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F'�. <br />�.,. <br />Loan Na: 37305'1714 <br />DEED O�' TRUST <br />(Continued) <br />20100949� � <br />acknpwledged by Lender in writing, (a) neith�r l rusior i�or �ny tc:nant, enntractor, aq�nt or other aulhori?ed user nf the Prnp�rty <br />shall use, generate, manufacture, stnre, treat, dispose of or release any Fi�zardous Substence on, und�r, about or from the Property; <br />and (b) any such activiry shall be conducted iri r.ompliance with all applir,able tecleral, s[al�, ai1�1 locai laws, rec�ulafions �nd <br />c�rdinances, including wi�hput limitation all Environmental Law�. Trustor ai.ithorizes Len[1Pr �i7d its ngents to enter upon tha f?roperty <br />tq make such insper,tions and tests, at Trustor's expense, as Lencier may deern appropriate to cleYerrnine �;c�mpiiance of the FroperYy <br />with this seclion of the Ueed [�f Trust. Any inspections nr tc�sts made by L�nder shall he for I.ender's purposes only and shall not t.�e <br />constr�aed ko create any responsibility or li�bilify on the part of Lend�r to Trustor nr Lo �ny nther perscan. l he reprEa&entations nnd <br />warr�nties contained k�erein are based on Trustor's due diliqericr* in invesligatirig the Property for N�z�rdous Su6stances. Trustor <br />hereby (1) rele:�sPS and waives any future claims against Lender for indernnity or contrib�.itiorti in fhe event.Tr�ist becomes liak�le for <br />cleanup <>r ofher costs under any such laws; and (2) agrees to ir�demnify, defend, and hvld harrnless Lender ��ainst eny and all <br />claims, lossPS, liabilities, damages, penalties, and expensas which Lender rnay directly c�r indir�c;tly sustain or sufier restaiting Trom fl <br />hrear,h nf this section nf the Deed of Trust or as A r.onsequence nf any use, 3eneration, manufacture, 5toraye, clispos�l, releFlSe or <br />threatened release or,curring prior to Trustur's ownarship or inlerest in thn Property, wh�ther or not fh7e SRrT1P. was qr should have <br />been known to Trustor. The provisions of this ser,tion of lhe U�ed of Trust, inr.luding the obligetinn Io indemnify and defend, shall <br />survive the payment of the Indebledness and the satis(actinn and reconveyance of the lien of this �eed of Trust and shall nol he <br />aftected by Lend'er's acquisition of any interest ir'� 1he Property, whet:hc�r by foreclosure or oth�rwise. <br />Nuisance, Waste. Trustor shall not r.ause, conduct or �e!rmit any nuisanr.e nor cornmit, perrnif, or suffer any sYripping of or waste on <br />[�r to the Property or any pnrlion of the Pronerty. Without Iirr�iling thc generalit.y of fhe foregoing, Trusfnr will not remove, or grant to <br />any other party the ri,yht to remove, 2ny tiniber, minerFlls (including oil �nd qas�, coal, clay, scori;�, soil, yravei or rock prradtacts <br />without Lender's prior written consent. <br />Ramoval of Improvements. "1"r�astor shall not demr�lish nr remove any Irnprovemenfs (rnrn the R��I ProperYy wilhout l..ender's prior <br />written cohsent. As a condition Yo the removal of �ny Irnproverr�en[s, Lencler may req�iire Trustor to rnake,yements satisfactory <br />to l.ender to replace such Imprpvements with Improvements of at le�st equal value. <br />Lender's Right to Entsr. Lender and Lender's agents and represenlatives may enter u(�on t:he Real Properly et all reasnnable times to <br />attend to Lender's interests and to inspect lhe Real Property tor purposes uf 'irustor's r.ompliance with t.he terms and conditions nf <br />this Deed of 77u5t. <br />Compliance with Governmental Requirements. l�ri.istnr shall promptly c�mply with all laws, ordinances, and regulation5, now or <br />hereafter in effect, of all governrnent?I authorities il(14)IICi3Y)IP, ta the use or qcr,upanr,y o( the f'roperty. 