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os:� ' � . ._ _ - <br />� .f` _.+� ,•+rrk��;.;., � ' �t 1i. <br /> -- —ri{��� <br /> -�_ --•-------- <br />-�, � - - . - — � ° <br /> T;��.____._.Y.�..�1, �2-� a���:� �_ <br /> condcmnation or wher t�king oi�u►y pan uf thc PropcAy,or for convcyun�c in lieu ot'cundcmnu�i��n.s�rc hcrcby u.�ri�neJ +m�f <br /> �fwll bc paid to l.endcr. <br /> In thc event of n tatul wking of Ihe Propeny. �hc proce+edx xhall bc upplicd t+�th� �umx�rumd hy �hiw S�turity <br /> -- Instrument,whether ar na�hen duc, wi�h uny cxcesx paid io Aorrower. M thc evenl��f u puniul tukinR ol'thc f'�r���erty in <br />����� which�he fuir market value of the Propeny immeJiately bc:fure�hc tLking ix cyuul w or grcu�cr�han thc�m�wnt uf�he aumx <br /> --_- = secur+ed by thie Security Inst�umcnt immediutely hcfore�he tuking, unlews Burrower und I.endcr mhcrwi.c a�rec in writing. <br /> — J� the aumc secu�ed by thi�c Security Inauument�hall be reduced by :he unrount of�he prixeedv multiplied hy the follnwing <br /> �"-�°°°�°-'��-�"'� frnc�ion: (n)the rotal umount of ttic�ums xecured immediutely t�efurc the�uking,divided by Ib>�he fuir murket valuc of'thc <br />.,_��_---�---__. _ � �.. _ <br /> -__ - �_�;,� Propedy immediately before�he taking. Any bolancc shall be paid�a BoROwer. In�he eveiit of u puniul tukfog uf'11�c <br />-�� � Property in which the fAir market value af the Propeny immediwaly before the �uking i�c Iesc thun the umnunt aP the�:ums <br />�"-;,,�,.:,,�„',;.�'� secured immediutely before the taking, unle�x Borrower and Lender otherwitie agree in writing ur unlexs uppNcabk� law <br /> __�,;,;- . otherwise provides,the proceeds sha��be aPP�ied to the sumr s�:ured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sumw ure <br /> ��":r��5�• then due. <br /> '"`"' s , .,-., �. If the Property is a6andaned by Borrower,or if,after rat ice by Lender to Borruwer thut the candemnor affers to mnke <br /> �•;�.`.;:):� ;, I <br />_ �,�,..,�.,;,,,�;; an award or settle u clt+im for dameges,Borrower fuils lo respond�o Leoder within 30 duy�uftc�the date thc natKe is given, <br /> - ��.:��:,�1 � Lender is uuthoriud to collect and upply the pmcecds,at i�s op�ion,either to restorotion or repuir of�he Prup�ny cx to thc <br /> - - "°``�"'`��s��,:"`'�=- �' �+uma secumd by�his Security Inxtrumem,whether or�ot then due. -- <br /> 'a�S ��"�`: � Unles.a Leoder und Borrower othenvise agree in writing, any applicutio�af prc�ceeds ta prinrip�l yhull n�N ex�end or <br />- '�cS�'` `.' 4.,��. '.: • <br /> ����x�►�,. . pa.�tpane the due date of the manthly paymentc refcrred to in psuugruph� 1 und 2 or change the Amount of such paymen�s. __ <br />�.'„�;�r,;.1�.;;,,.";�"'� � � p, Bo�rower Not Released; Nb�bearance By Lender Nut a WAiver. �xtcnsian af the time ror pa�rment ar - <br /> �etr;.�.t_ � <br /> ���T.��. ti <br />_- --:�.