<br />Loan No: 373�597'14
<br />(Contiltued) 2 010 0 9 4 9 4 Page 5
<br />c;onclusive prouf nf the fruttifi.dness th�reof. /�ny ��erson, incl�_iding without lirnitation 'T'ruscor, '1'ruslee, or l..ender, rnay
<br />purcr�ase af such sale.
<br />(h) As may be permiYted hy law, after deducfing all r.nst.s, Te�� :�nd �xpc�ns�s nf Tru,t�� and of this Trust, inclurlin,y c�sts nf
<br />evidenr..e of tide in cor'�neclinn wilh sale, Trusf��e sh�li ���E�ly the 4xncnnds of s�le to �;iyment of (i) all sums �xpend��f under
<br />the tetrns of lhis pend of Trust or under the terms nf the Note not then repaid, including bi.if not lirnited to accruecl inter�st
<br />�nd I�l� ch�r,y�s, (ii) �II othr.r s�uns then seciued hereby, �nd (III) YI1B fP.IT181f1CIAY, if any 10 thP.. pt;rSOn or F)P,f5Of15 legally
<br />entitled thereto.
<br />(c) Trustee may in the manner prr�vided f:�y law post.pnne salP of nll or �ny riortion of ifie Pro���rty.
<br />Reinedies Not Exdusive. TrusYee and Lender, and eact� o( thern, Sh�rll t�e enlit.lec:1 lo ar�forr,e payrnant �nd F�erforrnance of any
<br />ind�btedness or ohligations secured hy this I)eed af f rusl �nd Ic� exFri:ise ali rigli[s .irul pnwers under Ihis [7eed nf - Trusl, und�r tl�e
<br />Note, under 7ny oF lhe Relat�ri Dnc�.unenfs, or under any oYher �acareement or any laws now or Iiereatler in forcr; notwithst�ndiny,
<br />�ome e.�r all of sur..h indebl?clness �nd nhlig:�tions �eeur�d k�y t:liis Deeci oi irust m�y now or hereafter I�e oilierwisc� ser.urncl, whefher
<br />hy rnnrtg:�ge, deed of trusY, pledge, lien, 855�(]f1�71P.,f�L Of VIf1PfWICF. NP.1�IlHf lhe acceptance of this la�ed nf 1"n.ist nor its enforcement,
<br />whether hy r.ourt �r.tion or pursuant to the power c�f sale or nli�er powers c<�ntairrecl in tfiis [)eed qf Trusl, st�all prejudic;e or in any
<br />manner affer.t Trustee's or I_encier's riyht to realizP upon or enfnrce �rry nther securily now or herra(ter held hy 'Trustee vr t,ender, it
<br />heing ac�reed that Trustee anc) L.ender, and ear.fi of th�m, shall f�� e!ntitle!d to enforce This �eed of Trust and :�ny nth�r s�curity now nr
<br />hereafter held by l.ender r�r l ruste:� in si,ich qrdc�r nnd rn�nn�r :�s thny or �ither of thr_,m ms�y in thnir nl�solutr.. <.tisr.retipn dEatrnrnin�. Nc�
<br />rerr�edy c:onfrrrc�d upon or reserved to Trustee or Lencler, is inl.encled to I.ie exr,li�sive oF .:my r�U�er reinedy in this f�eecl of l rust or by
<br />I�w nro���ied or pennitt�d, but ear,h sliall be curn��ilative an<I sh�ll be in �ddilinn to vvery ather reir�edy given in [his t)aad o( t rust or
<br />now or hera.after axistin� at law or in eq�aity ��r t.�y sl�ii.naa. Fvery ���iwr�r or r�medy given by thc Nvt� or �ny of the Rclalecl C�ocwtient�
<br />to Trustee or Lender or to whir..h either nF them in�y hc� otlierwisc! entitlyd, may I.�e exercised, concurrently or iridependently T10171 YI171(?
<br />t0 tlfllP �flf.� hS ()�(Hfl f]$ fT1elY f]l? Ca(!(?Illf?Ca ('?X()CCIICfIY. �J� �T�U6LP..@ pf �,_�''.f1(�P..�� Af1(� Bli.�lF?f ()f t�l.F.fl� fTlil�/ Flll($l1P• If1�:Vf1515�f:flt fPf77(:f..�lF?$,
<br />Nothing in this C�r.ed nf Trust sliall be conslr�ied as prr�hil:iitinq I_erider frrn7i se�l<inq � rlaficicncy jud,ym.r,nt ag�inst th� Trustor lo Ilie
<br />extent sur.h flr,tion is permitted k�y law.
<br />Election pf Remadies. l�II of l_ender's rights and rerneciies will he cumul�tive and m�y he ex�rr.ised �Inne or togethnr. If Lend�r
<br />riecides to s�end money or tc� per(orrn e�ny nf 1 rustor's oblic��tions ianrler this D�r.d of Trust, aiter Trustor's failurc� to do sn, that
<br />d�r,ision hy Lender will not a(fect I..ender's rlqht to decl:�r� lrustor in dniault and to exercise Lencler's remedies.
