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.,��� _ .. .. ��;;::•'-�—��.�-._. <br /> , 5 _�.:�: <br /> .4.:�:�_.�--� <br /> �n •- — •— <br /> - ��� . -- -- , - - <br /> ,�A1 - - • .- �°"�.r� i.. _- -- <br /> � - ;.e..�wr .. <br /> ..R'�{A I, <br /> �� J <br />. e� .. _ _ - - .— ,_- . <br /> - . 30�0�� <br /> -�:�...;.� ;,�.��.-�� � ��� �---- - <br /> - _..w.�..��x._ � <br /> -- - --�=---�:°�:�:��� <br /> ,..,,.���,.�,�-;�� TOOE7'NER WITH all the imprcivemcntK now or hercaf�cr enxlcd�xi�hc proprtiy.und ull cu�cmcntx,appurtcnunccr, <br /> and('i��arc�now or hercaiicr u�art of thc propeny. AU replaccmen�d und udditiun��hall airu bc:cavcred hy�hi�Sccurity <br /> __ -- __�*+!� Inr�lrumem. All of Ihe faregning is�cforred to in thix Sccurily InRtrumcnt as�hc"Propcny." <br /> � ,, �1 BnRRUWER CO�ENANTS Ihu�Bort�►wc� i4 lowfully Kci�ed��f thc c.lutc hcrcby c��mcycd und hoh thc right�o gruni <br /> :�1 �;`•.�'''. .!;-.^, und convcy thc Pr�perty und thut thc Piropcny ix uncncumbcred,excepr for e�cumbrunrc.of rernrd. Hurrowcr wnRants und <br /> '��e +- , will defend generally Ihe lille ta 1he Property aguinst all clafmx anJ demanda,subject to uny encumbrunceti af recurd. <br /> ,, v. .. . <br /> �� � �''."i:u^"^.��s.;3�:.. � THI3 SECURITY INSTRUMENT cumbincy unifixm cavcnunts for national usc und ix►n•uniform cavenanls w 1 <br /> � - Ijmited vurialions by jurisdiclion ta conxtitute u unifarm security ins�rument cuvcring reul prupe�ty. �-_..�-,_-_- <br /> ° � ,.. . ,�._ °�' UNIFORM CQVENANTS. &�rrowcr und Lcnder covcnanl und ogrcc us fallaws: <br /> --�'-rr"':':���,' 1. P+� ment of Princi I and Inlerest:Prepayment And l.pte Chorgea. Borrawcr�hull promptiy pay whcn due thc <br /> ;�"�u.�y`"� �.�,. principal oi and interest on the�debt cv idenced by the Notc and any prepaymcnt and IAte churgcr�dur under�hc Nutc. <br /> � - �'� 2, �Lnd�for 7lwxes aad Insurance. Subject to upplicuble IAw or to u wriuen wuiver by l.ender,Borrower�hall pay to <br /> ��`''�:��`";'""`N Lender on the day manthly payments are due under thc Note,until Ihe Notc ir paid in full,A sum C'Funds"1 for:lu)yearly <br /> - --• - • . tuxes and assessments which may altAin priority over�his Security Instrument os u lien an thc Propeny:(b)ycurly leatich�ld _ <br /> `v•:_yt;.�•:�- ..��• .' payments or ground rents on the Property. if;uiy; (c) yenrly hazard ar propeny insurunce premiums; (d) yearly Ilood <br />--- — insurance premiums, if any; (e) yearly monguge insurnnce premiums,if nny: and (�any sums payubk by Borrawer to - <br /> -` ;s°���;;�. _., Lender, in accordance with�he provesions of parugrnph 8,in lieu of�he payment of mortgage insumnce premiums. These _ _— <br /> �� �,� r-= items arc called"Escrow Uems." Lender any iime,collect und hold Funds in an amount no�to exceed the maximum � __.,_. <br /> v � �"`a' -• amount a Iender for a fedaraily related morlgage loan may require for Borrowert escrow acwunt under the federul Rcal - <br />�'�� ;� �r+;•:;_ : Egtu[e Senlement Procedures Act of 1974 u.v amended from time[o[ime.12 U.S.C.�2t�01 er seq. ("RESPA"),unless nnother � <br /> _-=;���g:��yy�y_,�;,,;_, law that upplies to the Funds sels a lesser amoupt• If so.L.ender may,at uny time,callect and hold FLnds in un amount not to �,A,�s�:.; <br /> +�' � exceed the lesser amount. Lender may e�natc ihc amount of FLnds due on the basis oi current data and reasonable � <br /> •'� ` �' '• � estimutes of expenditures of future Escrow Iterns ar otherwise in accordance with upplicuble law. <br /> =�� ' � �� �"'`��`��''����� The Flmds shall be held in an institution whase de osi�s are insured b a federal a enc , instrument�lit ,or entit ,;:, <br /> _�_ P Y B Y Y Y �.�.�;.�-� <br /> -, ��� r... =,"`,;;;;:rk'r ,�-.' ., <br />_;.�,,� 4 •, : : .•:.,ti.,,�',..` , , (including Lender.if l.cndcr is xuch an institution)or in uny Feder�l H�me LoAn Bank. Lendcr shall Apply the Funds to pay fs . <br /> ;� � �r,�s�t;�{h y,� : the F.scraw Items. Lender may not charge Borrawer for holding and applying �he FUnds,a�nually analyzing the escrow { y,...��.- <br /> ;�'•• y ,.��t_> , �, '�• ``, .; account. or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender puys 8orrower interest on the Funds und upplicAble law pemiits � <br /> ..,.1 i;;�`�,_•',���'.,.. . <br /> , ,;;,;; u�•"<`•''%% Lender to make such a charge. However. Lender may reyuire Borrower to pay s►one-time chuge for un independent renl <br /> ' ��K�����`''%�'�����i estate tax reponing service used by Lender in connection with this loan.unless upplicable law providex aherwise. Unle�s an <br /> _:' .. .. :,., <br />_ '�`•�����''';.