1 rriay contest in �ood <br />faith any such Inw, ordinance, nr regulation and withhold complianc�� during any prc�cN�dir�q, includinc� appropriFlle appe�ls, so long as <br />1'rusfor has nntified Lender in writing prior to doiny so and sn loric� �s, in L.ender's snle opinion, Lencler's inler�sts in the Property are <br />not jenpardized. I..end�;r may require T'rusfor to post c�(iP,(�UFlI.P, security nr �t surery bond f@8EUf1dI)IY $�(ISTBCYOf�/ t0 LEllf{ef, to pr�lect <br />Lender's interesf. <br />Duty to Proteet. Trustor agrees neither tn abanclon r�r le��ve unactended th� Property. Tr�.istor shall c#o all other acts, in additipn to <br />those acts sel Torth auove in this s?r.tion, which (rom the charecter and u5F a( ihe f'ropert:y nre reasonahly necessary tn prot�ct and <br />preserve the Prnperty. <br />Constructipn Laan. If some or all nf the proceeds of tlie loan creating the Indebtedness are tn be used t.o construct or r,ornplete <br />construcfion of any Improvements on the Property, th� ImprovernFnts shall be cr�n•ipletecl no later than the itiaiurity date of #he Note <br />(or such earlier date as Lender may reasonably eskahlish) and Trustor sliall pay iri full all r.osts and expenses in coiv�ection with the <br />work.�dPr will disburse loan �roceeds undP.r sur,li terrns and conditions as I..Fnd�r rnay deeni re..isni�nhly necessary to ir�sura fhat <br />the interest created hy this Deed of Trust st�,�ll h�ve priority over :�II �iossible liens, inr.luding thc.�sr, o( matc�rial suppliers and workrnen. <br />Lender may require, among other things, LYtat dis6urser7ient fP.(�U(:SY5 be suppnrt�d k�y receiple�l bills, ex�:�ense aifidavit5, waivers of <br />liens, constr�ar,tion progress reparts, and sur,h oth�r docurrtentation as Lender m�y reasonably request. <br />DUE QN SAL� - CDNSENT BY LENDER. Lender rnay, at l_ender's opfion, declare due and pay�hlF �II sums secured L�y this <br />I�P,P.d of Trust upon I.he sale or transfer, without I_?n[ier's priur writte.n r.nnsc�nt, of all [�r any part o( the Real I�roperty, or any irY[er'est. in the <br />R�al Property. A"salo or Yransfer" means fhe r..onveyance of �iE+al I'ro�:ierty or any right, title or inlPr�st in the Real F'roperty; wh�ther legal, <br />benaficial or equitable; whether voluntary or involuntary; wliel.hc�r by out.riyht s�le, CIP..P.(I inst211rnent s�le cor�kract, land contract, corltract. <br />tor dead, Ie�sehold interest with a term greater than [hr�e �3) ye�rs, lease option r,onlra�t, or 6y sale, assignment, or transler of any <br />beneficial intere5t in or to any land tPUSt holdin� title Yq thc� Real F'roperty, or by any oth�r rnethod of conveyanre oi an inl:erest in the Real <br />Property. Mowever, this opYion shall not ue exercisPd by Lender if such exercise is prqhibited hy feder�i law or by Nebrask:� law. <br />TAXES AND LIENS. The following provisions relating to the faxes �nd liens on the Property ere part. of this beed of T'rust: <br />Payment. l'ruslor shall pay when du� (and in ali �vents prir�r t� delinquency) all t�xes, special t:3x�s, ass�ssrnerU.s, charg�s (includiny <br />watPr t�nd sewerl, fines and irnno5itinns levied against or on ar.,co�int of the Prop�rty, and sh;ill p�y wh�n due all claims for wnrk done <br />on or 1or services rendered or rnat�rial furnished to the F'roperty. lrust.or sh�ll maintain the Property Tree c.�F �II liens havin� priority <br />over or equal to thP interest of Lend�r under this Deed of l rust, �xcept (or tli� lien of taxc�s and nssessrr��;nls nnt due, except for Uie <br />Existing Indebtedness reterrec'1 io below, ar�d exr,ent as alf�erwise provided in this Ueed of Tri�st. <br />Right to Contest. Trustor may witlihold payment of any I�x, ns�essrnent, nr claim in cnnner.tion wilh a yood faith disp�rte nver fhe <br />obligatinn to pay, so Iong as Lender's interest in the Property is nut jc:nparclized. If a lien arlses or is (il-r.d ns a result of nonpayrn�nt, <br />T'rustor shall