�_� 1 i modification of s►mortizution af the r:umx secured by thia Securi�y In�tniment groMed by Lendrr►o any succetisor in t�srcst <br /> `�� �,_ • ;� �, , of Bomnwer shall na opers�tc to releuve�he liubflfly of thc origfnnl Borrower ar Borrowerg xucces�or� in intcrest.I.ender <br /> .t�._ . <br /> �-- -° = r.,.--�. xhull �wt be required ta c�mmence proceedings aguin�+t uny�ucce�urc in interest ur refu.r•e ta extend time for payment or _ <br /> _"o�;;�:�� o.- , <br /> _, -��„�..�.,.. : otherwihe madify amortixatian of�he tiumx xecu�cd by�his Sccurily In��rumem hy reuxon uf uny demund mudc i+y thc uriginal <br /> �-��.d,,,�� • Barrawer or Barrowerti�ucces.orx in interetil. Any fcxlx:umnce by Lendcr in rxenising ut►y righ�ar renxdy �hul! not 6c u - <br /> -��„:{,.,-;�p�„r.�Y; h� • , woiver uf cx preclude the exercize of cu�y�i�!M or rcmrJy. <br /> ` :;;,:s*x.y1::;'..w' 12. Successor�And AsuIRaAN�wnd:Jolnl ond tieverwl I.Iobflllyi 1'o-xlpnrrx. llic ruv4nunla imd aµrremcnhut'Ihi� <br />--�. ;�r,.,,;����''� Security Inslrurnenl ,hull binJ und henriit thr wcrr.w►n imd u�.i�tn,ul�Len�kr uud 19nrruwcr. �uhjecl 1��tln pruvi�Mnt+�d' <br /> _ , ;:�;5`.:s, purag�uph 11. Borruwrrw cuvcnont� und uµncmen�� .hull I+r j�dnt +md KVl'f11I. Ally NIIRIIN'l'1' NIIII CII•rl�tll�(III� kcurlty <br /> - t'_,:, In�lrumeni hw d��e.oo�execme the Nu�e: Iul�hi,kcurf�y h�,t�wnem unly u�m�►nguµe,gr+io��uiJ a�nvey ihui <br /> _� • ` ,f�.:�." Borr�►wer+imerr�l in Ihc F'ro�rtywider Ihc Icm�,ut�ihi.Sccurily hitilruuicnr Ihl��xrW►n�dly ubliga��cd�upuy Ux�un�, <br />-� .. ^ J r;ccuKJ l+y�hi� SecurNy Inti�rumeM: und Ic�;�grccr thut l.��xkr unJ +�ny uUKr IinR�►w��r muy uµr�rr in.ticnJ.�euKlil�y,tnri+►ur <br /> - u �, `'. ��:'� ar muke any ucc��mm��luti�x�� wiib R�AfI) 10 (Ik Il'flll�. ot thi*tiecurity In�tru�urnl or �Ik N�� wlihom �hm K��rn�wer� _ <br /> - �L;k,.:..,:.,. .. <br /> — •n . ' • d C(111:iCf11. <br /> --�. ;j���,;_ 13. I.�wn Chor�e�+� If�hc loi�n,rru�d by thi*Security In,�rumcn� i. ,uhjeri �o u luw which �elr� muKimum luan �- <br /> !- �"�� �' "- � churges,and thut luw��tinully in�crprc�rd r���hu��iio ia�urcrt.�r ath�r loan ch�T�jCti CnIICC:ed of Sif bC COIItCII'iI IIt�•��nn�-.•iinn __ <br /> -� • ' w�ith the loun cxcced thc�rniittcd limiir.,thcn: (ul uny wrh laun churgc+hull Ik reducc�l hy thc umaunt ncccssury �o n�ducc �� <br /> - � ' the churgc to the pennitted limit:and Ibl col lec�rd from Burn�wcr which excreded�xnniucd limits will I�e ��: <br /> • � refunded 10 Borrower. l.enckr muy cha�,r to muke thi,n:t'und by rnducing Ihc principul oweJ under the Note ur by makinF u _ <br />- � , , ,,;�+ dimc�puymenl to B�irrower. If u refund r�duces principul,iha:reduclion will be�routed u�u puniul pn:puymem wi�hnut uny - <br /> ..� . . prcpayment ch�rge under the Nute, <br /> � , . 14. NMices. Any notwe ta Barrc�wcr proviJed for in thix Security Instrument xhull be given by deliverin�ii or by <br /> •• ' � mailing it by fir.r•t clucs muil unless applicaNlc luw requireti u�c of unuther method.The notice�hull be Jirerted to the Pruperty <br /> Adcirexs or any other address Bartower notice to L�nJer. Any notice to L�nder,hull he given by fint cluss <br /> ��; •.