions in uccordnnce with Environmental Law. �
<br /> . °" As used in this pnrugrnph 20,"Huxurdous Subslance.c"are those substuncex defned oz toxic or hnzardaus substunce.by ��
<br /> ` � -� ° � Environmemal Luw and the following subs�ance.r•: gasoline,kerosene,other flammuble ur taxic pe�rol�um producic,�oaic __�_'
<br /> • � ° ' � , pes[icides und herbicides, volutile ,olvents, muteriulti containing usbes�as or formuldehyde, und rndiouctive materiuls. As C; �
<br /> used in lhis paragrnph 20."Environmental Luw"mcans federal luws und luws of Ihe jurisdictian where the Propeny iw lacated �°`��'�-�•
<br /> " .' a � � that relate to health,aniety or environmental protection. �'�g'"34-
<br /> % . , .�' , I NON-UNIFORM COV6NANTS. Borrower und Lender further covenunl nnd�gree ns follows:
<br /> � - � '^�`�� 21. Accelerallon; Remedies. Lender shall gi�•e ootiee to Borrower prinr lo acceleration �ollowing Borrowe�'s ��{'-�—�'-��
<br /> , ;. ;� �••. � breach ot any cuvenAat or�greemeat in this Security lnstrument Ibut not prfor to acceleration under paragraph fl '•:
<br /> _ : _�:�x.�f:;,ra�:a�,'' unless s�ppltcable low provides otherwlsel. The notice shAll specify: la)Ihe default;lb1 the�ction requlred to cure the '•����
<br /> • r•• deiault;lc)A date,not less thAn i0 days from the da�e Ihe notice is given iu Burru.vnr.b3 sihkh ihe d�fauli mu�!!�c `��...
<br /> � .` ?' ' cured;and(d1 thAt fallure to cure the dePuult an ur 6efore the date specified in the�Micr mav resalt in acceleraUon of' �'��'?x`
<br /> � : �s�s'--'
<br /> •� �` � � ' the sums secured by this Security Inslrument�nd sale oP fhe Property. The notice shall Purther infarrn Borrower of �
<br /> ' ' the�ight lo reinstate af�er accelers►tion and the right to brin�a r��urt uction to asseM the non•exigtence of a dePeult or ..--
<br /> ^ :,:;;'. ;; aay alher dePense of Borrower la acceleration and sale. If the defuull is nnt cured on or bePore Ihe date speciiied in � T
<br /> � �^ ' the natice.Lender at Its oplion muv require immediute pa�•ment in full of ull sums secured by Ihir�Security Instrumenf �-=
<br /> � -,��''�. wlthout further demand ond muv invake thc pnwer oP sale and any other remedies permUted bp�pplirahle I�w•. -------.--
<br /> ' Lender shall be entitled to collecl ull expenses incurred in purtiuin�thr remedies p�ovided in this pura}�raph 21. ��,a.--
<br /> , includinq.bW no1 limited to.reusons�ble utmrneys'Fees und cutits oP litle evidence. ���
<br /> ee
<br /> ' If Ihe power oi'wle is in�•oked,7Yustee shall record u nulice uP defuult in euch cuunty in whlch wny part of Ihe '-�� -
<br />_ ' Property is located and shAll mail copia�aP zuch�ot ice in the manner prescribed bv applicabk luw to Burrow•er und lo �•=""j"
<br /> � � • � the other persons prescribed by�applicable Irw. After the time required by upplica6le Inw;Trustee shall give public �"�w
<br /> • ,, notice of sale to the penons und in the manner preticribed by�pplicuble luw. '11�ustee.withaut demmd on Burrower. �'
<br /> � shall sell Ihe Property al public uuctiun tu the highest bidder at the lime und place s�nd under the lerms desi�nuted in L..,�..�z._:.-
<br /> • . • Ihe notice of sale in oee or mure parcels and in uny order 7Yusler delermines. 'I�uslee may postpone sa le of all or um '�'� _
<br /> ' � parcel af the Property by public announcement ul the lime t�nd plucr uP any pre�•fuusly scheduled�le. Lender or its '�
<br /> • �•"�� desigeee mAy purchusc the Property at uny�ale. �
<br /> � ' �tpon receipt of payment oP the price bid.'Irustee sh�ll deli�•er U►the purchuser 7Yu�tee's deed cunveyinR the
<br /> ' � Pro rt . The recitals in the'I�ustee's deed xhall I�e prima fucie ecfdence uP the truth oi Ihe statemeAts made Iherein. �..� ..
<br /> Pe Y
<br /> � � � 7Yuslee sholl Apply the proceeds of Ihe wle io Ihe iollowinR order: �al to ull custs and expen�a�oi'exrrcisipg the puw�er ,
<br /> -� 11�5r.e _�,
<br /> � -��. - • __---__ .
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