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* •<%��0{`'�,�, r• , �.r i��`1.�_� ,s'�t!���; '-, . .� ,�y��S;✓;; �r�r��am�9:"" ---= <br /> .l:l' t ,�.�L_'__'.�"-___:7' <br /> �DX'.h� ti"F�• , •; ' �';,ii;:•,e.R= -` <br /> r.. +i +N i�` +i1ai' --- -. --.- <br /> ' F_. ..15 • ��1. . i•8`���h�� � �Ti� <br /> ' RJ- � . '�*�A"" ��.��� I �y���, ;1 ..�.�. � M .' <br /> rAf• df�it/'1,;� <br /> _ �t` .,!"1� �yr,__r <br /> ' • �i� �.•�j���'� . . � ' <br /> . - . . L ..�. - <br /> • ..•.�r�"`_�°�_.�� . .__. . _ _ <br /> ��.. ', � - ' �__._—__._-.:—__.-, . <br /> , � , .a�.� �c.�a.�.'. .. _ _ ___ .-._. _--._. <br /> • i - ----� -- <br /> , 1 ___ . __. <br /> '`:,,�F—.'�a`- fK, ��...�V�VVV ` '--- _ <br /> -:�._�`�� <br /> _�r��rry��-�.. <br /> ��-���:��.`� condemnation or other taking of nny purt of Ihe Property,or for conveyuncc in lieu of candcmnuiiun,ur+e hcrchy uR�iQned wul <br /> ,,,�� — -,� shull bc paid ta l.ender. <br /> ����1;. In the event of a tanl luking of the !'roperty, the pracccds xholl Mc s�pplied t�Ihc sumx �ccured by thix Sceurily <br /> �F., ���'��x;•fN inslrument,whelher ur not�hen due, with uny exre��poid to Burrawer. In the event of u puniul iaking of Ihe Propeny in <br /> ,� which Ihc fair marke�vulue of�he Pmpeny immediatrly beforc ihe taking is cyual to o�greater ihan�hc umuunt uf the sums <br /> � P•".Y "�=°•' secured by this Sccurity Inytrumcnl immcdiutely bafore the�uking, unle�x Borrower and Lcndcr c�iherwi�e Agrea in writing. <br /> �..�����A �' the Kums secured by Ihiti Security Instrument sholl be reduced by �he umount oP the pmceeds mulliplied by the following <br /> .�. •_.:,�..... . <br /> � •• , ,e'�* ° froc�ion: lal the wtal amount uf Ihe rum�srcureJ immediutcly fx;fi�rc the tuking,aiivided by !bl che fuir murF;et �•nlue of the �____—_T- <br /> '', �,,� t i�'•�s:- Propeny immediately before the �uking. Ally bpIAqCC RFIAII IfC pAld l0 R(NI'OWCr. In thc event af U partial tuking of Ihe <br /> �� �!�'h•��y�:i�.'.�,, • Pmpeny in which thc fuir mnrket vuluc of the Propeny immedintely before tl�t�king i� Icss thvn ihc umaunt of the sums <br /> ' —�•;,:;,,t�y,�;;al�,-�, secuned immediately before Ihe taking. unlcss Bormwer und Lender othcrwi�e �gree in writin�a unless applicublc low <br /> �"��•:;�: nlharwise rovides.the mceais shall l+e a lied to Ihe�umx�cured b this Securit Instnim�m whether or not the sutns u� <br /> ,.„ '•. .� p P PP� Y Y <br />��.� .• �., ;, ,.. <br /> ,+. ,.,�.` then due. <br /> '�'ti�{�`'�{L�`�`�;-'� :, � If�he Propcny is ubandoned by Horcower.or if,uf�er notice by Lendcr ta Borrowcr�hut �he condemnor offen to mnke - <br /> ,�.: S,j;f,'" un uward or�etde a clnim f'or damage�,Borrower fails ta respund�o LenJer wi�hin:�(1 duy+uft�r the dute�he natice is given. ______ <br />-- '.t.,�'!�:'�'! Landetr is uwhorized to collect and apply�he proceedx,u� its optian,eilher�o retitorutiim ix repuir oi' the Pmpeny ar ta Ihe <br />� � � " �,. ��..' +�, �ums xecured by this Securi�y InstNmem,whether or not then due. __ <br />�. . �:�. '?r - :��' Unletis Lender and Borrowe�othenviu agree in writing, ony upplicu�iun of proceed�ta principal shull neH extend or —°�w _ <br />`.":� "�� `�" k"���"'� portEwne tha due dute af the monthly payments rcfeRed lo in purugraphs 1 und '_'ar chunge thr umuunl af�uch puyments. -_-__- --- <br /> •"�•.. . --.