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_ t,��1 _ � . .';' .�}ll� .)�}!ir .. . . • r y. � r � aen����� � <br /> �1��1� ��M'/f M�/l_ �� __.A. <br /> I, <br /> t ��11�11�'��]. - — �_�.+'__•____' _. .. _ <br /> �,: .t.. -_- - <br /> . _ . , ._ .. - . . ..�,.. .y�;. _ .._- ..� <br /> :�. . _ ....�.. - -�- -- _ " _� . <br /> .• <br /> . . _ <br /> __...,.s..�.....t...�..... •.- <br />.--.� . . . !�s .. ._ ..,��.�,...........e�_..�.a.v-=�s�����,.r..�...�..� � _ _--� . _. � _.. <br /> .. �, --e�..._ -- - ----- <br /> _.��� g2_ io���3 � <br /> _�::.�.:� , <br /> ��...,��,;•,;�,.�;s periads�hut Lender requirea. Thc inyurance caRier pmviding�hc insur�ncc nhull bc by Burn►wcr huhjcct tn lxnde�� <br /> �_���� appmval which shall not be unreaconably withAeld. It Bortowc�fAilr�o muintain cove�uge de.rcribcd abavc.l.cnJer may,a� <br /> --= �;;�� � Leeder4 optfon,a6tuin cuvcrage to prmect l.ende rk�ghtR in�he Pro�r:�in uccordancc with piwgroph 7. <br /> �="+ s .� ;, All ingura�x;e pollclex nnd renewulx xlwll be �ccepteble to Lcndcr und xh�ll includc u�wndard mc►rtguge claube. Lender <br /> .�'� �+� 6 ahpll havc the right ta hold�he policies and renewals. If Lendcr reyuirea.Bom�wc�rhall pmmptly givc to Lender ull rcceipta <br /> .�f '`''� `�+' " '' of paid premlum�and renew�l notices. In ihe event af luss,Bam�wer xhull give prumpt notice to the inruranre carier und <br /> �_y ;�. � .�,.'�A i Lender. Lender may make praof'of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. ` <br /> _vy�{,yw.��q Unictis Lender and Borrowcr otherwi5c ngree in w�i�ing, in�urancc pmrecds tihall he applicd tn rex�orution ur repair of <br /> '_��X'k <br /> , �;;: �he rty dumaged, if the re�torntian ar rep:�ir ix economicully fesu�ible w�d I.enderw�rcu�ly is nut lersened. If lhe <br /> ����-��' , rcvtorAt�ion or repair is not ecanomicully feasible ar l.ender's security would bc lessencd,thc inxurunce pracceds shull be <br /> ��:••���{�"'•'��••;�� applied to the sums secured by Ihis Securily InKtrument.whether or not then due. wi�h uny exces, paid to Bortower. If <br /> .n,c.n__, _:...�' . <br /> a',�es�.r.• ;::•� Bortower abandons the Property,or dcex not answe�within 3U day+ u natice from I.ender�hat Ihe insurance carrier has <br /> �;�X,,�,�._: offered to senle a claim,then Lender may collxt the mcurancc pmceeds. Lender mny use the praceeds�o repair or rectore <br /> Ihe Pnoperty or to pay sums securcd by this Secnrity In�trument,whether or not then due. The 3Q-clAy period will tiegin whsn <br /> - . • �he notice is given. — - <br /> • Unless Lender s►nnd Borrower otherwise agree in writing,uny npplicntion af proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> _ - �.,::>;` .: . • postpone thc due date of Ihe monthly payments eeferred to in pamsruphs I and 2 or chnngc the amount of the paymenta. If <br /> ~.��'l;};�!;;;•,r:;:�� :4.<,;' under para�aph 21 the Proprrty is acquired by Lender. Borrower's nght to any insurnnce policies and proceeds resulting <br /> '��'��i'`�'"`'`'' � ''"'{'"' from damu e to ti�e Pro n riur to the ac ui�itian shaU acc to Lender to�he extem�f�hc snmx secured by this Security �•- <br />�'��-��4 ii�; •t. 8 Pe Y!