- `ti��� .s,J • . �� ��'�-J��.�Y� !'. I i� i ���� �Y��:' � ���''`tY . ' i .x.�'�r:sar .�,...
<br /> (i�� �i�ir�a..s,�..a��..��.`�s�', .�� L'_b ..+'!r{�.��},.�:fT----�---•
<br /> �y� �_}� ��
<br /> _���7"�. '7ib�ra����eew�n�xi��a �r+wwc✓�e'_ �f 1�' __,.. . ._ -�' _. __ , _— . .
<br /> ��LR�ti. � .� �,�_ —' ` -
<br /> r���i'F. .. _���T,�=l.�...
<br /> _��iy�rfw+iti•' �;,� iY:•L: ( " . . , -. .t .
<br /> ° � .Kr� �f�• . '.r7"-_
<br /> -�'f' . . . �� : %=i e{"' q�y ' „ �
<br /> • ' - . ;1�.1,"'L�ll�*it!W.'!'JtL"�1 V. .. _ _ .
<br /> � .+�, .. —_ ____._._��.
<br /> - �•1.�.._-- .:.a�t� �7�---�V�ieVa�� ��
<br /> - � �`�� condemnaiion or athcr tukiny�f w�y pun of�he Nrupcny,ur ti�r cunvey;mcc in licu�if rundcmnuti�x�,urc Ixrcby uzsiyned wu!
<br /> --— �'�' �Iwll be puid�a Lcndcr.
<br /> __,_� In �hc event uf u tutul tuking uP tix� Pru fxAy. �hc pnKCCd+ xhull ix� upplicd u► thr �umr wcurrd by ihix Sccurity
<br /> - - In�trumem. whether ur not Ihen duc, with uny exce+s pafd io Bum�wer. In�he eveni of o puniul wking al'thc 1'iropeny in _
<br /> . _-� j. _pi which the fuir msuket valuc of �he Propeny immediutcly t+cli►rc the t,ikin� i�ryuul�u ur grcu�cr�hun the omcront uf the sumti
<br /> -����� �_�= r�ccund hy thi+Security Inr;trurtnnt immcJiutcly bcfim�hr�uking. unlc++ Hurrowrr und Lrnd�r othrrwi.r ugmc in wri�ing.
<br /> ----- tlx�umx zecurcd by�his Sccu rily InWn�ment shall t+r reducrd by �he umount �►f thc pnxeedx muhiplicJ hy Ihc fallowing
<br /> '���'�-`� frsLLtiun: (a)�he tutul umuunt uf thc tiumw ticcurud immeJiutcly�fo�ihe �aking,dividrd by�h)�he fuir murkc�vuluc uf thc _
<br /> :-�--- � -
<br /> :��,��� P�ropeny immediulely befbre the taking. Any balancc.hall he paid �u HuRUwr�. In �lu eveut ul'u puniul tuking u t�c
<br /> -�a.� --�;�:� Property in which�he fuir market vulue of the Pmperty immcdiuicly beii►rc the tuking i+Ic�+ than thc wnount af thc xumti
<br /> - xecured imnxdiu�cly befarc ihc taking, unle+ti Borrower und Lendcr otherwis�; u�;rec in wri�ing or unleti, upplicuble luw
<br /> �'"'�'u� othetwiac pmvides,lhe pn�ceedx shult Ix applied a�hc.ums securcd by thi,Sccuriry Inxm�mcnt whether ur not thc sums ure
<br /> °_'r.'
<br /> ,r��ss�'-r�;��- - �
<br /> ��;.;r,k,� ... , then ua.
<br /> � �f• �•' r;•� If the Ptupeny ir ub:mdoned by BoROwcr, cx it',uflcr nutice by Lcndcr to BuROwrr ihu��he randemnur offerc to muke
<br /> �:f���:±.�'. ,
<br /> ,-.:'�. h un awurd or seltle u clnim fur dumagex,Barrower fails ro rcspand to Lciuler wi�hin;0 duy.uUrr thc Jute the notire is givcn.
