<br /> � � - �.• '�I^ 7 - .:�:, � � .lk�.J� } '.J�( r1 '..� �il�i��ti�:i�.�„-�r �..r>. � ;.� �� . . . j�.i�iii�rj �L � -.-
<br /> d� y�, �... ������
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<br /> iilf ��!� -..tdK Extc.
<br /> IR - - .r.,•i. ' . •�i1R�i:ti!t�71 ,�: 4�+wiaM!•."?�'`....,-.,..-....�.�.�. ., j ' '. . ,. . � '.�r�Vr2t�F-.�� -- � _.
<br /> e ay�+�_:s,- •, ^�r
<br /> . '��r '�� iP•.4t"�y+'�:��•M-• _ . —�. .—_.
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<br /> �� �. ,�v:��!�q+;.j,t�'��'+L .. � . -i'i���:-
<br /> 9'
<br /> ._ . �,� . ._. -._. _ ... ' ' �. � . .. . . -.—`--:._==-.- ..
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<br /> ���� �- - • � -
<br /> . ' 9�_ �.0�0�6 �.�._•:��
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<br /> s,� 7. Prd�otlon W I.�ndK's Rlpht�In th�Proprtij►. n earowr ld�to P�m�oovwiait�ind�a oonwn.d In
<br /> . . � u�a 8�eudly InsOu�n�t.or u�.n is .Ip�l Prac..dnq tlu�t m�r �Ip�W•11�at�«,d�r.ApM.In u,.P►aw1Y(woh a .poo..dYp in
<br /> t, t� , .�,�;: _
<br /> .�•�� � bar�uplcl►.Prob�t��lo►oond�nxu�tion or IoAdtur�or to�nloto� I�w� a npulrYons)�tfMn L�idu nrY do�nd p�y lo►wlwtw�r M monwcy
<br /> • , . �},' b qobol tM v�lw d th�PropNtY md Und�r's dphq In th� Pra�pwtY. lrrbr'��aflo�N�rY���P�N��O�►y sunis s�ound by�Mn
<br /> � b •• whkh ha pdodty ar thb S�aKftY Inspum�nb �pp�p h couA.wY�Y�^� M���Na�nd w�trin0 on Ih�PropwN to m�ks
<br /> „ � . � np�4�, �yhouph Lmdr nMY uk� actlon und�r 1hN pnpr�ph 7,I.waMr doM not hw�to do w.
<br /> � My�nounb d�b�ws�d by l�ndr und�r t1As P�O�Ph 7 sIW b�wnN�ddftlawl d�bt d Bortowr a�au�d by thb B�awMY ImpunMnt E-'�:--_
<br /> . ° , UnIMS Baroww�nd LM�dK�pn� to otha t�ma ot p�ym�nt, tha��mounts thY brr Inhnq kom th�dW al�1 q qN NoN
<br /> . ea��nd�hd b�p�y�hi�.wMh inlwwt, upon noda f►om Lmdr to Bortowrr nqu�qh�P�wt�
<br /> . -. • , 8. �Ao�tpiQ� Inwhllc�. II L�nd�►nqdrw!mortq�p�b�w�no�a. condillon al m.Wrw th.ban wwr.d by thts Saoiu!!y r�,--.__ ---°
<br /> .. InWw�wW. BonowR eh�l P�Y th� prMnMMn���4�+� b m�N�Wn th�Mat9y�bsurna b�L p�for my n�sa�.tM mat�Mwrmw
<br /> . � �yqa�qukb bY�� I��s a oMSe� to b�In �I(�ot. Ba►owK �hd p�y th�p�nMrns ntlulnd W obUY� wuvaq wb�tantWf+
<br /> ,;. . � �quMd�M W th�matp�p�Inaumu Pr�u�Y In d(�ol,�t�co�tub�unNVY�4�h'+N^�W IM ooa to Bonoww a tM mat�bwr�
<br /> v: �t .. . � Prnlou�►In Nf�ct. from an �It«nab modpape inwnr�PProvsd by Lendr. N subst�nWly�quMaMnt moR� Nsw�no� oww�pr b not
<br /> . 6 , .. �v�bN. 8ortowr �h�N pry to l�ndr Moh moMh • sum nqwl to on�twNllh ol th�ywy matpRO�In�urma P►�mium brnp P�MI � _�-
<br /> ," 8ortoww wh�n d� inwn� covenpe I�psad a aMt�d to be In dfaG. Lw�d�r w��oai�, uw�nd rM�in 1Ms� pqnn�nls u • bu - ---
<br /> � ►«wv�b Nu al mort�Inwnna. Loss ros«vs ptyn�ents m�y no lonp�r M nc�ulnd�t th� opUan of Unda. N matap� Inwmw
<br /> ��
<br /> .. oov�ny�(Y1 th��mouet�nd for Ihe pedod Ih�t Undr rsqukes)proWded by�n inw►er�pprowd by L�nd�r�p�in b�oonNS av�1�M�nd Is �;,_-
<br /> obWn�d. BarowK eh�M pay Ihe prernlum� requkad to m�M�uY� mortq�p� bwn�na in dbat. a to provid� � bas nwr�. untY ih� �_
<br /> ` nqulrmMnt 1a moAp�p�bwranea ands b�ccordmd wflh any wdtlen�pnsnMnt Ue1wMn BoROw�►u�d Land�►ar appYabis I�w. ��--�----- --_ _
<br /> 9. IIIip�Ction. lwid�►a lu�yent m�y m�ia rewonabN enUia upon�nd{nsp�otlon�of th� Propeiy. lw�dK sfnM piv�BonowR �-��.,;.
<br /> notlot n th�tbro W ar pia b�n 4npecUon�paeNyinp roasonabb c�u��fa dw in�p�elbn. �r�„�R=.:�'
<br /> � • 10.Cond�mnsNoe. The pouetb af �ny �wud a c�sNn lor d�m�pts. dinet a aonsequenlW, h connocNoo wilh �ny .n
<br /> ��_�%-.:';_�_
<br /> � cond�nwtfon a otAw Ukinp ot�ny pa7i W 1he Piropaty. a fw convey�na fn Yeu of aond�nn�don.�re h�nby nsipned and sPwO bo pafd �_�-
<br /> .. ��.::�.::.�
<br /> , � to Und1r. ���'�'�`
<br /> In tM w�nt of�WW Wdnq ot th�Proparly.the proceeds sh�N b��ppYsd to Ih� wmr s�aired by thla S�air7ly Inahumw��whMhr or --�..-�.w._
<br /> � �ot then dw�wkh�ny�ocass pYd to Barowar. In tt�e eveM of�partl�l hkinp of Ihs ProMAy In which th�Wr muket wlue d tha PropeAy �:-��._
<br /> , __ . Nrn�1Ny bMa�tM Wdnp is puM to or prwtK tlw�the�oouM d ih�wms ucund by thls 8�curily ImtrunKnt inwnodi�uly beloro the ----
<br /> ' Wdnp, unt�» 8arowar and Lender olherwiae�pre�In w�idnp,t�e auma aaured by thb 8�a�ity Inadument sh�M b� tedaar.d by th��mount �, __��
<br /> . ' of th�proaeda mupipi�d bY th�folowinp iraclion:(�)Ihe toW �mount of ths wms ssaund Mmr�dbtely belon ths taWnC,divWtd bY lb)the --R.__—
<br /> tak rtwk�l v�lw ot iM Propwty frtun�dLleN befon th�1�kInC. My ba�np sFWI M pald to Bortower. In Ihe weM at a partW takinp oi the �.�-�,.
