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.,��;; ;iJ�; �.. ���, . s, ,,..� .,},. �i, . • �•w�.;.::fl�� �..�.;,. <br /> � ,skj•.�,e,,,r�- � ��1.�",.�'",.�:.... _ - � -.�:`�'_'_' _ - -- �-�--- " - — <br /> ��� kA;+•. ��I, , �.. ri;�, _ . . � _ . ,=T;-^�" <br /> �� ���fY.:%,f.�� . � ��x`j("• <br /> . .. . ' r;J4r.`.':fli .. " . _ ' <br /> ��_���.__'._�—. <br /> i <br /> .�., _ _.-1 . Q� _ _.. _ .. <br /> � sa�o�o <br /> ,v�. �-" ��'a �� v�� .._ -- <br /> ':.��..�_., �+ ��+ _ <br /> ��w.:,;: ' -- <br /> '�-"'��-"�-'�''�T pedads thpt l.ender requircs. 77te insumnce caRier pmviding the insurunce xhall be rho.sen by Barrowersubject to L.enderi� <br /> - •;,,�, - approval which riwll not be uom.osa�ably wi�hheld. lf Barrower fuils to mnintein cavemge descdbed ubove,Lender may,at <br /> "'�"i"`''�^n''�?'''� L.ender's option.ol►tain cuvemge to protect t�.ender R righte in the Property in uccordance with purngraph 7. <br /> ' ;,' ' '',�� � All insurance policiex and renawuls shall be ucceptnble�o Lender and shull include u s�andard mortgoge cluuxe. Lender <br /> �� '� �� ` xhall have�he right to hold the pciUdeti ond renewulti. If Lender requires,Borrower shnll promptly give ro Lender ull receipiw i <br /> �,���♦n,�s`�'•�'� �f pai d p rc m i u m s a n d r e n e w a l n o t i c e s. I n t h e e v e n�a f l o x�.B i x m w e r�h u l l g f v e p r o m p t n o t i c e t a t h e i a�uronce carrfer wul <br /> , '���,}'. <br /> -�..�. . l.ender. L.ender may make praaf oi los:�if not made prompdy by Borrower. <br /> •.._...`...., <br /> �°' • Unles�Lender and Borrower atherwi�+e ugrcc in writing.inwrunce pnx;eedh+hull lx:upplicd tA restoratlon or rcpair of �---_ _ <br /> , , . •, � , •. : <br /> �;;,; the Propehy damaBed� if the �estamtion or rcpair ix econamicully feasible und Lender's securiiy is not ley�ene d. I f t he <br /> • � •-��;.� restaration or�pair is not ecanomlcally fea+ible ar l.ende�k xecurily would be !esaened,tho insurnnce proceeds shall be <br /> ' '�f�:�•�.° lied to the sums secured b this Securit Instniment, whether ar nut then due, with uny excess pald to Borrower. If <br /> .'I�F'.�,;.:t�,�.... App Y Y <br /> , ,.,..:w'. <br /> ; _; � ,.�. . Bamuwer ubandons the Property. or das not u�swer within 30 day� a natice Prom I.ender lhat the in�urnnce currier hes <br /> � ot'f'er�d to tienle o claim,Ihen Lender may collect�he in4urunce praceeds. Lender muy use tha proceeda to repair or restore _ <br /> _ •`°�� '� the Propeny or ta puy sums secured by this Securlty Inslrument,whe�herar not then due. Thc 30�day period will ba6in when � <br /> �4ti;; ,,. . n thc notice f�,givcn. <br />- Unless l.ender und BoROwer otherwi se ugree in w�lting,uny oppllcAtinn of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> �o. .. <br /> __ � • _� postpone the due date of�he monthly payment�referred ta in purog�aphn 1 and 2 or change the amaunt of the payments. tf <br />_°•���.1"--�'�-J.C�:•n,• �° ._ under pnrupt�h 21 ihe Property is ucqulred by Lender, Borrawerk right to nny insurance poflcies nnd proceeds resulting - <br /> :r'� � ;,- from damage tu the Property prior to the acquisuion shall pass ro Lender to the axtPnt of the sum. +ec.ureci by this Secudty � -�---- <br /> _ _ .o�._.. :...,�: ...,_ __ <br /> '� Instrumem immedintely prior to the acqulsitian. <br /> ;;� .1,..,� 6. OccupAncy, Preservptlan. Mwintenpnce and Protection of Ihe Property; sarrower's Loan Appllcatlon; <br />:_; --- . .