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�, <br />Loan No: 373p�a1714 <br />DE�D UF TRUST 2 010 0 9 4 9� <br />ICnntinuedl <br />Page 3 <br />any lien aifectin,y lhe PrOperty, or tfie rastoration and rep�ir of tli? F�ro��erty. If I ender c�liacis to np��ly 1hr procc�eds to restorntinn �nd <br />re�.�air, 'T"rustor sh�ll rep�ir nr replt�ce the d�rnaged or destruyed IrnpiovF;rnenls in a irianner s�tisf�ctory to Lr.nder. I_ender shall, upon <br />SPtiSfBC:IOry O1'pOF nf such P,X�]Bfl(IIYUfP, p�y or reimhurse l�rus�r�r frorn ftiH �>rqceeds Tor Th� rensnnnble co.t of r�pnir or r�stor:�tion if <br />Trustor is not in defauh under this 1.?ec,:d <.if 'Trusl. !\ny pror.r.eds which h�ve not been disbursed witfiin 1 SO days a(ter their fPf:Pl�>t <br />and which Lender has not cc�mrr�iUed to th� rc�p�ir nr rr.Ftoration of the Pro��erty shall be utiecl first to p?y �ny a�nouril nwinc� tr:� I v���ier <br />iinder this Ueed of Trusi, fhen to �ay ac.r,ruecl intere::t, �ncl 1hw reninindpr, if �ny, sh�ll be nppli�d to lhe princip�l k�nlance of the <br />Indeh[nrhiess. If Lender holds any F.�roceeds 2( �i�yment in full oi the Indehfednr,ss, s�_ich �)fOC@P.CIS shali be �.>aid to Trustor as <br />Trustor's interests may appear, <br />LENDER'S EXPENDITURES. If Trustor fails (/�) to i<eep the Property ire� of flII fflXCS, liens, securiYy interests, encumbr�nces, and other <br />cl3ims, (B) to provide any required insuranr.e qn Ihe Prnperty, or (C) to make repairs to the Property then I..ender may do so. If any <br />action or proceediny is r,ornmeru.ed th?t would mr�lerinlly �rrP�t �_��,��P��S If1Yf?fP5L6 in the Property, thhn lenc.ier nn lriistnr's beh2lf rnay, <br />but is not reyuired to, t�ke any ac[inn th�t L�nder kieliaues to he a��prnpriate fo r.,��t���:r i enders ��,cer�s�s. nn exr�e�,ses inr.urrca�l [�r �»id by <br />l.ender for such �x.irpnses will then bear inlerest at the r�fe �,r,7r�ed under lhe Not� froni the datn inr,urred or p�id by Lender to the date of <br />repayrnen[ hy Trustor. All such expenses will hecorne a►��rt n( the Ind�htr�dness and, �t Lender's option, will (A) be payal�le on dernand; <br />(B) he added to the balance of lhe Nole and b� �ppnrtionerl airiong and h.» payahle with any insfallinenl p�yr7��ni� (o r,e�:v�T�e du� �i�,����a <br />either (1) the terrn of any applir,at�le in�urnnr,c* poli.r,y; or ('l.) lhe rernaining t.erm nf lli� Nol�; or (C) b� tre�tecl ;�s ❑ h�lluon ���ym�nt <br />which will be due and ►�ayable at the Noto's maturity. The I)eed r�F fri�st alsn will sncure p�yrnnnt of Yliese �mounts. The rights r>r�vided <br />(qr in fhis pnr�c�r�ph Fliall be in addition tc:� any r>ttier ri,yhis nr ❑ny remedies to wliich Lender �iay he entikled on rjccount of any default. <br />Any such action by Lender shall nnt be <:qnstrued ?s Curing 1ha �lefai.alt so as Yo bar Lender iroin �iny remedy lfr7l it. c�lhEarwisF� wc�uld (�7ve <br />had. <br />WARRANl`Y; DE�ENSE QF TITLE. The followiny provisions rel7tin,y to nwnership of fPie f�rq���rky �r� :� part of this Deed of Trust: <br />Title. Trustor warrents th��t: (a) Truslnr holds qnod �nd markrtable title of rer,orcl to the F'roperty in fee simple, ire? ancl clear nf all <br />liens end encumt:�r�nces other th:an those set fc�rtli in the Real Property description or in any title insurnnr..e (�r�licy, tille report; or final <br />title opinion issued in f?vor nf, and �cr.�pted hy, Lender in connection witf� this Deed of Trtasl, �ncl (b) TYustnr has the fuil ri,yht, <br />power, and aulhority in �xer.ute and deliver this Deed n( �rusi. tn l..ander. <br />Defense of 7itle. Subjer,t lo the exception in ihe ��arayr�aph :tt�ove, iruslor w�rr�nts ❑nd will inrevr.r defend thr, tille to the Prn��crty <br />ayainst. tha.. I�wful r.lnims p� 8II F)I;fSOf15. Ifl [he ?venL �iny �clinn nr �iror.e�!ding is r,nnirnenced ihat (�UP,3YlOf1$ Trustor's tide or the <br />inleresf o( Trustec or Lender under Ihis I?eed nf Trust, Tri..