�` `} agreement is made or applicnble law requires interest to bc paid,Lender shall not be reyuircd to puy Borrower nny intercst or <br />`�'',,� � enmi�ga on the Funds. Bortower arni Lender may Agree in writing,however.that intercxt+hull 6e paid on the Funds. Lender = _ <br />�-;�� � ' . shell give ro Borrower,wilhout chargc,nn nnnuul uccouniing of the Funds,shawing creditx a�d deMts to the Funds And the �� ____._ <br /> _ � .. purpose for whkh cuch debit�o the Funds was msde. The Funds iuc pledged us s►ddilionul yecurity for all sum�ticcured by !-���= <br /> -� � ���.. <br /> •'- '•_ •-,- _ this Security Instrument. <br /> If the Fundx he)d by L.ender excced ihe amaunts perminc d �o b c i x i d by upp iwu b l� iuw, i.�n dc r �h a a r co u nt to <br /> ' � ° Borrower far the ezcess Funds in uccordance with the reyuiremcn�x of opplicablr law. If�he um�wn� ��f the FunJ+held by <br /> Lendcr ut any time is nat sufficient to pay the Eumw pemti when due,l.endcr muy �o natify Bonower in writing.u�xi, in <br /> • such cuse Borrowcr zhull pay to Lender the amount n�wessury to muke up the dcticirncy. Burtuwrr shull mukc up thc ��`rT �- <br />- ' ' � .r-•'~ deficicncy in no morc thun twelve m�mthly payments,ut IAndcr w role diccretion. ��--�--= <br /> � , •, Upon payment in full of ull +ums,ecured by �his Security Inxtrumcnt,Lender+hall prornptly refund to 8orrower any �,�.�,�,.,,,.„ <br /> �' ' Funds held by Lender. If,under pnrugrnph 21,Le�xkr tihull ucyuire or sell the Piroperty. Lender.priar lo the acquiaitiun ��r �_ws� • <br />.. , '` ,�f- sule of'the Property, shuli apply uny Funds held by Lendrr ut the time of acyuixition or sale us u credit ug�insl the wms ,�,-rr-.. <br /> secured by Ihis Security Inslrumcrn. <br /> , 3. ApplkaUon of Paymenls. Unless �pplic�ble luw provides otherwi�e, ull puymen�s receivcd by Lender under � � , <br /> � � pArogruphs 1 und 2 shull be upplied: first,to any prepuyment churges due under the Note; second,to amounts payable under �����--�_— <br /> u <br />: psuagroph 2;third,to intcrest duc;fourth,to principnl due;and last,to any late charges due undcr the Note. �� <br /> 4. Charges;Liens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxes, assctisments, churges. fines und impositians attributable �o th¢ �,r;.-�,;;:-__ <br />, � � Propeny which may attain priariry ovcr this Security Instrument,und leusehold pnymenls or�round renls, if nny. Borrowcr ,''.4:�._� <br /> ,,�;;i'F,'�•` shall pay these obligations in the manncr provided in parugraph 2,or if not pafd in that manner,BoROwer shall pay them on , <br /> ' � time directly to the person owed puyment. Bortower shall prompUy furnish to Lender all notices of umounts to bc puid under � r <br /> � this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shull promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing _. <br /> �.' �'�,'�''``1' thepayments. � <br /> Borrower shull prompdy discharge any lien which has priority over this Securiry Instruma:nt unletis BotYOwer;(a)vgrees P� , --_-•- <br /> � �•",:r_=_ <br /> _ � , � °� in writing�o the payment of the obligation xecured by thc lien in u manncr ucccptable to Lender,(b)contests in gaod fuith the � -+--=:��: <br /> � ' � lien by,or defends against enforcement of the licn in,Icgal prac:ecdings which in�he Lender's opinion operatc to prevent thc <br /> „�,�;;??'_;. <br /> . � enPorcement of the lien:or(c)secureti Prorn�he halder of�he lien un ugneement satisfnc�ory to Lender�ubordinating the lien � •• ,y �: .,;.- <br /> - � to this Security Instrument. If Lender dctermines that uny pan of the Roperty i.xubjert to u lien which may attain priorily <br /> over Ihis Security Instrument,Lender muy give Borroweru noticc identifying the lien. Borrower shall sutisfy�he lien or take ��, ,;1` <br /> • ' one or more of the actions set forth abovc within 10 duys of thc giving of notice. � • <br /> S. Ha�rd or Property Insurance. Borrowcr shall keep thc improvementx now cxiating or hereafter crected on the f <br /> Property insured aguinxt loss by�rc,hazurds inrludcJ wi�hin the tcrm "cx�endcd covcr.�gc"and�ny other huzurds,including <br /> floods ar flooding,far which Lender rcyuire� insuran�e. Thi.r insurancc shall bc m:+intaincd in the umounts and for the � <br /> � <br /> t:rm Je2g 9r90 ���.e.�,�l n►��.T� <br /> _ �. . <br /> . <br /> +' . , <br /> ,i .. . <br /> ., ., . <br /> ,ti ' , <br /> . ' • `� .,. � _ . � . , . � <br /> i <br /> iy � <br />