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<br /> ��:�"1t'f V��;V13t_;51'r
<br /> .��"'���`'"�'ri�-� TOOETHEIt WITH all thc impt+ovemcnla nc►w or hercuf'1cr crecied�wi Ihc�x��My.+uid aN rau�iurnlh,u�+��uucnuiac�,
<br /> __„�:i�:;�u�;;;,� and fixtures now ar hereufter a pun of thc proEx:ny. All replac�mcros und addi�icmr�hull wlw�hc c�w�rad by Ihi•!iccu►ily
<br /> �— � �'F4r�3�n�� Inswment. All of the foregoing is referred to in IhiK Secudly In�l�umcnl u.r Iha"!'r��xNy."
<br /> �_� .��,y4��� ' BORROWER COV�NANTS ihut Bom�wcr ix luwfuily�cix�d uf�hr c.tutr h�rchy cunv.�yed uiKl har UK n�tin to yrunt
<br /> `i'��`'�'. and convey the Propeny und thsu thc Prapc�y ix unrncumlured,cxc�pl li►r cik�m�hruixe�ul rrrnrd. H��uwcr w�nwu�unJ
<br /> -"����tr��� t wlli defend generAlly the tidc to Ihe Pn>perty nguin�t all cluimr nnJ ik mund..�uhj�tii iu uuy��ixvmtxwia•c.ul ay�KiL T----£-
<br /> �r ; ,J<<}C;4�d h�;.r•,.: rti-
<br /> ��;3�u',�„tkf; � THIS SBCURITY IN5TRUMENT combinc4 unifam covcnunl� NK nulwnul u+� qlhl INNPUn�funu cuveuuul. with
<br /> 'y;�N`'' _; limited variattons by ju�isdiction to ccx►vtimte n unifarm�uriiy in�irum�:m caverin�t nal rnKxny.
<br /> s�xa
<br /> �}+����1.��!�;5�+�,�� UNIFQRM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and Lcndcr covcnunt und ugrrr u+fuUuHt:
<br /> • ��,��,tf�s;+�;"�� i":;. 1. Pnyment ot Pri�cipol and Intecesli Prepaymem ond I.ote l'twr{�t. F�.xruwrr.h�ll pnmiplly p,iy when duc�hc
<br /> 9� �,'<;il �� d:
<br /> �"`�'' , � ��: rinci of nnd interest on the debt evidenced by�he Nute und uny pr��ynMat u►KI lak chur�cs dw wxfer Ihc Nutc.
<br /> :u`ri���;�?��;'j��, p P�
<br /> � s�i�''�.�•.�k�;5��'�r' 2. F1�nda for Taxes aad Insurqnce. Subjert to upplicablc Iaw nr tu u w�itlrn wuivcr hy I.rnik t.Nurmw��,hull puy t��
<br /> .���._r���d?s:��;�;r;+;;��� Lender on the day monthly paymentx urc duc unJer thc Nutc,umil �hr N�Nr I�p�iid in Iull,u�um("I�u�dw'1 t��r:lu►ycuily
<br /> . ' �i�'�`'.+f',s'�Ii�•'�'`'v�'r�s,
<br /> •• �ti �� , taxes und uesessmcnts which may attuin priori�y uvcr thiw Scrurity 1�+►rumen�us a�Nen un�hr F'ru�xny;lM ycu�ly IcuM�ud�
<br /> "��;�'L-_���`''���''�'�' � payments or ground rcnts on thc Property, if uny; (�)yrurly har�rJ or prn�xny in.urunce pnu�ium.: Id► yrurly i1�MMl
<br /> �• � -,� ���{'� P Y� Y g 8 P Y Y NY Y
<br /> ., ., . .,�r inaurance remiums, if an (e) yeurl morl �i e in�urunce remiumv, if un ; und 111 un wn�w uhlc h H��rcuN•cr tn
<br /> =� ;��;.;,;;;;-,�� .,, ;; � Lender,in uccordance wiQi the pravisions uf parngruph R, in li�u�►f th� ��ymem of mortguKc io�urunra pn�miumti. llicK
<br /> ---- � "' '�;���.;����;`"y�,�(; items are called"Escmw Item.s.' Lender may,at uny time,cnHect and h��J NunAs in an um�wM nu��o�rcceJ�hc maximum
<br /> >%'�'r�'�"�x amount a Irnder for o federally reluu:d mortgoge taan mxy rcquirr far &►rrowerk curow ucc�wn�undcr Ih� Icikrul 12ru1
<br /> ' (r - ;irS,4r'13 i;,i'',�
<br /> +;,��!,�5�;,�!a;, Estate Senlement Procedures Act of 1974 ac amended f'rom limc to t imc, 1 2 U.S.C.�2G111 e�aey.l"RIiSPA"1,unlc.rr unnlhcr
<br /> _-- -- =,y ::.i,..�r;,t�g,;.,;:'�� __
<br /> l,�.,,',,.• law Uiat applias 10 the Funds sets n lesser nmount. If�n.Lcndcr may.al any time,collect und huld Fwi.fi in rn unN�um n��t�o
<br /> •n
<br />"`� �'`•��:��i��'�,<<'� �� exceed the lesser wnaunt. Lender mu estimatc thc umuunt of Fund,duc on thc bu�is ��I'ru�mm Jata und rruMmohM
<br /> _�-- �••,'�.;;a-�r�ti t y .
