t��� .,' 41' L�iifH �,Y ����.nv� .[C i `>,��i�vl�i�. 'ri�. 1�{� '•. , 7;;;,;: •; . .ti��ifi,-a . 5 ��.� _
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<br /> ' _..+�.sv a�. . ., a,u.Y..._. . -_ -
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<br /> .� .. � . ---
<br /> - �'ia, � b,,,,,nry nqur� b► ea►ov+�P. «a�ow�000unl und.r tM
<br /> ��_ �� :;,,
<br /> =� , ,,;-„•..,43... �, f1o1 to MOUd fIM nMldmuon Mnowd� Ilnd�r lor� IMMra1y �Mtl�d martq�g�
<br /> :�d���;:�.,,.:.�,k�, � ' I�al Rrl Es1W BMIMnNnt Proo�durw M�I M tY7,w rnw�dd tom tlm�to tlnM� 1Q U.s.O.2e01 M Nq.('REBPA•1,unlMS �nathw I�w --
<br /> ����3`�`1�;;V�, ' tlal �PP�N b 1M F�rids aq�IM�w�mount• N to� L�id�►m�Y. �1 M►M�.ooMd�nd hoid Fund� b�n �row�M nal b woMd th�
<br /> :;�;i,r����;�:;'� �� Mn�.MwuiN. l«+d. nw «tln�t. en..mou�M a�,+�aw on uw bw.a ourwM dw.nd�aNbM..ww« a.pw�dlut« a
<br /> ,�'��:��''' ' Ai1r�E�orow Nwnt a alh«wM�In�000rdu�w wNh app�abM Mw.
<br /> �' p,''�.�t Y!""-'' llN Fund� �h�M b� Mld tn�n NstlpAloe whow d�porks w hNr�d Oy�hard q�w�l.In�w�wMWlh a�ntll�r n�alu�nq Lw�dw.�
<br /> � n.:�� l�nd�r N woh �n N�IMutlon) a in�nY F�d�r� HarN lwn BanM. L«tdar�h�1�POh w Fund�to pay th�Esarow M�nr. I.�ndw mvY�
<br /> ':" : . .-�iaft�� ;
<br /> :� ':-n , dNrp�BollowM br hoklllp�nd�pp1yMQ IIN Fun�M.�w1Y anYysinp 11N Monow �000uM.oI vMMyYq tIN Esorow N�nM�unM� LN1dN
<br /> ,.._ ._..._ ....�- prys Barow�r YM�rwt on Ih�Fwd��nd�ppYoat� I�w p�nnits I.�ndu to m�kt acb �afiir0�. Howw�w. Undn n�r�quir� Banoww a .-- --
<br /> _ �KG:'n�{�' • .,�� . ��OIN'�IM O�1K��Of MI YI�IIdMI�1'M��bK 1'/p01t�fl0��IY�YNd��M1��1 OOfMI�{Of11MK�1��0�11.INI�M���
<br /> � . �pl/1dM dhMW�/�. UfNM� �11 AQ�MIiMlll b IIM� p i�1C�bN MW I�IkM ��O b� Q�d. �rldM�11�1 f101 b� f�QY�� f0 �
<br /> ' � ' ^., BqtowM�ny int�nst a NnN�Y�on Ih�Fund�. BaRuwK and LmdK m�Y q�In w�MMq,how�rr�thaf bt�nMt sIW b pdd on IM Fund�.
<br /> l�ndrr�htl ylw to 6arow�.wkhout ehu0�,�n m�wwl�000u�InY o11h�Funds.�IwvrYp andts�nd d�bNs to Ih�Funds md tM qnpo��
<br /> •• • lor wMoh�d�bit b tfN Funds wu m�eN. Th�FwWs w pNdp�d u�dditlonr Nouly lor�M wm�war�d by thb S�owMY In�pum�nt.
<br /> � ,� . . . N th� Fund�Mid by L�nda aeMd tM amou�a pamitted to b� hMd by �PPNabN I�w. L�ntMr sh�N �ooiud to 8amcw�la th�
<br /> „ ;;, ..