<br />fiequest iar Notice. Trustor, on hehalf nf Trustor and Lender, herehy reqi.iesTs that a capy c�f any Notice of C7Pfault and a copy of any
<br />Notice of Sale ui�r.ler Yhis C)eed of Trust he mnilad to them at the acldresses set forlh in the first: par��raph of this [)ee�l of 1 rust.
<br />Attomoys' Fees; Expenses. If L.ender instilules any suit nr action Yo r.nforr,� any of the tenns nf this Deec.i of Trust, Lend�r shall he
<br />entitled to recover such surn as t.he r.ourt m:�y r�diurlge reasonable as att�.�rneys' fees at trial antl upon any ap�:�eal. Whetlier or not any
<br />court action is inuolved, and to the ext�nt not prohibited by I�w, �II rr�asonable expenses I..ender inci.irs that in Lender's npinion are
<br />necessary el �ny tiiri� for [he protec:tion o( its interest or tl�e enforr,emanl ��f its rights st�rill hecoine a p�rl [rf ilm Inciehl�dness p2ye�hle
<br />on clemand �nd sh�li b��r interest at the Note rete frorn 1:t�F clale vf the ex(�ei7diture until re�>:�irl. Fx�iens�s r,civer�d by this p�raqr�F�h
<br />inr,lude, without limitation, hnwever subjFact tn any limil� un�:lar ap�>lir.�ble I�w, Lend�r's �ttornr!ys' ir!es �nd Lend�r's I�g�l r!xp�nses,
<br />whether or not there is a lawsuit, incluciinp nt[nrn��ys' fres �nd expenses for bankruptcy prore�dings (incluc.iing e(forts Yo niodify or
<br />vacate any autom�Yic stay or injunr.tinn�, �ppF:�is, �nd �ny anticir.�atecl pnst-ji..idgment collrclion services, the r,ost of se�rr,hing
<br />rece�rds, obfaining titlr:, reports (inciur.linq foreciosure repurYSl, surveyors' repr.�rls, and apptais��l fees, lil.le insurance, F��1C1 �P•P,$ for the
<br />Tri.is[ee, [o th� extent pennitted by aF.iplic;able law. Tn,islor alsn will pay arty co��rl costs, in �dclilion tn all olher surns E>rovided by
<br />I:�w.
<br />Rights af 7rustee. Trustee sh�ll have all of the rights and duties of I_end�r as set Torth in this section.
<br />PQWERS AND pBLIGnTIoNS OF TRUSTEF. The followiny prc�visions r�la[ing tri the p<>wNrs �nd <�bliyalions of Triisfee are p2rf oF this
<br />D��*d of Trust:
<br />Powers of Trusfee, In adclitinn tn �II p<iwr.rs of Tn.iste�: arising as a m�iter of law, 1'rustee sitall have th� pnwer to take tlie following
<br />actions with res�ect to the Property upon the written rer.��,i��ti[ of I pnder and '1'nistor. �a) join in ��repariny �ryd filinq � rn�p c�r pleit nf
<br />the Rr.al Property, inciuding the dedic;alion of St.rFats or ofher riytils lq tli� �>uhlic; (h) join in gr;�nYin� any �ascrnent nr r.r�alinq �ny
<br />restrir,tinn on the (ieal Properly; �nd (c) jr>in in ❑ny suhordin�tion or other agreement alfer,ting this Deed of - TYust or the inter�st of
<br />L.f�nder under t.his Ueecf of Trust.
<br />Trustee. frusfee sfi�il �neeY :�ii ryi.i:ilificntions re�ryuired (or (r�asire uncier a�.�plir,at�le law. In :�dclitiori to fhe riqlv.s and ren�edies set
<br />forth al:�nve, with resper.t tn �II or �ny ���rt of the Property, die I rust?e shall h:ave tf�e ri3hl ln fnrecic�sra t�y rir�li�;e an�:1 salA, ancl I..ender
<br />will have the riyht to foreclose by judicia) forer,lo5ure, in eit.i�Far r,�se in ac:cordanr,e with �n�i ln the full extent provicle�t hy �K>plicabie
<br />law.
<br />Successor Trustee. L�nd�r, flY L@fICIP.f�S option, iYi�y frorn titti? to titne ���roint � SUCCP,5S(ll' TPUSLPP, to �ny Truslee ap(xiinled under
<br />1f11S fJeed of Trust hy �Il in5trument executecl 8!1(� BC�UlOW�2(iI�P,C� t)�/ �._P.•I1CiP,1' Flncl recorded Itl lf1(? p(�ICP.. n� 1�14? recorder of HFlII Cnunly
<br />St�le nf Nahr�sl<�. The instrument shal) cont�in, in �drlitinn t.o �II nttier �7i�ltr..rs raryuirad by st�t.r. I�w, th� nnm�s nf lhe nrigin�l
<br />I_ender, Tri.istc��, nnd Trustor, the book nnd p�a,ye (r�r corn�iu[�r syslr�m refnr�nr.F) whar� ihis Ueed nf - l - ri.ist is rer.nrded, �n�l th� n;rme
<br />ancl address of the successnr Lrustee, and 1he instrunie!nt shall bn exne�rted �nd acknowledged hy all ihe beneiiciaries under this Der.d
<br />of Trust or their SIICC.P,SSUfS ir� interest. Th� sur.r.essnr trustae, without convey�ncr o( tlie Prn��erty, sh�ill succeed Yo all tlic� tifie,
<br />power, and duties conferred upon ihe Trustce in this f)eed of fn.ist �nc.i hy applic:ahle law. l his procedur� for substitution of Trustee
<br />shall govern to the exclusion of all other provisions for suf�slifiriion.