�stor sh�ll defr�nd the BC,lIUf1 AY 1fUSCUf�S @X�1@f15P... IfUBtOf m�y be the <br />nominai party in such proceeding, t:iul I_ender sh�ll he enlitled to partici��te in the proceedinq ancl 10 t�e represent.ed in lhe proceediny <br />by cnunsel of I.ender's own r.hoice, an<I Triastor will deliver, or c��.isc� to k�e delivPrecl, to I Eander si�r.h inslrum�nls �s I_ender i7iay <br />request Trom time lo lime tn �ermit sucl� participation. <br />Compli���ce With Laws. - Cruslor warr�nls th;�t the Proprrty a�icl Trustor's i.�se of the F'rr��ieriy cc��npli�s willi �II e�xislii�,y �pplir,�ble <br />laws, ordinances, and re,yulations oi gov�!rnmenfal a�rthorities. <br />Surviv�l of Prornises. f�ll promisc�s, �greements, and st�t.ernenfs fYiaslvr h75 rn�d� in this Ueed of Trust shall surviv� thc� ex�a.iYion <br />and delivery of this Deed nf Trust, shall be r..ontinuinc� in n�ture �nd sh�ll rem�in in r�,u r���� and effect until si.ich time ;�s Trustor's <br />Indehta[iness is paid in full. <br />CONDEMNAt10N. The followin,y prnvisinns relating to cnnclernnalinn prr�ceedinc�s �re n part of this I7e�d of Trust: <br />Proceedings. It any proceedin,y in cond�mn�tion is filed, f rusYor shall promptly noliFy L_enci��r in WI'll.11lC�, �3t1(I �T�1'US(ql' 6I17II (.)fOI�1�11.IY <br />take such ste��s as m�y he necessary to defend tfic� 7ctinn nnri [�bf�iii fhc� aw:�rd. Trustor ni�y be the noriiinal perty iri <br />�irqceading, l�ut Lender shflll be entitled to parfir,ipnle in tlie proceading �nd to he rr�ir�sented in the proceeding by co�msel of iPs own <br />r,hoice, and Trustor will deliver c�r r,nuse fo he delivemd to Lendr..r sur.h If15�fUfT7P.f��S 7nd dor,urnent�tinn as rn:�y be r?qi.�est?d by <br />Lender from tirrt? lU firne to permit surl� participation. <br />l�pplication vf Net Proceeds. If �il or nny part nf tlie Property is condeinnE�d by eairiinvnt dorn�in proc��dinys or l�y �riy prnc�e(linq or <br />purchase in li?u oF r,ondertin�tion, I_c�ndr.r may at it.s eleclinn rn<.�uir�� thnl nll nr nny pnrt.inn nF thc! nnt riror:.r,ncls ni Ylie �w�rd b� npnlind <br />ro the Inripbl�dnc�ss or the repair or restoration of the Pro�carty. Thr� n�t proeeeds of the aw:arcl sh�ll r7iean the �warci aiter payment of <br />�II re�snn�hle costs, expenses, �n�.1 altnrneys' (ees inr.iirrr.d hy Trustee or Lender in connection with lfye [:onderr�nB[iori. <br />IMPQSITIQN pF TAXES, F�ES AND CMAfiG�S BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTIiORITIES. The following ��rovisions relatinc� to governmentel <br />taxes, fees anci charqes are a part of this Deed of �'rust� <br />Current Taxes, FE!P.S and Cliargcss. U��on rr�qu?st by I en�lear, 1'ru;tor sh�ll exnci�te such C�UClI171CI1T5 in addition to tliis Ueed of Trust <br />and talce wh2t?ver otfier action is reqursted k.>y I.encler to pc�r(er.l �nri L�ndr,r's lir�n on the Re�l Property. Trustnr shall <br />reimhurse Lender tor �II taxes, as descrihecl belnw, tr�q�:iher wilh nil cxpensns inr,urred in r�!;ording, per(vcting nr r,nniirn.iinc� fh�is f)eed <br />ni Trust, includiny witho�rt limitatior7 all taxes, (ees,,ntajry st�rnps, and othar char,y�:s (nr recorciing c�r reqist.ering lhis I:)�Fd of <br />Trusf. <br />Taxes. Th� foliowiny shall conslilul.� taxas to which this secfinn s.�pplies: (1) a s�>r�cific f�x u�>on ihis typ� of Dnr!d of Trust nr upon <br />all or any part of th? Indek>tndness sacured by this heed uf "fr�,isl; (2) :� spnr.ific Y�x on lYustor wliich Trustor is authorized or <br />re��uired to derlur.t irom paynients on the Indebledness s�cured I>y Yhis type of Dead ot' l rust; (3) a fax nn this 1Y�1.P. f)I U.P.