within fifteer� (1.ra) days after the li�n arises vr, i( a lien is filed, wifhin fi([een (15) clays aftAr 1'rustor has notice oF fhP <br />filing, secure the discharge oF th� lien, or iF requested by Lender, d?pr�sit with I._end?r cash or a su((icient corporate surety bnnd or <br />other security satisfaclory to I_ender in an amount sufficiFni. to discharge tlie lien pius any costs �ncf attorr�ey5' fees, or otlier charges <br />that could accrue as r� result o( a foreclosure or s�le under the lien. In any contest, Trustor shall de(end il5elf and Lender �nd shall <br />satisfy any adverse judgment before enforcemant again5t the Pro�erty. Trustor shall name Lender as an ndditional obligee Gmder any <br />sur�ty bond Turnished in the contest proce?dings. <br />Evidence of Payment. Trustor sh�ll upon dernand Turnish to Lender satis(�ctory evidence of p:�ymFnt of fhe taxes or assessrnent.s and <br />shall authorize the appropriate govemmental atficial to deliver in Lencler at any tirne a writferi staternent of the� taxes ancl assessmc�nts <br />against the Property. <br />Notice of Constructivn. Trustor shall notify l.?nder 8t least fiiteen (15) days t�efore �ny work is r.ommrnr.ed, any servir..ns are <br />furnished, or any materials are suppliod to tkre Pro�erty, i1 any mechariic's lien, materialmen's lien, OI' OYIICf IIP,fI CU1.AI(I t)P. �sserted on <br />account of the w�rk, services, or materials. Trustor wiU tapon request nf Len�ler 1w�nish to Lencier �dvanre assuranr.�s satisfactor'y tr� <br />Lender that Trustor r,an and will pay tlte r.nst of s�.icl7 irnprovemervs. <br />pROPERTY bAMAGE INSURANCE. Tha following provisions rPiating to inst�rin� the Property are a��art of khis beed oF Trust. <br />Maintenance of Insurance. Trustor sYiall procurc� and niaintain pnlicies oi iir� insurance with sYandard extended caverage <br />endorsements on a replacement basis for the full insur�ble value covering all Irnprovernents on the Real Property in an amount <br />suffiaient to auoid application of any coinsurance clause, �nd with a standard mortgagee clause ii� favor of Lender, together with such <br />other hflzard and liability insurance as Lender may reason�bly require. Policies shall be writter� in Torm, amourits, r,overag�s and basis <br />reasonably ar,ceptabla to Lender and issued hy a company or cnrnpanies re2sonably ;�cceptable tn Lender. Truslor, upon request of <br />Lender, will deliver ta Lender fram time to timc� the �10I1GIP.5 or certiiicates of insurance in form satisfactory to Lender, incluciing <br />stipulations that coverages will nat be cancelled or diminisha.d without �t least t.en (10) days prior written notice to Lender. Each <br />insurance policy also shall include an endorsement rrovidiny thet coveragc� in favor of Lender will not be impaired in any way by any <br />ar.t, omission or default of Trustor or any other person, Should the R�al Property be located in an area desiyn�ted by the t)irectqr of <br />the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a sper.ial flbod hazt�rd area, Trustor a,yrees to ohtair� �nd maintain Fecler�l Flood <br />Insurance, if availahle, for the full unpaid princi�»I bal�tnr,e of tlie loan and nny priur liens on the property securiny fh� loan, up to the <br />maximum policy limits set under the Nation�l Flood It�surance Proyram, or as o[herwise requircad by Lender, and tn mainYain sucli <br />insurance for the term of the loan. <br />Application of Praceeds. Trustor sf7all promptly nofify Lender nf nny loss or darnage to th�e f'rpperty. l.ender mny make �ronf of loss <br />if Trustor fails to do so within fif[een (15► days of the casualty. Whether or not Lencler's s�r.urity is irr7paired, Lender rriay, at Lender"s <br />election, receive and retain the proceeds of any insurance and apply th� proceeds to lhe r�duction of the Indebtedness, payment of <br />