.L1 S � ,L'`"7��u . i �•o-�.<�,�.�� . �j`f , , ( ��;_ �, _. '.n' ��! I,i� ' .. . � .i ��if'1.-: �iC� ''� L:y:1Y����{j1 X�� "'_ -.
<br /> ` , , J .. . 1 �F -+. if�� t�� •"�'l'e,' .�
<br /> . :! , � (�N,i. .(1�,, -� . ',��y,�1+� 4 � � . ` } 1t �,n�t' � "Y��ji' • .. I< 1 ly ��• • J�� • ,.\RYFs.r`�.
<br /> � :i'', .. `��{7�Sy��, ::� 11 . F7 r 1- -� ir.., i_,)�!}�`���:I), . .��l. .�y '���1•;%�i.�^;' ' . t ' •�-. .�({�1{N } _.
<br /> �M �tL�i.�L. i4�i�iiirYr. —_t�` ' .j._ . . ' -....d 1 . . . - IL24°4l�1*!95R'1�1MC..,��
<br /> .S.a� -• ,. � '� 9��F!�,kb'y5 a+at w �� /f'� �`i � r,.—viw(.Y�r,..�'�.�...;,:�-'T,.���ioe.ac --_-
<br /> �: ...-.---� ..- " 'fK' 1�*��� ti �>';•... �bFfu..a: s. 'r . . . . '.�. "`.._:.
<br /> '�I . �b�� . . �. � r1� 5�!tdr.. _,'_
<br /> f . . . '�.y-4.d::t
<br /> - - r 5�.�-.;:
<br /> ��.�� r � � Y. ��...'-
<br /> .�.,r..r'-
<br /> .. } ��.�.- . .�..........._.��..�..� � ` ——_
<br /> , 92—zo�o�6 �-=��y-��-
<br /> ,, 1!. lorrow��'� Rlpht fo R�Inst�t�. q ea►oww rt�a c� aoedMlo�w. eortawr �hd hrv�tiM rt�ht lo h�v��ntorwmnt - _
<br /> : . . � ' • �oonWw�d M�ny Ynr pla W th�MAMr of: W S dM (or woh oth�r pwlod u app�wbl�Irw nwy sp�oMY la rahsWwnmq bMa�aN�
<br /> � � ' ' ol tM Pr�ty P�x�w�! b �nY Po+r�r ol aM aonWrWd In thb 8�curM1� N�OvnMn� a Ip) �Y d � wda^�^i�^�� 1hb S�owNy �----_-- -
<br /> . • , � In�t.Thw�oa�lioes�n th�t Bortow�r: (�)p�y� LmcMr�II Ww�u wMoA tMn would W dw�uidw thw&axl�l Instn�n�nt �nd th�
<br /> . Na. a R r,o .00�Miruon naa oowrt.d: ro) � �r a.lsull c� .ny aha oov.e.ia a .pr..m.ets: ca) a•r r �^�«�^b h
<br /> . � ^ �nloraMp 11� S�owKY klsYwnent. fndudklq, bu! 11W NmN�d to� rrson�bM attam�ra� MMt �nd (d) tIMM woM �oUo11 �s L«fdu maY
<br /> .rua�bhr nvuti w.sp,a uw �h. r.n a this s.awky In•wnMro, �w�r. rqna h u�. Ptov�h�++d eoirowu�. obiiowon w wr�h.
<br /> � .., sums Nuu�d by thN S�awMY Imtrumrd �hoq aontinu� unah�np�d. UPon nMsYt�nwrM hY Bonow�.thb 8�aNftY Insbutmnt �nd tM
<br /> • ' � aWptlbfn NOUnd MnbY shY rMndR AtNy�fbfAN�p M fro�ul�qon h�d 000lrrW. Howww.Ihls dphl lo ain� thY nol aPD�Y� � ,j«�3..- - -.__
<br /> fM au� ol aooMralbn w�dK par�q��Ph/7. -
<br /> ' � � • 1!. Sd� ot Nat�i Ch�n�� af Losn S�rvie�r. Th� Noa a � 0� Int�t In th� Noa l�aOMh.r wiih tl� S�aidty �":__
<br /> • ' Inprunwnt)m�y b� sold on� a mor� tYnn wltftart pkx notk� to BartowM. A wM m�y r�tuN In o eh�np�N tM �nWy pa�own u IIh -
<br />.. •Lo�n SMVIo�►')qwt coMcts n►onthly paynxnts du�uridn th�Nob�nd tl�is S�curMy InaUUm�nL Th�rf rso mry b� an�a mon chmpa —
<br /> ol tha lo�n Swvk�wrWt�d to a i�lo oi th� Nol�. U th�n is �cFwp�ol th�Lan Swvlaw.8orrow�wi1 b�pNm wdltm noUa ol th�
<br /> . • eMnpr In �oeord�nc�wph p�rayraph 14 abov� and �pplkabl� {�w. TM nolk�wIN�ht�th�nam��nd�ddnss o1 the nwv Lan Swvicw
<br /> and th�addrsss fo wNch p�ynwnts should be mad�. Th�notic�wiN alw conWn any otMr Intam�don r�quk�d by �ppYcabM Iw+• �_
<br /> ' � Z0. Haza►dau� 8ubsync�s. BorrowK shW not caua� a pam(t th� pnswio�, us�� dispos�l, storap�, a rNMS� ot any
<br /> .. . . ' ti�randous Subtl�na�on or b tb�P►op�rty. [iorra��var ahal not do. �or aMaw �nYon��to do.�nyttitiY df�dN�q th�R'o�tY thtl is in _y_�
<br /> � • violation d�ny Envka�nwnfal law. Th�pnc�dkip iwo swrtanc�s ah�N not�pply lo qM pnsw�a�. uw� or sta�p� an 1h�Proputy ot ertwY .��
<br /> . ' qu�ntNMs of F�Msardau Substancc�s that an yenw�MY neopniz�d to b��pprop�t�W eomrl raid�ntlN uas md to m�int�mnd d th� �"'�,
<br /> . ., �H• — --__
<br /> Barow�r shW P��P�h 9W� Lander wtid�n notla of �ny Nrvesdptllon. cWm� dwmnd,t�wwit ar oth�r �ctlan by �ny povemmental ar
<br /> , � � npuWory�p�nry a piN�t�puty involviny tlw Prop�1Y �nd�ny Hmrdous Sul»Unc� or EmkonnMnW ltw ol wh�h Bortow�r h�s�dual �r.�' '------
<br /> ,. ;, knowNd�e. B Bortow�r k�ma. or Is not�ed bY �rry yovnmmantal or rsp��tory wihaNy. th�t any r�novv a oth� r«n�di�don of �ny ;�_- -
<br /> � Fl�r�rdous Sub�Lna�f(�dinp Uw Ropa�is me�swy. BaRVw�r sh�Y p�ompty Wu rl maawy r«n�dW �ctlons In �cordanw with . ::__.
<br /> �� ''. •, Emham�nW Law. � V
<br /> ... b ut�d in thb puapraph 20. "li�ardouf Subat�nas' �n thos� wbstanc�s d�Rmd �s to�do a hazardoua subst�nces by
<br /> �,:'-
<br /> Emrka�W Law �nd !h� Tolbwfng aubsfanoea: q�sopn�. k�►osan�. oth�r Aartrmbl� a toxla p�holown praduct�, toxla patiddes �nd , -;'�
<br /> , hrl�kJd�s� voWY� tolv�nis. ma�eri�is eonmkdny aabestos or formddehyd�, �nd radiwcGve m�t�itla. As wsd in thb pu�9r�Ph 20, , �•-`
<br /> 'Envka�nMnW 4w' mNns tadacal �aws �nd I�ws of tAq j�ufs�don wiw� !ho Proputy Is IocRsd thtl nt�U to hMllh, s�1elY a ' �-
<br /> . - -- �mrkawn�nW prot�.Mbn• � ^ .
<br /> . NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowor and Land�futfier covsn�nt�nd��a foNows: ..''�•_
<br /> ,.;,`; - - � 21. Ara�ai��riia�� ��a�ci:�a. i.�.zdar � �tvo aaltca !c @�� �rlot tQ e�celereti�+ idlowing ���� -
<br /> 8orrow�r's b►�ach of sny aovonaM or ayrNnwat in thls S�curHy Insfrum�nt (but not prlor to accd�ntion �:� � ''P�
<br /> � .�::,`�'�, � .� , i und�r p�rapraph 17 unl�sa appUcabl� law pwvld�s oth�rwip). Thr patic� sh�ll sp�ci(y: {a) th� dNaul� � ,
<br /> . . . (b) th� �ation �puk�d to ouro tlw d�fault; (c) a dato, nd I�ss than 30 day� irom th� dat� th� ndica is �� � •
<br /> . '. ' �", qiv�n to Borrow�r. by which tho dehult must t» cund; �nd (d) that failu�� to cur� th� d�fault on or ,
<br /> � ..' Mfon th� dat� sp�cifiod in tho ndlo� may rasult In acc�l�ration of th� wms s�curod by thls S�curity •
<br /> � ��' In�trum�� and alo of tho Proporty. Th�natic� shall iurth�r Infam Borrow�r of th� rt�ld to rdnsfab afto► , '��
<br /> acc�l�ntion �nd tha ri�M to b►ing a court aetion to assKt th� non-sxtsbnce of a d�fault or any othor �
<br /> ' � d�f�nsa of 8w►ow�r to accoleration and sal�. If th� dofault Is not cu►�d on or bofor� tho d�t� spacifiad �
<br /> In th� notic�. I.�nd�r at its optto�a 11tay �qquirY tmmadlat� paym�nt in full of all sutnt socur�d by this
<br /> S�curit�r Indrum��t wlthout turther doma�d and may invokv th� powo� of �al� and any otha� r�madios
<br /> � ,� :',; p��mitt�d by appticablo law. Londer shall ba ontittad to collact all �xp�nsos Incurrad In punulnp tho
<br /> , nrn�dl�� provid�d In this parapraph 21. includln�. but �ot limit�d to. r�ssonabl� attom�ys' fo�s and coats :..�.�:.