<br /> - ' 'G�:,::::r..�� estimates of expenditures of f uture Eu:row Items or wherwis�e in occixdance with uppliraM�law.
<br /> ;�:;;�`;t?tth;
<br /> t�.� The Ponds shall be held in an instituiiun whasc dcprnit� um inwnd by u fcderul uucnry, in��mmcnwlity.�rr enUry �
<br />''��e��. �,. • �i�:`i�i�-;;��. (including Lender,if I.ender is such an instiwtion)or in any Federul Homc Luun Hank. Lendcr.hull vpply�hc Fundr a�puy ,
<br />::.'i� � ' . 1��:".,s��.`.`�`:1 Iha Escrow Items. l.ender mny not churge 8orrower far holding and applying �hr FunJw, nnnuully unulyiin��he eKruw
<br /> �r�lt'•�`;'''� account, or verifying the Excrow Items, unless Lendc�puy+ Borrower intcrcst an Ihc Fund� und opplicahl� law �xmiit.
<br /> �'^'��• . �"+,`�"�t;�� Lender to mukc such n charge. Howevcr,Lender may reyuire Borrowcr tu puy u une-�imc churgc fix un iixk��nden��1u1
<br /> ":1•• " •. ;�/,''::.?�` eslate tax repcx�ting service used by Lender in wnnectiun with this luun,unlesx opplicublc low pruvi�ks ulhrtwitic. Unle..nn
<br /> ;�,:• '� ::••-s�crt, agreement is made ar Applics�ble luw requires interesl to Ik puid,LenJer tilwll not be reyuircd to puy NuRUN•cr uny intcrctil��r
<br /> -� •' • 'f?,,,;`:;�;;;�<� eamings an the Funda. Borrower and l.ender moy ugre�in w�iting.howevcr.lhut imenti��h�ll bc�paid on Ihe Fwxis. Lenikr `
<br />�",' � 'v;;�•'-�;��, shull give to Horrower, wfthout charge,nn annual ucrounting of 1hr FLndy,,howing cRdi�+unJ debfis to�he Hund.and thr
<br /> � purpose for which each debit to the Funds wus made. Tha�Lnd.r are pledged u+ud�iilionul s��curity fur�II xurt�x Ktiurcd by �
<br /> - 1'� - this Security lnstrument. ���~j
<br /> If the Funds held by Lendcr exc��ed thc umounts per►nittcJ to bn c�ld hy upplicublc luw. Lcn�kr +h�ll acrount �o �
<br /> � .. Bonower for the excess hlmds in accorJunce with ihc reyuircments�d'upplicuble luw. If the um�►unt uf�he Fund�helJ by f�k:l��.s.-
<br /> " l.ender a�any time is nut sufficicn� to pay�he Escrow Item,when duc, l.enikr muy+o notify Burrowcr in w•ri�ing.:mJ,iu
<br /> ;' ., such ca.se Borrower shull pay to Lender the umount nece,sury lo muke up�hc �kl�r�rncy. Bom►wer.h�ll nwkc up ihc
<br /> deficiency fn no rnore thun twelve monthly puyments,ut I.cnJer�.oly di.crcti��n M_�r
<br />" ' • • Upon paymern in full uf s�ll sums secured by thi+Securiry In�trumcn�, Lcndcr�hall promptly ret'und�a Borrowcr uny ,
<br />-, , Funds held by Lender. If,under parugraph 21,Lendcr shull ucyuire nr ,cll �hr F'rupeny,Lcnikr,priur to the Lryui�i�i�►n ur
<br /> ° � � sale of the Property,shall upply any Funds held by Lcn�lcr ut �hc time of ucqui�ilion or wlc os u rrcdit uguinrt the vumy __
<br />. . , , , secured by this Security Instrument. i