<br /> `r'�-���' Lcnder is uu�horiud w callcct und npply the pnxerd.,ut it+optian,eilher to re.torn�ion or rcpair of the Propcny ur tu tlx: --
<br /> c� ?�%���q ,•,• sumx+ecured by this Securiry I nMrument,whetheror not then due. _
<br /> '"�"�"�' '� •"�'" Unless Lender und Bexrower utherwisc ngree in writing,uny applicution of pnxcedn ai prinripul .hull not extend or
<br /> . ,;x�,..���a�.y ...,
<br /> - �'"`-- • st nc thc duc d:►tc uf thc monthl ,� ment+re(erred�a in suu w hti I and 2��r rFan��thr umount of tiuch a ment�. �-___
<br />__ ,.h.;,. P� Po )�P')' P 8'P � b' P Y
<br />— �,�-� �w� tl. Borrower Nut Relestsrd; Forbearnnce By Lender Not A WAiver. Extensiun ��f �hc timc for paymem or �_�
<br /> :�.�:���.��__ � ---
<br /> ,,�y`���,�� . modificaiion of umortixuiiun uf�he+um++ecured by thin Serurity Intitrument grunted by l.ender to uny tiuccezsor in intemtit
<br /> -• �,�_F.,r ' o f Born�we r x h u l l n o t o p e r a k t o re�u ti e�h e l i u b f l i t y�f t h e n ri g i n u l B o r r o w e r o r B�x ruwe r's �ucccs,or+ in imcretit. Lcnder � _.__
<br /> - - -• - • •- � , shall not be required to commence prixeedings agi�in��+my �ar.cestinr in intercxt or refutic io ex�end time far paynient or _ _��
<br /> ��� �'°" '�" '''-. � otherwi�u:modif umortixution uf�hc�ums secured b Ihis Securit In,wmcnt b rcu+on of un JcmunJ mudc b the ori inal ---
<br /> . Y Y Y Y Y Y R �;-�-=::
<br /> -' — - Borrower or Borrower+xuc�rtiwrs in interes�, Any forlxaronce hy Lender in excrciring uny righl or remeJy tihull nat be u `���_•__•
<br /> - ' waiver uf ur precludc the exerc i+c of any rigM or remrdy. ==-
<br /> :_�• 12, Succes+ora and Assi�a�Baund:.ioint ond Several I.iability;�'asi�ners. The cavenum�und ub�eementti of�hi� �--
<br />-_��>� ' �. ' Security Innuument shull binJ und henefit the tiucces�on nnd utitiigns of Lendcr unJ Borruwer, subject to the proviyionr of ��w`
<br /> parugr.�ph 17. Barrowcr's rovcnunls unJ ugreerncnts shull br juint unJ.everul. Any Borrc�wcr who cu-.iEn� thir Security ��.,�p
<br /> .~ �` - �,„ , Instrumem but doe�not exrcute ihe Note: (vl i+ co-signing ihi+Serurily Inslrumem only to mc�rtgagc.grunt und convey ihut
<br />- '`� �• �� • Bortower's interest in the Prc�x:ny undrr�he temisof thi.Security Im��umenl: Ibl is m►t penonally obligutrd ta puy the xumz -----
<br />�`;,ti � xecur�J by thiz S�curiry Intiwrnenl;und Ic)agrec�thut Lrndrr unJ uny other Borruwer muy u�!rec io exlrnd,mudif'y,i'urbeu� �� :
<br /> d � or muke uny skcommcxintions with regard �o the termx of�his Securi�y Instnimrm or the Niite wilhout Ihat Bortoweri "" . `!
<br />- •" n . consent.
<br /> `.,� 13. Loan Charges. If the kwn ,ecureJ hy thi,Securiry Instrumcnt i. wbjcct w u luw which .ets muximum taun _
<br /> ��y� :y.:'�� , charges,und thut iaw iti Gnally inlrrprcicJ w Il�ui Ihc iuter�;i:ir cithcr la►n.hargcx rcillrcted or to�ro!lerted'fn canneclfutt = -
<br />° ." with the laun exceed thc pertnitted limit�,thcn: lal:my such loun rhurgc shall Ix rcducrQ by�he umount neceswry to rcducc ,
<br /> ' ' thc churge to Ihe pertnitted Iimir.:inJ Ib1 any surn�nlrcuJy cullcrted frcxn Borrowcr whirh rxrcecled Fxnniucd limii.will bc ���
<br /> • n�fundeJ�o Borruwer. Lender muy ch�x►+e to make thi.mFund by rcducing�hr prinripal owcJ uncler the Note ar by mukin�:� �`
<br /> • dircct puyment w Borrowrc If a,relund rcduce�principal,Ux�rrdurtian wfll lxx ircutw'us a puniul preEx►yment wuhout uny ` Y'�"
<br /> �a , ^ �, prepayrncnt�hargc under thc Not�.
