<br />D��D OF TRUST
<br />Loan No: 373051714 (Cv�lti�lU�d) 2 010 0 9 4� 4 p�g� g
<br />No Waiver by �.ender. TruStor undrrstancls Lencler will nnl qive Gir� ,any of Lend�r's rights i.uidc�r tliis Dnod of TYi.isl unles� Lencler dc�e:5
<br />so in writing. Thc� fact that Lender delays r.>r umils to exerr.ise �ny ric�ht will not rnean that I_rnd�;r ha5 �iven up that right. Pf I._ender
<br />does �gree in writing to give up one c�f l�ender's righYs, tPiat cloes not rnean `I"rustor will nof have to eorr�ply wiih the vlher provisinns
<br />of this beed nf 'rrusc. Tr��stor �Iso wicJnrstands tliat ii l.en�.iF;r dur:�s cnnsenl to a rc:qGiesf, fh�Y dn�s not rne�n th�t l rustor wiil nof
<br />have to p?f L.ender's consent again if the situation h�tppFlns �,y�in. Trustnr furtlier unclerstands YI18t fUSt I]P.CBUSP. Lender r.onsents Yo
<br />nnP or moro of 1Yustor's requests, lha[ rloes i�nt rne�n Lnnclr�r will be required to COf�$P�1L t0 �any uf - IYuslor's (uture reyuests. TrusYor
<br />waives presentrn�;rit, demancl for pnyment, protest, ancl notice <�f dishr:�nr�r,
<br />Severability. If a courl finds that any F�rovision of this Deed of I rGist is not valid or 51roi.dd nc�t hc enforr.c�cl, ihat f:�ct by itselP wi11 r�ot
<br />mean that fhe rest of this De�d of Trust wil) not I�e valiil or en(orr.�d. Therefnre, a r.ourt will nnfnrcn the rest of the �rnvisinns pf this
<br />Deed of Trust ev�n if fl provision of this Ueed of `I rusf rt�2y he fo�and to l�ra invalid or uneniorcrt�ble.
<br />Successars and Assigns. Suk�ject tv any limitations s'laled in tlris Deed of Trust on transler of Trustor's interest, this Ue.r.d of Trust
<br />shall h� bindinq upnn and inure to the benefit of th� p�rti�,, iheir succrssors and assigns. If own?rship c�( Yhe F'roperty bacomes
<br />vested in a person other than '7�rus(or, Lender, withoiit notice to Trustor, niay cle�l wifl� 1°ru�lr�r's SUCCf?SSOf$ WIIII 1P.IP.fF;IICP, tt� t.liis
<br />Deed of Trust and the Indebtedness by w�y qi inr�earanc:e or extension withput rele�siny Trustnr irom the obligafinns of fhis Decd of
<br />Trust or liability ur7cJer the Indebtedness.
<br />Tirne is of the Essence. 7ime is of ih� essence in the perform:3ncP uF thi5 Ueetl oi - frust.
<br />Waive Jury. All parties to Yhis �eed of Trust hereby waive tltQ right to any jury trial in any actian, proceeding, or counterclairn taraught
<br />hy any party ag�inst any other party.
<br />Waiver of Momestead �xemptian. Trustor tiereby rele�ases and w�ives �II righks and benetits of ilie hornestead exernption laws of tl�P
<br />Stat? of Nebrask� as to all Indebtednr�ss secured try this Uc�ed of lYi.ist.
<br />DEFINITIQNS. The fnllowing words shall t�ave the iollowinq me�nings when use�1 in this C7eed nf Trust'
<br />Beneficiary. l'he word "Benefir,iary" moans Equitable FSank, and iis sur.r,pssqrs and assigns.
<br />Borrower. The word "Borrower" means ❑AFiREN C. A[]AMS �nd CH�RITY l. AC)AM5 ancl inr.ludes all co siyners and c� makers
<br />signing the Note and all their successors and assigns.