<br /> :;,..��,. of tftl� widmw. . • `
<br /> • �� M th� pow�r oi sala i;� invokad. Trustoo shall racord a notic� of dof�ult In aach couMy In which any �`.,• •
<br /> " • , :• part of th� Prop�rty Is locatod and shall maii coptos of such notic� i�th� n�ann�r pr�scrib�d by applicablo � . .
<br /> � '� ;�;Sr•:;,:: � � I�w to 8onow�r �nd to tho oth�r parsons proscribod by �pplicabl� law. Aftor tiw tim� r�qutr�d by •• .
<br /> ..�:�r,c;.�.;:;.r�,,.;"':,;•� appllc+�W� Iwv. Trusto� shall giva public notic� of salo to tha porsons and In th� mannor prascribad by
<br /> �:����c;�t";;•���t'��;''� apPlicabl� I�w. T�ustao. without domand on 6orrowar. shall wll tho Proparty at public auction to th� ,
<br /> �• ��'''�' •�'•��": ` h�st btdd�r a! tf� timo and laco and undor th� torms dasi nat�d in tha notic� oi sN� in on� or moro _..._,
<br /> ' � `'r'1.,�`���;,i.�':�, . •. p�ircds �nd in ar�y ordor T�ustao dotorminos. Trustao may po�tpon� salo of all or �ny parcal of tho ••
<br /> '"" Prap�rty by public �nnounaamor�t at tlw timo and plac� of sny pr�vlously sctwdulad sal�. L�ndar or its
<br /> �• '�'����; ' d�slpnN may purcha� tho Proparty at any aala.
<br /> ' �:.;• •
<br /> • ,.•!� Upon ncvipt of payanant of the prfco bid, Trusteo shall daliv�r to tha pu�chas�r Trustao's devd
<br /> conv�yin� tiw Prop�rty. Tha �ocitals in tho Trusteo's doad shall b� prima hclo ovldQnca of th� truth of
<br /> tho�tat�m�Ms mad� therain. TrusRva sh�ll apply tho procaod� of th� sala in tlw followinq ordor. (a) to all '
<br /> coab and ��nsos of axorclsing tho powo� of sale, a�d tha salv, includin�ttw paymont of tho Trustoo's
<br /> t�os actuaHy incurnd. not to Qxcaed 3.00 96 of tha principal amount of tho nota at tha tima of tha
<br /> � decluallon of dafault. and raasonablo attor�oy's fevs as pormittod by law; (b) to all �ums sacurad by this .
<br /> . Saaurity I�snumont; and (c) any oxcoss to tA� porson or porsons logallr antitlad to it.
<br /> 22. R�COi1v�y�11CY. Upon paymQnt of all sums securQd by this Securlly Inalrumant. Lendar shW request Trustaa to reconvey the
<br /> � " ProplAy �nd shall swr+ndw this SQCUriIy ��s[n.r.+ent and all notes evidenclnq debt aecurad by this 5ecurHy Inalrument to Truatee. Truslee
<br /> � eh�Y nconvey th� PropeRy without wamnry add without charqe to ihQ persan or pwaons lagalty enllUed to It. Such person or peraona�haA
<br /> p�Y�ny ncord�tbn costa.
<br /> � 23. Subditut� TrusniQ. Lender. at Its oplion, rvy kom time to time remove Truatee end eppolnt a successar Wstee to any
<br /> 1 T�uata appofnted heraunder by an mstrument recoraeu in tnt counry m wnkn tn�s secumy matrument ia recorqed. wnhaui comeyancv oi
<br /> � tAe Prop«ty, aueeQSwr trustee sheA succeed to aA the title, power and duties conlerred upon T�uatee hereln and by�ppACable 4w.
<br /> � 24. Raqu�st for Naticos. 8orrower requests th�t copies ol thQ notfcQS o1 de1�uR and sWo ba sant to Bortower's �d�ess whfeh
<br /> 1 b tM PropMy Addres�.
<br /> , 25. Rld��i t0 this SYCUrity In8t1'umYnt II one or more ride�s are executed by Borrower and recorded toyelher wilh Ihis
<br /> ` S�euiity InaWmont. MQ �rovenants and agreements ol each such nder slwW be Incorporoted into ond sha4 amend �nd supplement the
<br /> � wvw�nts�nd�qree�nents of Ihis Secunry Instrumenl es il the ridet(s) wera e parl ol Ihls Securfty InsWmenl.
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> , Pepr�c�S Fo�m .1J7S 9/9U
<br /> F10�9.1M0(11911
<br /> �
<br /> �� * .
<br />