<br /> • Rropwty In whkh th�fak mukM valw o1 the PropMy Mnmedi�tely beforo Ih�WcM�y Is tes�than Ih��mount oi ihe sum�t�cured(nmedl�lely �a��«'�� -
<br /> bMan th�hkNq. unMss BortowK ind Und�r oth�wb�pre� in writkp a unt�s��ppYc�61� I�w oth�rwiw P►evidrs. tM proeMdi sh�N b� �'"--_. .},-_'�
<br /> �ppY�d to tM wmt s�cund by thia Securfly Insbum�M whether a not th�wms�n tMn du�. . „ ,, __ :_
<br /> n th�prop�r b ab�ndonsd by 8ortower,or N, a11K noUcs by Lend�r to BortawK th�t th�oond�rtwior oMxs to rwke�n �rv�rd ar aetde ., :-�
<br /> -__ •dNm lor d�m�pas�BoROWa►f1Ys Io�espond to Lender wlihln 30 dYys aRa(h�driv iho notio�Ie qiven�Lcndsr{�authatlzct!ta�and _.' ;;: . -•:T���,
<br /> ' apphr 1M proae�d��q Rs opUon. althrr to rattonilo�a n�ir W th�Praparty or to !M wms s�cw�d by thlt S�a�Uy Instrum�nt,whatha ' �...,;.b�.
<br /> a not th�n du�. . .
<br /> UnM�s L�nd��nd 8or►oww dhwwlae�pree In wdUnq. �ny�ppAc�don o1 proce�di to prk�dpal ah�N not extend or postponr th�due :;";.u�,+,�,�+
<br /> d�t�of Ih�monihy p�ymmts nleRed to In puayr�ph�1 and 2 a cMmye tha�rnaint of wCh p�ymentt. ';�yy,`;.';;;;:.�:
<br /> 1 t.Bo►►ow�r Not Rolaasod: Forbo�rsnao By l.a�dar Not� Wsivor. E�a.nabn ot ths dm. tor pa�m�ent or •�� = • •
<br /> modMqtlon of anordztllon of the sums�ecured by thla 3ec�Mty Instrum�nt yranted by Lendn to�ny suac�eor in fnt�reet of Borrower shap '% '.;',•':.;..,.•,
<br /> not opnt�to rolMU th�Il�bWly ol the aiqlnal Bortower or Barower's wcceseas b Int�nst. Lendar�haA not b�roquk�d to eomrnence .•y�,�;;,;s:�;,•;.�•��
<br /> proessdnys�ydnst any sueeaator In inle►eat or reluse to extend time far p�yment w othMwls�modity�morqt�don o1 the suma a�ourad by • �.,��,, ,�
<br /> thls 3�curity Inthumw�t by n�eon ol �ny denwnd m�de by the alylnd BortawK o► Barow�r's successors in IntM�st. My larbw�ne� by K ",:;��,:;� .'-.;-
<br /> Lmder b exKqt(np�ny�Ipht or renxdy ahaG not be �waNer oi or predude the exerclsa af any rfght or rem�dy. �? �`;•�� � ��'._�_
<br /> ' "' 12. Suee�ssors and Aaslgns Bound; JaiM and Several Uabllity; Co-stynera. rne wvenan�a and apreernente ot L � . - �;�,�;;,
<br /> II� ' thi�3eauity In�bumait shdl bind and beneiit thQ aucceasors and asaipns ol Lender �nd Bomower, aubJeet lo ihe provlslone of puagraph � ��.��
<br /> I .
<br /> 17, gprow�r's ooverants md �groemants ahall be Jolnt and aeveral. My Borrower who ca•sfpn� thla Securfly InaWment but doea not , ".';,,,�;"q'�=;--
<br /> a�cut�th�Not�: (�1 h co-slqniny thla 3eeurqy Uetrument ony lo matyaya, yr�nt,�nd convoy Ih�t Borrowar'�Inte►est in the Prope�ty under �,�. . �='���s
<br /> th�tams of thh 3saNiry Inehumenl;(b)is not peraon�Ny obllyWed to p�y ihs sums aecur�d by thle Seaulty InsWrtwnt;and(e)ayreee that `z""'�'�-
<br /> Untlw�nd�ny othr Barowa m�y ayree to e�Aend.modiy. larbwr or m�k� �ny accom�wd�tlons wRh r�q�rd ro bnns o1 ttdt Seaurity � '.'O�';
<br /> ar._�
<br /> Inttiummt a th�Note wfthout that Borrower'a conaent. �"'m'
<br /> 13. L.oan Charq�t. If the lo�n seeured by thls SocurNy InsWment Is sub�ect lo�law wl�lch aets rtwx4num lo�n ohr�pes,�nd that "�;^'��'�_
<br /> I�w h 1n�1y int�pnbd so tlut tht Intareat or other lou� ch�ryes coWct�d or to b� eoNeated in conn�ction wkh th� bn e�cceed the , � w
<br /> • . pwmittd WNts,tMn; (�)�ny such Iwn charqea ehaA be reducad by lhe�mount nace�e�ry to nduce iM oh�ry�to tM p�nNKed IIrN�and
<br /> - (b)any aums �dy collected from 8orrower wNch axeeeded pertntited Iimits wll b�rolundad to Borrowa. L�nda m�y choose to m�ke
<br /> thla rdund by redudnp thQ principol owed under the Note or by makinq a dUect PaYmm� lo Bortowar. If a �Nund roduea� prinalpal,thi . �
<br /> nduetion wfM be Veded�e a prtiel prep�yment wflhout any prepayment charqe under th�Note.