<br /> ° • ' `� 14. Notices. Any notkc to Bormwrr prc�vidcd ti�r in thi�Srcurity In.trununt �hull Ix Eiven by Jelivering it or hy
<br />_. , -�=° ; muiling it by firvt clu.�mail unle�ti applicuble luw reyuin�usr ut';muUnr nxthcxl.Thc nolire shull 6e direcled Io the Pro�xny �
<br /> ' � Address or any uther uddre.s Borrower dc.ign:uc�by naiirr�o Lrixler. Any n��tire tu Lender�hull Ne given hy fir,t clux. ,�,;�
<br /> mnil to Lender+uJdreti„tutcd hcrcin or any ulhcr nJJrc��LcnJrr Jr.ign��te+By iwticc tu Bom�wcr. Any nulicc proviJed ibr �
<br /> � . in thi. Sctiurity Inztrument�hall Ix d.cmeJ lai huvc Ixcn �.ivrn ti� Borrowcr or Lendcr whcn giv�n u. provided in this '."�+'_"-
<br /> ' puragraph. �'?�'
<br /> ',,.;;, � 15. Uovernin� Law:tievernbilllv. Thi� Sccurity Imtrunknl .hall Ik guvrrneJ Uy fcderul luw and Ihc law• uf ihc �:
<br /> �.:�:') � juri>ulictian in which the Pn�ny i,I�xutrJ. In th�cvcnt that any provision ur clau.r uf�hi.Serurity In�lrum�nt or thc Note !-�
<br /> '�1,,:.•;,,,' „ conflice�wi�h upplic�blc luw.�unc�onllic� ,hul I nut affcrt uthcr pruvi,inns ut'thi,Securi�� In+tn�mcn�or thr Notr whirh ran ���'_
<br /> � �:;,' be given effecl withow the c��ntliciin�pruvisiun. 'Ib�hi.enJ ihe pr��vi,ion. ol�hi. Serurity Ins�rument and thr Note arr �? -
<br />_. , �., � '.;i�; declured 10 lx�cverablc.
<br /> 16. Rorrower's Capy. t3�wruw�rr,hall Ix �ivrn onr roniurnud capy uf thc Nulc anJ ofthi�Scruriry In�trunxnt. =
<br /> '� 17. 7lransfer of the Propertv ur u Beneficlal Interrst in Borrower. II'all��r:my part ut'ihr Pn��rty or uny intcrctil in
<br /> it i,.old ur uumfcrred lur if a hcrneticial imcr�d in Bittro�vrr i,.uIJ��r tr:�n,lerred anJ R�xrowcr i.�xn u nutural per,un! �r:"1�.
<br />= wilhout l.cndcr�prior wrincn cununt.l.cndcr rnay.ai ih uption,rryuirc immcJiutc payment in full nl all ,wns.erureJ by � --
<br />- ' Ihi�Security In�trumcnt. Haw�vrr,thi.up�iun .hall na lx cxcrci�rd hy L�ndrr if csrrri�r i,��ruhibi�rd by lederul luw ati of �._'_�
<br /> • � the dute of thi.Sccuriry Instru�nent.
<br />= If Lcndcr excmi,c.this��piiun.L�nd�r+h:.�ll givc Burraw.�r nnlic�ot'acrelrratiun. Thr ni�tir�+hall proviJc a�xriixl of' �'
<br /> ,. . not kss thun 3(1 duyx from the datc ihe nut;rr i. dclivered ur muilcJ��ithin«hirh Nurr��wcr mu.t pay all.um,s�rurcJ by thi, `"� -
<br /> . �' " Sccurity Im�rumrnt. If'Barrciwcr I'uil. lo pay �hr�r ,um. prii�r tii dic rtpirati�m ul'thi� �xriixl. l.�nJrr muy invuke any �6�'`�...�
<br /> _ rcn�edi�+�rmitted by thi,Scrurity hntrumcnt��•iihuut 1'unh�r nutirc urd.�m:mJ un Huiru���r. ( '.
<br /> .. • IH. Burrower's RiRht to Nclnstale. If Burrow�r mrr�. rrn:�in �•nnJitiun.. HoiTO�vcr •h•rll huve thc right a� huv� �..
<br /> , ..' ' � • enforremrnt of thi+Srruri�y I n�innnrnt divau inurJ al am�iimr�,riur w ihr r;irlirr��t`. i:u 5 Ja�.�ur,uch uthcr�xri�xl a, �
<br />, • Sxi�ticF.uudy•-Funnle�tuoFrcddleSfarl`IF11R\II\ti'fNl'�fE\f-l�uunrmt'n..nam, 4�411 qu�¢ran►np���ev � .
<br /> • �_ .
<br /> _ � �`
<br /> .. .��yYl'i+.4 A�_. � .. 1 ` .. . . . . _ ' . . .. . .. ... � �� . .y• . ...
<br /> 1
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<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> . i• � � -- - - --
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