--- <br /> 11. Borrower Not Relea�ed; Forbearance By Lender Not s� Waiver. Extenxion of �hc timc for puyment or ��;,,__ <br />'�;✓�? `��,� `.°':;;' ��" � moditicntion of amortizution af the sumfi securrd by thix Security Inxtrument gmnted hy Lender to uny suceesror in imerext = <br />�'`5�•* oF B�rmwr.r�hull nnt operutc to releiuc the liahilitp af'the original Borcower or Borrawerti ,uccessc�n in imere,t. Lender <br />'�t��.r �-_....._- --` <br /> th�;' � • ,, shull not t+e reyuired to commence pr�xeedinbti ugamst nny succes�or in intercst ar mfuse ta rxtend time ti�r puyment or <br />�.�, . . ' � aherwirc modify amartizatian of�hc tiumr xecured by thiti Security In,lrument by reaxon uf uny J�mand mude by the originul ��- <br /> . � Borcower or Borrawer s xuccexson in interes�. Any f�ttbrui�unce by Lender in excrci.r•ing Any right or remedy sholl not be u ��.;� <br />� �� waiver of or preclude Ihe exercisc of uny right or remedy. - <br /> r,. — <br />,�r:�l`�! , 7;,.k,i,•�tr4�' 12. Successons And Assi�ns Bound;Joint and Several Liability;CaRlgaera The covenantx aad ugreemenls of thix ,�_ <br />°.�,�:; �'° ' Security Mslrument shall hind und benefit the sucrcaso�und us.r•iRns of Lender s�nd BoROwec subject Ia the provision+of _ <br />����_y ' , paragruph 17. Borrowcr�covcnums und ugrecmen�s xh�+ll hc jaint nnd xeveral. Any Borrowcr w�ha co•signti thiti Securit) <br />'�;'.� Ins�rument hut daes nut execute the Nute: (u) i�co-+igning�his Security Inr�rument anly w monguge. grnnt and convey thul _ <br /> ' 8orrower's interext in the Property under thc termr of�his Sec:uriry Instrument; (bl is nat penonully oMl ign�ed ta puy thc xumx �;,;_ <br />�'� `� � : u� Secured by thiq Securiry Inxwmem:nnd Icl u€mex thol Lender nnd any Mher Barrower may ugrce iu rx�cnd,modify,forbezu —_ <br />�' � or muke uny uccommcxiutionx wilh reFurd to Ihr term� ot this Securiry Inxtrumen� or the No[e withaut Ihat Borrower's <br /> .,1�,o,i�i4�:a,a;f.�...� con�ent. _ <br /> : � .e <br />�„`, :�.}-r�Y��; ;a:��- !J. Charg�s. !f the loats secored by this Sr�rurity Inaln�mPn� ic cuh�ect to n Ic�w which xet�; moximum laun .,w.:, _ <br /> , �.. •� chur eti and thulluw i�finall inte reted w thut the interest or rnher loun char eti cuUected or to be rollerted in connection �""'`' <br /> ,�, g �. Y T F '� - <br /> . !p+��x•. with the luun exceed the pemii�ted limi�.,Uxn: lu1 uny such Inun churge ahull be redureJ by�he umount necessury lo reduce �� <br /> ' ,,.� ' � the eharge to the permitted IimG:and(h►uny sums•rlre•rdy cullected imm BorrowerwhKh exceeded pc�rtnitted limits will t►e <br /> � refunded to Borrower. Lender muy nc�x�xe io mukc thia refund My reducing�he principul��wed under the Note or by muking a <br />�•.,�,;�.� ;. direct payment to Borrowee If u mfund reduceti prinripul,the reduction will 6e treuted ur u paniul prupayment wlthout uny _' - - <br /> ; •, . pmpuymenl churge unJer the Note, :.