<br />Deed of Trust. TPie words "beed of T'r�asY" rnean this Dee!d of Tru�t among "fruslc�r, I,.Fn[lFr, �nd Trust?e, and iricludes wilfioul
<br />limitation all assignrnent and security interest: provisions relating to the C'ersn�7al faroperl:y ?nd Rents.
<br />Environmental Laws. The words "F.nvirnrnn�nt�l L�ws" niean any ancl ��II s[ale, fe<9er�l �n�i lor.�al sfntutos, regi.il:�tions anci ordinanr.c�s
<br />relatiny to the procection qf hurnan health or the envir�:�nin�nl, includiny without limitation the (:oni�:�rehen�iue Fnvironmental
<br />Ciespc>nse, Gc�mp�nsalior�, and Linbility /�ct of 198q. �s arnendr±d, 42 U.S.C. SE:ctinn �a601, el seq. ("C�f�CI.A"l, lhe SuF�erfund
<br />Amendmc�nts and Reairthorize.�tion f�cf of 198Fi, Pub. L.. No. ��1-49� ( t.h� Flazarcfous M:�tc!rir�ls Trr�ns�.�ort�iinn Act, 49 II.S.C.
<br />Section 1801, et seq., lhe R�sourr,c� Conservation and lir;covery ncl, �2 U.S.C. Section 69O1, et seq., or other a��plicable s[ate or
<br />federal laws, rules, nr regulations adopt.ed pursuant I:hFri�tn.
<br />Event of Default. The words "Event of befault"' rne�n �ny of tf�e evencs ot default set forlh in this DeFd n( Trust in the evenks of
<br />default seclion of lhis Deed of Trust.
<br />Existirig IndebtPdness. The words "�xi,ting Indebledness" mra�n fhe ind?btedness descrit>ec) in Ihe Exi $I117CJ LIP.IlS prnvision of this
<br />Qeed of "frust.
<br />Guarantor. The word "Guarantor" means r�ny gu�tr7nfor, suret.y, or �ec:nmrnodation parYy of 2ny or all of Ihr Indetrt.�clness.
<br />Guaranky. The word "Guaranfy" rliean� th� gunranty Trorri (�u��r�ntqr tn Lencl�r, includinc.� wiYhout lin�il�tioii � y�i�r�nly oT �II or p�rt of
<br />the Note.
<br />Hazardous Suhstences. �lfie words "I-Ir�z�rdnus Sul�st��nces" me.in mtalerials that, becai.ise of Ihr,ir ryu�nlity, conc�*ntratinn or
<br />physical, chemical or infer.tious r.haracteri>tics, rnay c7��se cir pose a �xesent or Fx�lenlial hnr�rd to hiunan I�callh or the environmPnt
<br />when improperly used, treaf�d, stored, disposer9 of, genc:r�ted, �nanu(aclur�r#, tr�nsporie<1 or otherwise handled. lhe words
<br />°1lazardqus Substt�nces" are used in thnir very broadest ser7se and includ� without liniilation any anrl �II ha�nrdous or toxic
<br />subst2nces, m�terials or waste as rlefined by or I151L'CI uru.ler I.I�e Fnvirnnmental I_aws. `f he lF�rm "H��ardnus Subst�ncc�s" also
<br />iricludes, withput limitation, �.�eYroleum and petroleuni hy products pr any fraction thereo( ar'id asbestc�s.