� 9 p �• ------- <br />;' (. fi:, �::��'�"�T` Instiument immediately priar to�he ucquisitian. <br /> �5 1'��..,,,.. ,:�� ,.. <br /> l'��'•�`'' � �� �'�^ Preservatlon, MAintetu�nce and Protection of the Praperty; Borrower's I.os�o Applicatioo: j�: <br />:�:::u+�,��+,;a,�.}-.�;, �,�'��.,� 6. Occupancy. ��_ <br /> "l��'�:�;:�s�'s� S�,�Fi''�� ` l,es�.ceholda. Borrower shull accupy,estAbUsh,and use the Pi'openy as Borrawer�s principal�esidence wilhin sixt�days after <br /> :;;:;���:..,c,� �,,..•,.r��;��; -- - - <br /> ,r. �•`c'}yjj^'.:x�'�+,t•:^<'�.`�•,l t• the executian of this Secudt Instrument and zhall continue ta accupy the Pmpnrty aa Bu�sower?s principul rcsidence for at <br /> : < �1. � , , ...;}�-,:,:�;S Y <br />;i��� ,. �: •��r�:�-:•:>,,:! lea,t ane yeur ufler the date of occupancy, unless Lender olherwise agrees in writin�, which consent shall not be �- <br />..,:�.Y .� .n��.� ��1:i�:.i�5.1 <br /> r,,,,,,;����. unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuating circumstunces exist which nre beyond Bomnwer's control. Borrower sha nat __ <br />"_,}; , :� �''"��� � destroy,dumuge or impair the Property,ullow ihe Property�o deteriora�e,or commit wuste on the Propeny. Borrower�hull _� Y <br /> ,,r, •' �.���; � be in default if any farFeiture action ar proceeding,whether civil or criminul, is hegun thut in I.ender+good faith judgment <br /> � � could rcsult in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise muterially impair the lien creuted by �hix Security lnstrument or � <br /> , � � LenderR security interegt. Barrower muy cure such u default und reinatule,u�provided in parugruph IR,by cuusing�he action <br /> ' :k' or procecding to be dixmiz�d with a ruling thut, in l.enderk gcwd fui�h detern�inutian,pmcludcv 1'orfci�ure of Ihe Bormwcr's <br />- � ' •� Inte�e�l in �he Property ar other mu�erial imp�irment��f'�he lien createJ My �hi�Scrurily Intitrument ar l.ender� :�ccurity <br /> :4,'� . � imcrcsi. Barmwer nhull olui Ix� in de(uult If Borrowrr, dudng �hc lonn upplicuiion prcxc�x, guve mu�criully fultie ��r �;:__ <br /> •�'' � ° inuccuruie inPurmu�iun or.�utementw in Lender I�+r fuiled to provide Lender with uny m:�tcriul iMiirmutiunl in conneciicm with <br /> - the luun eviJrnced hy Ihe Nrne, including. but not limited to, reprrxen�uiiunx cuncemin�t Hurrower:ixcupuncy of�he _ <br /> __ _'�"_-_�:L�+�Y.. Property us u Qrincipul rexidencr. If�his Seruri�y Imtrumen�ix on u Ieu�cholJ, Burruwer xhall rnmply wi�h all�hr provisiunx <br /> ' '� � * of�hc k•r,e. If Bnrrower ucyuire.r fec�idc�o thc Pmpcny,the lea.r•eh�ld and thr 1'ec title.r•hull no�mcrgc uNess Lender ngrces <br /> •� . ° . ta Ihe merger in writing. ___ <br /> � •�•• ?. Protectbn oP l.ender'.s Ri�hta in Ihe Property. If Bom►wer fuil+ �o perform the cuvenunts and agreemcnts ,�; <br /> ., coMuined in thi+ Seruriry Inwtrument, or therc is u kgul proceeding thut may signi�canUy uffect Lenderi rights in �he ' <br /> , .. Pmpeny(such Lw u pr�xeeding in bankruptcy,probate.for con demna�ion or fo r leiture or to en fixce lu ws o r r eg u l n t i o n s l.t h e n �` <br /> . � ' Lender muy do an d pay i'or w h•rtever is necc++ury tc►pro tec t t he va lur o f�he