<br /> ' �w• ^ .: , �raMt Fund�b�ondN+a w�h tM nquk�n�nls of�VPMable law. II t!N�na�t af th�Funds hNd by Lw�d�r tl�ny Um�b rAt wlAoi�d
<br /> ' 'g to p�r 11N E�orow IMns wh�n du�.L�ntM►m�Y w notl(y 8arowr In vnihp,�nd,b woh osp Bonow�r�hY p�y W L«id�r tM amount
<br /> s:r c�w._.�..� � ��� �q��,qr. Bonow�r!W m�k�up IM d�ol��r h no n►o� �n MrMw monWy pqirtwnls. tl LwMw'� soM - __
<br /> . tM- ���-"_
<br />� ~ - �`��+.'�.. � ,'•� �.
<br />�r ' •� .. • upa, v.yn�w� �n rw a� .um. ..ar.a ey w. s«aK� w�.au�r. �.«�.� a�M nwna w e«►or+.►.rn Fw�a. n.a br
<br /> t � � �.«�dw. n.undw P.r.orapn�,�.�d�.n.�■oqur.«s.r�n.�rop.ny. �.nda. �a tn..oquauton or..�.a u�.�op.riy..n.r.pvh►
<br />. .., � . . �ny Funds hNd by Und�r d th.tLn�ot acqutsiuon«sds.s .a�dlt.�th.wra Ma�r�d by this 8�a�rqy In�trum�rd. _ . . .- -
<br /> ', ' , � ' 3.Applleallon at Paym�M�. uni.ss�ppYo�bl�rw provwa aqwrw�s��M p�ytmnis aoNwd by l�ndw und�r P�tapmPhs 1 and -= —
<br /> � • 2.twi o..va.d: wn�, w.ny a►�v.y�t�r�.�.s dw und.r m• Na•, s�oond�o .now�a wy.w.�r.a►a•�w�an �;tnrd w�«.a --.
<br /> ' . dur, burth,W pindpY dw:�nd latt,to any yte el�a►Ya du�umMr th�Not�. ��.� _
<br /> �c,�r.,a_r:1:.:
<br /> , � �.Chu{NK U�nR BoRawa •tW pay dl hxes,.sshun�Ms. ohrp�s�An«�nd Mnpo�Nloro athibutM�N w th�P►op«ry whkh �f{�'�..�
<br />. my �in p�b�ily ovlr thb 3earity InstrumMd, arld IMSOhold p�ym�nts or qround nnb,lf r►y. BoROww sIW pry t11w abNQutbet in the vn;;;��--
<br /> ��!`:
<br /> • � mmcwr providW In pwa�ph 2, a H not p�W In th�i m�nnR, Bortoww �h�N p�y Urm on ihN dM�tl�►to lM pwson ow�d P�Y�t• ��sa�::,N-�_
<br /> � . Barowrr �hM 4rc�nyY�► �mlah to Lender d noUc�s of �mounta to b� p�W undv tMs p�niph. H Banoww m�c�s fh� p�ym�M�
<br /> dr�1y�8artcwr shY praipty bmbn to Lend�nalpts wWendny th�p�ynwnt�, =s—
<br /> �. .. Borrowr sh�M prompUy diechups�ny G�n whioh lu�s priodly over thh S�aurMy InWum�nt unN�s Borrow�: (�)�prMS b wdtlnp to th� .
<br /> ,_ . pynwnt ol th�obNpolon aaxed by th�Iian in• mmn��cceptabta to L�ndw; (b) aontats b yood I�ith th�Aen by, a dM�ndt��inn �::`"
<br /> ����:�.;.--
<br /> - - �nforamwq ol qw INn�n,i�i P�oc�ed'inps which in ihe L.ndar'r i,pR►b+i opeata ta prrrast tha asfor�!e!!hs Ben: a{o) �•�� !�'..-
<br /> .. �:;,"'—
<br /> tb� hokb►of tM II��n�p►eement aatlefaclory to Lmdar subordlnatinp th�Wn lo thb S�curlly Instn�n�nt. II Undr d�tNrtAna that�ny =_______
<br /> ; � �� �'•;.� put d tAo ProMrly b subJect to a Ycn whkh may�lak�prbrily over this S�curity hsGwn�nl, L�ndsr m�y yiv�8ortow�r�noUc�W�ntityhp �;��n'��r�.