<br />' .. 3. Appli�fion of Ppymenl.v. Unlexz opplicuMc luw pmvide+ �xhcrwi.r, oll paymentx rccei�cd by l.cndrr undcr
<br /> . • ' paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be upplied: fint,to any pnpuymcnt ch:ugc.dur undcr the Notc;,ec�Mxi,tu amuunl�payabk under - ___
<br /> �. ptuag�aph 2:third,to intercst duc;founh,to principal duc;anJ la,i,to any lu�c churp�•s duc unckr thc NcKr. ''�
<br /> • • ' 4. Charges; Lie�re. Bonower shall puy all wxeti, as.c.�mcros. chc�rgr,. Imeti und impo.ilions uunhutubk �o ihc ��•M��
<br /> ��:,�-�.�,
<br /> • ° Propeny which may nttuin priority ovcr thi�Security Inntrumrnt,unJ Icu.eholJ puyment�or graund ren��,i(any. Born�wer
<br /> . u shall pay the4e obligations in the mcum�r providcd in pura�eraph 2,or if ni►t p•riJ in Ihul rounncr.BuROwer+hall pay thcm un �. .. .,,,_,.
<br /> time directly to the person owed paymenl. Borrowcr�hull promplly fumitih tu l::ndcr ull noticr.��f umuuni+lo lx pnid undcr
<br /> .." � , this paragraph. If Borrower mukes Ihese puyments dirccNy.Bortower shull prumptly fumitih to Lrmlrr n�cipt�cviJenring �='-"-_-
<br /> ,. � thc paymems. �._.
<br /> ' . Borrawer ahnll prompUy dischurge•rny licn which hu�priority uvrr thi,Srcuriry In�wmrnt unlc��Bum�wer:lal agree. �-�-;�F'_�
<br /> � in writing to the paymcnt of the obli�u�ion�ecured by thc licn m a mnnncr urrcptublc lo l.cndcr.lbl conte.t,in gaxl fuilh Ihc --�r_.
<br /> ' " lien by,or defends ugainsi enforcement of 1hc licn in, Icgul pnxecding� whirh in�he Lendcr:upiniun uprmte W prevcnt Ihr 4�,,r�y-
<br /> , " ° � enforcement af the lien;or(c)securcs from the hulder af the lien un uRnement.u�ixl�ac���ry��►Lrnder.rutxaJin��in��he licn �' `-` °
<br /> . , to Ihis Security Instrumen6 If l.ender detertnin�s thu�any part uf the 1'n��rty i.wbjcrl a�u lirn which may auain pn�ttily �
<br />�. � over this Security Mstrumant,Lender muy give Burtower u no�ice identifyin�!thc Gen. Hurt�►wcr.hull su�i.fy thr brn or tuke �`•�.�N.
<br /> '� one or more of the actions set fath ubove within I U duys of the giving ut'notice. ��
<br /> � ,� .. S. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower�hull Accp the improvcmrnh n�►w exi,ting or hercafter cnc�eJ uu ihr
<br />' „ Property insured ngainst loss hy firc,huturd+incluchd within thr Irrni"cxlrndrJ co�rr:i�;r"anJ:my�►qirr han�rJ.,mrludm�
<br /> ' � flaods or flooding, for which Lender reyuires insurunce. This imuru�xr �hull ix nu�imuined in �hr nm�mnt.anJ lur the .
<br /> .. Fi�rm W21{ 4�W1 ya�er'.•�n p,��r.�
<br /> .
<br /> i �. .
<br /> n . �
<br /> _ ;
<br /> - ., , . ,
<br /> 1
<br /> . � ' • • '
<br /> 1 . .
<br /> , i
<br /> , ,, . .. _ _ --- �
<br />