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�. <br />p��D �F TRUST <br />Loan No: 373051714 tc���ti����a��► 2 010 0 9 4 9 4 ���� 4 <br />acquired by (rustor. Unless prohihitFd by law or Lender �yreeti to 1he c:onkr�ry in writing, Trustor shall reirnburse Lender for all custs <br />and P.xF.�enSP,s InCUrrad in connection wilh the mafl?rs ref�rr�cl tn in this parac�raph. <br />Attorney-in-Faet. If Trustor fails to do any of Yhe thinc�s referred to in th� prer.eding pAragraph, Lander rnay c10 so for and in tha name <br />of TrusTOr �nd at Trustor's expense. f�or such purposes, Trustor herehy irrevor.ably appoints 1_ender as Trustor's attC�rney for <br />the purpose of making, execuYing, delivering, filing, recording, and doing aU other things as m�y he necr,.ssary or desir;�hle, in Lencler's <br />sole opinion, to accomplish ihe ma[fers rPfarred to in the prec;ediny paragraph, <br />FUL� PERFORMANC�. If Trustor pays �il lhe indebt�dness, including withoul lirnilation �II future ndvanr.c�s, whc�n duc, �nd oth�rwisc! <br />performs all the obligatic�ns impc�sed upon Trustor under thic beed of Trusl, L�nder shall �r.ecute �nc1 deliver Yn l ru5tee a request for full <br />reconveyance ar7d sl7all execute �nd deliver to Trustor suilak�le �i.�Y�rnrnits oi terrnination of any (inancin,y stal�rneryY nn Tila <br />Lender'S security interest in the Rents and the P?rsonal Properly. f�ny reconveyance Fee requir�d hy law shall t�e p�id hy TYustor, if <br />permitted by ? law. <br />EVENTS qF D�FAUL7. At L�nder's option, 1fU5rOf WIII I7P.. 1�1 f�P.��l1II UfICI@� tI115 I�B1?1I pT Tfl)$I if ar7y nf the following hapr�en: <br />Payment Default. Trustor fails to make any payittent when due wider the i�,dFt��e�i��ess. <br />Break Other Promises. Trustor breaks any promise iriade lq I..�nder or iails to perforrrr [�r� �[ the tirne �nd strictly in the manncar <br />provided in this D�ed of Trust or in any agre?ment related to [his L)eed �rf 1 rusY. <br />Compliance �efault. Failure to comply with any nt.her term, obliyation, covenant' or' r,onditiqn cnnt�inFd in this Dec�d of Trust, th� Note <br />or in any of the Related bocuments. <br />Defa�ilt on pther Payments. Failure of T'rustor within th� tii7i� required by this Ueec! of Tri.ast to rn�lre nny rayment (or lax�5 or <br />irisurance, or any othar payment necessary [o prevent Filinq oF or to e(tect dischar�e of any lien. <br />pefault in Favor of Third Parties. Shoulcl Grantor d�fa�dt under any lo�n, extensipn nf c:rerlit, s�<:urity agreement, purehase �ir sales <br />aqreFment, nr any other a�reernent, in favor of �ny other r:redifor nr persnn that may mr�terially affect any of Grantor's property or <br />Grantor's ability to repay [he Indet�tedness or Grt�ntor's abilil:y fo per(onn Grantor's ohli�ations �.mder tr,;s uee�i of "I rust or arry qf the <br />Related Documents, <br />False Statemc:nts. Any repr�,ent�tion or statement rr�ade pr f�unishecl to I_ender by Trustvr or an ''s betialf i.uider rhis Dc�ed of <br />trust or tt�? Fielated Dor.uments is false or rnisleading in �ny niaterial resper;l., eifller npw or �t Yh� tim� rYi�d� or furnished. <br />Defective Collakeralization. This [)eed of T°r�.isC or any of the RelaYed Dor,urnents ceases tn he in Tull force and effect (including failure <br />of any collateral dpcument to create a valid ancl perf�r,ted security interesl ur li�n) :�t any tirns and for any reason. <br />Death ar Insoluency. The death nf Trustor, lk�e ir�solvenr,y nf Trustor, the appoinUTient oi � r�ceiver tor any part of Trustor's property, <br />any assignment ior the 6enefit of creditors, any typc� of r,reditor workout, c>r th� commencr�niant of any proceedin3 �mder any <br />hankruptcy or insolvency laws by or �g�inst Trustor. <br />Taking of the Property. Any creditor nr ,yov�rnrnental ayenc;y Uies to I:�ke �ny of ihe Property any olher nf Trustor's pr<.