( (I o( I'rust <br />r,h�arge�hie �gainst the Lender ur the hold?r nf ihe Not�; �nd (�11 � specific t:�x on 211 or 2ny porlipn of tlie Indelrtedness or nn <br />payments of principal and inYer�sl m�dp t�y Trusfor. <br />5ubsequer�t Taxes. If any tax to which this section a(��liec is en�ctnd suk�srque!nt to the date of this Ueed of '�rust, this event shall <br />have the same effer,t as an Event of !)e(ault, �nd Lender m:�y �xercise any or all of its availabl? rernedies for ar� Event of hefault �s <br />nrovided belnw unless Trustor either (1) p�ys the f�x l:�rfnre it becnm�s delinquent, or (2) r.oniests the tax s�s provicled above in the <br />Taxes �nd Lic�ns section and deposils with Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety boncl or niher security satisfhc:tory to I..ender. <br />SF.CURITY AGREEM�NT; FINANCING 57/1T�MEM'TS. The followin,y r�rnvi�ic�ns rcl�ting to this heed oi lrust as a securify agreeinent ara � <br />part of ihis D�ad of Trust: <br />Seci�rity Agreement. This insVum�nt shall c;onstiiut� ?$ncurity Agrcemrnt to Uie extent any of tha Propert.y constitutes fix�ures, and <br />Lencler shall have all ot the riyhls af � ser.ur�d r�arly under the Uni(orrn Curnrnerr.i�:il Codc as �inendnd irom time to tirne. <br />Security Interest. Upon requesl. by�d�r, Trustor shall t�ke� what�ver action is re��uc�si�d hy Lrnder to {>erfer.l and continua L.onder's <br />security intera5t in lh� Personal Pro�erty. In additinn ln recordi�iy this Ueed of Trust in the real �rop?rty rer.nrds, I._�nd�r rn�y, 7f riny <br />time anri wilhout further authorizatinn (rom Truslor, filc� exncutr,cl co�.interparts, co��ies or reprr��iuct.inns nF this Deed ni Trust �s � <br />financinp statement. Trustur sh�ll reimbi�rs� Lender for all ex��enses inci,inr..d ir7 n�rfer.ting nr continuing this security interest. Upon <br />default, Trustor sf7all not removr., sever or detach the Person�l Pronerty frnm the Property. Upon def�i.alf, I rustor shiali c15SPfT1I)IP �fly <br />Personal Property nol affixed to the Pro��er[y in a rnanrier :�nd �t a pl�r,e re�sonably convenient to - 1 rustor .inc1 I.pnder nnd m21cv it <br />av�ilai.�le to Lender within three (3) clnys �i(ler receipt of wriYten dernand (rorn I_ender to the exfent �>errnitted hy a�:�plic�hl? law. <br />Addresses. the mailing acldresses of 1Yustor (debtor) and l.Ender (�F r,ur?d �:i�rty) from wfiir.h infnrrn�tion cnnr,c�rning the sc�curity <br />int�rest granted hy this [)e?d of Trust may k�e obtained (eacl� ��s reyuired by ihe lhiifnrm Conim�rci�l Cocle) are as stat�d on the first <br />p�gc� of this f_)eed of `i�rust. <br />FURTHF.R ASSURANCES; AT70RNEY-IM-FACT. The followincr prnvisiuns rel�tinc� to turttier essurances ancl attorney-in-fact are a part of <br />this Deed of irust� <br />Further Assurances. /�l any tim�, and frorn tiirie Yo tirne, tipon rec�uest of L�nder, Trustor will make, exec�rte anc.1 drliv?r, or will caus� <br />to be made, exr�cuted qr delivered, to L.ender or tn I,.pnder's dcasiqn�e, �nd when requestac.i by I.endear, c;�use tc� I�� (il�d, rer.orcfed, <br />re(ilrcf, ur rerer.nrd�d, �s the case mey br„ at suc,h tim�G and in such offices e.�nd places as I,.ender rnay de�m appro�riate, any �nd all <br />st�ch �Tinrfc�:�qr.s, deeds of trusf $QCIJIIt�/ ({F..P..(I5, ser,urity �greements, fin�ncing s(a[ert�enls, continu�tion st�t�m�nts, insirurn�*nts of <br />furthe�r assurance, certificates, �nd other documents as nie�y, in the snle opinion nf Lender, h� nc�r.essary or desirabl� in order to <br />effectuate, complete, perfect, r.ontinue, or F1fP,5P.fVP. (1) 1ru5tor's ohlic�akions under ihe Nnte, this Deed nf Trust, and the RP.IBtP.C� <br />Docurnents, and (?_) the li�ns and security interests creat?d by thi� Deed of Trust on the Pronerty, whether nnw ownecl or hereafter <br />� . ', , . <br />