__._._ <br /> � , 14. Notices. Any no�icc to Burrowcr provided for in lhit Security Intivument �hull tx Fiven by dcliverin�t it or by �,f�.��,,,,� <br /> � � „� moiling it by firsi clutir mu�l unle�x applirublr luw rcyuires uro o(unoth�rmuth�d.Thc no�iec xhull bedirected�o the Pmpehy __�y <br /> � Addn;..or any ahrr addre+ti Borrowrr dc+ignutc+My notirc to Lendcr. .4ny notice to Lrnder shall be given by fint cluxs �___ <br />' , � ,,,. mail tn Lenderc addm+s rta�ed hcrcin ur any i�thcr:iddre.z Lcnderdesignutc�hy m�tice to Barcowcr.Any noticr provideJ for - _ <br /> in�his Security Ins�rument �hall i+r dcrmed to hvve h.:en Fiven to Borrower��r LenJrr when given ox provideJ in Ihis <br />; � '?•,f.,• '. . parugraph. � <br />'• •• � ' 1S. GoverninR tieverabilitv. Thi. Srruriry Imtrumrnl xhull be governcd by federul luw unJ the luw �►f the �`��;':-:-.:.: <br /> , 'uri,diclion in which thc Pro •rt is I�xalyd. In d�r evrnt Ih:u uny�rovizion or cluuse ol'�hi.Securily Intitrument or the Nnte ,h ��'• ` ' .... <br /> J {x Y <br />,,, conflic�ti wi�h upplicable luw.,urh ranllirt+hull nut at'fect othrr pri�visionti ot'ihi. Securiry In�tru�»rm �>r Ihe Ni�Ir which cun <br /> „ be 6iven efiect witlx�ut the contlic�ing provi.icx�. Tii thi,rnJ the provi.rinn,nf this Serurit�•Instrument and the Note nre _T=_-__ <br />�., .. declured to be xevrruble. ��-�"-�, <br /> r� 16. Borrower's Cop,v. Biirrowcr.hull Ix given onc ronfi�micJ r�ipy nl'tlx N�N�unJ uf thi. Sccuri�y In.irument. f:-,�,_ <br />�.. . <br /> 17. 71�anster oP the Prupertv or a fteneficful lnterest in Borruwer. If all or�ny part uf thc Pn�Fxny or uny imrrest in `•"'" <br />� . it is sold or traosi'�rteJ (�►r it�a henrtirial imcm,t in Bom�urr i+�uld or Iran+fc�reJ anJ Borrow�r i� nM u naturul pcnon� �.s:.._�-- � <br />-= wi�hout Lcnder;prior wriuen ronsent.l.rndcr ma��.at it,optii,n.rcyuire intnmJiale payment in full uf all tium.,erur�J hy : �:, M. <br />_ . thiti Securily Imtrumcnt. Howevrr,tNis i►p�i�m shall nut t►e rxcrci.eJ by Lrndcr it'carrci,r iti pn.hihitrd by feJeral luw us uf �"�:="`"'-" <br /> � thc dutc c►f thix Scrurity In.�rumrni. � `�� <br /> • � I(l.rnder rxeniu�Ihi�optii�n. L�nder shull givr Borrow�r n�iticr ul�;KCCler.uiun. The nulicr,h•rll pri�vidr a�xriixi of <br /> . , not Irs.than 30 Juys tn�m thr datr thr no�irr i.Jrlivrnd�,r mailed wilhin ��hich f;om�wrr ntu.i�iay�,ccurcJ by thi� � r':�:�i ,' <br /> I•:,: � Securilp In+lrun�nl. II'Borro�vcr tiiil. to pay�hru wm.r priur tu t hr rxpiraii��n o l' t hi,�riod.Lrndcr nwy mvo lc uny .. <br /> t;.�,;;;;,, rcme�dir+�xmiitteJ by thi�Scrurity In.uumcnt�vithou�1'unhcr nntirr ur dcmund��n Burn►��er. <br /> ;;:.ti; ' . 18. Bnrrower's RiRht lo Reinslute. 11 Hurcowrr mrrt+rrnnin c„nditii,n,.13urc��wrr,hall huvr thc ritiht �u h:��•c �� <br /> � , ; ° enfotremcm of Ihi�Securily In,trumrm di,r��nlinnrd al am �imr rnor 1�� ihr�:irl ier�,t` �a1 S day����r+urh uth.r�xri�xi;i, <br /> tim�:k•Ivmd� -�Funnlc�lac%FrrddlcSlucl'11FI1RS11V%'I'Nl'31E\T••1'ml'�KmCo���nan�� 9N11 �p�ieeJ,�f�p��cr�i � <br /> ' ' F <br /> . ;�;; k <br /> . . , •:c � <br /> a <br /> „ � <br /> I <br /> . . •, � - - - <br />