>pprky in <br />which Lender has a lien. This includes t�kin� of, ciarr�ishin,y of nr Ievying on Trustor's acr,<.�ur71s wilh L�nder. {-lnwever, if Trusfor <br />disputes in �ood (aifM wh�ther the clairn on whic:h the 1�king of the Property is l�asc�d is v�lid or reasonable, and if Trustor �ives <br />Lnnder written nnlice of ihe claini c�f1CI fUff115I1E',5 t.ender wi11� monies or � surely k>ond satisfar.tory tn Lender Yo satisfy the dairri, then <br />this rlefault (�rnvision will not apply. <br />Rreach of Qther Agreerr�ent. Any breach I�y ?rustor�l�r Yhe tenns of any nt.her a,yreFment hetwrcn �rustor and I_ander that is nnt <br />ramedied with�in �ny grace p�riod provided therein, incli.idinc� witho�.it lirnilalion �ny �yreemenY concerning any indebledr�ess nr olher <br />obligation of Trustor to Lender, whether existiny now or later. <br />Events Affecting Guarantor. Any oi the precedinq �vents occurs with respeck to �ny Gu�rantor of any of lfie Indeb�edness ar any <br />Guarantor dies or ber.omes incompetent, or revakes nr disputes the ualidity of, nr li�bilify under, any Guaranty of thP IndebLedness. <br />Insecurity. L�nder in good faith believes itsFlf insecure. <br />Right to Cure. If any default, pkher than � default in payinAnl is curable t�nd if (n.�st��r h�i� not heen given a notice of a brearh of the <br />same provision of this Ueed nf Trust withiin the pre;�cE:din,y tw�lve (1�) rnonths, ii. rn�y he r.ureci if lrustnr, affNr I.eniiear sends wrilt'en <br />notice to Trustor demanding r,ure of such defaull; (1 � cures fh� defa�,dt within twenty (20) clays; or (?_) if lhF r.ur� r�ryuires mor�* <br />than twenty (20) days, immediately inifi2tes 5[P.�IS WIIICII l_ender de�;ryi� in I_ender's sole discretion to I�e suTficient to cure the default <br />end YhereaFter r.ontinues and corx�pl�tFS all reasona6le �+r'id necess�+ry steps sufficienf to produr.n complianr,e as soon as reasonably <br />practical. <br />Fi1GMTS AND REMEDIES ON qEFAULT. If �n Event of faefaulC or,curs under this f)e?d n( Trust, at �ny tiirie th?reaFter, Truste� nr LendFr <br />may exerr..ise �ny one or more of the fpllowing riyhts and rernedies: <br />Acceleration Upon Default; Additional Remedies. If any 6vent of I]efault occurs as per the Yerrns 4f the Nole securc�d h�rc�by, <br />Lender may declare all Indebtednc�ss secured by this [leed Of 7fUSl LO I)f' (Il1P• flfl(I PBYflI)IP. 8f1(I �I1P, sarn� sh�ll th�r�upon ber,ome <br />due and payak�le withnut any presentmer7t, demand, protest or nc:�tir,e of flny kind. Thereafter, Lendcr mny: <br />(a) Either in persun or by �g�nt, with or witl7v�al tarii�c�ing any ar,tinn or pror.