<br /> ..,:�':::.'.`� ,. .
<br /> ' �-�, ;.; ` tlM Wn. Ba►owK sh�M s�dsty tne Yen or taka on�or mon ot the aedons wt torth�bov�wMhk� to d�ya of th�yHhy a notla�. �•�;.
<br /> .I�(��.,� ;_ . i;��.i�A. .
<br /> ' :�,f::i;;;".J. b. Harard or Prap�tyr Insurance. Bortower ahaU keep th� Improvan�na now au.tlno a h.n.n.r eraaed an th• aop«ty ',,.:.���<<
<br /> Yaund ay�Mst loss by fln, huiMs Inoiud�d wqhin lh� twm '�xlend�d aovwr��'and any othu hmrds� Inoludinp Aood�a IloodinC. ta r�.;;.--
<br /> , which l�nGr nQuf►a Insw�nc�. This Inwnnce shd bo mdntdnad In th��mounU�nd for th�pwlodt that L�ndu nquka. Th�insuranc� �^
<br /> � ', prriw provWhp 1h�Insuruia sh�N be choaen by Bortower aubJeot to L�ndK't�pproval whbh shY not b� unr�sombN wIU►haW If
<br /> �� ,.•YI=
<br />. , . ., Borrow�r IY� to m�Y�t�in coverape dasalbod �bov�. lender may.�t L�ndK's optlan� abWn eovwp�to probat L�nd�r's riphu in th� �_
<br /> ' PropNty tn�acord�na wph ParaynDh 7. ,
<br /> . N Imurana poYdes md renewals�h�ll be acceptabb to Lend�md sIW Indud�a slmd�rd maAp�p�dwss. Lendar sIW hae th� �"^-
<br /> • . �pht ro hold th�poNd•s Nd ronaw.ls. u lenda r.qukea,Bortower ehaY prompW piv�to L�nd�r�II rnxlpt�of pUd pnmiwns�nd nn�w�l
<br /> . . � . '. �� notlah. In th�avent of bss,Bortowir fhaA give prompt aoUCe lo ih�InwranCe C�rti�r�d L�1eN►. L�ndr may m�k�proof o1 losa a not �.:_;_�.�__..
<br /> :�r ..r;�',i.r; ' :„��,�, ����by 8arowr. �
<br /> proc�sci �ppll�d to r�atcntlon a npair of tM ���'Sr"�;:T�
<br /> ` �.;�..�;•u� �::�� Unlssf lander �nd BoROwer othawlae�gree M wdting, Inaur�nce a shal ba ��Y '.p ,
<br /> " '2�jS;��9 �(:'•;`:.;,�
<br /> ` .."'•!� >• dWrnped, p the reatoraUon a rep�k le economlaaly feaelble and Lendar's teeurly b not lan�ned. If th� n�tortpon or rep�fr ta not �,��.:���`�
<br /> 'J�ib�l.:t°.._',�_
<br /> �aNcaA►r fa�IbM or Undv's aacudty would b� lasened, tha Inwrana ptoc«ds �b�appll�d to th�wm� s�CUred by thlt S�curity _.;�:.?�,
<br /> .. • InsttumenL whether a not than duo. with �ny excea� p�id to Bor►owe�. B 8orraw�r �bandons th� Proparty, or do�s nW msw�r wUhin SO '- . :
<br /> ,}�,';, „ ,, _ d�ys�notla kom Lendar that tha Insuranee canier has oHered to serile a c�kn,lhen LendK rn�y cWaet ihs inw� procaede. Lender 1 -
<br /> . �?.. � m�y us� th� procs�d� to rep�k or reston the Ropedy er to pey aums taeund by thb S�aulb Instrum�nt wtMhr a not th�n tNw. the '�i:.�._,,,.Y
<br /> • �,;;�::. . 9p.�yy P�rlod ww bph when Ihe mdce la ylven. �
<br /> i;;",'r� � �,.,, • );;:�.;
<br /> Unl�ss LendK �nd Bortower othanvlse agree In w�iting, any appYedlon o1 proceed� to prindprl aha11 not exl�nd a postpons the due
<br /> ,... : •���
<br /> ' ;�"�• � • d�te of ih�monthy p�yr►wnts reterted to in paa►9raphs 1 and 2 or chan9e tM amount of th�paym�nta. If unda►pu�yraph 21 the Property
<br /> ••�� h acqulrad b Lendr, Borrowe�'a dght to an Inwranee ollcies and proceed�rewlUn fran dam� e to the Pro r to tha�cqublUon `r
<br /> y Y P Y 4 P�Y P� i+;•.,
<br /> . ��.'°''� fhal p�ss to Lender lo the extent of the sums secured by lhis 3ecurity InaUUmmt Mmcdately prbr to the acqulalUon. •_ :�
<br /> rr''.', � ry::-.,,�
<br /> ,,�: ,. 8. Occupu�cy, Prosanr�tion� Maintanance and Protoctlon of tha Proporty; Borrower s Loan ,- ;
<br /> . . ,. ,. ' ApPIICatlOff; I.�aNh01d�.Bortower s►NII occupy. QaU�blish. snd use tht Propehy os 9ortower'a prindpd residence wilhin sbdy daya '�,��� .
<br /> ` ., dter th� a�cutlon ol thb 3ocurity InsWment and shall continue to xcupy Ihe Ropely ae Borrower't princip�l resldence far tl least one
<br /> • y�ar Nier Ihe E�te of occupuiey, unleae Lender otherwise egrees in wridny,whkh eons�nt sh�N not be unre�sonably w1lhAeld, ar unleas
<br /> , extenwW�y circumstu�coe exlst whkh are beyond 6ortower's conlrol. Borrower ahall not dwlroy, dam�ye or knpak the Properly, �OOw Ihe
<br /> � • � Prope�ty to detMlonta, or eorm�it waste on ihe PropMy. Bortower ahaA be In dd�uq q any toAefWre�etlon or procoedin�,whelher clvA or '1��
<br /> i�:.
<br /> ' oimYrl. h e�aun 1Mt fn L�EQr'a qood taith�udgment ooutd result in IoAMtur� of the Pro�xAy a othawb�nMteddly Irnp�k tha Yen ae�ted ,
<br /> by thu SautMy MsWment a Lender'a sacurity intarest. Bortower m�y wre such� dMaull and reina4te. u provided In paragraph 16.by ; ,•,,.,
<br /> _ ��_ . _ � au�lnq th� �dion a proce�lfnq to be dlsmlased wfth a rultnp Ihat. In Lender's good faith dalarminaUon, pradudea fo�feilura ot the
<br /> �
<br /> Borrowv'�Inhmet M th�Property or other material Mnpalrmen� ol the Ilen cn�t�d by tl�is Security Imlrumant or lender'a aecumy �ntereat. �
<br /> �
<br /> II BoROwer fh�wo b� in d�lault H Borrower, duriny Ihe loan appNcallon prouss,q�v�nrt�ly talae a fn�xunte Inlomwtlon or au�emonta '
<br /> b lmdw(or t�Wd to provlde Lender with any motertal InformaUon) In connactfon wMh th�Iwn evidenced by the Nole, Indudinq, but not
<br />� Imitrd to, npn�pdont conceminq Borrawer's occupancy oi 1hQ Propaly�s� principd residanc:e. It this Sewxity MHrument la on �
<br />' IMUhpId,6o�rower�haN comply with �A the provislonn d lhe lesse. 11 Borroww acquira� fea iNle to Iha Proparty, the Iwsahold �nd Ihe
<br /> IN titl�eh�M not m�pe unless the Lender aprees to Ihe merqer In wrilhp.
<br /> . � PaQr 7 al S Form J01B 91`90
<br /> � Fto�AMO(IA�I
<br /> �
<br /> � w�� t
<br />