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<br /> --�"`�`°'""'=��■ applEcablc law may specify for reinatatement)before sale oi the Prapeny punsuant to any power of xnle contoined in this =
<br /> Security Insm�menr,or(b)entry of a judgment eniarcing this Security lnstn�ment. Tho�e conditions are tlwt Borrower: (a)
<br /> ~ _�='t�,'��'q� pays Lender all sums which Iben would be due under this Securiry Instrument and Ihe Nae ae if no acceleration had
<br /> :�, ���_c�. .�
<br /> ;.�,�s -,,.=, , �„ occurred;(b)curcs any defnult of any other covenunts or ugreements;(c)pays oll�xpenses incurred in enl'orcing this Secunty
<br /> <�:-�=�'�� inslrument,lnclucling,bul not limited to,reasannble uttameys'foes;and(d) lakes such action as Lender may reusonably
<br /> ,:
<br /> ���'�D.;: require to assure that tho lien af ihis Secudty Instrument.Lenderh rights in the Propeny nnd Borrowerk obligntfan to puy�he
<br /> �'"?�-�'�•` sams secured by this Securiry Instrument shull continue unchxnged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security _
<br /> _..,_.r<_ -- -- . ,.
<br /> - '�"!��"!°"??E' Instrument and the obligations secur+ed hereby shall remain fully ofP.:ctivc us if nu accelerution hud occurred. However,lhis �-_-_-.F-.-
<br /> �.�="II�' �`� right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of Acceleration under parugmph f 7.
<br /> `��� , l9. SWe oi Notet ChAa�e o�I.oan Servicer. The Nato or u partial interest in�he Notc(together with this Security
<br /> ;"�:.r-.
<br /> v.� f.�.1i�i.:;
<br /> �'��` I{cnown as�theal.oan Servicer)th tr ollec s moothly paymenis due under li►crNote and his Security InstrumentinThere ulso
<br /> ': .''"°'`l:��•'`;, may 6e one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated ta a sale of the Note. If there is a change af 1he Loan Servicer,
<br /> '''��:" .• �� � Borrower will be given wr�tten notice of the change i�uccordanco wilh parugraph 14 nbove und�pplicable law. The�otice
<br /> '.+°��,,:.;; 1�4c,��y�.� will state the name and uddress of the new Losin Servicer nnd�hn address to which payments should be mude. The notice will
<br /> „ •� ulso contain any other information required by applkable law.
<br /> � ` ' 20. Hau�rdous Substances. BaROwer shall not cause or permit the presence, use,disposul,storage,or releuse of any
<br /> �.�.... �N:_�. :•.;: .
<br /> ���c�:;;�,:•,,�;;.�4 Hau+rdous Substances on or in �he Property. Borrower shall nat da, nor ullow anyone else to do, unything Aifecting�he
<br /> - ' '"'�'"" "` �� Pro rt thut is in violation oi any Environmen�al I.s�w. The prc�edin�two sentettce�shnl!not apply�o the presence,use,oc
<br /> " �_.�.z.�'�;�i;��.,,, W' Y
<br /> 'a-r.Hi•;!�.^ storage on the Property of small quuntities of Hazardous Subslances that nre generally r�cognized ta be appropriatc to namal
<br /> _ 7�,����.'�` residential uses und to muintenance of the Property.
<br /> _- —'��1 Borrower shall promptly give Lender wriuen natice ol'any invcstigntion,claim. demund,luwsuit or ather action by any � ,y
<br />- �'� 'fi " � overnmental or re ulAto o enc or rivate �nvalvin the Pro rt und any Hazurdaus Substunce or 8nvironmental
<br /> �, ytr g E �Y B Y P P�Y � B P� Y � �
<br /> . .. . Law of which Borrower hns uctuul knowledge. If Bonower IeAms, or is notified by any governmental ur regulsuury
<br />^'�., aulhudly.�hnt any removal or other remediation of any Huzaudaus Subs�nnce uffcctir�g the Praperty is necessary,Borrower
<br /> � ' shaU promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordunco with Environmental l.uw.