��diny, or by � receiver a(�point�d by a court and <br />without reyard to the aderyt.iacy of ifs sec�ariry nntcr upon and take possession of lhe f'roper[y, or any p�rt thereoT, in its <br />own name or ir7 Yhe nam� of Trustee, �nd dn any ��c:tG which it d� necessary or desir�hlc� to �reserve the VBIUP, <br />markeYability or rent�hility oT the Prnperly, or part of Uie F'ro��erty or inieresf in thr; I'roperry; increase the incC�rne irorn Ihe <br />Property or protect the security of I:he Property; and, wilh or without taking possession of the Prop�:rty, sue for or nth�rwise <br />r,ollect tlie rents, issues and profi�s nf tlie Prop��rly, incl�a<ling t:hos? past due �i7d unpaid, and �pply tfie same, Iess costs and <br />exp?nses pf operation and r.pller.tion attornwys' f��ns, to any indebtedness sec�.ireci by ihis Geed ni Trust, all in such order �35 <br />Lencler may deferrrtine. The enterin�a Gipon ;�nd 1�1<inc� pvssession of the Froperly, the coller,tion of such fP,nt5, ISRUf;S and <br />profits, and lhe appliar�tion Yhereof sli�ll not cure w' v�ieive �ny defaG�lf or nnrir.e oF defa�.alt uncler this C)eed of Trust or <br />invalid[�t.e �ny act done in response to suct� default or pursuant 1n sur,h notice o( dr-.fault; and, notwithstandin_y t:l�? <br />conkinuance in possession of the Properry nr the collec�tion, rer.eipt and applicalion vf rents, 15511P.5 or profils, Trustee or <br />Lend�r shall be en'fitled io exercise every right provided Tor in the Note or the Rel�ted Docum�;nts or liy law upon the <br />nccurrence of any event of defaulc, inr.luding the ri,yht I.o ex�rcise the power nf s�le; <br />(b) Gnmmence an action tq foreclose this Dea.d of 'f rusf �s a rnortgac�e, ��ppoint � receiver or specific�lly enforce any of the <br />covenants hereof; �nd <br />(r) Deliver to Trustee a written declr�ratic�n ot detauit flnd detnancl for ��le and a written notice of default and election to <br />cause Trustor's interest in th� Property to be sold Wn��.n r'�plir,e IYustr..e stiaA causF tn be duly filed inr rec:ord in th� <br />appropriate offices of the Cnunty in which the Property is loc�elecl; and <br />(d) Wilh respect to all or any pnrt of the Persnn�l Property I.P,II(IP.I' SI18II I18VP. BII lIl<? �ights and rem�dies of a s�cured party <br />under the Ne6raska Unifnrm Cornnierr,ial l;ndc�. <br />FOfBCIUSUfB I)� PQWBt' Uf SAIb. I� L.P,II(�IP.f P.IP.CtS �IO �OfP.CI051.-', klY @XPI'CIFP, qT (IlE POWE of Sale I1�L"1�C!Ifl COf1Y81fIB(.I, L.P,(1(IP.f SI1flII natify <br />Trustee and sl»II daposit wilh Trustee this beed of Trust and the Nole �nd such rer,eipts and �vidence nf ex�enditures niade and <br />secured hy this Ueed of l'rust as Trustee rn:�y r�quire. <br />(a) Upon rer,aipt of such notir.e frorn L.endPr, Trustee shall cause to he rerorded, published and delivered to Trustor such <br />Nntice� of Default end Nntice of Sale ?s then re�uired by I�w and by this f7eed nf Trust. Trustee sh�ll, without demand on <br />Trustor, after such time as may then he required f.>y law �nd after record3tinn of sur,li Notic:e af D�Cault and after Notice of <br />5ale having been given as required by law, sell the Prnperty et the tirne and plar.e oT sal? fixed hy it in suah Notice of 5ale, <br />either as a whole, nr in separate Inis nr p:�rcels nr itFrns as Trustee sh:�ll dnem expedient, arrd in sur,h order as if rnay <br />daterrnine, at puhlic �uction Yo lI1? I11CJIlP.St I)ICIC�E' (or cash in Ic�W�UI ITlpllf?�/ Df YF1P. United Slales payahle at the time of sale, <br />Trustee shall deliver to such purchaser or purchas�rs thereoF ils yoocl and suf(icient deed or d�eds conveyin� the F.rr��perty so <br />sold, but without any c;ovenant or warranty, or implied. The recit�ls in su�,ti i.i�ed of any matters ar facts stiall Uc� <br />� . <br />