P r o p e n y u n d L e n d e r's ri g h t ti i n t h e P r o p e n y. ��- <br /> Lender�uclions muy include puying i+ny wms secured by a lien which has priority over this Security lnsirument,oppeuring �e �. <br /> ' �� b;f";,n�''' III Cuurt,paying reu.onable uttomey.s'feex und�ntcring on the Propcny to make Rpairs.Althaugh LenJer may �uke ac�ion __� <br /> . �- � .,, under this parngroph 7.Lender daes not have lacln+o. -- <br /> - ' My amountx disbuned by Lendcr under[his paragruph 7 zhall become uddilionul debt of Bortower secured by this e�5-==- <br /> • � ' Securily Instrument. Unleh.Bonawer und Lrnder ugree to other termti oi puyment,these amoun�s shull bcur interest from�he <br /> � � dnte of disliuncment ut Ihe Note rale and shutl he puynhle,wilh interest,upon naice from l.ender�o Borrower reyuesting � •I j <br /> M . • puyment. ���. <br /> Y , � S, MortRage Insuranee. U'L�nder rcyuired mortgage insurunce ati u c�mJitiun ni'muking�he luan xecured by�his ��-- <br />', +�: <br /> � ''�,'�'' Securiry Inxtn�ment. Borrower xhall pay thc premiums reyuircJ to maintuin the martguge insurunce in effect. lf. for any �'"-_� <br /> �� reuson,the mortgage insurance cover+ge reyuircd by Leixler lap�es or cec�xes �o he in eifert. Borrower ,hall pay the =_ <br /> •° premiums reyuireJ to oMuin roverugr +ubst:ntially eyuivalrm to �he munEugr insurunce pteviously in et'fert,at a cost <br />--- �• • "� substantiully eyuivulent to�he cost to B�irniwcr af the mnnguge imurance prrviuu�ly in effect.from un alternnte mongAge <br /> insurer npproved by Lendcr. If subs�s�ntiully eyuivalem mimguge in+urunce caveruge i.not iivniluble. Borrower shAll pay to e_ <br /> ° � Lender euch month a tium eyuul ta anr•twelt'th uf the yeurly mongugr imurance premium being paid by Bonower when�he � <br /> insursmce roveruge lupsed or ceused to Ix in rf(eci. Lendrr will nrrept,u.e:md re�ain these puymem+us u lo�s rcserve in lieu @,tn <br /> '. �;,.,�, of mortguge inxurunce, Loss rescrvc puymcnts muy no Innger be myuircd,ut Ihe upti�m of Lender, if morlgugc insurunce -- <br /> • coverage (in the umount nnd for the periad thui Lender rcyuirrsl provideJ hy un in,urer iipproved by Lendcr uguin hecomer ��-'= <br /> � available and is nb�uincd.Borrowcr.hvll puy�hc pr�miumx rcyuirrd lu muinlain munga�e intiurancc in cffect,or to provide u .� <br /> loss reserve,until the nyuirement for mortgage inxuruncr rndti in urcorJunce u�ith uny wriuen ugreemrnt hetween 8orrower �w , <br /> . . , und Lendcr or applicaBle law. ' <br /> 9. lnspeclfon. Lender or it�•r�ent ma�•mukr rcayunaBle rnlric.up��n anJ in,Exrtium of the Pra�rty. Lendrr shull <br /> give Borrower notirc ut th�timc ot'�tt prior to�n inxpertion.�x;cifying rea.�muhlc ruu.r lix�he im�xrtion. � . <br /> � 11. Cundemnation. Thc pr�KC�J,��I'uny :iN:u�J ur rlaim t'ur damarr..�lirrci�,r r„ cunncr�ion with uny � . <br />' tiingle Fumih-•F4anieH��Ntl�cddk��1�l�IF(►N!N IVK'1'RI'NP:�T••l�nd��m�t'����iwui�. 4/y11 ya�er t,qrr��.¢rv <br /> 4mm LM�Nwmnr F�m�•hn• � <br />• Tu UnkiC�Y NIIM�tipM:1�1 i�F1ll INIi-14611JI . <br />• y <br /> i <br /> ; „ <br /> 1 �� . . ' <br /> , ' , . � ' - ' ' <br /> • � <br /> _�. � __.__l � <br />