-°;,�;_,�i� I.easeholds. Barrower ghall occupy,establish,nnd use the Propeny aR BorrowerS principal residence wMhin sixty days after _ _ <br /> ,,.,, � • the eaeculion of this Security Ins�rument und shull continue to accupy the Propeny as Bonowerk principal residenee fur at <br />-_ �� � • '�'� leact ane yeu after the dnte of cx�cupancy, unless Lander wherwise ugrees in writing, which consent shaU not be <br /> unrcutionat,ly wi�hheld,or unless extenuating circumstunces exi�+t which are beyond 8orrower's wntml. Borrower sh�ll not _ - <br /> dectroy,damage or impair the Property,nllaw�he Property to deteriors►te,or commit wu.tite on the PropeAy. Borrower shall !� <br /> . ' �' � be in defuul�if any forfeiwre actian or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,ix begun�hnt In Lender:s good Paith judgment --�-- <br /> cauld recult in forfeiture of the Propeny or otherwise muterially impair the lien creutad by this Sewrity Ingtrument or _ <br /> . ', ;; s: �'� Lender's�ecuri�y interetit. Barrower muy cure such u default nnd reinytute.ns provided in paragruph 1 S,by cAUSing the oction _ <br /> , " or proceeding to be diamissed wfth a rulfn�lhot,in Lender ti good failh determinatlon,precludes forfeiture oi the Borrower� -- <br /> in�erest in ihe Propeny or other mute�ial impuirmenl of the lien created by this Security Instrument or l.ender's �ecurity <br /> " interest. Borcower shall ulso be in default if Borrower, during �he loan upplicu�ion process. guve muteriulty fulse or --- <br /> ' " inaccurnte information or s�atements to I.ender lor failed to provide Lender with uny mu�eriul infom�utionl in connection wfth <br /> . ..._ <br /> the Inan evidenced by the Nexe, including, but not limited �o, reprexntutions conceming Borrower's occupuncy of the <br /> - - — propeny ux�pri�wipai residencc. !f this S�rurity lnstrument is on u lensehold,B!KmWPr�hnll com�ly with nll the provis�ons <br /> ' • oithe leuse. If Borrower ncquires fee ti�k[o Ihe Praperty,th�leasehold und the fee tide shall not merge unless Lender ugrees _ __ <br /> to the merger in writing. <br /> �. 7. Protecdon of I.ender's Rights In the Property. If Barrower Yuil.r• to pert'orm the covenont� und ugreements �'��-��:� <br /> �.;�':r ,�r.:.=�"- <br /> , , contained in this Securiry Instrument, or therc is u Iegul pr�xeeding ihut muy xigmficantly uffect Lender's rights in the �^y,.-�+r <br /> ,:�•.•,; property(such us u praceeding in banhnrptcy,probute,fc►r condemnution or forfeiturc or to enforce Inws or regulations),then ::�,�.,,,_. <br /> •�� '' '� Lender muy do and pay for whutever is necexsury to pro�ect�he vAlue of the Property und Lcnder:s rights in the Propeny. �;�: �•.:..� <br /> ..