<br /> � 14. Notic�a. My noUce to 8orrower provlded for in thle SecurNy Inshument ah�Y be yben by delivainy R or by m�INnq fl by fkst
<br /> d�ss mW untas�ppYcAWe law requfres use oi onother method. The noGca shap be dir�actW to ihe Properry Address or any other addresa
<br /> Bomower dwipntlea by notice lo Lender. My nolica lo Lender shaN be gNen by Nret dass maN to Lenderh �ddresa atated herdn or any
<br /> other �ddrou Lender denfpn�tea by noUce to Barowx. Any not�e prov►dud for In thft S�audty Mstrum�nt sh�l b�dawn�d to hwa baen
<br /> qhran to Borrowar or Lendw when y'nen as prov�ded in tfila parapreph. .
<br /> 1b. �iov�rninp l.aw; SovorablHty. Thia Securily Inawment ahaA be governed by federat law �nd tM law of Ih��uriadiction in
<br /> whlah Ihe PropKty It locatod. In tha event that any provlalon or clause ot tMs 5ecwrily Instnm+ant or th�Nota conlNcts wNh�ppWcabb law.
<br /> • .' suoh conAtct eh�A not aflect othn provlslons d tNs Security Inalrument or tht No1Q which can be yNm elloct wlthaut lha conlNntinq
<br /> � provlslon. To thh and the provlaiona ol lhla Security Instrument and the NotQ�r+decland lo be saanbN,
<br /> i8. 6orrowar's Copy. Borrower shall De gNen o�e conformod copy oi ine tvoiu w�d:,f ihls Sewriry Inatrunent.
<br /> � 17. Tranafar of tho Property or a Benafiaial Interest in 8onower, If aN or any p�rt ol ihe Properly a any Interest in
<br /> N Is sold ur U�ha(e�red (or N e beeeflclol interesl In Borrower Is sold or trensleRtd and Bor►ower Is not� natutil person) wilhout Lender's
<br /> � prfor w�tten coonsent, Lander m�y.�1 its opUon. requlre immediate paymenl In tuY ot aY sums searea by tn�s Seaimy insuument. nowever,
<br /> thh optbn sh�Y�ot be exardaed by Lender II exerclse Is prohi6iled by tederal IaMI os o1 thQ datQ ol lhfs Securily InsWment.
<br /> � If Lender axerd=es thls opUon,Lender shall give Bortowe►notfce ot accelewtlen. The noUce ahall provlde a perfod oS not less than 30
<br /> dfy8 hom th�dde the notice Is delivered ar molted withln whkh the BoROwer must p�y ap sums sacured by this Security InsWment. II
<br /> ' Bortoww faAs to pay thoae aums prlor to the expkatlon ol thls perlod. Lender may lnvoke my rertbdies permittad by thls 5ecurity Instrument
<br /> wqhoul tuAMr notice or dwnmd an 8ortoww.
<br /> PiQC 7 Of 5 F�urm,jQ�B 9'DO
<br /> K1D�.lM6 qA4)
<br /> Sn+]6
<br /> . �'. ' -
<br />