• .••;r •,. I mail lo Lender's uddre,+at.ucd hercin or uny rnher uddrenti�kr designutex by noticc lo Borrower. Any notice pruvid�d f or _ <br /> , • �- in this Sccurity M.trument shull he dcemcd to huve heen given to Bortnwer or Lender when given ns provided in Ihis �` <br />�;... , ,.� purAgroph. � <br />�''I� lS. C.overning Law:SeverabiNty. This 5ecuri�y Intitrumrnl+hull bc goveroed t+y ticdea►1 law und thc Is�w of�he _.- <br />=.i ' :_ ,,:r,:6: <br /> �• • � ',.�, jurisdicticxi in which U�e Priiperty i. lacuted. In the event �Iwt any pravision or cluuse af thi+Secu�ty In��rument or tYe Note <br /> : :J:;5��•��� � conflict�wiih npplicublr luw.such conflict shall not uffect ather prcwizions uf thi�Security In+trumen�or the N�ne which cun �;__ <br /> , ��,�;i<,;�r::.•• '`':��`"'� i be given effect withaul the conFlirtin�provision. To this end ihe provi.ions of�his Security In+trument und Ihe Nute ure �.�:.; <br /> � •� ,...,�y., _ <br /> :..r •,.�iiy:: . � declurcd to be�ever•rble. �_ <br /> ,,,,.• � 16. Borrower's Copy. Burtnwer shull Ix givrn onr confomied copy nt'Ihe Notr and of ihis Security Inswmem. _ <br /> ����. - �, � ' l7. 71��nsfer of the PropeHy or a Reneticlul Inleresl i�Borrower. 11'all ur uny pun oi'thc Prop�:ny or uny in�crest in <br />` '��=' • � - it iti+old ar trunsfcrred lor if u benrticivl intcrrst in Borrow�r i, ,ald ur trumfcrrrd and Burrowcr ix not u nuWrul prnon) -- <br />��F���';' • withaut Lendcr's prior written m�y,al ih aptiim, reyuirc immcdiulc payment in 1'ull��f all tiums sccurcJ by {� <br /> o�..,�t•,._-.-. L._ <br />��s�;;� _;:,� thiti Security Instrument. Huwever.thix aptiun shall not hc cxerciticd My Lender if exerci�c i�prohibilcd by fedeml luw os of <br /> .t.;': .. „ the d�te af Ihis Sccurity Ir►mtrumem. ��- <br /> � If Lcnder cxcrci.cs thi+up�Hm.Lrnder tihull givc Burtowcr noticr of iicccicrutiim. Thc noiirc .hull pr��vidc u period of _ <br /> . � • ' not Ietiti thun 30 duys t'rom the dute[he noticr i.Jelivered ar mailed within which Barco�vrr mu�t puy all�ums secumd by ihis �r.: <br /> • ' Serurity Imtn�ment. If F3orrower fail� to pay Ihr�e sum+{xinr ti�Ihe �xpir;►tion ot'�hi,peri�xl. Lender muy invoke uny �- <br /> rcmedies permiued by thi+Security Inxtrument without funik r ixuicr i�r demund un BuRUw�r. �! <br /> �S � 18. Borrower'.s Ri�hl to Reinstate. It� Borro«•cr mreis rcnain cunditinm, Burr��w•er +hall hsrvr Ih�ri�ht io hnve f.:� <br /> -� r • entorc�manl of Ihis Sccurity In�tmment diu�Nitinucd ut um timc pri��r tu thr rurlier of: lal 5 Juy� Inr wch ulhcr periad n� , <br /> tiinglc F�xml�..Funnk►1ue/tYa�ddle M�c l'\IF�1N\I INti'1'Nl'11EN'f••Uml�mu('u�enam. 4�W1 �p,�e�•a��ry I��t•'�� �� <br /> ( �'. . <br /> � ,. <br /> .. - —e,�-�-—.t ... . . ,a .r. :4', . . . , .. .cj..:rr: . ... :7'l'� <br /> i . • � � <br /> . . <br /> ' . ' . \1. � . . <br /> + <br /> � <br /> .. • . � <br /> � —_ - , <br /> ���� . . _ � .._. <br />