�( �� Lender;uclW�+may include pnying uny+ums+ecured by u lien which he�s priority over this Security Instrument,appeunng <br /> . in court.paying reusonuble s+ttorncys'fees and entcrinF on the f'roprrty to make repuirr. AUhough Lender may takc uclion ^ <br /> under this pam�rnph 7,Lender does not huvc to do so. a�R------_- <br /> m ----�...,o_. <br /> My amounts dishuncd by Lcnder under this purngruph 7 shull be�:ome uJditional debl of Borrower secured by �his <br /> c� <br /> . Securiry Intivument. Unless Borrower und Lender ugrce�o othcr Icmis of puyment,these umounts xhall bcur interest from the <br /> date of distwnement at tl►e Note ratc und shull t►e puyublc,wilh intcre�l, upun noticr from Lender ta Borrower reyucstfng � _.TT,; <br /> payment. F;��;.;:�_ <br /> S. MortRaRe Insurance. If LcnJer rcquireJ mongu�!e in�uruncc as a rciixlitian of making the loan�ecured by �his �" <br /> Security Inslrument,Borrower xhall pay the premiumx reyuireJ ta muintain the m�nFage insurunce in effect. If, for ony -�;;' -.� <br /> � reuxon, the mortguge insurance coveruge reyuired hy Lender lupce� nr ceuse+ to Ix� m effec�, Borrower shall pay the r`�.'1�;`=r,�.qr� <br /> premiums reyuired ia ohtain coverage subx�antiully equivalent to the monguge in.urunce prcviou,ly in effect, ut a roxt • �';•+���� <br /> �ubtit:mtiully��uivalent to�he co+t to Borrnwer of thc mongu�!c inxuruncc previously in cffect.from un ultemu�e mortguge ��"`---'�' <br /> _..��.�.o._ <br /> .� inxurer approved by Lender. If�uhttanliully ryuivulrnt m�mguge in�ur•rncc cuveruge is not uvailable.Burrower shall p�y to ;`;�st,�;,- <br /> l.endcr eu�h month eyual to nnc-twclflh��f'thc ycurly mon�age in�urunrc premium Ixing paid Ny BoROwcr when the !=:�����-- <br /> insurunre coverage lupud or ceused to be in efl'ect. Lender will uccept,uxr und rewin�he,e paymentz;�xa loss reserve in lieu ra=�`�-� <br /> � • oF mon�•rge insur�ncc. Los.rc�ervr payntents muy no longcr t�e rcyuired,ut the uplion uf LenJrr,if mortguge insur:mce *�-�-�+ <br /> coverage(in thc umaurn and f'or the�xn�J thul l.ender nyuiresl provided by�►n in.unr upprovrJ hy Lencier ugain becomes t""�-���? : <br /> uvuilublc und is��bluineJ.Bom►wcr tihall pay thr prrmimm reyuin:d 1u muintuin mortgagr insuranrc in cfl'ecl,i�r tu provide a •• <br /> ' � lo�.re.rrvr.until the reyuirement for mortgugr in�urunre acronlunce wi�h un��wrinen ugRrmem hetween Borrower f <br /> und Lrndcrur applicablr luw. <br /> 4. InspectG�n. LcnJcr i�r il.ugenl may mukr rca,unuNlc cmrir+upun und im�xctium uf Ihc Pmpeny. LenJer shull �,. : ::; <br /> •' , �ivc BiNruucr nuticr at the limc ufor prior to an in,�xrliun,�xcilying na�unahlc ruu,e tiir thr imrxrtion, ..;�..�. <br /> .. 10. ('ondemnrtMn. Thc pnkcrJ,��f an}•:i��•+�rJ�,r claim ti►r Jama�:r�.direci ur ramryucmi:� c�imx�tinn with uny , ., <br /> tiinFlclamd�• Faonle\fur�Freddle�fwl'NIF(IN',1fINti'fkl:�iF:�'1'..l'niiunnCu�cna�u. 1i40 ip,�n�tiire•�i i;. <br /> - � �irnl l.�►nMcl�rs+F�nr.ln� ■ � . <br /> .. Tn�hrNrCnll I�MqS(IO�N,YXfl�1FA1IN169111d1:11 , . <br /> ! .. . . <br /> i <br /> . . ' _ . <br /> i <br /> � , <br /> �.�' _ <br />