<br />Improve�nants. The word "Imprbveit�Pnts" m�ans all exisfin{.a ar7d futur� im��rovements, buildiru3s, .5lruc[urrs, iriobile homes affixed on
<br />the Fteal f'ronerty, tar.ilities, adclitior�s, repl�cemonts and c�th�:r r,ons[rur,tion on the Re�l C'roperty,
<br />Indebtedness. The word "Indebteclness" means �II principal, interesf, :and oihr.r aniounfs, ro;:ts and ex��enses �»yahle undcr the Note
<br />nr Related Uocurnents, toyether with all renew�ls of, extensions of, rrwdi(ications of, cnr'isqli�l�finns of and substilufions (or the Nole
<br />or Related IJocuments and any amr.�ur7f� exp�nded or aclv�7ncearl by L�nder to discharg� Trustor's OI]I1�81.If1f15 Uf HX�IQf7tiF?$ inr.urred hy
<br />Trustee or Lc�nder to enforc:e Trustor's ol�li�acions under iliis Deed o( Il��sl, toyc�tl�er with interest on such arnounts �s �:rrovided in this
<br />peed of Trust. Specifically, without lirr�itatinn, Indebfrdness inclucles lfu� future aciv�nces sef forfh in the Ful:ure /�dvances proviSiUl'�
<br />of this f]eed oF'T'rust, togr�iher with �II int�rest tl�ereon.
<br />Londer. T'he word "Lender" means Eq�.iitahl� F3ank, its sticcFSSOrs �ncl as5iyi°is. Tlie words "successurs ��r assi,yns" rnean any person
<br />or coir�F7any that acquires ar'iy in[erest in the Note,
<br />Note. 1 word "Note" means t'hP promis;sory note dated December 13, 2(71U, 1I7 thB oriyir�al principal amounfi Of
<br />$3�5,g��.��J from Trustor to l.ender, tog�*ther wilh all r�newals of, extensions o(, rnodifir.ations of, reTin�nr.ings of, consolidations
<br />of, and si.�bstitutions tor the nromissory note or agreemc;nt:. Tlie maturity date of this Deec1 oi `frust is Or,ml�rr 13, 2U11.
<br />Personal Property. ThQ word5 "('er5on�l Pro�.�erty" rr�enn all c:quip�n��nr, (ixl�.nns, ancl ndier artic:les nf personal properry now or
<br />h�reafter owned by Trustor, and now or hareafter �Ytar.lied nr a((ixed tn 1.he Fieal Pro��ert.y; to,yethc�r with all 7r:eessiuns, parts, nnd
<br />additions lp, all re�lacements of, r�nd all sut.�stilulions for, any of sur,h propr�ri:y; and lo,yrtlier wiNi all proceeds (inr.lucliriy wit:hout
<br />limitation all insurance procePds �nd refunds of K�remiums) irnrn �ny s�le or uther di,pnsitic�n of the I'ro�.>e�fy.
<br />Property. t'f�e wqrd "Property" rneans collectively the Rcat Properly and Yhe P�rsone�l I'roprrty.
<br />Real Property. 'i'he words "Real Prnp�rty" rnean tf'�e r��l prnperty, intr�rests ;�nd ric,�hts, as (�ariher desr.,ribed in t.his Deerl of Trust.
<br />fielated Documents. Tha words "ftelat�d Docunierrls" rnpr�n all prorr�issnry notes, cr'edit �greFmi.r,nts, loan �greem�nt:s, �nvironment�l
<br />agreem�nts, guar�tnties, SBCI.1fILv �gr��ments, ntorig�cr�s, cleecls uf trust, seci.arity deeds, cnllateral rnorlgaqe., and all other
<br />ins#ruments, ayrec�ments and docurnents, whetfier nnw or hereaffer existin�, execuled in conne�,tion with th� Ind�bteclness.
<br />Rents. ThQ word "Rents" means all present and fulure rents, reuenues, incniYie, is5ur:s, r'nyallies, prol'its, and olher benc�fits derived
<br />from the Properly.
<br />Trustee. The wnrd "17i.astee" m�t�ns Ft�LI1t0hIP.. BAf1IC (Gfc"If7CI ISIFlfII� R�(alOfl� wkins? t�ddr�ss is 113-115 N Lpcust 5t; PO Box 160,
<br />Grand Island, NF. 68802-0160 �nd any substituls or suocessr�r lrustr�s.
<br />Trustpr. The word "Trustor" rneFlr�s DARREN C. !\UAMS �nd CI I/�fil l'Y L.. AD�MS.
<br />