<br />NOTIC�S. /1ny notir..e r�r�UirBd tn be given under this Deed of Tn.ist, inclurlinq withoul lirnil��lion ��ny nnti(:e nt d�faUlf �ir1d any nC�I.ir;B vf
<br />sale $I1F1II I)P.. qiven in writinq, �nd shall he e(ier.tive when aclu�lly deliv?red, wh�n �r.tually r�caiv�d hy tel�Tnr.siiliilr� (unl�ss ntherwise
<br />requireri t�y I:�w), when deposited wilh �� nationally rer,oc�nized overnic�ht co�.�rier, or, if mailecl WI1P.Il 1{f?�7051IE'(� in thr Linitrcl States mnil, as
<br />11fSt CI85S, Cf?fYIfIP.(1 Of reyistered m�il �mstnye �lf(?r1:)i(1 dir�r.ted to tfli', tl[al�fE'.SSP.S Sf1UWf1 f1P.Bf' 1.f1B f)P(]Iflfllfl� U� tf115 Uf'.P,Ca Of TfU5t. ���
<br />C0�71F.5 Of f10YIC('.5 Of �OfP.CIOSUfB �YUfT1 �f10 flf?�(�P,I' Of nny linn which has prinrity OV@f t�115 Deed of �Trust shall be SP,f1Y tU LP.I1fiP,f�5 8Ca(ifC:55, :�S
<br />shown near the beyinniny r�f this D��d oi Trust. Any �erson m�y chan�e his or her address (or nofices undar this f)eed of lrust hy giviny
<br />fnrmal written notice lo the other ��rsnn nr persons, c�.>ecifyiny that the (JUf�)USE'• of cfre notice is to �;I��nye lf�e persc�n's �ddress. F'or
<br />notice pi.irpe>ses, l7uslor ngrees to kerp Lender infonned at all Yirnes of I rustor's current �ddress. Unless otherwise provided nr r�ryuirPd
<br />hy law, if there is more ihan one 1 rustor, any ncitir,e yiven by I_nnder to any Trustor is deemecl to he notir,e qiven to all Trustors. It will be
<br />Trustnr's resr>onsihility to tell lhe! others nf the nr.�tir.? irnrn I_ender.
<br />MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 7he 1c'�Ilnwinc� it7iscellanr:ni.is provisions arc� a p�rt of this DFed of Tru,t:
<br />Amendments. What is written in this I)r:ed ��f l7ust and in th� Rr,lateci Docurnents IS TfUSlOf�S enfire B�JfP.•P.fT1Pf1C with I.ender
<br />enncerning the mariers covered hy Ihis De�d oi Trust. To be etfrcfive, yny r.hanyF or �mendm�nf ic, lhis f_��ecl n( l"r�isl rnust be in
<br />writing ancl rnusf he siqned by whoever will be t�ound cir obliyaled hy llie c:h,�nq� or arn�an�lrnenf.
<br />Gaption Fieadin�s. Ceplipn h�ndings in Yhis Dead of I rusf are (c.�r cr�nveni�nce �wrpnses nnly �nd �r� not to b� us�rl to inlnrr>ret or
<br />definp the provisions o( ihis Deed nf Trusf.
<br />Merger. There sh�ll he no mer,yer of Yhe interest nr esLat.e r.,r?ated by this De�d of TYust with any oth�r interc�st nr est:�tc� in the
<br />Property at any tirnc� held by or tor the benefit of I.ender in any cap�city, withnuf th� written r.onsent nf Lc�nder.
<br />Governing Lr�w. This Deed of Tnast will t�e governed by faderal law a��lical�le to I.er�der and. ta the extPnt nnt preemrted by federal
<br />law, tho I�ws of tlie 5tate of Nelar�ska without regc�rd to its conClicts of law prauisinns. 7his pe�d of Trust has beeri �r.cepted hy
<br />Lendor in the Stryte nf Nebraska.
<br />Choice of Venue. If ther? is a Inwsuif, Trustor aqrees upon I.ender's request to si,il�rnit lc� the jurisdi�:tinn of thP c:ourts of H�II Cnunfy,
<br />5tate of Net.iraska.
<br />Joint and 5everal Liability, nll nblig�tions of Trustor uncier this I)eed of I rusf Shall be joint �i�d sr.vnr�l, and nll rc�f�rc�nr.�s tn T rustor
<br />shall mean each anc9 every Trustor. This me�ns that e2ch `I ruslor siyni�iu b�low is r�snonsil�le tnr :�II ohligations in this D�ed of Trust.
<br />. � . �� � [ � , 5 � �
<br />