<br /> c_: `` � � �. As used in Ihis parugrnph 20,"Hazardaus Substuncec"are thase subslances de6ned as toxic or hazardous substAnces by
<br /> � • Enviranmentul l.aw and the following substances: gusaline,kerosene,a�her flummuble or toxic petroleum praducts,toxic _
<br />''':�� ' • r',�:•'v.-�'�� '' pesticidew and hcrbicidcc, volutile solvenls, ma�erials containing usbestos or formaldohyde, und rudioactive materiuls. As `_
<br /> `� " �'r''"��'� �,+•^". uscd in this puragrAph 20,"Environmentnl Luw"meu�s federol luws smd luws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located -
<br /> .• ��;.�}.�.;,..�� r ���---
<br /> .' �,'��t?s;�' � thu rclate to heulth,safery orenvironmental protection. =v_
<br /> - ° � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BoROwer nnd Lander funher cavenant und agrec as follows:
<br /> " 21. Acceleratlan= Remedies. I.ender shall Aive nutice lo Borrower prior to acceleretion Pollowlag Borrower's --
<br /> .�� . , breach of ony coven�nt or aRreement in Ihis Security Inslrument(but nut prlor to acceleralion under parAgraph 17
<br /> . "".�` R",- unicss�ppl{r�ble!sw prnrldes o!leerwfsel. The nnlict shaR specify: (a)the defaull:lbl the�ction required to cure the
<br /> � � � -- defaulli lc)A d�te.not less than ill dwys from the date the notice is Riven to&►rrower,by which the default must be —__ `
<br /> �- cured;and Id►that PAilure to cure the dePaull on ar before the date specifled fn the notice may result in acceleration of
<br /> •• the sum.4 secured by this Securlty Instrument and ssale ot the Prope�ty. The notice shall further ioPorm Borrower of
<br /> " , the right to reinstale after nccekration and Ihe ri�ht to brinR a court action to assert Ihe non•existence oP a default or
<br /> • � any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and.r•ale. IP Ihe dePaulf Is nut cured on or bePore the date speciiied in �__
<br /> - • the notice.L.ender at its oplion may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by thls Securlty Inslrument �•�
<br /> � '�``�� without further demand and may invoke the powcr af sale and any other remedies permilted bv appflcable Inw � �,
<br /> :�?'::r��� � ' l.ender shall be enlitled to cdllect ull expenses incurred In pur�uin� the remedies pravided in tbis parngraph 21. �•°'���°t'
<br /> � , includln�.but not Ilmited to,reaconable ottarney5'Pees und custx of Iitle evidence. �
<br /> . ° " It the power of sale is invoked.'I�ustee shall record a notice ot'dePuult in each cnunty in wbich any pArt of the .��
<br /> , Property is located and shall muil cupies oP such nolice in the munner prescrfbed by upplicuble law tu Burrower and Io ���—� _
<br /> , the other persons prescrlbcd by upptirable law. Aiter the lime requlred by upp8coble law.7lrustee shall give public ��„ ,_
<br /> � ". notice of wle to the persons und in thr manner prescribed bv upplicoble luw. 7lrustee.withoul demand oo Borruwer. - ` _
<br /> . � .. shall se111he Property at public auctiun to the highesl bidder at the dme und place und under the terms deqignAted in '`a •
<br /> ,, . . the notfce of sale in one or more pWrcrls and in um order'I�u+tee determine�. Trustee muv postpone sale of ull ur any
<br /> _ . . . parcel of the Property b,v public unnouncement s�l the time und place af unv pre�•h�usl}•scheduled�wle. Lender or i�c
<br /> �` designee may purchase the Properly ut uny sule� 1 �MV�
<br /> �� -•�.._,• Upnn receipt oP payment of Ihe price bid.'il�uwtee 9ha11 dellver w the purchuser 'I�uslee's deed conveyin�the ��-�-°"
<br /> � . �,;1�:;.;� �'� Property. The recitals in the 71�uslce'x deed tihall be p�ima fucie e�idenre oP the Iruth of the statemeMs made therein. " ,,
<br /> � 71�ustee shnll apply the pruceede uf the s�ule in Ihr iollo»•ing urder: lul lu ull couti und expenses uf exercising the power
<br /> . ����-
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